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Gay on Transgender Discrimination

Started by Chynna, July 05, 2006, 10:18:34 AM

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So it's the night before the 4th of July..and Im a woman who believes that she should be drunk on certain special occasions where they constantly blow things I and a girlfriend drive down to the liquor store to buy some champaign, and souther comfort! :) ;)
I walk in the store and notice two employees behind the counter talking about lunch\dinner...Yeah Im noisey and pick-up on everything..anyway
I asked the sales clerk "excuse me can you tell me where the champaigne is located?"
Without turning around "miss thang" as I call him raised his index finger and said loudly "don't you see me talking!" Now without him saying it and judging by his mannerisms and general demonor it wasn't to hard to guess his sexual orientation that and the fact i think he was being territorally defensive of his domain (the other extremely cute dude)
Well now...I was a little frazzled OK I did interupt there conversation on lunch but after all I am a customer and need assistance so again I state " Um excuse me I apologize for interupting you but can you just show me or point me in the direction of where the champaigne is?"

Miss thang replies: "when I'm done talking He (the other dude) will show you where it is! and don't interupt me again!"

Oh shyt here comes Bytch mode.... My girlfriend sees my little wheels in my head spinning so the other dude walks over and apologizes for miss thang. I explain to him "no need to apologize for someone elses behavior. I just would like to talk to his manger." He tells me miss thang is the manager...Im like "OH REALLY!"
here comes ultra mega bytch mode now!
So I buy my southern comfort & my 2 bottles of champaigne. Now my friend knows me pretty well and is curious as to why I need to bottles of bubbley at $60 a bottle after all im the only one who drinks it...
So has I pay at the register (of the cute dude) Im looking at mrs thang holding yet another personnal conversation with someone else at "Her" register..So As loudly has I could I stated to cutie pie I thought he was cute and gave him my number...oh this pissed mrs thang off!!!LOL

So inconclusion as I am walking out Im walking towards misses thangs location My best friend steadly asking me "what are you about to do?" has I walk up to miss thang I stop and wait till she looks at me in my eye and has hard as I could possible throw the bottle I threw it on the floor between both of us! champaigne went everwhere!!!!!!

LOL Mostly on mrs thang!!!! LOL

I smiled and said "OOPSY did I do that!? Now clean that shyt up mrs thang!" Snapped my little finger and pumped away in my little black skirt with the other (CUTIE PIE) dude watching me laughing and smiling at me as if to say "thank god someone put him in his place"

My friend is panicing say lets get out here berfore he calls the police my reply was; "sweetie for what clumsyness who would believe someone would waste $60 dollars and intentional drop a bottle of champaigne???"

My 4th of july fireworks & the methods to my maddness



  The wisest spenditure of US$60.00 I have ever heard of in all my life.
Too bad no one filmmed it.


   I really don't think I would have wasted a 60 dollar bottle of champagne on Miss Thang. I would have wrote to Miss Thangs boss the owner and told him how he was trying to pick up his employees and how he flipped me off. Gee, was that your index finger or was that your middle finger. Hmmm my mistake. I don't like employee's who do that to the customers. I'm the nasty old bi itch that writes the letters to companies.


I like your style Sheila

I wouldn't say iwasted it...well worth him screaming and yell obscenetities has i walked out an the whole store heard him Ill be going back this weekend to lets see.....see how my new friends is doing!




I liked Chynna's style of putting miss thang in his place.  It works more instantly than writing letters and you get to see the reaction.  Plus you aren't in a bad mood the rest of the day.


Kia Lafemme

Well Chynna i like youre atitude  :D
But me my self would hav done it quite diferent,
eighter i would have gotten so angry at Bitch thang and learned her not to piss me off,
or else i would have waitet until she was ready to help me and then gotten her to find all kind off stuff for me,
and then say im not gonna buy the stuff anyway,
you did waste my time and now i have wasted yours so were even.



my kinda people.


Sometimes a $60 bottle of champagne is worth oooooooooh so much more  >:D

I've caught attitude like that from gay men before too.....I should carry a little bottle of cheap mens cologne  with me and give the offending male a small shot then when he goes home to his significant other the fight will be on LOL.


Quote from: BrandiOK on September 18, 2006, 11:40:10 PM
Sometimes a $60 bottle of champagne is worth oooooooooh so much more  >:D

I've caught attitude like that from gay men before too.....I should carry a little bottle of cheap mens cologne  with me and give the offending male a small shot then when he goes home to his significant other the fight will be on LOL.

Tell me about it!  LOL

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Quote from: BrandiOK on September 18, 2006, 11:40:10 PM
Sometimes a $60 bottle of champagne is worth oooooooooh so much more  >:D

I've caught attitude like that from gay men before too.....I should carry a little bottle of cheap mens cologne  with me and give the offending male a small shot then when he goes home to his significant other the fight will be on LOL.


Us gay boys can be so uneccessarily catty.
Why is that?


Quote from: Draeden on September 25, 2006, 12:09:26 AM
Us gay boys can be so uneccessarily catty.
Why is that?

Because we have an advantage that they don't we have the ability to attract and get with a straight man! ;)


Hello. It is amazing: I've just posted today on the same topic, but as a transguy. If you are interested, I have recorded many instances where men behave horribly towards women, and I believe that something needs to be done. Maybe we should talk - if so, shoot me a message.