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Pope claims condoms 'could make African AIDS crisis worse'

Started by Butterfly, March 17, 2009, 11:41:40 PM

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Pope claims condoms 'could make African AIDS crisis worse'
Pink News
By Jessica Geen
March 17 2009

Pope Benedict XVI today added to the controversy over the Catholic church's stance on condoms when he argued that they were not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV and Aids and could even make the problem worse.

Speaking on his first trip to the continent, the pontiff told journalists on his flight to Cameroon that the condition was "a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems".



Ooh, the Nazi pope is such a genius! No... 98% protection against HIV just isn't good enough. We have to be pure through god! Because you know, every single person who ever contracted HIV was gay, right?

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

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Genevieve Swann

  A message for the Pope, If you don't play the game you can't make the rules!


Yup, preaching abstinence here worked wonders, didn't it, where one quarter of teens have an std...

He needs to pull his head out of... the sand.

Oh, and those darn gender benders are going to ruin us all. I would love to see ANY scientific evidence of this. Oh, wait, that is blasphemy, he said it, so it much be true right?


What exactly is the point of the Pope?

Last I checked, we weren't living in the Middle Ages anymore, and I think most people are smart enough to grasp that no one is infallible.

He's turning into the equivalent of Prince Philip here in the UK. Serves no useful function except to lounge around spouting nonsense and offending people.
Natura nihil frustra facit.

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Above all... remember: you are beautiful, you are valuable, and you have a shining spark of magnificence within you. Don't let anyone take that from you. Embrace who you are. <3


Let the Pontiff live long and well, for as long as he can have both hands on a shovel he can dig a hole deep and wide enough to bury all of what ever he says


"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


But -- but -- SEX is your reward for being holy!  But only if your every act could produce issue.

I swear, these nutcases are turned on by fertility and fecundity, in spite of the fact we're clearly breeding our stinking a***s into the polluted, rising seas.



In one sense, the gentleman has a point, but he did not make it on the truly highest ground, and I am not referring to ST Petes golden gates.  There are too many bad jokes about improper use of condoms that have an element of truth to them, and that all end disasterously.  The element of education, which the pope will bite himself on the &$##@ with, cannot be part of his suggestions, and without the education, the success will be far from acceptable.  A bird watcher is not necessarily a good airplane pilot. 
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!