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The Flag Of The United States

Started by Del, June 07, 2008, 12:02:04 PM

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Guys and gals,

  I don't know if this is a suitable place to post this so if it isn't feel free to move it or whatever.
  Sometimes I feel kind of down about this country. I see things change over my 50 years of life and wonder why things go the way they do. Such as my denial of disability and health care bankrupting me when some seem to get it that play the system and don't need it.
  One of the saddest are all of those kids that put their life in danger every day so that we can be free to be whom we are and say what we please.
  What is worse is when I think of the pathetic solidier I was.
  It is not my intent to hurt anyone's feelings but this is something I really felt obligated to share. Something that gives me a hope that none of us will have to face what some face daily nor live as some in foreign lands.
  It is one of my copywrited stories that I have posted on some gay sights I am a member of so maybe some of you have seen it already under a different name.

I have seen both Christian and non-Christian haggle over whether the founding fathers were Christian or not.

The Christians haggle about the decline of morals and the changes in our lifestyle and laws over the last 100 years or so to attempt to prove the old ways were better.

The non-Christians and modern mainstream Christianity haggle it to back views showing the changes in morals, our lifestyle and religious values are better now.

Where the founding fathers Christian? I don't know. I didn't live then and much has been changed to make things "politically correct" and to make all equal.

Could the flag of the United States say anything about these great men that founded this nation?

The word of God says that when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against him. Jesus said "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me."

The word shows us that Moses made a serpent and put it on a pole so that all of the children of Israel that were bitten by the fiery serpents could look upon it and live. Through many types and shadows we can see that there is a standard; a banner, an eternal sacrifice that was made upon an alter, or pole at Calvary. A sign unto all who believe that if they call upon him shall be saved.

In like manner we have a flag that represents freedom to all who come unto the nation it represents. The word says where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Freedom from the sin of death.

That flag has a star for every state.

The word of God says that the children of Israel would be as the stars for multitude. The devil's kingdom may be nubered but the Lord's shall not be.

Paul bore witness saying that every star differeth in glory.

The body of Christ is made up of a wide assortment of peculiar people that have come from all nations, kindreds and tongues. They come by faith to escape spiritual death and eternal damnation.

The United States is a nation that has a wide assortment of people that have come from all nations, kindreds and tongues. Many to escape death. Like stars, they differ in glory with every culture having something to offer.

Those stars are on a field of blue.

The Lord said "when you see these things come to pass let not him that is in the field turn back to take anything out of his house."

There are many more scriptures that liken those who labour in word and doctrine to being in the field. Some call it a work of faith and a labour of love. Many of the prophets like John the baptist were taught of God while in the wilderness, or field.

The word says there is healing in the blueness of a wound.

The words that we speak as Christians should bring forth a spiritual healing, giving eyes to see, ears to hear and feet to walk in faith. The scriptures make many references to the Lord and his apostles and disciples healing people.

Christians should see that when we lift up the Lord and speak words of healing these stars or children of Abraham by faith are labouring in that healing field.

There are red and white stripes on the American flag.

The word of God says in Isaiah 53 that with his stripes we are healed.

Those red stripes remind me that as the Lord was scourged in innocence for my sins that he was covered with red stripes. Those red stripes brought forth my spiritual healing from spiritual blind and deafness. From the plague of death in unbelief. An innocent man died for me and I am ever grateful for his red stripes.

The white stripes remind me that when I was healed and made free of sin I became righteous in him and by him that in no way I could ever boast nor think that I am someone great.

Revelation says that the white robes are the righteouseness of the saints. The prophets tell me he has given me the robe of righteousness and diadem of beauty. It says he is that diadem of beauty.

His stripes were not only red in making the everlasting atonement for my sins, but white in making me righteous in him. As 1 Corinthians 1:30 says he has been made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. He redeemed me from that plague of death with the breaking of his precious body and the shedding of his precious blood.

  Those 6 white stripes shew me that my righteousness is only because God was merciful enough to make of himself a sacrificial Lamb of atonement in the form of man. (six being the number of a man) The word would be made flesh and die for our sins.

  The 7 red stripes shew me that salvation and healing would come by the 7 Spirits of God unto the 7 Gentile churches through the faith they would give.

Were the forefathers Christians? Did the Spirit of God move on them to design a flag and maybe not even know what it could represent?

The word of God says seek ye the old paths wherein lieth the good way. Jesus said "why callest thou me good? Only one is good and that is God." Maybe it's time to seek out the good way, or the way God and how it would have us live. Go back to what the forefathers intended before we thought they weren't as smart as us.

It's the only flag that I have noticed in which every part has a spiritual significance.


Please do not take this as an anti-trans/anti-gay posting. It's purpose is to shew that maybe some men were moved by the Holy Ghost and did not even know it.



It's the only flag that I have noticed in which every part has a spiritual significance.

Funny, I have a masters in AmHist and I never read that, it sure was not part of any of the classic flag lore in the US.  On the other hand, many countries have a huge spiritual significance in their flags that is overt and designed.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


There is no doubt that the biblical god had a chosen folk, the Jews. And then the newer xtian bible extrapolated that folk to add xtians as well.

I was never aware that the xtian biblical writings made either direct or indirect reference to USA. Although I have read a lot of USAers who have made that proclamation that somehow, this country, among all the others in the world was chosen. Odd that.

Especially insofar as the Egyptians, Nubians, Persians, Parthians, Romans, Greeks, Spanish, English, French, Chinese and Japanese, to name but a few, also have people who have proclaimed that of them as well. That is also not in American History texts, but is in archeological and written records of ancient and modern states that we have access to.

I can well imagine that the Aztec, Mayas, Khymers, Mongols and Moguls believed the same. Surely the Arabs who swept from the desert to crush most resistance after the death of Mohammed also believed that.

If it's true, then I should think that perhaps god is rather fickle in his choices of nations to back.



If it's true, then I should think that perhaps god is rather fickle in his choices of nations to back

Perhaps god was just covering the bets.  Just like the major donors to political campaigns in the US give to both sides, someone's got to win after all.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


In June 1776, brave Betsy was a widow struggling to run her own upholstery business. Upholsterers in colonial America not only worked on furniture but did all manner of sewing work, which for some included making flags. According to Betsy, General Washington showed her a rough design of the flag that included a six-pointed star. Betsy, a standout with the scissors, demonstrated how to cut a five-pointed star in a single snip. Impressed, the committee entrusted Betsy with making our first flag.

On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress, seeking to promote national pride and unity, adopted the national flag. "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."




Look closely and you will be able to relate anything to pretty much anything. It's a quality of our universe, that of serving as a metaphor to itself.


Quote from: Nichole on June 07, 2008, 03:08:06 PM
There is no doubt that the biblical god had a chosen folk...
which is why I prefer the Non-biblical God (who also happens to be the Non-drooling God).

Posted on: August 19, 2008, 08:23:01 AM
Quote from: tekla on June 07, 2008, 03:11:20 PM
Perhaps god was just covering the bets.  Just like the major donors to political campaigns in the US give to both sides, someone's got to win after all.
As long as it's not a republican.

Posted on: August 19, 2008, 08:23:44 AM
Quote from: lisagurl on June 07, 2008, 04:09:03 PM
Betsy, a standout with the scissors, demonstrated how to cut a five-pointed star in a single snip. Impressed, the committee entrusted Betsy with making our first flag.
They had scissors?


Blasphemy. Slander. Everyone knows none of that >-bleeped-< is true.

(Sorry to the religious folk. I'm a militant atheist. I won't tell you you're wrong. This post is overly aggressive as a joke. That's my dark humor for ya.)