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Started by Mario, August 06, 2006, 09:50:23 AM

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Congratulations Marco!  I'll definately be thinking about you.  I think it's great that you're going after what you need and grabbing at the happiness everyone deserves! -Can't wait to hear from you.


I just talked to Marco and Pam!  Marco's surgery was a success.  Today was his official day out in Frisco; We've made plans and we'll be meeting this saturday.  He sends his regards and best wishes to all of you!



Hi everyone!!!

We just talked to Tinkerbell!!  We are looking forwar to meeting you on Saturday!

I am giving the update, because Marco doesn't feel like typing right now.  He isn't taking the pain medication that they gave him, because he doesn't like the way it makes him feel, so he in a little pain.

His surgery went great!  The doctor said it couldn't have gone better.  He says that Marco will be very pleased with the results.  The day of the surgery, he was really groggy and slept most of the day, but yesterday he was much more alert.  He didn't go out yesterday, just walked around the hotel room.  We are very excited because last night, he started to feel sensation in his right nipple.  He hasn't felt the left one yet, but I'm sure that will come.  This is his first day out and about.  He is doing great!!  We get to see his chest for the first time on Friday.  He gets his drains out then.  We'll see the nipples on Monday...that's when he gets his stitches out.

All is going great!!  Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes, thoughts and prayers!!!!

We love you guys and will check in soon!

:icon_dance: :icon_dance: :icon_dance:
Marco and Pam

Jillieann Rose

Oh Wow that is great Pam.
I will keep praying.



That is such good news.  I truly hope that his speedy recovery continues, and that you both can finally experience the happiness you have both been seeking.


umop ap!sdn

Congrats Marco! Glad it was a success! :)



You have truly been in my thoughts and prayers.  Pam thanks for the update for us!




Great news..... congrats Marco

Take it easy, rest up and enjoy your stay.

Part of a long journey hasnow been completed.



Congratulations Marco.  I bet you will be strutting around with your shirt off after this. :)


Cindi Jones

This is truly wonderful news.  I'm sure you will be very happy with the results Marco.

And I do hope you enjoy your stay in the fair city by the bay.  It truly is a wonderful place which I miss from time to time.

Author of Squirrel Cage




That really is a wonderful news!!
Thanks for the updates.

take care,

* :icon_hug:*


thats wonderful :)
im glad marco is doing well
i kept him in my prayers


Yay Marco. Thanks for the update Pam. Glad it's going well.



 Thanks to everyone. I feel much better today. Went for a walk by the bay with my birthmother. The tempreture here is much cooler so it is a nice break from Southern California 100's. I get my drains out tomarrow.I hope I get to see my chest tommarrow. Then the stitches come out on Friday. Everything is going well sofar. It means alot that you are all are around.



Allright Marco,  Congrats again and glad to see you up, about, and feeling well enough to post  :)

Id give you a hug but it might be a good idea to wait till you heal up abit.  Heal up quick, and Im glad your enjoying your current climate  :)

Take Care


Quote from: Marco on August 10, 2006, 05:24:36 PM
Thanks to everyone. I feel much better today. Went for a walk by the bay with my birthmother. The tempreture here is much cooler so it is a nice break from Southern California 100's. I get my drains out tomarrow.I hope I get to see my chest tommarrow. Then the stitches come out on Friday. Everything is going well sofar. It means alot that you are all are around.


Yahoo Marco.

It looks like things are going great for you.  That's really good.  It's seems that everything is happening so fast... stitches out on Friday wow.  Well I'm so glad that everything went as you hoped get back here quick, we miss you.



I'm grinning from ear to ear after reading your good news Marco!

My oh my, GOOD FOR YOU ! ! !

Keep taking good care of yourself and let Pam take care of you even if you don't want to be a bother so you can heal up soon.

Get better quick!
FKA: Emelye

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Jillieann Rose

Glad to see your posting already.
I'm praying for you to heal quickly. Take care and hope to see you back soon.



I am here agian at my computer access for a moment. My drains came out today. The right one did not hurt, but boy did the left one. I felt every inch of him pulling it out. I did not get to see my chest yet, but Pam did, and said it looks totally like a man chest, nipples are very well placed. I kept saying the stitches come out Friday, but I meant to say Monday. Everyday, I am a bit closer. I am very happy. We meet Tinkerbell  tomorrow. take care all.



That's great, Marco. Glad to hear everything went well. Take care of yourself.

Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.