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Blown away!

Started by Aussie Jay, August 28, 2009, 09:51:40 AM

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Aussie Jay

Hey all
Just wanted to let anyone know that I came out to my parents and it went way better than what I expected! I don't really talk to anyone in my physical life and could only think of this forum to share with. I am just completely blown away by my parent's reaction.
So it goes... My folks were down south where I live for my Grandma's funeral (unfortunately) and I was actually getting to the point where I was going to come out to them but then this happened and I thought well there goes that. I didn't want to use the funeral to come out.
Then I got a phone call about an appointment with a gender psychiatrist and my mother being my mother can't let a sleeping dog lie and I got asked again and again what's the doctors appt for?? Then she asked if it was something about my 'lesbianism' as she put it! And I said no, well... er, um... sort of! I then proceeded to take the biggest breath ever and just spilled everything I had been thinking about being trans. When that went over sort of ok, I also gave her the letter I had written them. Mum then told me how she always thought I was more male than not and doctors had told them when I was younger that I have more male hormones in my body than other 'girls'. Well that explains my deeper voice and my stature I suppose XD
They have just been so supportive and asking questions and making jokes like they normally would, even my dad said when I got back so do I have a son or a daughter! They also have not changed the way they treat me at all – which I was scared about. I am so proud of them hey. Not exactly the way I wanted to come out to them and certainly not an example to others lol, but an awesome result none the less. I am really excited about this whole process now, and as a bonus I have my parents behind me in my corner. It goes to show people will really surprise you when you least expect it, and I should have given my parents more credit. Just... the title says it all – blown away. So now onward and upward!

A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.




Hi Jay.  Congrats!  Glad this milestone is over, huh?  I know the feeling.  It's great to have your parents on your side.  You're their kid, no matter what happens.

All the best to you.


Wow. That could be one of the best things ever. I'll be having to tell my parents in a few months. I'm dreading it more than anything. I'd like to fantasize that it will go greatly, like yours did, but in reality I know it won't.
"In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is—and whatever.
Time is still the infinite jest."



It *is* amazing who ends up being in your corner, isn't it?




Congrats, that's so great. ;D

Just as a head's up though, even when your parents are in your corner and everything seems great at first, there can be times when the "getting used to it part" can be a little awkward or such, and they might not always act exactly like they used to or be 100% understanding, even if they're 100% supportive. That might not happen for you, but I just wanted to share so that if it does, you'll expect it in advance and know that it doesn't negate their support, it just means this is a wild ride with lots of complex issues, and most people don't get from start to finish without some bumps along the way, no matter how smooth the path looks from the outset.

My mom (for all intents and purposes my only parent... sort of. long story) has been incredibly supportive, right from the beginning, and continues to be, but there have still been times that her lack of knowledge about trans issues, or just her being used to who I was for the last 30 years, have caused some awkward (for lack of a better word) comments or situations these past few months. I do know that she loves me and supports me (and thinks of me now as her son, etc) but she's not even aware sometimes of the things she says and how inappropriate or just "not on target" they are. I know I'm being about as clear as mud, but that's the thing, this situation can sometimes be like that.

Okay, how about an example, since I'm clearly not doing a very good job explaining this: Until I had talked to my mom about what the surgery options were for FTMs, she was under the mistaken assumption that it was the reverse of what is available for an MTF. She tells me the other day, that she went around telling our family and friends (meaning to be helpful and such) that they take the stuff that's there, turn it outside, and voila! ... {sound of crickets chirping} I was not really impressed because: A) she was perpetuating a myth and giving even more people "improper" info about trans issues, B) she was talking about my transition to people that I'd want the opportunity to explain it to myself, and C) She was talking to my friends and family about my crotch! Ugh, mom!!! ::) So, like I said, I educated her about the surgery options, and also kind of nicely explained that some things are better left for me to tell people in my own way and my own time. These were all people who already knew about me being trans, but still... it just wasn't what I wanted them to hear or how I wanted them to hear it.

And it's not like she wasn't being supportive, it's just that there are ups and downs with supportive parents too. Or like when she's so enthusiastic to show how supportive she is that she OVER uses male titles and pronouns and stereotypes to be all like "see, see, I'm supportive" and it's just like "mom, relax and just be yourself". Did you ever see that episode of Dharma and Greg where Dharma was being condescending to little people, but she really meant well and was trying to show how accepting she was? It's like that. It's like making *too* much of an effort, if that makes any sense.

Anyhow, again, not saying it *will* be like that for you, just that I wish someone had told me "even if your parents are supportive, there may still be snags along the way" so that I knew to expect it, and that it doesn't change how they really feel. If that makes any sense at all...  ???

Aha, I found the clip! (You can skip to around 2:00 to see the part I'm talking about).

Dharma & Greg 4x21 Pride And Prejudice Clip1
♫ Oh give me a home, where the trans people roam, and the queers and the androgynes play... ♫

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Aussie Jay

Thanks for all the replies guys.
Yeah its awesome who turns out to back you when you need it most. So so glad this part is over! There will obviously be more to talk about with them and more questions but a great feeling none the less at this stage :)
Thanks James glad to have the heads up. I don't expect smooth sailing and I guess I'll wait and see and hope and pray that it goes along as good as possible.
Cheers again guys

A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.


Your original post here almost brought tears to my eyes, dude. What a storybook beginning.


I'm jealous that the talks with my own 'rents didn't go so well. Good >-bleeped-< though for you :D

I'd rather have overcorrecting parents than the ones I have really--at least then all people will think is my parents are insane.


That's awesome. Good luck with the rest of transition.


congrats man! I've been trying to find good ways to come out to my mom all summer, but it always seems like a bad time "she's going to bed, she just woke up, she's going on vacation, she just got back from vacation, she's going to work, she's cooking dinner..." but if you can manage to do it when your parents are visiting for a funeral maybe I can manage to do it while she's brushing her teeth... or maybe some other time when there's nothing for her to choke on.


Congrats. way 2 go! :icon_dance: :icon_joy:  :icon_drunk: :icon_woowoo:

Aussie Jay

Cheers again all for the replies. Yeah not the most opportune time to do it but i took my lead from her and when she mentioned the 'L' word I took it just that bit further XD
Thanks again - much appreciated.

A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor.