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Swollen lymph node - cause for concern or not?

Started by Nero, July 10, 2009, 10:09:08 AM

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I think I have a swollen lymph node under my chin on the right side of my neck.  I only notice it because there isn't one on the opposite side. Supposedly they're caused my infection, but I have no symptoms of infection.
Anybody know if this is something to worry about?
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


It's probably worth getting it looked at during your next regularly scheduled check-up.  The obvious concern would be lymphoma.  Of course, it may well not be anything to worry about but, like a breast or testicle lump, it won't hurt to get it checked out.


thanks for the info finewine. looked up lymphoma and am growing concerned. I don't seem to have any of the risk factors though.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: Nero on July 10, 2009, 10:34:14 AM
thanks for the info finewine. looked up lymphoma and am growing concerned. I don't seem to have any of the risk factors though.

Well don't get too concerned yet matey, just 'coz it might be doesn't mean it is - maybe you have an inflammed node from a minor infection you didn't otherwise notice, or a cystic swelling.   It's just something to check out just to be on the safe side.


gotcha. wonder if it could have anything to do with testosterone and voice chnage? i'm not sure it's a lymph node, but it seems too far off to the side to have anything to do with the voicebox.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Most likely just a low grade infection, but if you that worried then call your doctor.  Or go to the ER.  I get those occasionally, and mine always just go away on there own.



Don't go to the ER for a swollen lymph node.  It's sub-acute and can easily be handled by your GP.


Be careful, that can cause your tits to fall off.  :icon_biggrin:
"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


I had a really big swollen lymph node on the side of my neck a little while ago. I went to the GP to have it checked out (I was freaking out about the cancer thing too) and he sent me to get an ultrasound.

He said in the end that it was nothing to worry about and was probably just swollen because of a minor infection. After I asked how to treat the infection and find out what the infection was he said it was probably an old infection that had already been healed for a while and that lymph nodes can sometimes stay swollen for a long time after things clear up (even now it's still a little swollen).

It seems like it's a pretty common thing, and they really do get puffy and stay puffy for ages, so it's understandable to get freaked out about it. I mean, I was just a total mess after I found it. But GPs and ultrasounds will clarify it all, and it's always better to act fast just incase it's a nasty.


Hopefully your nodes are just as dull and ordinary as mine were. :)


Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


I get swollen lymph nodes from time to time. It's particularly frightening when they come in the armpit/breastle area.
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Quote from: Osiris on July 14, 2009, 02:30:28 PM
I get swollen lymph nodes from time to time. It's particularly frightening when they come in the armpit/breastle area.

what do you do for them?
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Nothing really. Just keep an eye on it to see if it grows or doesn't go away.
अगणित रूप अनुप अपारा | निर्गुण सांगुन स्वरप तुम्हारा || नहिं कछु भेद वेद अस भासत | भक्तन से नहिं अन्तर रखत


Swollen lymph nodes are my working life :laugh:.  There a couple of reasons for enlarged lymph nodes. so called reactive or lymphoma, or carcinoma. The job of lymph nodes is to expand the lymphocyte populations to an infection. They are a hot spot where B lymphocytes are matured and increase in number. Many important changes happen to those cells as well. You may notice that when you have a throat infection you can see very red tissue in your throat. These are your tonsils, lymph nodes that have a primary function in protecting against infection through the mouth and nose. Your sore throat is due in part to inflammation of those lymph nodes.

Enlargement of lymph nodes is of no great concern, as long as they do not stay enlarged for long periods of time (months). If they do you get checked. The usual assay is called an FNA, fine needle aspirate, essentially a pathologist sticks a needle into the node takes out some cells and sends them to a lab, like mine. It's usually done under a local, and may or may not be ultrasound or CT guided, depending where the node is.

We look at the cells and say it's reactive or lymphoma and if lymphoma what type it is. If it is lymphoma, and MOST are NOT, then you will have a CT scan to see if any other nodes are inflammed.

If its reactive or benign, just swollen no evidence of reactive or disease. thats the end of the story.

If it is lymphoma then you are treated. Treatment advances have been enormous in the last few years and there is increasing hope that many lymphomas may soon be curable.

But bottom line. Swollen nodes does not mean lymphoma, but get changes in the body checked out.

Easy to treat stuff early and getting it checked settles you down mentally as well.

Sorry for the long message.

Hope you are OK Nero, and don't worry.

I can always do a house call to see if you have any interesting swellings :-* :laugh:




I've had one under my chin on the left side for something like 10+ years. I saw a dermatologist back then and she belittled me and chided me for poking around on myself, and told me I'd find cysts all over if I did that.

Well, earlier this year it went from being the size of an eraser basically invisible under the skin to swelling up to being over an inch long and visibly distorting my face as a giant, rock hard lump.

3 weeks on antibiotics took care of it, back down to its 'normal' size.

My treatment involved getting catscanned since I was days from losing insurance coverage, and being asked if I was gay and had AIDS.


Quote from: Autumn on July 19, 2009, 02:53:17 AM
I've had one under my chin on the left side for something like 10+ years. I saw a dermatologist back then and she belittled me and chided me for poking around on myself, and told me I'd find cysts all over if I did that.

Well, earlier this year it went from being the size of an eraser basically invisible under the skin to swelling up to being over an inch long and visibly distorting my face as a giant, rock hard lump.

3 weeks on antibiotics took care of it, back down to its 'normal' size.

My treatment involved getting catscanned since I was days from losing insurance coverage, and being asked if I was gay and had AIDS.

Pretty standard really. The AIDS question always comes up. We had an intern ask an 85 yr old whether he was sexually active, had taken IV drugs, was Gay and did he think he could have AIDS. Stunned look was the reply.
Glad you are OK
