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What kind of Tinkerbell R U?

Started by tinkerbell, September 03, 2006, 04:14:38 AM

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I know, another one >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

What type of Tinkerbell R U?

But just so you know...I am the one and only :D ;)

tinkerbell :icon_chick:

My results were:

You're Tinkerbell, plain and simple! You're flirty, outgoing, and not afraid to have a little fun. You're the type of person that most people love.

361 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9055 times.
41% of people had this result.

I knew it, I am the one!!!







You're dark Tink. You see negative sides in everything and you have little self esteem. You have stopped socializing. Cheer up! You're ablities are greater than they may seem

100 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9064 times.
11% of people had this result.

Great...that did wonders for my low self esteem.   ::)  LOL


You're social Tink. You have friends who you love dearly. Your friends mean a lot to you and you feel like you would be nothing without them. You're caring and loyal.

153 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9065 times.
17% of people had this result

I feel cheated.... what about punkrock tink?.... that would have been awsome LoL  *Sorry Im in one of my very rare excelent moods today LoL*

Cindi Jones

You're Tinkerbell, plain and simple! You're flirty, outgoing, and not afraid to have a little fun. You're they type of person that most people love.

362 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9066 times.
40% of people had this result.

Hey Tinker, I got exactly the same as you!  Great minds think alike!

But 40 percent of 9066 ... wouldn't that be around 3600 people getting the same result?  It's off by a factor of ten.  Oh I see... that's the problem. They didn't calculate the results properly.

Author of Squirrel Cage



You are unique honey,they broke the mould when they made you.

No one can ever be a better Tinkerbell than you....... The others are just imposters.


:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:


Quote from: Cindianna_JonesGreat minds think alike!

Yes, that's true, mi amiga.  We do think alike and everything else ;)

Quote from: Buffy

You are unique honey,they broke the mould when they made you.

No one can ever be a better Tinkerbell than you....... The others are just imposters.

Oh Becky, you are too kind...but yes, I am unique!!! :)

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


I didn't take the quiz until now, because I was waiting until I wasn't feeling depressed.  Here's my result. 

You're Tinkerbell, plain and simple! You're flirty, outgoing, and not afraid to have a little fun. You're they type of person that most people love.

364 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9067 times.
40% of people had this result.



Perhaps it pays to be a little more upbeat when you take the quiz ::):

You're careful Tink. You have little self confidence. You're prude and shy. Believe in yourself. You know what happens to Tinkerbells when people don't believe in them, don't you?

29 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9067 times.
3% of people had this result.


Only the young die young.


You're brat tink. You think the world revolves around your common sense tells you it doesn't. You're the reason why some people dislike Tinkerbell.

128 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9076 times.
14% of people had this result.
Yea well... Luckily I've never claimed to be a faerie :P ;)

I agree with Buffy by the way.


Well ... I did it took, the test.

Hmmmm ... Now I am worried, I didn't know there was an Evil, Tortured, Masochistic Tinkerbell

Actually.... What a Surprise, I am like my Alter Egos, CINDIANNA JONES and the ONE AND ONLY TINKERBELL

You're Tinkerbell, plain and simple! You're flirty, outgoing, and not afraid to have a little fun. You're they type of person that most people love.

365 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9077 times.
40% of people had this result.

There you go girls so much alike (now that is SCARY!)


>:D >:D >:D


Quote from: Buffy on September 04, 2006, 03:19:21 AM
Well ... I did it took, the test.

Actually.... What a Surprise, I am like my Alter Egos, CINDIANNA JONES and the ONE AND ONLY TINKERBELL

There you go girls so much alike (now that is SCARY!)


>:D >:D >:D

LOL , you are so funny had to be one of the three musketeers; otherwise I was going to come and get cha!  Yep!  so much alike >:D LOL

tinkerbell :icon_chick:

Jillieann Rose

Step aside all you Tinkerbells.
Check Jillieann out:
You're Tinkerbell, plain and simple! You're flirty, outgoing, and not afraid to have a little fun. You're they type of person that most people love.
367 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9083 times.
40% of people had this result.

I'm no fairy so I really wonder about the results.

Oh! I do believe, I do believe in you Tink (the one and Only Tinkerbell).
Don't fade away. We need you.  :D



So far that makes 5 of us:
Tinkerbell (the one and only)

It was starting to seem only the people who had lived fulltime as a woman got that title. ;)



I've lived fulltime for 2 years now....and I'm Dark Tink  :icon_userfriendly:


I meant that in order to be eligible for the plain tinkerbell title, I thought you had to live fulltime as a woman. :eusa_wall: Ah, nevermind. :icon_no:



Tink, I dont think I'm a Tinkerbell at all, yet I had to take this test & find out.

You're dark Tink. You see negative sides in everything and you have little self esteem. You have stopped socializing. Cheer up! You're ablities are greater than they may seem

103 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 9086 times.
11% of people had this result.

What a bummer - a dark sad Tink, me & 103 other peoples

Rana :)


Quote from: Melissa on September 04, 2006, 11:38:37 PM
I meant that in order to be eligible for the plain tinkerbell title, I thought you had to live fulltime as a woman. :eusa_wall: Ah, nevermind. :icon_no:


I wasn't mad at you Melissa....the emoticon was supposed to be me shooting the test LOL.


Oh, I didn't think you were mad at me sweetie.  It was just supposed to be an expression of frustation at not being able to get the wording right.
