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Started by scarboroughfair, October 09, 2008, 07:16:37 AM

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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this...


It's a horrible thing called prejudice and hate... I was thumbing through some blogs and came across this one post that will forever be burned in my mind. A beautiful woman lay dead in a public area lying in her own blood. She was murdered out of cold blood because she was once a man. She is no more because of hate. I pray that you are in a place where only love exists. I cry to see this photo, I hope I don't get in trouble for posting it. A beaugtiful flowers lies dead, never again to fulfill her dreams, never again to find that special guy, never again to see a sunrise.... Rest in peace pretty lady. (HUGS)   (9-1-2008)




Amy Jyll

Very sad story.
May she rest in peace and in a better world than here.
Without all this stupid hatred...


I find it sad that people out there believe that due to someone being slightly different they have to be killed...

What I keep thinking is "what is behind this hate?" Is it really hate for hate's sake? Is it fear of a trans person 'changing' something within someone? Is it because the person can't understand something? Is it a case of 'destroy the freak?'

What people need to know is that the consept sof difference and 'freak' are void, as there is no normal.
