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places to live

Started by jessica2850, September 19, 2008, 05:51:27 PM

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Is there any place in this country for ts"s to live and work and be accepted?


Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota is pretty accepting. I don't have too many issues with this state.


The San Francisco Bay Area!   ;D

tink :icon_chick:


LA is very accepting also.


Right now living in Florida would like around New Mexico area

michael 19 jones

Western Washington in the Olympia/Tacoma area


New York City. :) And apparently New Jersey is among the most TS-accepting states, in terms of employment rights.  Even moreso than NY. :) Even in the ghetto area I grew up in [in north NJ], where you wouldn't expect people to be so accepting.. everyone still goes to the Pride Parade and isn't afraid to have fun.  So that means something, I'm sure.

Just don't live in Newark, NJ.  Highest crime rate, I think.  Not a good representation of the rest of the state.


Quote from: Amrisa Jones on September 19, 2008, 11:07:12 PM
Western Washington in the Olympia/Tacoma area

And up to and north of Seattle.  Also Kitsap and Jefferson Counties, west of Seattle.

Check out the T-friendly Fortune 500 companies.

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


not in Arizona where I am right now unfortunately :'(  although the city of Scottsdale, Arizona has passed the only TG employment protection laws for city employees so it's a start, albeit a very slow one :-\


You can use a general rule of thumb and say that better the education level and income, the fewer the problems.  Hence, leading places like SF/Seattle/LA are all fairly affluent and have large segments of the population with at least some college.

And, speaking of college, university towns are good, or at least better.  Just make sure its a huge Liberal Arts type college and not an Agriculture College/Engineering School, so Austin Texas with the University of Texas, yes, College Station not so much.  Ann Arbor MI and Madison Wisconsin, UofM in Minn/St.Paul are all pretty good I hear.

St. Paul and Austin share something else that good TG cities often have, which is a state capitol.  Capitol cities, Des Moines, Denver, Sacremento all seem to have a sleezy underbelly which covers TS to a degree.  I have a theory as to why this is true about Capitol cities (and Madison is also a Capitol) but that does not matter as much as wherever the capitol is tends to be the most liberal place in the state, and also a bit more lawless.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Quote from: jessica2850 on September 19, 2008, 09:54:13 PM
Right now living in Florida would like around New Mexico area
Well I must compliment you on your choice of states, as I am a native son and also at the same time suggest Santa Fe, Albuqurque, and Taos. Santa Fe and Taos are the mecca's in New Mexico for Liberalism, with somewhat higher land values, but beautiful scenery.
Albuqurque is biggest, with lots of job opps. and people of every kind. Road construction is a way of life there, but you are close to lots of many different diverse cultures.
Las Cruces is a gaining popularity, and eventhough some may think that living in an agricultural based community is ( a witto scawwy.) you have nothing to fear there. And besides El Paso,Tx./ Juarez,Mex. ( 3 million population.) are only thirty-five minutes away to the south.
No matter where you go you will find challenges. Friends and foes, heros and jerks, but I agree that the mid-west like Minnesota is friendly.


Oregon and especially Portland is very good.  On January 1, 2008 a law went into effect here that it is illegal to discriminate against gays,cds and all tgs in housing and employment.  This next January 1 we have a new mayor that was elected that is openly gay. I have been 24/7 since February and have not had any problems.  Work is ok with it. all my friends have no problem with it.  Life is so wonderful right now.

Amber :)
I may grow old but I refuse to grow up.


I also live in Portland Or and think its a pretty great place.
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived"


Quote from: myles on October 10, 2008, 12:06:54 AM
I also live in Portland Or and think its a pretty great place.
Yes, thanks, I've read alot about that area. This is because a sibling of mine lives in Portland, Or.

He's always trying to get me out there to help develope some land he owns. I've told him that if I go there, I would definately check out the scene. He knows of, though doesn't really accept nor understand, my tg issues. But, if I'm going across the country where the opportunity exists to express myself freely, meet peeps, more so than the area I grew up in,,,I say, where's my party dress!