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Started by Chaos_Dagger, May 11, 2009, 10:46:35 AM

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So, my father recently bought us a kitten from the SPCA (Humane Society) for approx. $250 Canadian.  Shortly after getting him home, we noticed that he was really going to need a friend (his name is Kouta).  So after looking into things we found out some horrible truths.  This supposed "No Kill Shelter" has a Animal control building attached to it.  It's this way they get away with saying they don't euthanize as really it's "Animal Control" doing that to all of the animals the SPCA chooses not to take!  Cats, and Kittens alike.  A 5 week old kitten is back there scheduled to be murdered in three days, if nothing is done.  The main problem is, no one knows about this to do anything about it!  After doing some digging we found a lady who goes back there almost everyday and runs a foster program.  If you get in contact with her (we found her on Kijiji) she will gladly help you take any and as many kittens and cats you want for FREE (which is why the SPCA doesn't want to tell anyone about it.)  We have decided instead of taking some to keep for ourselves we have fostered two wonderful Kittens.  We will keep them in our house and feed them, and all their vet bills will be payed until they get adopted.  In this way we will save at least a few, but as soon as these two (Link and Midna) are adopted we will go back and get more.  I think this is definitely something everyone should look into wherever they are, we must stop this cruelty!

I will be posting pictures of these two as soon as I get them



That's just horrible. Our SPCA don't charge us for animals they can keep. We got our one kitty for free and they get their medication too.


Congrats on becoming a kitty parent.

I found my little girl, as a starving kitten, under a car in a parking lot 12 years ago.


Awh. Who leaves baby kittens to fend for themselves? Where do you think her mother was? I'm glad she's ok and that you found her when you did.


When I was a kid, my mom bred Siamese cats. Unfortunately the mother cat got hit by a car a week after her litter was born. We got baby doll bottles and baby formula to keep the new kittens alive. They all survived and went to loving homes. My mom was put off by the loss of the mother cat and quit breeding them. The money to be made meant nothing after that  :P It is sad the many animals that get destroyed every year because people won't or are not able take them  :'(
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


That's so sad. When my kitty disappeared, and everyone started to think the worst, i was ready to give up on getting another kitty. My kitty is like my baby. The world just isn't the same without her.

So i can somewhat understand how your mom must've felt. *hugs*


Quote from: Lily on May 14, 2009, 01:24:53 AM
Awh. Who leaves baby kittens to fend for themselves? Where do you think her mother was? I'm glad she's ok and that you found her when you did.

She was weaned... probably about three months old at the time.


The two kitties are sick now.  We had to take them to the vet and we got loaded down with a heck of a lot of meds.  I hope they get better soon, Midna seems to hate me now after I had to hold her while she got a thermometer shoved up her butt, a needle in her hip, and gel in her eyes.  Poor thing.


Hugs. I wish they get better soon too.
I know what it feels like to have your kitty at the vet. My one cat disappeared for a full long 4 days and she was moody with her tail dropping very straight down when she came home. It wasn't how she usually kept her tail tho, she normally holds it in an s shape. 
So my family says "don't worry. It's just because she was away for a while". Naturally the mommy in me didn't believe them and i took her to the vet early the next day. Turns out that she was in a fight and the other cat bit her on her tail, which got infected. I think it's because she was hurt that she came home... But anyhow, she also had her anti biotics and her temperature taken and she wasn't happy at all.

So yeah. I know how it feels like. My kitty loved me soon again afterwards, so don't worry. She still doesn't like the kitty cage tho. *hugs*

I don't know if this will help, but I found that if powder the pills (put the pill in a table spoon and crunch it with a teaspoon worked best for me) and mix it with soft kitty foods (i had Whiskers but i'm not sure where else you can get it), especially ones with a bit of gravy, that they munch that up pretty quick. I couldn't stand to push a pill down my baby's throat. :(. They may like the regular soft meals too much tho. Haha.
I hope everything works out for you and the two kitty's. ^_^


I hope it works out as well.  The Clavamox they gave us isn't actually in pill form, which surprised me!  It's in a powder that we then had to add 14ml  of water too, shake, and force feed with a syringe.  Smells like bannanas! LOL


Ah, I hope those kitty cats are acting all frisky and fiesty soon.

Hopefully they'll be a part of your life for a long time.

After reading this I think I'm gonna find my little girl and snuggle with her tonight.



That's horrible. They shouldn't be able to do that. Oh gosh, I used to volunteer at a 'no kill' that was right next door to the animal control. I really hope this doesn't go on everywhere...

I hope the kittens are doing alright, though *pets them*


They are feeling much better!  Still a little sneezy though. Sadly I believe it does go on everywhere, as the "Shelter" isn't responsible for what "Animal Control" does.  You should definitely look into this!  It's upsetting to hear about, but still good to be informed, that way you can do something no matter how small.


It's good to hear they are better. <3
I deffinately will ^.^