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If you consider Humans animals, does one sex tend to be more dominant?

Started by Sarah, March 02, 2009, 11:39:29 PM

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Is another more submissive?
My own opinion is that men tend to be more dominant, whereas women tend to be more submissive. the keyword being tend, so I wouldn't say that was an iron rule, more a generalization.

What about the rest of you?
In some species males tend to be more dominant,
whereas in others, the females are.
There may be some where it alternates.

Would you say one tends to be more dominant than the other?
If so why?
If not why?
and how does that compare us to other primates?

What does that mean for how we interact with each other as a species?



I think neither is more dominant nor submissive.
Sometimes it's a matter of the setting (the Home is a matriarchy in Icelandic cultural norms, as well as in many others, while certain workplaces are patriarchal), but most of the times it seems to just be a matter of "the right person for the right job". I live in a country where the most powerful persons in our society are just about evenly split to the two main gender groups. Heck, our Prime Minister is a lesbian!

Then there's the simple fact that everyone seems to have two needs, regardless of gender. The need feel like they have some control over themselves and their lives, and The need to be taken care of.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


There is a general trend for males to be dominant in most species.

Then again, contrary to popular belief, general trends mean jack squat when it comes to individuals making decisions in life.
"The cake is a lie."


Quote from: VeryGnawty on March 04, 2009, 05:49:20 AM
There is a general trend for males to be dominant in most species.

More and more evidence is being found of female dominance or equal stance in nature as well.
Classic case is that of a lion. The male is viewed as "king of the beasts" and the dominant person in a lions pride, however, it's been documented quite often that if he fails to preform properly, pull his weight, or shows undo aggression towards his ladies, the female lions of the pride will chase him away, kick him out... he's only king as long as the lionesses allow him to be.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Quote from: Nicky on March 05, 2009, 08:43:42 PM
My question is dominant at what?

Look at you.  Asking the tough questions.  Screwing with people's underlying premises.  Clever clever.


Quote from: SarahFaceDoom on March 06, 2009, 02:18:24 AM
Look at you.  Asking the tough questions.  Screwing with people's underlying premises.  Clever clever.

I do try  ;)


While I am sure many will say the obvious answer is males, I would argue they are not.
Men do run things on the surface and are stronger and faster in general.

Not only have men always feared women, even rulers, women often run things behind the scenes and put ideas into the men's heads. In today's world, and in the past the women bore the weight of the children, and when the man is not around had to do all of the things a man would do and take care of the children. How many single mothers are out there?  Some men can do some of that, but no matter what they can't have the children in the first place and most never would even if they could, most would even tell you as much.

As mentioned by Miniar, many species are female dominated on an underlying level. They only allow the men to be in control.

Women bear the weight of the world, the men just live in it and think they control it.   :D


I like this quote from "My big fat greek wedding"

The man is the head, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants.  ;D

I think looking at various cultures and the cultures within them you will see that there is no real dominance. There does not seem to be any tend in it - simply circumstance and culture. It could be there are more instances of males dominating (as in what they say has more weight), but that seems to be a relic of and old world where might was right and should not really have a place in a modern world. In fact I might even say women have more chance of dominating in a modern world, they tend to be better connected, do better in formal education and have stronger support networks.

Genevieve Swann

Certain bird species the female is dominant but the male is much more colorful. Also territorial fish like bass the female is more dominant. They female guards the nest. Maggie Thatcher was dominant.


Quote from: Sarah on March 02, 2009, 11:39:29 PM
Is another more submissive?
My own opinion is that men tend to be more dominant, whereas women tend to be more submissive. the keyword being tend, so I wouldn't say that was an iron rule, more a generalization.

What about the rest of you?
In some species males tend to be more dominant,
whereas in others, the females are.
There may be some where it alternates.

Would you say one tends to be more dominant than the other?
If so why?
If not why?
and how does that compare us to other primates?

What does that mean for how we interact with each other as a species?


Humans cannot be considered animals, 'cause they have to wear pajamas.


Alyssa M.

Ell, that was brilliant. I'm glad I wasn't drinking coffee because then I'd be cleaning up my keyboard. But I don't think I could have said it any better. :laugh:
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

   - Anatole France

Genevieve Swann

Probably in many species the female is more dominant because they nurture the young. Also do the hunting.


Are humans animals?  Yes.

Does one sex tend to be more dominant?  Probably.

What does it mean?  Not a damn thing with regard to how we should treat each other.


Has a nice point, ignoring dominance what looks more ridiculous, a man in pajamas or a woman in a night gown , or pajamas. :laugh:

I know what firemen think, they carry the woman down first :laugh:

Cindy James


There is NO doubt in my mind men are the dominate gender....they dominate at being jerks.

But anyways....

(I can like say like whatever I want about men (of the M2M variety) cause I'm one to so ha ha ha)
That aside, yeah, men a jerks.

Post Merge: September 15, 2009, 09:28:06 PM

The earlier was a rant. Just thought I'd let you know before you jump down my throat.


Considering that humans are animals, I think that the female is more dominate.  They tend the young, do the gathering, tend to the living area.  The male may do the hunting, but after that they do not contribute to the family unit in any other way.

Even in modern society, the male does the hunting ( i.e. goes to work ) for the most part.  Come home, cracks a beer and puts the game on.  The female tends to hearth, home and children.

Yes you can argue that women work too, but they generally are still required to tend to hearth and home.



Yeah, my dad drove trucks all day and listened to the radio. Came home and rode his Harley and watched "Sons of Anarchy" (No beer allowed....this was Mormon town).

My mom worked 12 hour days 4 days a week paying of HIS school he never used, took care of the kids, the house, the bills, everything. All my mom wanted was flowers on Valentines day, damn it. Prick wouldn't by them.

Anything men can do, women can do. Not reversed.

Men? Useless. Honest to god useless.


Is there another way in the biological taxonomy to classify humans other than 'mammals' which leads to being 'animals'?
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...