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I think I am Transsexual...

Started by Paulina, April 15, 2009, 05:04:41 PM

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 I don't expect that from my family at all, it be silly to think that. The best I can hope is acceptance. I have a while until that magic day in Jan.... hopefully nothing will change that much.

Oh that is funny, lol, but I guess it was done in an artsy kind of way. :) If not then I might be bordering something else.


Quote from: Mr. Fox on April 16, 2009, 02:36:38 PM
I was reading Elle in French class today, and you could definately see the nipples of hte woman on the cover.  I don't mean you could see lumps below her shirt, I mean the nipples themselves; she might as well have been topless.  It was kind of funny, but ew!  Yeah, off topic, and unwanted, I know.

I'm not sure which way you lean, but I always liked those issues :).  I've seen 'worse' though, like the ones where they're wearing a 'chain top' and there really isn't anything covering anything.  Sometimes even the ads just have topless women on the beach, etc.


I hope all goes well for you, i plan to tell my parents next week, I'm scared as hell! ha! Im sure you'll make a beautiful woman and lead a great life, here's some extra support! :)

(BTW, forum not really letting me reply to your PM)


oh thanks, hmm maybe it's because of the 15 post mark lol (that's when you can get an avatar)

But thanks for the support, I am terrified of telling my mother.... but I'll deal with that in another year or so. My father isn't a big part of my life, and I know it's instant rejection with him. But it's no big deal about him, but I do care what my mother accepts me or not.



ahh, that might be it, im a few messages away then, no biggy

I understand telling family, its rough, i wont be telling my mom till ive already begun the process, my dad i might tell soon for hed be the understanding one who will help me out if either of them will lol


I think.. i hope any pets you own arent suffering? :P



Funny about clothing. I dress to look female. Which I am. It's not to attract guys, though I wouldn't throw one back if I liked him. I think women dress nicely for other women. To be accepted. I think women are more critical of other women than guys ever are. "God did you see she was wearing purple shoes with a yellow shirt" she says. "I thought she had nice tits" he thinks, "yes dear" he says. ;D

Oh and BTW welcome sis.


Cindy James


Oh my god, I am woman inside, without a doubt...and now I am deeply afraid about everything. It's like I want to cry but at the same time I have rushing joy. It's hard to explain, but I was thinking and thinking about my life. If I could just have a magic wand and make myself look like a passable woman I would... I am so confuse right now and how to direct my life, but I know one thing for sure is that I am one. I want to tell my parents, my family, and I want to forget that they would accept me or not. Just to live my true life now, without worries and regrets. The time will come I suppose.

CindyJames that's funny about the dialogue, well, I don't know (I don't wear woman's clothing; I would feel exceptionally uncomfortable since I know what my body looks like; but I would love to wear it if my body was right for it).... but I guess I would wear clothing to impress the world if that makes sense. Not for a guy, or for a woman, but for myself, and to show off. I would want people to turn heads and think "Who was that?", but good attention like wow.


The Rush is relief.
You now know you can be you

Welcome :-* :-* :-*

Mr. Fox

Quote from: Vesper on April 16, 2009, 11:55:40 PM
I'm not sure which way you lean, but I always liked those issues :).  I've seen 'worse' though, like the ones where they're wearing a 'chain top' and there really isn't anything covering anything.  Sometimes even the ads just have topless women on the beach, etc.

These were not the nicest looking nipples, I've gotta say.  Otherwise it might've been okay (hey, it rhymed!).  And it was certaintly not "artsy," but crude and sexual (good for porn, but Elle isn't porn.)  Ads in women's magazines always seem like they're trying to appeal to the lesbian sector; the ones in this issue always had a bunch of women who looked very similar in each ad; it was kind of beautiful.

By the way Paulina, I like your avatar.


Isn't it genius?

Kind of like going out of your way to find a book store that carries a certain book by a certain author and asking the manager, "do I like this author?  I can't tell if I do or don't..."


You youngsters, Coatl and Paulina, IMO you've got to go for it!
Whichever way one looks at it, wishing to be a girl isn't "normal" male behaviour so if you do have those feelings, then it surely isn't a whim and indicates there's "something wrong"  :) The first step is always a gender-therapist wherever you are and they certainly aren't going to steer you wrong and encourage feelings that you don't already have.

I suppressed, denied and put-off until finally I literally cracked up with a nervous breakdown at the age of 54. Whilst I'm very happy indeed now to be living in role and on HRT, some days it is all I can do to keep myself from slipping into negativity and despair from the regret of all those lost years. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

regarding coming out to parents etc -
As I said on another forum to another young person in a similar position to yourself, perhaps you could manage to go and see a gender-specialist first, discreetly and on your own?
- that way, when you do open up to your parents, you are saying "For years I've been secretly tortured by the feeling that I am actually a girl and I've now been to see a professional who specialises in the field and they think that I am in fact transgendered....."
That approach might help to add some credibility and cut short that stage of "my child has this strange delusion" 
In my own case, I had already told my parent's first, but there is no doubt that their attitude changed for the better as soon as I returned from the first official assessment. They were and are still struggling to come to terms with things, but from then on they knew and had to accept that this was a real and valid situation that they needed to adjust to.
If I had the chance to do it over again, I would do it that way round - I'd be interested to hear what other people think of that idea?
To those who understand, I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand, take me as I am
Not under your command, I know where I stand
I won't change to fix your plan, Take me as I am (Dreamtheatre - As I Am)
I started out with nothing..... and I still have most of it left.


Steffi, you are right about not being "normal" male behavior... that sounds like a good idea really. I would feel horrible if that would happen to me, all those lost years. I know I will be old one day, and I seldom ever think about myself after 60.

I am not questioning it anymore.... I can't live a life like I had anymore. I might as well fast forward to my room in 2075 (I'll be in my mid 80's; that's when most of my relatives fall apart), laying their with arthritis and all the other aging problems,  to avoid all the depression and regrets.

There was something different about me... all my life. I should just fix it, and move on and enjoy my life as I can, before its gone.

Thanks Mr.Fox, its a picture from "I Know Who Killed Me" after cropping it. In my opinion she had the ideal body there. I think your avatar is kind of cool :)


I wish that was me lol, but that's Lindsay Lohan from "I know who killed me", and not even she is that hot.


I wish you well Paulina, you got plenty of support, your doing the right thing to be honest to yourself, like others and myself its just best to stop living a lie and be true to yourself and be that happy girl you should of been from birth, were starting at similar times so can help each other through best I can! :) Im sure youl make a beautiful young woman :)