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Anyone else think we were supposed to be our bio sex?

Started by Just Kate, April 04, 2009, 01:29:02 AM

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Quote from: interalia on May 08, 2009, 08:01:14 AM
This is very interesting and thank you for sharing it.  :D  However, it doesn't change my premise that even if there exists this additional androgen receptor (AR as the article calls it) that the MTF person was MEANT to be female biologically, their genes were building a male (XY) and something got messed up in the process.

No problem I hope you found the article interesting. For me I think almost the opposite, I believe that if this is chromosomal based (which it would be because this is where the defective AR is) then it was meant to be. If you read about women with  AIS they are completely female even though they have XY chromosomes problem is that the X chromosome carries a defective AR much the same way as the article describes, if a person believes in fate or providence this would seem to indicate that the person wit AIS was meant to have this problem.

I only mention these things to get you to think about GID in more than just a "well it was a problem during development" you are asking alot of questions and have come to conclusions that seem very similar to those that I came to when I was younger. I am a Baptist so you can imagine the internal conflicts that GID created for me, add to this the fact that many in the religious communities pretend to "KNOW ALL ABOUT" Biology, Physics, Chemistry, etc.. when in fact they have very little knowledge on the subjects and usually regurgitate bad information that they have read from some crackpot that never finished medical school, but wants to make money selling books to the ignorant. It was only after I spent almost 5 years working on a degree in Engineering that I realized how silly it is to make decisions about my health based on the advice of someone who at best has a degree in Theology  ::)

I always knew something was wrong with me and I did have some developmental problems (I never fully Masculinized  like my brothers did) but I never put it all together and for the longest time I beat myself up mentally and just about convinced myself that this was my fault.

After I was diagnosed with AIS things seemed to make sense, and it helped me understand that this was something that I had very little control over, now I wish that I had not waited so long because I know I would have had very little trouble if I had transitioned when I was younger.

Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best, and I hope you will not beat yourself up like I did. Only you can decide what is right to do, if you suffer from GID then I can tell you that my personal experience is that it does not go away.


Sin? I believe, speaking for myself, that the sin was in denying myself from what should have been the natural thing to do after all those years and would have done if it would have been in a more enlightened time.

After living as who I am for nine years I can only say that I have never felt more normal before in my life and I am going to the grave as who I am, no one shall ever take away my identity again in this life time.

I like the article, it means "hope," for us seeking not only to be whom we feel and need to be, and to be at peace or in harmony with who we are, and also, "the big also," to be understood and accepted as normal human beings among other human beings out there in the outside world.



We are given the ability to master our own destiny.  Thus it is not up to anyone but the individual to determine ones future and identity.

If you're worried that it's not in, "God's master plan," then ask yourself: is his/her plan to have you born as (s)he wants you, or is his/er plan for you to live your life and thus die as (s)he wanted you to.

Just because you're born a pauper doesn't mean you can't become a prince.

This is no different.


Hi Kiera, I didn't yawn.  ;D Well maybe that don't count for Martians. "Hee, hee."


Just Kate

I don't necessarily feel it is all that important what we are 'meant' or 'supposed' to be.  I started this thread because so often I see MTF individuals who believe that they are female, meant to be female, but have a disability that made them male, or gave them male physical attributes.  I personally don't hold this belief about myself and explained my reasons as to why.  I was wondering if anyone else saw it as I did.
Ill no longer be defined by my condition. From now on, I'm just, Kate.


so much activity here, couldn't help but throw in my cents worth...

I guess how I see the whole thing is like so:

I see gender identity as not just black-and-white... there's all colors between. Many people are comfortable at either end of the spectrum, and many others are comfortable in between.

Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle... I feel very neutral in the ways I view gender, and I want my body to reflect that.

Spiritually, I'm Pagan... and nature has seen fit to give me a biological male body. I have a larger bone structure, a high metabolism, and I happen to be 6'2"/6'3"-ish, and it's served me well as one who enjoys the outdoors immensely. I live a fairly active (and transient) life. Things like playing outside, running, climbing trees.. I never defined as bot hings, 'cause I knew girls who did that too. We call those girls tomboys, and I've always identified with them. Tomboys were my first crushes, and many of them liked girls better than guys. So I got along with girls, and emulated them.

Much of how I react and feel is feminine... and at the same time I love women... and love making love to them. And as a male, I have the parts to do so... so I guess I could say yes, I feel like a biological male. But since mentally and emotionally, I feel very feminine, I also say yes, I feel like I want to be my mental gender. I'm finding certain agreements I can come to with myself, like how I'm willing to develop breasts and loose my facial hair, and eventually FFS, but I'm not willing to loose the sex organ I have... I like making love to women. But as for my ability to breed... I'm detached. Our species has overpopulated, and there's nothing morally wrong to me with not adding my contribution to the gene pool. I may not be crossing the gender divide fully, but I still consider myself TS because there's still transitioning involved, even if to a 3rd sex.

Okay,. I've rambled enough... I don't post much so I guess I feel like I have to make up for it...


You know, I'm one of those people who believes everything happens for a reason. I think I was born female for a reason, too... though I may not be entirely certain as to what that reason is. I do know, however, that I can't possibly BE female. The 24 years I lived as one were misery; every day was a struggle to try my damnedest to be who everyone else thought I was, even though I knew I wasn't. I thought that I must be female, because all outside indications pointed to it. I tried to believe that it was something wrong with my brain, not my body. It didn't work.

Now I'm having problems in my marriage, and faced with the prospect of having to date once again, I find myself remembering how easy that was as a girl, and how difficult it is as a man. I can't even begin to imagine going back to that, though; it's just impossible to think of myself as being a girl. Now, if this is all a result of a mental disorder, so be it. Because in the end, I'd rather be happy with who I am than force myself to live as something I'm not... even if I was "supposed" to be that way in the first place.

"If you want to criticize my methods, fine. But you can keep your snide remarks to yourself, and while you're at it, stop criticizing my methods!"

Check out my blog at


There is a book called Evolutions Rainbow.'s+rainbow&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=aqvpx_GlRN&sig=lVLdweO44D0EywSpLSDVSA-xsw8&hl=en&ei=DPwJStO2I4iaMpussNsL&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1

It is a non religious look into why we are the way we are. Why there are Inter sexed people and why there are TS/CD/TG/TV you name it people. Why are some people gay?

I seriously feel it is a physical problem. We are born this way and we need to do what we need to do to fix it. Not everybody can live as they are born. Not everybody is the same. We cannot all fit into neat little boxes with labels. Nature will always find a way to break down barriers and change the rules.

We are at mother natures mercy. We can choose to live how we see fit or live how others want use to live. Personally, I'm through living for every one else.

"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


"Anyone else think we were supposed to be our bio sex?"

If that 'anyone else' is my parents, then yes.
They certainly think I was supposed to stay my bio sex.


Wankers and wonkers the whole lot of them, but the day came where they could not find their victims the house mouse anymore. The house mouse flew the coop and now enjoying life just being who she is.  ;D



Quote from: Gypsy on May 12, 2009, 01:22:27 PM
Spiritually, I'm Pagan... and nature has seen fit to give me a biological male body. I have a larger bone structure, a high metabolism, and I happen to be 6'2"/6'3"-ish, and it's served me well as one who enjoys the outdoors immensely. I live a fairly active (and transient) life. Things like playing outside, running, climbing trees.. I never defined as bot hings, 'cause I knew girls who did that too. We call those girls tomboys, and I've always identified with them. Tomboys were my first crushes, and many of them liked girls better than guys. So I got along with girls, and emulated them.

Much of how I react and feel is feminine... and at the same time I love women... and love making love to them. And as a male, I have the parts to do so... so I guess I could say yes, I feel like a biological male. But since mentally and emotionally, I feel very feminine, I also say yes, I feel like I want to be my mental gender. I'm finding certain agreements I can come to with myself, like how I'm willing to develop breasts and loose my facial hair, and eventually FFS, but I'm not willing to loose the sex organ I have... I like making love to women. But as for my ability to breed... I'm detached. Our species has overpopulated, and there's nothing morally wrong to me with not adding my contribution to the gene pool. I may not be crossing the gender divide fully, but I still consider myself TS because there's still transitioning involved, even if to a 3rd sex.

Hi Gypsy, I agree with much of what you said.  I transitioned to live as a woman, but I only had an Orchiectomy performed, for reasons other than yours, but I certainly see where you're coming from and can relate in a way.  I don't believe I was meant to be my birth gender, so that is why I transitioned, but not to a "3rd" sex.  I transitioned to female, and although I may not have "traditional" female genitalia, that doesn't make me any less female.

I love women also, and identify as a lesbian.  While I haven't actually made love to another woman, I suppose I could using my genitals the way they are to do so.  If that makes sense. :P

Also, I wouldn't have to worry about getting her pregnant, because I'm sterile.  So my genes will never be added to the gene pool, and that's good because the world is definitely overpopulated.


I think everyone should cool it.

Topic locked.

Resistence is futile.


If I see another barb-fest like occured in this thread, I will be throwing month long bans around like candy. I am tired of the cruelty I have been seeing recently on the site and will not hesitate to remove that type of behavior from our community. Vexing and Annwyn you better be paying very close attention to what I just said... I would suggest you be very careful in what you put into your posts.
Susan Larson
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