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<Edit> 24 days and going nuts.....

Started by LynnER, September 10, 2006, 03:29:01 PM

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<Topic changed by me...........>

37 days till I go full time..... 37 days till I find out weather life goes on as is or gets turned totaly upside down....

In just over a month I find out weather Im going to continue my life in this nice little desert town or if Im going to split and head for diffrent pastures....

There is SO much I still need to do to prepair but at the same time I cant wait....  Its going to be really hard to stick to my timetable and not come out early.

At work HR is getting everything ready... printing policy and assistance documents for everyone inthe building.... management is studying so they can answer the questions and concerns of all the reps in the building in a reasonable mannor.....  and all the necicary paperwork is in order should I need to make a speedy transfer to a diffrent center due to outside circumstances.... (The band)

LoL  Im nolonger paranoid about things going wrong... I have a backup plan  :)  Nice thing about the company I work for is I can transfer to another city or state with out an issue....

Should things go bad with the band.  Yes they know, and they accept but its the club owners and crowd were worried about.  I'll leave the group voluntarily and split town.... There the ONLY reason I still live here anyways....

I still need to get a new wardrobe.... I still need to wait for my court date for the name change... but gods.... its so hard to just sit here and watch the clock ticking away....  Im getting impatent and I want this NOW  XD

But Im going to try and be reasonable for as long as possable and stick to the timetable.... but at the same time Im not going to even try and hide anymore....  It used to be hard to not act male in certian aspects.... now its EXTREEMLY hard to act male in any aspect.. <cept for maby impatents<sp?> So Im not going to do it anymore.......

My Name is ******* Ambrosine ****,  Im a musician, Im a woman, And Im soon to be truely free.........


Congratulations.  What does the ER part stand for?  Emergency Room?



That's great Lynn....either way things go I'm cheerin' ya on from the grandstands sis  :eusa_dance:


Hi Lynn...

Thats great honey...

Of course in my part of the world it is only 36 days to go?



Quote from: LynnER on September 10, 2006, 03:29:01 PM
37 days till I go full time..... 37 days till I find out weather life goes on as is or gets turned totaly upside down....

In just over a month I find out weather Im going to continue my life in this nice little desert town or if Im going to split and head for diffrent pastures....

There is SO much I still need to do to prepair but at the same time I cant wait....  Its going to be really hard to stick to my timetable and not come out early.

At work HR is getting everything ready... printing policy and assistance documents for everyone inthe building.... management is studying so they can answer the questions and concerns of all the reps in the building in a reasonable mannor.....  and all the necicary paperwork is in order should I need to make a speedy transfer to a diffrent center due to outside circumstances.... (The band)

LoL  Im nolonger paranoid about things going wrong... I have a backup plan  :)  Nice thing about the company I work for is I can transfer to another city or state with out an issue....

Should things go bad with the band.  Yes they know, and they accept but its the club owners and crowd were worried about.  I'll leave the group voluntarily and split town.... There the ONLY reason I still live here anyways....

I still need to get a new wardrobe.... I still need to wait for my court date for the name change... but gods.... its so hard to just sit here and watch the clock ticking away....  Im getting impatent and I want this NOW  XD

But Im going to try and be reasonable for as long as possable and stick to the timetable.... but at the same time Im not going to even try and hide anymore....  It used to be hard to not act male in certian aspects.... now its EXTREEMLY hard to act male in any aspect.. <cept for maby impatents<sp?> So Im not going to do it anymore.......

My Name is ******* Ambrosine ****,  Im a musician, Im a woman, And Im soon to be truely free.........

Well ******* Ambrosine ****... you seem to have everything prepared :)  Speaking from experience I think that you will find that there is far less presure living full time as opposed to living the dual lives we all lived prior to full time.  I know it was that way for me.

I hope your plan goes well and stays on track as you count down the days.


Julie Marie

Wow Lynn, you ar really taking the world by storm!  You're so lucky to be working for a company that allows you to relocate.  If you move to Chicago you gotta know you have a friend waiting!  How cool would that be!?!

I wish you all the happiness and joy life can give and hope your transition goes along smoothly.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Hi Lynn :)

Quote from: LynnER37 days till I find out weather life goes on

LIFE WILL GO ON !, I am very sure of this. :)  Congratulations Lynn!  I am very happy for you!  So this wonderful event is actually  going to happen after we come back from Portland, am I correct? 

Quote from: LynnERI have a backup plan
You sound like me! :D  I also have backup plans for everything! ;)  But you know...I don't think you will need your plan "B" here, for I'm sure everything will just fall into place beautifully...   

I'm happy for you and wish you the very best!  you go girl!

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


I'll be counting the days with you, Lynn!

Good Luck, Hugs & Smiles!
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:



Fantastic news! :) I'll be counting down the day's with you!! Congrats!



24 days left includeing today till I go full time.....
October 16th is comeing up on me quickly..... only two pay checks before then.....
Im starting to dobut I'll make it to susans fest because theres still so much Ive got to do before then.... Like a total new "work appropriate" wardrobe for one.........
*sighs*  Im still pushing trough but an starting to wonder If Im going too fast.... wonder if Ive bit off way more than I can chew..........

Dont get me wrong, this date is set in concrete<sp?>  My bandmates requested I "go back" just for 2 nights for the shows we currently have on the books and I wont even do that.... theyve known this was comeing for allmost a year allready.......... Im terrified, excited, anxious and totaly impatent....  I want to do this NOW but Ive set the date with work and dont want to go messing things up any more for them than I allready have  *sighs*

Just thought Id keep you all updated  *Hugs*



Quote from: LynnER on September 23, 2006, 04:39:25 AM
24 days left includeing today till I go full time.....
October 16th is comeing up on me quickly..... only two pay checks before then.....
Im starting to dobut I'll make it to susans fest because theres still so much Ive got to do before then.... Like a total new "work appropriate" wardrobe for one.........
*sighs*  Im still pushing trough but an starting to wonder If Im going too fast.... wonder if Ive bit off way more than I can chew..........

Dont get me wrong, this date is set in concrete<sp?>  My bandmates requested I "go back" just for 2 nights for the shows we currently have on the books and I wont even do that.... theyve known this was comeing for allmost a year allready.......... Im terrified, excited, anxious and totaly impatent....  I want to do this NOW but Ive set the date with work and dont want to go messing things up any more for them than I allready have  *sighs*

Just thought Id keep you all updated  *Hugs*


:eusa_clap: :eusa_dance: :icon_wave: :icon_surprised: :icon_rockon: :icon_razz:

tinkerbell :icon_chick:

Cindi Jones

You'll be fine.  Look forward to it.  Write down what you are feeling!  I'm dead serious. Take twenty minutes and do it!  In a couple of decades, you're going to pick it up some day and read it.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: LynnER on September 23, 2006, 04:39:25 AM
24 days left includeing today till I go full time.....
October 16th is comeing up on me quickly.....

Dont get me wrong, this date is set in concrete<sp?>  My bandmates requested I "go back" just for 2 nights for the shows we currently have on the books and I wont even do that.... theyve known this was comeing for allmost a year allready.......... Im terrified, excited, anxious and totaly impatent....  I want to do this NOW but Ive set the date with work and dont want to go messing things up any more for them than I allready have  *sighs*

Just thought Id keep you all updated  *Hugs*


The one thing I strongly remember about transition....was the waiting. After years of anguish and pain, every second seemed to tick by so slow. soon arrives and no matter how much one plans, get things ready, the nearer it gets the scarrier sometimes feels. I think I went through every emotion that I could when the day finally arrived.

Even then on my return to work I sat in my car listeneing to a CD thinking how scared and worried I was about stepping out my car into the car park and meeting people for the first time.

It turned out to be one of the most thrilling and exciting (although nerve wracking) days of my life and I can remember it so vividly.

So, get everything ready Lynn, get your clothes and make up, try and relax and look forward to this significant event and as Cindy said, start a diary (if you don'y already have one), I did and sitting and reading it, is now kinda funny.

You will be fine honey.



It's always good to have a backup plan, in some cases two if you're paranoid like me sometimes  :D .

Nice name ******* Ambrosine ****.

I wish you all the luck in the near future dear *******.


* :icon_hug:*