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Their Casual Hatred is so shocking

Started by Stephanie, October 14, 2008, 07:49:21 PM

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I recently joined a forum where several of the members know me from another website.
I was in chat and I was soon attacked for being TS.  Read the following chat log.  It is a bit long but you will be amazed by their casual hatred of our community.  Several of these people I thought were my friends to.

I also received a PM from 'Zindagi' in which she said:'You know that we were just having fun with you don't you?'

Welcome! You have entered [The Lounge] at 12:55 am
[stitch] 12:55 am: thought you were leaving
[NONAME] 12:56 am: Hello :)
[NONAME] 12:56 am: I thought that you were leaving to?
[stitch] 12:56 am: ah, but if you read MY thread, I was talked into returning.....
[stitch] 12:57 am: i actually have friends here. :D
[NONAME] 12:57 am: I see
[NONAME] 12:57 am: Do you not also have friends at WS?
[stitch] 12:57 am: yeah....but since they playground is closed, kinda hard to hang out there...
[stitch] 12:58 am: *the
[The Lounge]: chaos40 has entered at 12:58 am
[stitch] 12:58 am: ho chaos
[chaos40] 12:58 am: BURP
[stitch] 12:58 am: lol..oops...HI chaos
[chaos40] 12:58 am: sup stitch
[The Lounge]: Zindagi has entered at 12:58 am
[NONAME] 12:59 am: LMWS told me that a Chinese hacker go into the server. They are redesigning WS from the ground up.
[Zindagi] 12:59 am: Hello?
[stitch] 12:59 am: hello unclean one
[stitch] 12:59 am: :D
[NONAME] 12:59 am: *got*
[Zindagi] 12:59 am: hi smelly one
[Zindagi] 12:59 am: lol
[chaos40] 12:59 am: I just took a bath
[The Lounge]: Fine Point has entered at 12:59 am
[stitch] 12:59 am: well, anyone could read the latter part of that from the Page right now, and the chinese hackers aren't exactly new
[stitch] 12:59 am: hi FP
[chaos40] 12:59 am: lol@chinese hacker
[Fine Point] 12:59 am: Are you OK Stitch?
[Zindagi] 12:59 am: then we shall call you the scented one C
[chaos40] 12:59 am: when in doubt blame the chinese
[chaos40] 12:59 am: hahaahahahahahahahaah
[stitch] 12:59 am: was something wrong with me FP?
[Fine Point] 1:00 am: Ah! I see the cavalry has arrived!
[Fine Point] 1:00 am: LOL
[Zindagi] 1:00 am: absolutely - the chinese are the root of all evil
[chaos40] 1:00 am: must be the eyes
[NONAME] 1:00 am: Tjhe Chinese are exploiting forums with databases because of a weakness there.
[chaos40] 1:00 am: sure
[stitch] 1:00 am: lol...duh..I was saying that for weeks before they shut down the site...
[Zindagi] 1:00 am: NoName aren't you going to say hello?
[stitch] 1:00 am: wasn't i Zin?
[The Lounge]: Fifi has entered at 1:00 am
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: you were Stitch
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: hi FP
[chaos40] 1:01 am: the chinese have nothing better to do than exploit weaknesses in databases in women's sites
[chaos40] 1:01 am: yeah sure
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: hi Stitch
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: lol C
[stitch] 1:01 am: hi fifi
[Fifi] 1:01 am: hi peeps
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: hi Fifi
[chaos40] 1:01 am: what's next? They gonna hack toys R us?
[Fifi] 1:01 am: U talking about WS?
[chaos40] 1:01 am: change the prices on the batman dolls?
[Zindagi] 1:01 am: we are
[stitch] 1:01 am: so, noname...gonna fess up to who you really are or should we continue to call you who we think you are?
[Fifi] 1:01 am: And the pesky ravenous Chinese? :roll:
[Fine Point] 1:02 am: Heya everyone!
[chaos40] 1:02 am: bring the US to its knees?
[The Lounge]: obeah woman has entered at 1:02 am
[Fifi] 1:02 am: I thought NONAME was PNG??
[Fifi] 1:02 am: hi obeah
[Zindagi] 1:02 am: these chinese are clearly dangerours people C
[NONAME] 1:02 am: Chinese hacker hacked into our server, installed malware script and
was able to shut down site and all email accounts. I've been dealing
with this same guy for over 6 months. In the process of rebuilding
the entire site right now. My asp code was custom created and very
dated with security issues. The new site will be much safer and more
secure. There will be a period of time in the beginning when there
will be lots of problems so if you notice any tech problems or have
any suggestions to m
[stitch] 1:02 am: hi Obeah
[Zindagi] 1:02 am: not to be trusted
[obeah woman] 1:02 am: Hello room
[chaos40] 1:03 am: 2 weeks to rebuild?
[chaos40] 1:03 am: lol
[stitch] 1:03 am: clearly
[Zindagi] 1:03 am: hi Obeah
[Fifi] 1:03 am: So NONAME, you own WS?
[chaos40] 1:03 am: nobody hacked the server
[obeah woman] 1:03 am: Hi Zin
[The Lounge]: PussyWillow has entered at 1:03 am
[chaos40] 1:03 am: her >-bleeped-<ing poor choice in ads got her black listed
[Zindagi] 1:03 am: hi PW
[chaos40] 1:03 am: period
[Fifi] 1:03 am: So choas, whats your WS theory?
[chaos40] 1:03 am: stop deflecting
[Fine Point] 1:03 am: That looks to be a notice from LMWS
[stitch] 1:03 am: damn....getting crowded draw quite the crown NN
[stitch] 1:03 am: hi pw
[Zindagi] 1:03 am: I'm inclined to agree with C
[Fifi] 1:03 am: hi pw.
[PussyWillow] 1:04 am: Hi guys!
[Zindagi] 1:04 am: NN has a magnetic personality
[chaos40] 1:04 am: poor choise in advertizers
[stitch] 1:04 am: me too
[PussyWillow] 1:04 am: What's up?
[Fifi] 1:04 am: So is WS ever coming back up?
[stitch] 1:04 am: not
[chaos40] 1:04 am: although I will agree their asp code was garbage that wasn't the cause of them going down
[PussyWillow] 1:04 am: LOL, stitch!
[Zindagi] 1:04 am: NN is informing us of the perils of chinese hackers PW
[chaos40] 1:04 am: 2 weeks?
[chaos40] 1:04 am: come on
[Fine Point] 1:04 am: I believe the malware came from an advertiser too.
[obeah woman] 1:04 am: What site are we talking about?
[Zindagi] 1:05 am: Womansavers
[chaos40] 1:05 am: I could have soldered an entire server, threw the OS on, and wrote the new forum code in less time than that
[obeah woman] 1:05 am: WS comes up with a no no on my virus thingy
[stitch] 1:05 am: amen chaos
[Fifi] 1:05 am: chaos, speak English.
[PussyWillow] 1:05 am: So, NN is an expert in chinese hackers? :roll:
[stitch] 1:05 am: and do it blindfolded to
[Fine Point] 1:05 am: Well, maybe the Chinese consider WS of interest to national security.
[chaos40] 1:05 am: lol
[stitch] 1:05 am: lol
[Zindagi] 1:06 am: very possible FP
[chaos40] 1:06 am: maybe it's really a plot to assasinate someone of importance here in the US gov
[Zindagi] 1:06 am: lol
[stitch] 1:06 am: lol..
[PussyWillow] 1:06 am: So WS is a communist plot?
[chaos40] 1:06 am: the work of chinese hackers
[Zindagi] 1:07 am: and the only way to get to this person Chaos was through Womansavers
[chaos40] 1:07 am: why hack major US banks when you can go after a womans forum
[chaos40] 1:07 am: much more profitable
[obeah woman] 1:07 am: I am totally lost
[chaos40] 1:07 am: haahahahaahahaahahahaahah
[Fifi] 1:07 am: So PNG is a person of national importance?
[PussyWillow] 1:07 am: LOL!
[Zindagi] 1:07 am: lol Obeah
[Zindagi] 1:07 am: must be Fifi
[chaos40] 1:07 am: national impotence maybe
[Zindagi] 1:07 am: lol
[chaos40] 1:07 am: no where near important
[Zindagi] 1:07 am: why so quiet NN?
[Fifi] 1:07 am: I thought he was post-op???
[chaos40] 1:08 am: pre
[stitch] 1:08 am: lol
[Zindagi] 1:08 am: very pre-op
[chaos40] 1:08 am: lol
[Fifi] 1:08 am: Ahhh....still has a it.
[chaos40] 1:08 am: surprise honey... I'm packing
[Fine Point] 1:08 am: Have breasts yet?
[Fine Point] 1:08 am: They do the hormonal stuff first.
[Fifi] 1:08 am: Ewwwww....a peenie and tits. Not cool
[stitch] 1:09 am: i think someone's hormones need checked
[obeah woman] 1:09 am: He is a strange fish
[Fine Point] 1:09 am: and the psychological counselling.
[chaos40] 1:09 am: I'm saying
[Fifi] 1:09 am: I have pwned him on several occassions, and he is still nice to me.
[Fifi] 1:09 am: I don;t get it.
[Fifi] 1:09 am: Maybe I am just that hot.....
[Fifi] 1:09 am: or a person of national impotence!
[Fifi] 1:09 am: hahaha
[obeah woman] 1:09 am: Well you are cute
[stitch] 1:09 am: lol
[Fine Point] 1:09 am: Ha ha!
[Fifi] 1:10 am: Thank you obeah. :kiss:
[stitch] 1:10 am: and funny
[Fifi] 1:10 am: stitch! Looks have nothing to do with it!
[chaos40] 1:11 am: noname has gone silent
[stitch] 1:11 am: true
[chaos40] 1:11 am: why?
[stitch] 1:11 am: typical MO chaos...
[Fifi] 1:11 am: I was saying I was funny looking. Obscure....sawry.
[chaos40] 1:11 am: I heard through the grapevine this person was bad mouthing me left and right
[PussyWillow] 1:11 am: Who is noname?
[Fifi] 1:11 am: PNG badmouthing you, chaos?
[Fine Point] 1:11 am: Speaky ... speaky as you have a captive audience.
[obeah woman] 1:11 am: Maybe got abducted by the Chinese?
[chaos40] 1:11 am: yeah fifi
[chaos40] 1:12 am: who would have thunk?
[Fifi] 1:12 am: Well, it ain't no rumor.
[stitch] 1:12 am: Aliens!!!! They finally showed up!!!
[Fifi] 1:12 am: I have had several private chats with Hopeless, too and he can't stand you....for some reason.
[Fifi] 1:12 am: I find you delightful!
[chaos40] 1:12 am: so noname.. you're silence only serves to reinforce that you are indeed png
[Fine Point] 1:13 am: Nope, not a rumour at all. PNG is very upfront with it.
[chaos40] 1:13 am: I wonder why?
[obeah woman] 1:13 am: Please Chaos, do we have to deal with PNG?
[Fifi] 1:13 am: So, all you are from WS? I only know who Zin is....
[Fine Point] 1:13 am: Oh stitch! I was going to use that line and forgot!
[stitch] 1:13 am: *fun
[stitch] 1:13 am:'s fnun obeah....
[chaos40] 1:13 am: you know of PNG too obeah?
[obeah woman] 1:14 am: OMG
[stitch] 1:14 am: now that was typo correction appeared before my typo... ???
[The Lounge]: ladyj has entered at 1:14 am
[obeah woman] 1:14 am: Yes, when I used to read at WS PNG was way out there
[ladyj] 1:14 am: sup
[stitch] 1:14 am: hi lady
[Fifi] 1:14 am: hi lady
[obeah woman] 1:14 am: Hates Amercans
[chaos40] 1:14 am: tell me about it
[chaos40] 1:15 am: I would read his posts and be like WTF?
[ladyj] 1:15 am: oh NONAME is here, I have missed you so
[obeah woman] 1:15 am: No kidding C
[Fifi] 1:15 am: I always found it wierd how he wanted to be referred to as "she" when he ain't a she.
[stitch] 1:15 am: keep missing her/him lady....they've gone silent
[Fifi] 1:15 am: Boggles my mind.
[Fine Point] 1:15 am: Well ladyj, the aliens have landed after all...
[chaos40] 1:15 am: yeah
[Fine Point] 1:15 am: (Hah! Beat you to it Stitch!)
[obeah woman] 1:15 am: I don't mine the sexually challenged but that is one weird dude
[chaos40] 1:15 am: and some of the others comply
[Fifi] 1:16 am: Where are the aliens?? I need to wash my hair...
[chaos40] 1:16 am: my thoughts are .. you have a cock you're a he... vagina...she...... period
[Fifi] 1:16 am: I have no problem with he/she's either. But ......
[Fine Point] 1:16 am: Fifi, if you respect the person then you would.
[Fifi] 1:16 am: What about those with both, chaos?
[ladyj] 1:16 am: who are we talking about
[ladyj] 1:16 am: why do men ignore pms?
[chaos40] 1:17 am: do those really exist fifi?
[Fifi] 1:17 am: Rspect who, FP? PNG?
[Fine Point] 1:17 am: Hermaphrodites? They usually make the parents choose in infancy.
[Fine Point] 1:17 am: Then something is either chopped off or closed up.
[chaos40] 1:17 am: ouch
[Fifi] 1:17 am: Yes chaos, and they were supposed to be here today.
[Fine Point] 1:17 am: Yeah Fifi, PNG or any other.
[Zindagi] 1:17 am: LadyJ did you just say you've missed NONAME?
[ladyj] 1:18 am: sarcasm darlin'
[chaos40] 1:18 am: so like .. can they do it to themselves and >-bleeped-<?
[Zindagi] 1:18 am: lol
[ladyj] 1:18 am: c you are sick
[Fifi] 1:18 am: FP, most of the time, they turn them into females because it's easier to lop off the peenie.
[stitch] 1:18 am:
[chaos40] 1:18 am: what?
[ladyj] 1:18 am: funny image tho
[chaos40] 1:18 am: honest question
[Zindagi] 1:18 am: lol
[Fine Point] 1:18 am: chaos, I don't know how many hermaphrodites make it to adulthood with both sets.
[Fifi] 1:18 am: I have often pondered the same thing, C.
[Zindagi] 1:18 am: yeah harder to "build" a weenie than lop one off
[Zindagi] 1:18 am: definitely'
[chaos40] 1:18 am: so like ... if you tell one to go >-bleeped-< themselves to they just snicker and say "you have no idea"?
[Fine Point] 1:18 am: I am sure they are out there in the world though. Would be an interesting expedition. LOL
[PussyWillow] 1:18 am: FP, they make it to adulthood with both sets, trust me!
[ladyj] 1:19 am: I really feel for those that are gender/sexually confused. Must be hell
[Fifi] 1:19 am: Me too lady.
[chaos40] 1:19 am: that might be cool to have for like a week
[Fine Point] 1:19 am: PW: In first-world nations too? Wow!
[Fifi] 1:19 am: I have to admit....I have taken my shots at PNG....
[stitch] 1:20 am: chaos would never leavethe house...lmao
[chaos40] 1:20 am: yo chekc it out guys... I'm gonna finger myself
[chaos40] 1:20 am: I'm serious
[Fifi] 1:20 am: but it was less to do with his gender issues than his hatred of all things USA.
[chaos40] 1:20 am: I wouldn't
[ladyj] 1:20 am: who is PNG
[obeah woman] 1:20 am: Persona Non Grata
[Zindagi] 1:20 am: Persona Non Grata
[Fifi] 1:20 am: Persona Non Grata from WS
[ladyj] 1:20 am: oh , gotcha
[PussyWillow] 1:20 am: I've seen them - unfortunately. And yes, here in the US
[ladyj] 1:20 am: PNG - NONAME?
[Fifi] 1:20 am: we think so
[Zindagi] 1:21 am: yeah LJ
[chaos40] 1:21 am: do both sets of sexual organs work?
[stitch] 1:21 am: best we can tell Lady
[obeah woman] 1:21 am: He is so anti American its' nauseating
[ladyj] 1:21 am: where does he/she live
[ladyj] 1:21 am: if its the US he should gtfo
[chaos40] 1:21 am: UK
[Fifi] 1:21 am: Britain, I believe
[ladyj] 1:21 am: ahh
[Zindagi] 1:21 am: Scotland
[chaos40] 1:22 am: no wonder
[obeah woman] 1:22 am: He thinks she should be able to stay home and have the government send him a check for breathing
[Zindagi] 1:22 am: Edinburgh I think - dont' remember for sure
[chaos40] 1:22 am: those are the guys that wear dresses to bars right?
[stitch] 1:22 am: i think you're right zin
[Zindagi] 1:22 am: Kilts Chaos
[Fifi] 1:22 am: chaos! hahahahahaha
[chaos40] 1:22 am: so like, how do you tell who's a cross dresser and who's not?
[Fine Point] 1:22 am: Oh don't diss kilts! Sexy!
[Zindagi] 1:23 am: and sporans to carry their wallets and stuff (just a glorified purse really(
[stitch] 1:23 am: hey...guys in kilts can be fun if you own an industrial strength leaf blower :D
[Fine Point] 1:23 am: When the wind blows chaos, when the wind blows....
[Zindagi] 1:23 am: lol Stitch
[obeah woman] 1:23 am: Some dudes have samll willies so it can be hard to tell Chaos
[Fine Point] 1:23 am: LOL
[PussyWillow] 1:23 am: They don't wear anything under their kilts! I found that out one St. Patrick's day long ago!!!
[stitch] 1:23 am: exactly
[chaos40] 1:23 am: I bet it would be a real ego crusher to get my ass kicked by one of those dress wearing scotts... so I won't make fun of them... not to their faces anyways
[Fine Point] 1:23 am: He he...
[Fine Point] 1:24 am: Only the toughest wear kilts chaos.
[stitch] 1:24 am: one good swing of the leaf blower and you can make a boring St Patricks day parade REALLY interesting....
[Zindagi] 1:24 am: hahahah
[chaos40] 1:24 am: you might be right
[PussyWillow] 1:24 am: Hey, those Celts are throwing trees for sport!
[chaos40] 1:24 am: it takes a pair of balls to wear a skirt
[Fifi] 1:24 am: aw jees....
[chaos40] 1:24 am: sorry
[chaos40] 1:25 am: I'm on a roll here
[Fine Point] 1:25 am: So chaos? What do you think of ancient Romans and Greeks? Girly men/
[Zindagi] 1:25 am: lol
[Fifi] 1:25 am: You're on sumthing!
[chaos40] 1:25 am: too excited today
[Fine Point] 1:25 am: ?
[chaos40] 1:25 am: the woman is moving out
[PussyWillow] 1:25 am: Excited?
[Fifi] 1:25 am: So, wus so exciting chaos?
[Fine Point] 1:25 am: Good news?
[Fifi] 1:25 am: Your girlfriend? Are you sad?
[Fine Point] 1:25 am: I hope so.
[chaos40] 1:25 am: very
[obeah woman] 1:25 am: I once had lunch with Sean Connery and yes he was in a kilt and dammit I never thought to look under it.
[Fine Point] 1:25 am: Congrats!
[Fifi] 1:26 am: ok.....confused....very sad or very happy?

Posted on: October 14, 2008, 07:48:12 pm
  [Zindagi] 1:29 am: are you ok?
    [Zindagi] 1:30 am: you know everyone
is just having fun with you right?



Stephanie, welcome to Susan's.

I read all of that, dear. Why did you post it? What they did must have hurt tremendously. I have to admit that if that had been directed toward me I wouldn't have printed it out and posted it, I think. Much too painful to read it twice. :icon_hug:

You don't have to expose yourself to that sort of casual hatred, luv. You don't deserve it. No one does, not even those who made it. Talk about the pain, how you feel, dear.

But try to avoid revisiting the actual event itself.



I have been in situations like this myself. I just said "screw you" and left them behind.


It sounds like they were making fun of anyone they could.