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Started by Janet_Girl, May 05, 2009, 06:14:19 PM

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As we age our HGH declines.  I have read that HGH helps improve HRT.

I am wondering if anyone has tried a natural HGH while on HRT and if the results were better.

I don't wish to masculinize, but bigger boobs, softer more youthful skin and to minimize wrinkles.

Any thoughts?



 I think all hgh does is slow down the aging prossess. I would think it is not worth the money. Eating foods that boost colegen is the best thing you can do for your skin. I have a friend on hgh but his looks are were he makes money. He has managed to keep his hair when his brothers are bald. He has a major role in the new X men movie.


How about "bio-identical HRT?"

A little off topic, but some regimens call for HGH in combo with the HRT.



There is so much BS scams about hGH and so I have to tell you.

I've taken "Velvet Antler" under the name .... I can't remember (it has a yellow top and a guy carrying ,, questionably what is a retard on his back, naturaflex?).  These farmers have a bunch of reindeer, believe it or not, and the reindeer have antlers (like the moose) and reindeer antlers have iGH.

After the reindeer season they chop off the reindeer antlers, grind them up into a powder and make drugs out them.  Swear to god.  Relatively speaking the iGH is low dose.  From season to season the potency varies only slightly.

hGH/iGH has a distinct feeling.  I'm not trying to "grow" or anything but after some time on E, I've hit some sourt of reservoir of hGH.  One knows it when one feels it.  Especially without progesterone, I feel it.  Not huge.  But definitely I've felt this (maybe I'm just more sensitive to ever little thing).  The feeling is usually in the feet.  Standing on them, they are tender and almost don't want to be feet.  Heels and bones and flesh.

This experience can go beyond foot discomfort.  Hands are next.  Andro-wise it would got into my thighs.  And euphoria.  Now it is in my sternum mostly but much more persistant.

Exogenous hGH is not a complete replacement for natural hGH.  There is something missing, like endorphins or something.  Which is strange because I usually found myself "needing"/wanting supplementation after arduous cycling (which should produce "runner's high").

My greater experiences with hGH have these things in common

-at the beginning of the winter season
-after only moderate exercises (at most -- usually sitting)
-not having eaten very much
-with a protein source, usually milk

I know that growth, heighthwise, is one effect of hGH.  It also seems to soften the body like clay and allow for moulding.  I hope so.


Janet - be careful, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) makes everything grow.  Look at most body builders, who do take HGH regularly and I can tell you from experience it work at growing everything.  Your mid section will also grow and expand.  It does assist in slowing down the degeneration of our bodies but please be very careful.

Be Bold, Be Proud, Be Yourself.

Chris Tina Foxx Bruce
Quote from: Janet Lynn on May 05, 2009, 06:14:19 PM
As we age our HGH declines.  I have read that HGH helps improve HRT.

I am wondering if anyone has tried a natural HGH while on HRT and if the results were better.

I don't wish to masculinize, but bigger boobs, softer more youthful skin and to minimize wrinkles.

Any thoughts?



HGH really does little to prevent aging and IGF1 is another peptide that is marketed with huge claims but does little in terms of real life results. HGH is also expensive and you need to be on it for a number of months if you are going to feel anything at all.
I am with Christina in the fact that it makes EVERYTHING grow. Many bodybuilders have permanently enlarged abdomens and bone overgrowth as a result of HGH. It can also cause a state of insulin resistance in the body. Many bodybuilders use insulin in conjunction due to this....note this happens but is NOT a recommendation.
Over the counter substitutes are simply a waste of money....
To sum up...HGH in my opinion is highly over rated and really only became popular due to media hype and bodybuilders trying to find a way to pass drug tests.....
I am a writer for several bodybuilding/ fitness and doctors websites and diet/supplement consultant.
I am also a personal assistant to a, Registered Dietician and Certified Diabetes Educator.

Through my work and experience I want to be able to help the transgender community


Quote from: Lee11 on December 25, 2010, 10:02:17 AM
To sum up...HGH in my opinion is highly over rated and really only became popular due to media hype and bodybuilders trying to find a way to pass drug tests.....

90% of supplements are nothing but hype to begin with.  If you look into the serious life extension research (and not the magazine articles) you'll notice that it is always DIET and LIFESTYLE which the scientists are predicting to be the most prominent variables in aging.  Of the top 5 longest lived groups of individuals, some of the most common similarities between these groups is that they have specific types of diets and lifestyles.

These are the commonalities between the longest-lived people on earth:

Independent personality
Stress-free lifestyle
Good at handling stress
Mostly vegetarian diet
Eats food very slowly
Eating food is often a social event, with lots of talking and socializing
Individuals take lots of time to relax and play
Individuals tend to do their own work, rather than relying on services or automated machines
They tend to have their own games or leisure activities which would count as a form of exercise
Social bonds are strong with family and friends
Individuals have both short-term and long-term goals for what they want out of life
Individuals often have religious or spiritual beliefs
"The cake is a lie."


Quote from: Lee11 on December 25, 2010, 10:02:17 AMMany bodybuilders have permanently enlarged abdomens and bone overgrowth as a result of HGH.

That sounds dangerous.
"The cake is a lie."