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Invite All to Take Sexual Preferences Survey

Started by DrJohnB, July 29, 2009, 10:49:17 PM

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Sex councillors do not work. If a relationship is not working no advice from these coucncillors will work. They are like peddlers of the all fix liquour.


Quote from: Nichole on July 31, 2009, 07:42:06 AM
This was the free-test and would, he hopes, lead to further participation by the test-taker. You might refer to the test as a "pink-spoon" that you get for free and if you have the interest you can purchase more from him.

I am an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and clinical psychologist.  I  see many individuals and couples of all orientations with sexual related problems.  I have found that the communication about sexual needs and desires is very poor, which prompted me to develop a tool to help one gain insight and understanding into the ways they define and experience their sexuality.

Through the Beiter Sexuality Preference Indicator [BSPI©], I have been discovering interesting facts about sexual preferences of people by age group, gender, etc. and continue to collect data for a book on The Psychology of Your Sexuality.  The research to date has been very interesting, however, I have not collected a great deal of data from the transgender community and would like to invite anyone associated with Susan's Place to access and fill out the survey. It promotes healthy sexuality, takes 10 minutes and offers a small description for the person taking the test.

I would be happy to share data that would be of interest on Susan's Place and thank you for your consideration. :)

I took the test in the belief that the good doctor was looking for data from transsexuals, not looking to get people to take his therapy.  I am not interested in taking tests that tell me who I am.  I already know that!

If he really was trolling for customers, then he should have his account pulled!  We do not allow advertising here.  It's somewhere in the TOS, but I'm too pissed right now to look it up!

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


Quote from: Nichole on July 31, 2009, 10:05:36 AM
The post was approved by Susan and the admins, Sandy.
*gets more coffee*
Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...


I'd have to agree with the comments about the options being too black-and-white. I just couldn't find satisfactory options to many of the questions.

So, I don't think that I can really help the good doctor in this regard.


Well, I'm wondering how accurate this test, or the many others like it, can be when the test takers are required to make a selection out of 2-4 options that in no way fit their situation.

I.E. :

Species test to determine the most common species taking these tests. Select only one of the following choices, you must choose one and we will give you the results. This is a viable scientifically controlled test.

Select the species you identify with:
a. Chambered Nautilus
b. Dung Beetle
c. Gibon
d. Wambat
e. Great Blue Heron

Thank you for your participation. Have a wonderful day.

Deanna (none of the above thank you)

Sarah Louise

If the "doctor" is really trying to gather information from the Transgendered arena then he needed to change one of the first (if not the first) questions:

Male; Female

For any of our answers to be valid he needs to know if we are MtF; FtM; Androgyne; etc.

I am Female so that is how I answered that question, but it would have been more informative if I could have said born genetic male, identify as female (pre/post/non surgery).

Or something to that affect.

Sarah L.
Nameless here for evermore!;  Merely this, and nothing more;
Tis the wind and nothing more!;  Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore!!"


I started with "male" even though I self-identify as androgyne. "Male" seemed closer than female, transgender or transsexual.


QuotePartner orientation   Submissive: You indicated that you are most comfortable with being the submissive partner, which typically means you are waiting for your partner to initiate sexual activity with you to confirm their desire for you.
Arousal method   Touch: You indicated that you are usually aroused through being touched by your partner.
Pleasure   Emotional: You indicated that you more often experience your sexual pleasure through your emotional feelings.
Sexual encounters   Adventuresome: You indicated that you feel most comfortable in your sexual encounters where there are experiences of variety and creativity.

Sensitive, sensual and kind. Enjoys the present moment and prefers not to rush pleasure, achieving orgasm within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their sexual partner. Not likely to introduce new ideas but is receptive to them and adopts a willingness to try anything at least once.

It didn't tell me anything new, but was accurate. Why are ppl so mad about this test? lol. I like silly tests like this though.

Cadence Jean

The test was accurate for me.  I'm dominate, methodical, and want my partner to be satisfied - yay, me.  I can see how this would be a good tool for a couple who are having difficulty in the bedroom - assuming it produced accurate results.  They could take this information and adapt their sexual expression to each other's preference.

Some of the questions were too black and white.  There should have been an options for BOTH.  Like

"Do you prefer to experience
emotional more than physical sexual satisfaction
physical more than emotional sexual satisfaction"


" During your sexual activity, at the point of orgasmic inevitability, are you usually concentrating on
bodily sensations
emotional sensations"

Can't we have both?!
to make more better goodness

I have returned to recording on TransByDef!  Watch us at:


This topic had too many vague questions with more than one correct answer, and others I don't think I have an answer for.


I agree with you, Julie. We've been studied, analyzed, dissected, and scrutinized, yet the society still has a problem with us. I always say there's nothing wrong with us. It's that society doesn't want to admit that there other genders and sexualities.

Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



Quote from: gennee on September 06, 2009, 01:42:21 PM
I agree with you, Julie. We've been studied, analyzed, dissected, and scrutinized, yet the society still has a problem with us. I always say there's nothing wrong with us. It's that society doesn't want to admit that there other genders and sexualities.



I think it may be that most people are just too simple minded to comprehend numbers higher than 2 in most cases, or too lazy to learn to count that high.  :)



I didn't see a space aliens, creatures from the nether world or magic fairies option. I wasn't quite sure how to answer  :laugh:
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


Quote from: Virginia Marie on September 06, 2009, 11:20:54 PM
I didn't see a space aliens, creatures from the nether world or magic fairies option. I wasn't quite sure how to answer  :laugh:
sex with fairies is awesome! Just sayin'.
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.

Ms Bev

What am I doing up this late?  I should be in bed, not reading another "well intentioned" hat-in-hand polite request to provide raw data for some uncaring persons study.....most likely a school project.



1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


Beiter Sexuality Preference Indicator Results
Partner orientation Submissive: You indicated that you are most comfortable with being the submissive partner, which typically means you are waiting for your partner to initiate sexual activity with you to confirm their desire for you.

Arousal method Touch: You indicated that you are usually aroused through being touched by your partner.

Pleasure Emotional: You indicated that you more often experience your sexual pleasure through your emotional feelings.

Sexual encounters Adventuresome: You indicated that you feel most comfortable in your sexual encounters where there are experiences of variety and creativity.

Sensitive, sensual and kind. Enjoys the present moment and prefers not to rush pleasure, achieving orgasm within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their sexual partner. Not likely to introduce new ideas but is receptive to them and adopts a willingness to try anything at least once.

Go figure lol do any of these people know how to relate to us
like a knife that cuts you the wound heals but them scars those scars remain

Cadence Jean

What's up with all the submissive results?  Am I the only dominatrix here?:P
to make more better goodness

I have returned to recording on TransByDef!  Watch us at:


The outright ease with which some of you are offended is hilarious. If you don't like it don't take it.


I have a better idea. Why don't all these so-called experts and academians spend a few days with us and get to know us as real live people?


Be who you are.
Make a difference by being a difference.   :)



"Are you more comfortable with being dominant, or submissive?"
Me: Clicks the thing going 'submissive'
Result: You specified that you are dominant.

Whait; whut?

Meh; must have been the appealing words... Well; aggression, dominant, master.. They dó kind of work for me...
The only reason I initiate sex most of the time is that my partner is usually tired, or beat by long hours of research... If it were up to me, I'd be captured each night!  >:-)