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Your taxes hard at work: the human rights mafia’s latest pre-occupation [COMMEN

Started by Hazumu, September 08, 2008, 03:05:13 PM

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Your taxes hard at work: the human rights mafia's latest pre-occupation

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Cardinal Pole's Blog on Church and State
Australian Catholic and secular news commentary from an uncompromisingly Traditional, arch-reactionary perspective

QuoteBut as far as I can tell, what these poor, sick people have might be described better as a 'lived fantasy'. At the instant of conception, each of us has either XX or XY chromosomes, and though I am aware that one might suffer from anatomical or hormonal defects, one is either a man or a woman. Gender confusion of the sort from which these people suffer is a grave disorder. I have sympathy for them, but I have nothing but contempt for the false compassion of physicians and the G.L.B.T. intelligentsia who would co-operate in voluntary mutilation rather than advising intensive counselling. (It is another great irony that while depression, anxiety and obsessive tendencies have been elevated to recognition as psychiatric disorders, the delusion that one is trapped in the wrong sex's body is treated as perfectly reasonable.) Furthermore, what impact do these procedures have on life expectancy? Given that there is a correlation between other amputations and reduced life expectancy, what is the effect of these bizarre procedures?


To him I would say, who cares?  GTFO my body and my life.  It's mine and I'll do what I want.  I don't need your sympathy or your "help".

Kate Thomas

The Australian Human Rights Commission's Sex and Gender Diversity Project

This would be part of what the humble man of god was sympathising ranting about.

Posted on: September 09, 2008, 09:03:59 PM
The SMH story
that got the cardinal's gander

Sydney Morning Herald
Love triumphs across the line
by Adele Horin September 6, 2008

Erica and Joan, two 67-year-old women with wicked senses of humour and strong religious faith, live together as soulmates, their enduring love perhaps shedding light on the bonds that really matter in an era of easy divorce, a concept alien to their thinking.

"I made a promise to my girl to love, honour and cherish and I feel I need to do that through thick and thin," says Erica.

Says Joan: "It's not my religion that stops me from divorcing. It's just that I love the person."

But divorce is exactly what the law demands of such couples before a transgender partner is allowed to change the sex listed on a birth certificate, the key to changing many other documents, including passports. Some people believe this rule is an infringement of human rights and are demanding change.

"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot

Purple Pimp

Quote[E]ach of us has either XX or XY chromosomes, and though I am aware that one might suffer from anatomical or hormonal defects, one is either a man or a woman.

I can't reconcile in my head what the hell this sentence means.  Is he saying that each of us (humans, presumably) are either men or women... except in those cases when we're not?

If that's so, then his thesis is untenable.  I'm so confused.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you would do. -- Epictetus