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Should i be worried?

Started by Lily, May 30, 2009, 05:10:29 PM

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When i cuddle my kitty when she's sleeping and i lay my head next to her and just listen to her breathing, it sounds as if her nose is a little blocked. Almost something like a small snore when she's inhaling. 

Think she's sick? I'm not sure if i should be worried or not cuz i don't really have money for another trip to the vet since i was there only recently. :( not that i won't go... I just don't wanna go and it turns out to be nothing, you know.

P.s. It's when she's not purring btw.


As long as her breathing is still regular, it's probably just a little allergy or cold. Pets get them too. Probably nothing to worry about.



Do i need to get anti flu meds for her then? Cuz i know even flu's can be nasty if it goes untreated.


You should only get anti-flu meds if she "otherwise" shows symptoms of being "sick".
IF you treat every cold/flu your cat gets with meds you'll lower her natural resistance to them and create conditions for a flu to actually threaten her life. Most cats don't get proper sick from colds nor flus.

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


My male is like all males.  God does that cat snore.  :o  If he is up by my head, I can't go to sleep.  Just like any guy.

Sorry guys.  ::)



Bailey whistles sometimes when she sleeps, so it's pretty normal.

I wouldn't worry too much unless your kitty is also showing other symptoms that she's sick, i.e. shivers, lethargy, not eating, etc. If your kitty has any of the above symptoms, then I'd head to the vet ASAP.

For future reference, the above symptoms can be a sign of pneumonia which can be fatal for cats if not treated. I caught it very early when Bailey had it so a course of antibiotics and vitamins was all she needed.



Yeah, I've had cats that snore, as well.  Or sometimes they whistle through their noses when they are just about to purr, or have fallen asleep in the middle of purring. 


Mús snores like a small boat engine!
and she's a girl, so it's not about the males!

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


Our dogs snore. I think I had a cat or two who snores. So I agree with the others. Don't worry about it if that's the only symptom. It's more than likely just as simple as a snore ^.^