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I Just Got a New Kitten!

Started by Jamie-o, May 29, 2009, 09:34:23 PM

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And she's making it very hard to type.  :D  She's also doing a marvelous job of dusting under the furniture.  ;)

I can't decide what to name her, though.


AWWWWWWWWw,  she's sooo cute!!

How about smudge. Or 8-ball?
"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


She sure is a cutie.

Take your time naming her. Have fun while she's in the very young kitten stage.


She is adorable.  She will name herself, Dad.



That's a great OHAI expression, so get her a good OHAI name..

Like "skittles"

"Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell" - Nietzsche


SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Such a little cutie! I want to cuddle her!


Awww, I love kittens.  I'm going to cry, i miss mine. 


What a cutie. What a devilish expression though. You're gonna have your hands full there. How about 'Trouble'?



She is very cute, she looks full of mischief. Maybe that's a name? MissChief :laugh:

Have fun


Ooooohhhh, I love kitty cats  :laugh:

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Yeah, she was a little wild when I took the pictures.  And she was fascinated by the flashing light on the front of the camera.  She eventually got so hyper I had to lock her in the bathroom for a few minutes to calm down before she destroyed something. (Like my legs, which she kept trying to climb.) Amazingly enough, she managed to escape under the door.  :o  I knew the gap was unusually large, but I didn't think it was that big!  :D  But now she's been zonked for a good 3 or 4 hours.  Storing up the energy in anticipation of me going to bed, no doubt.


She'll be randomly knocking things over and biting your toes while you're trying to sleep. You'll want to call her Buggerhead  :laugh:
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Speaking of cats and sleep, I saw the most stupid cat toy on display at the grocery store. Called "Night Play", they were hard, plastic glow-in-the-dark balls meant for the cat to bat around at night. Yeah, like most people with cats aren't constantly woken up by the cat batting a toy against a wall or a door.



Yeah, like most people with cats aren't constantly woken up by the cat batting a toy against a wall or a door.

If your choice of pets is a nocturnal hunter, then you get what you pay for.  That's why my pet of choice is a sloth.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I've got it:  Name her Tekla.  (Except I don't think Tekla dusts under stuff.)



Merrrrow!! Kristi you better watch out, Tekla might take you in to be declawed!!

Even though the new kitty is a "queen." I would suggest "Houdini," given the escape from the bathroom.


Quote from: michellesofl on May 30, 2009, 02:56:54 PM
Merrrrow!! Kristi you better watch out, Tekla might take you in to be declawed!!

Declawed? Hell, Tekla will have her fixed!

Yup, it sure sounds like you have a cute little devil on your hands. I hope you're prepared to be pussy whipped.

Although your description of her antics reminds me of the advice that you should always get two kittens, not one. Yes, they'll have double the energy, but they'll expend it destroying each other, rather you or your stuff.

As for names, how about Natasha? If anyone asks, say it's because she goes rushin around.

And yes, I admit that I've been pussy whipped eight times over the last two decades. Every one has had a unique purrsonality. Alas, only one is still with me.


Quote from: michellesofl on May 30, 2009, 02:56:54 PM
Merrrrow!! Kristi you better watch out, Tekla might take you in to be declawed!!

Oh now, I have three kitties (sometimes four) and I named them all after people I like.  It is a great honor, especially when it is a beautiful one like this little devil.  Plus a nocturnal hunter?   Gotta Be a Tekla. 



She loves to talk and complain a lot.  I'm thinking of calling her "Chicago" (the Windy Kitty).  ;)

And yes, she was up biting my toes half the night.  I tried to reason with her.  I said, "Did I bite your toes while you were trying to sleep?"  Didn't make any difference.   But I've managed to find some toys that she likes, so hopefully she'll start playing with those instead.  Yeah right.  ::)

I'm looking for a second kitty to keep her company while I'm at work.