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i hate my penis

Started by Princess, July 26, 2008, 02:57:36 PM

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it hasn't bothered me so much in the past couple of years, but lately i've had a strong urge to cut it off with a chainsaw.


I agree with that sentiment.  The further I get in transition the more I hate my penis.  I'm hating the SOC right now.



i know haw ya feel, but u dont wanna do that, ull bleed to death. ur best bet princess is just to get on hormones and do what we all do which is surgery. ;)


Yes im totally in the above camp

Worst for me is when i wake and its hrmmm there it can be a depressing start to the day.
Just haveto look on the bright side and look to a day thats not going to happen.


I hate mine aswell, I can't wait till it's gone. I also despise the two other things that go with it.


I never asked for it; yet, it is there.

Stupid god...


Sarah Louise

Hating God is a waste of time.  Save your energy for transitioning.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


 I don`t "hate" mine but I did when i was younger in my teens. Oh and eye hate god too!


Quote from: Princess on July 28, 2008, 02:37:07 PM
god is nice enough to put people in a body they can live with, but not us. why is that?

Some sort of Cosmic irony i guess


Like other respondents, I rather mine was gone.  I can count on one hand the number of erections I have suffered in life, it simply does not respond to stimulation thank God, yes God  ;),   he is allowed some mistakes after all considering he was supposedly in a hurry to get things done in 6 days  :P

Sadly its the testicles that bug me because of the testosterone and the fact that they bounce around and get in the way of things  :embarrassed:


It's very common (and normal) that the further you are into transition the more you'll dislike your penis -- so no worries. It has to do with the fact that you are no longer blocking off who you are, and you're realizing that this is the correct path for you... so naturally, the penis (a male symbol) is going to feel very wrong, and to the point that yeah, getting a hack saw and cutting it off sounds like a good idea. Just don't try to do it yourself, as it can affect your SRS.

I know that before I had my surgery, I told my doctor that I wanted to do it and included research on how to do it, along with self-castration. I was really to the point of doing it, but he explained that doing it would affect SRS and what they can do, and my new vagina wouldn't be as functional or pretty (and depending on the damage, they might not able to perform SRS to or at least to the extent they can), and I'd probably regret it a lot. (And, no, that get me in sooner for SRS approval, I actually had it delay SRS until I was mental stable enough to have it.)

When I was 14 I did one attempt and got a small razor and tried to lop it off... I didn't get far, and only ended up with a nasty cut which healed, and lots of pain and blood loss. I'm glad that didn't do any real damage other than a superficial wound. Of course, doctors at the time thought that I was insane for doing that, and thus started feeling me anti-psychotics. At that time, and being in a small town, trans wasn't really well known or recognized, sadly.

Now I've had SRS, I'm very happy with my new vagina. I feel a lot more confident as well, because I'm not constantly thinking about having a penis. Although I could tuck well and a lot of people didn't know I had one, I knew there was one there and it was difficult to have. I felt limited in some ways with clothing, or swimming, etc. I felt like a freak. I felt awkward. I felt cursed. But now, I can put on the tighter clothes and I can go swimming -- I wan even walk around naked -- with confidence knowing I have the right part.

So, my recommendation is to save your ass off, do what ever you can do, to get the money for SRS and get it done. Get the doctor to cut the penis off for you and make you a beautiful vagina that will feel great, look great, and be great. I've seen pix of self-done castrations and cut off penises, and trust me, they aren't pretty and I'd pick SRS and getting a real vagina over that any day.




yes theres hrt shrinkage

but then your going to haveto think about stretching exercises, otherwise srs can be a bit of a letdown in depth and additional grafts required and depending on how long you have been on hrt, amount of orginal length ect. Obviously an arguable point depending on the process but speaking to alot of post srs patients most seem this is a good approach. I do mine in the bath :) and create some elasticity from lack of use.

Giving your surgeon the most material possible to work on is always going to benefit you.

umop ap!sdn

Hey Princess, I understand how you feel, I really dislike what I have down there too. It's quite a contradiction that we must preserve the tissue we have as best as we can if we ever hope to have the genitalia we want, but it's really important that we do that. :) I thought of something not long ago that helps me feel better and maybe this is something that would also be helpful to you - the day will come when I'll have my beautiful flower but for now that flower is just a bud.

Gracie Faise

Naw, I'm gunna milk it for all its worth until I get the operation.

Pun intended.


Quote from: Princess on July 26, 2008, 02:57:36 PM
it hasn't bothered me so much in the past couple of years, but lately i've had a strong urge to cut it off with a chainsaw.
I don't feel I have the capacities to justlly/fully express how much I hate mine. This was a bitterly cruel thing to do to someone like me. I simply cannot relax because of it. If I had a dollar for every minute of sleep I've lost due to a midnight erection, I could probably finance every transition on this current page. I'm goin' first, though. LOL. Well, at least that's the only time I experience this specific degradation. But even though this dosen't happen to me while I'm awake, there's nothing I can do to forget the damn thing's there, if only for a moment. Every time I've heard a genetic girl complain about the maintanence involved with her vagina, I just wanna scream, "Trust me, sweety-it could be a hell of a lot worse"!


"I don't feel I have the capacities to justlly/fully express how much I hate HATED mine. This was a bitterly cruel thing to do to someone like me."

*emphasis mine*

It pretty much sumarizes how I felt as well.  :'(

Quote from: Princess on July 28, 2008, 12:18:58 PM
i hate god

At one particular point in my life, I am sorry to say that I hated Him too :(  I don't even know what else to say.  I just wanted to share that I know very well how you feel, Princess.


tink :icon_chick:


Yeah me to!! What a horrible thing it is just hanging there,knowing its inevitiable fate and hoping that the day wont happen!!-Seriously It does my head in and if I let my head go I can think some crazy get rid of it I am trying to fufill my inner being befor surgery and am doing quite well...


Quote from: Princess on July 28, 2008, 02:37:07 PM
god is nice enough to put people in a body they can live with, but not us. why is that?

I think your idea of God is probably severely distorted to what most religious people make (him/her) errr... "Them" out to be. Why is it that God needs to have control over what body you get? I hate my "boy thing" too but ... it is what it is and just like other people are born with things they didnt necessarily ask for we have to live with it until we can change (its just to f**<bleep> bad that this cant be changed at birth !)

:) anyway disregard me, im weird


I came very close to doing just that. I bought something called a "burdizo," which is used to castrate cattle. When I saw how large it was, I realized that I could remove everything. I also thought that I could bleed to death, which was a risk worth taking at the time.

The reason that I never went through with it was that the man that I was living with found the thing and  made me feel so guilty about the effects of probably killing myself that I sent it back. This was during the '80's, a time when I was truly unaware as to my options.


Wish I could trade with one of you ladies LOL
Every day we pass people, do we see them or the mask they wear?
If you live under a mask long enough, does it eventually break or wear down?  Does it become part you?  Maybe alone, they are truly themselves?  Or maybe they have forgotten or buried themselves so long, they forget they are not a mask?