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SRS surgery

Started by Scott, September 19, 2006, 07:33:30 AM

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My name is Scott and I'm new to all this. I've never posted anything before. I have questions regarding SRS surgery. I'm looking to see if anyone would be willing to share their thoughts, advice or suggestions involving FtM reconstructive surgery. I've got it narrowed down between 2 surgeons now but am still open to other suggestions. Haven't totally decided on which type of surgery I'm going for. Any input would be greatly appreciated.



Welcome Scott. I think most of the guys here are in the same boat as you, if you're talking bottom surgery.  I'm not at a stage where it's an option for me yet (still got hysto to go, and only 1.5 yrs on T), but I'm leaning toward phallo. The higher complication rate makes me consider meta seriously as well though.

Post an introduction on the Introduction forum if you will, and welcome to the community.



If they can do penis transplants can they not figure out how to help FTM's?

This was succesful but the mental problems he had caused to many issues to keep it. Sounds like they were very successful.


Yeah I read that article Lori. If they have worked out rejection problems, it'd be ok. Problem is, usually with transplants, you have to take a massive amount of immune suppression drugs to keep your own body from rejecting the transplant. I don't think I'd take that much of a chance with my health.

However, there is some promising stuff happening with stem cell research that could make transplants a reality some day.



Well the reason he rejected it was mental....not physical or biological.....His wife had issues with it!! It was a success, just needed the right mind.


Yeah but they don't say what sort of immunosuppressant drugs he was on to prevent physical rejection.




     Are you refering to bottom surgery or both? I have had top surgery recently, and the surgeon on that makes a big difference too. Feel free to send a personal message about anything too.



Hi This is Scott (again). Just wanted to say thanks for the comments.

I AM refering to the bottom reconstructive surgery. I don't think I'd be interested in a transplant even if it was something they could do successfully (kinda creeps me out a little) oh well, that's just me!! I'd prefer using something that is my own, even if it means something less than perfect with scars and all (I just consider them battle scars (kind of like medals) which we've all earned after surviving this battle. Not everyone is strong enough to endure the things we have. Are you with me brothers? (lol)

Any way-- I had my top surgery about 4 yrs. ago and went to Colorado for my abdomenal (i can't even say the word) surgery a couple of years ago. Now I'm in a place financially, well as much as I'll ever be, to finish the course.

I've researched surgeons and prices and post-op photos (There's not enough of those) until Ive become so overwhelmed I can't make the smallest decision about it. I go back and forth about the pros and cons of a meta vs. phallo. I know some surgeons run about $100,000. Give me a break!! they don't really look any better than the ones running $30,000. Well I don't need a Cadillac, for me a Toyota is fine. You'll notice I didn't say a Mini (lol).

So I just thought I'd throw this out to all you wonderful, knowledgable, level-headed folks on here and see if you could give me some advice.  Thanks for your input.

Take care,


Hello Scott,
Personally, I can't fathom why any FtM would have bottom surgery of any kind, but this is coming from an Ftm who very much appreciates his "female sex organ" so take it for what it is worth.
Having said that, to me any bottom surgery is not worth the risk.
Phalloplasty is far from adequate and most likely will never be adequate in our lifetime and metaoidoplasty also carries the risk of loss of sensation and orgasm.
I would not risk my ability to orgasm for anything.
Feeling is of the upmost importance.
Who cares if you have the biggest most beautiful penis if you can't feel it?
Sex = feeling, not asthetics.
It all comes down to what is most important to you.
Do you care most about looks or your own sexual pleasure?
Because any genital surgery carries risk of loss of sensation, this goes double for FTM surgery.
Phalloplasty is solely about looks (obviously) and metaoidoplasty is better but also carries the risk of loss of sensation and orgasm.
In my opinion, FtM surgery as it stands now is futile.
We will never have the ability to function sexually as a bio-man, so why mutilate ourselves?
The day that Ftm surgery is comparable to Mtf surgery has not come.
I say enjoy your orgasms and enjoy sex. Who cares about asthetics?


Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Quote from: NeroWho cares if you have the biggest most beautiful penis if you can't feel it?

From the opposite side of the spectrum , I can say for sure that I will have the most "realistic" vagina when I go for my SRS surgery next year, considering the surgeon that is going to perform it ;).  I don't really give a flying fly whether  I will feel something or not.  I currently don't so I don't think it will matter anyway.  And even if I did feel something right now, my personal reasons for having SRS are not sexual in nature.  I really don't give a flying fly if I will have an orgasm or not after SRS, for this is not important to me.  What is important to me is to have a vagina.  Period.!!!  The rest DOES NOT MATTER...

However, everyone is different and like Nero; everyone  has their own personal views about SRS......BOTTOM LINE:  whatever goes for you is what is..... ;D

tinkerbell :icon_chick: