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Wiccan Magick

Started by Terra, April 24, 2008, 02:23:11 AM

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Wiccan and North American Native Tradition have many similarities and their origins most likely as ancient a practice.

Healing can be taught, learned depending if the person is serious and believes in the healing energy they receive from another truly can heal. The healer is only the channel for the healing energy like an electrical wire conducts electricity from point A and B. Some are natural healers which means that one can channel these healing energies naturally without learning it form an outside source like Reiki etc.

The host to this healing energy will usually have warm tingly hands to the touch. To some people this could be the equivalent of an electric shock

Both Wiccan and North American Native Tradition both believe in a Great Spirit, Gaia, Sacred Feminine, God's hand maiden, the giver of life to universe, Wisdom. Two Spirits, The sources that the healing energies are channeled from by the healer.



I have some information I would like to post on this, albeit it is lots and lots of information. I might post it tonight when I get back. It has much to do with magic. Get back later on this.


Hi Loving_Kindness, please do. I quite enjoy the knowledge you share, and I do always have an open mind to the new. There is so much knowledge one can accumulate through the years but regretfully after while it begins to kind of fade to the background of memory because of lack of use with those to share it with.



I made a chart and put a youtube video up with a simple explanation. The chart is close to a total explanation when understood. I'll elaborate more when I have time to write much on the subject.


I'll be around. I truly enjoyed the other thread but I ma fast growing weary of one individual there that appears to have devoted his/her time to making some of us feel miserable.

Have a wonderful night.


Bethany W

In recent news, Ive joined a coven since I last posted in this thread.


Hi Loving_Kindness
If you are still around I want to share this article with you. It touched me rather deeply when I read it. I will share something with you at the end of this posting, I thought it may make more sense after you read the article.

This article was sent to me by email by a friend

The Rainbow Warrior Prophecy

There was an old lady, from the "Cree" tribe, named "Eyes of Fire", who prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the fish would die in the streams, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.

There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health. They would be mankinds? key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.

The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick".

The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path right with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four comers of the Earth.

Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature, and the Great Spirit. They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life - the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitudes of life.

Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.

The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives.

The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom, and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted "Ancient Chiefs", they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty.

The tasks of these "Warriors of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning "Mother Earth" to beauty and plenty - once more.

The day will come, it is not far away. The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends, and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth, and mankind. It will be with this knowledge that we shall find our "Key to our Survival".

This is the story of the "Warriors of the Rainbow" and this is my reason for protecting the culture, heritage, and knowledge of my ancestors. I know that the day "Eyes of Fire" spoke of - will come! I want my children and grandchildren to be prepared to accept this task.The task of being one of the........"Warriors of the Rainbow".

Tonight's experience Jan. 24th 2009

As my beloved Wing Walker and I were driving about not going anywhere in particular, just driving and drinking a coffee and chatting, we do that every now and again just to get out of the house. Anyway we were driving past bush area of the road, it was dusk and begining to get dark out. I could make out faint trace of an aura field around the trees, like a thin layer of cigarette smoke tracing the outline of the trees.

Suddenly I had this feeling going through me like a tingly feeling throughout my entire body then I was like inside the bushes and the trees feeling their life inside of them like it was my own. I could actually feel myself move from one plant or tree to another like my consciousness had turned into the wind blowing from one form of vegetation to another. I have never experienced anything that real before, it was like exhilarating or intoxicating in effect. I have no idea how long I was out there, it was Wing Walker's voice which sounded distant at first, then I snapped out of it and turned to her to hear what she was saying.

Ok now every one laugh your butts off and get it over with, I suppose at my age I really don't give much of a crap about non believers and what they think.




You're right about one thing.  The world is becoming polluted as hell (physically and socially) and it's going to take some divine knowledge to fix it.  Whether it's power rangers or what have you, or God Almighty himself, I don't know.

But I am certain that the human race in general isn't going to be able to dig itself out of the hole it is in.  They can't even balance their budgets or stimulate the economy, for crying out loud.

If only the ancient wisdom would gain popularity, that would be the day.  I would be going like this:   :icon_joy:
"The cake is a lie."


It can only spread one at a time and unfortunately there are many out there who do not want peace so that they can continue to pillage, kill, rob, mislead and confuse so that they can continue to rule and keep the budgets unbalanced, someone is making money out of doing that, the same as that senseless war *Iraq* and the one who initiated it.

Even the Divine will not interfere in the affairs of man, but he/she does work through each and every one of us. All we need do is to sit and still the mind and listen to the little voice which comes from the innerself.

This system is dying, not the world. The only way to salvation is to awaken and to become conscious of what is occurring around us and join hand psychically over the metaphysical grid and send loving light an healing energy.


Post Merge: January 27, 2009, 12:41:48 AM

                                  Star Warrior Society

Eight pointed star, shining bright in the sky. Guiding those on a sacred quest. A star that shines so bright in the sky. A beacon of hope in dark times. Many years ago a baby was born, under a bright star.

We are made of stardust. Many talk about the star nations above, the home of our ancestors.

Perhaps there are alien races out there in the universe who knows? The sacred geometry of the universe is life. When we talk about science and the spiritual many believe these two cannot co-exist. I believe that they both can. We are spiritual beings living in a physical world.

Science is the effort to prove fact, spiritual you have to believe. Faith? Faith is believing in something even if you do have have proof. We may not have proof that there is a Great Spirit. But how can we exist without a creator? Who created us? Many world religions discuss this. To be honest with you I really do not know. The great mystery is just that, a mystery.

Let us be a shining star, set a good example for others and protect and defend the religious freedoms of others.

This place is for friends to share, no matter what faith they are from. Bring your stories, some coffee and tea and let us talk about heavy topics and light topics and make new friends.



Hi Loving_kindness, thank you so much for your contribution of YouTube videos, especially the first one, but all were good and all had a powerful message. Below was one of my own compositions that I posted here before, but for all the result I got for my efforts was just another empty hall with the only sound that could be heard was crickets and the sighing wind coming through the door that was left partly ajar when the last member of the audience left. Cindy strums one vibrating note on her guitar then puts it away in its case.

Spirit the essence of all that is.

Spirit is the fabric of creation from all the way back from original thought, or the word was spoken in the ether of creation, as Albert Einstein has once proposed as the creation of this reality.

Now you may say, there is a perplexing conundrum, I think this conception is as varied as each human being who perceives it. This truth in this reality is about as multifarious as the *unified theory* which is supposed to be the mathematical equation for all things in its reality.

*A unified theory* that can be congruent to each individual who perceives this truth as their own? I believe that this unified theory may work well in the form of a mathematical equation, but not so well when it comes to the rational/irrational multifaceted psychological process of the human mind. A truth contained within a reality which is as numerous in perception in itself as is the nature of those who perceive and propose it.

All we can hope for in a lifetime is to piece together bits and pieces of this jig saw puzzle which in itself is only one piece of another very large jig saw puzzle. Again those bits will differ greatly in perception from one individual to another of those who are considering this concept.

My own take on this is that this reality is not really what it appears to be, in the sense of being solid or composed only of perceptible substance to the human senses. In actuality it is composed of different densities of energetic light vibrations that are in essence part of a vast, possibly infinite, grid work or matrix that make up this holographic universe, or multiverses, a very well designed hologram.

As for the Spirit or the fabric of creation, the Spirit is the metaphysical grid upon which all of creation is connected to as one, including us, and all other living things as well as the inanimate. If one really believed and wanted to, one can telepathically send thought over the metaphysical grid to connect with the One or Great Spirit.

How would one say that any *Light beings* a-k-a highly evolved energy beings or emissaries of the Oneness within infinity want to contact us? Why would these superior intelligent spirit energy beings find it necessary to utilize a method of communications that would be the most effective without even physical contact? Why would they find it necessary to communicate with us using our complex, archaic, languages in this world, when all they need do is send their thoughts to us telepathically? As evolved as they would be to the point where they could be here from billions of miles away in the blink of an eye in energy form, why not send their thoughts telepathically to connect with our own thought processes so that to us it would appear that these thoughts were processed by our own mind? I have had these thoughts many times and have named it my *little voice.*

I also agree strongly that we do not know much of what's out there past this planet's atmosphere. Do we know much of our own elements in our outer atmosphere, let alone what's outside or beyond in the vacuum we call outer space?

We derive most if not all of our knowledge from books and other documentations or an electronic device we call a computer. Oh but yes, by all means do indulge in the learning, they are the stepping stones to learning that will lead you to the ****doorway*** but that is as far as the books get you. One needs to step through the doorway without any physical aid from this reality as we know it if one wishes to learn more of the great mysteries of mysteries.

This is the beginning of the rest of our journey to truth and reality. You will find that the rest of the journey is within the inner-self. If you really desire to look deep within to find the answers which cannot be seen or touched in this finite reality, beyond is infinity, and outer or quantum substances undetectable and beyond this one. It is the Oneness of Creation, the *thought* of creation in which we participate as one within this Oneness.

All that "infinity" means "is beyond where time and space exist."



Sorry I didn't read all the pages here, just the first one and skimmed the rest- but the way I understand it, the world and everything in it is made out of magic. (Does anyone truly comprehend quantum physics?) I think many people have an incomplete idea of what magic is because of how it is viewed and portrayed in western society, TV, movies, etc. The truth is, waking up every day is Magic. A puppy snoring is Magic. I can say from personal experience that by magic we can truly obtain the desires of our hearts, when those desires are in harmony with God, Goddess, our own higher selves, or whatever source you believe in. Otherwise it simply backfires and we learn a much needed lesson along our journey. It goes without saying that people who try to engage in hurtful magic only ultimately end up hurting themselves.

A true "magician" then does not need to pull a rabbit out of a hat. If he/she desired rabbits,  then he/she would focus this intent and soon find his/her backyard overrun with them (this really works, lol) 

So we see the results of magic appear to us from ordinary places... and how else would it work? In my experience true magic is not something you do, it is something you are.
Girls rule, boys drool.
If I keep a green bough in my heart, then the singing bird will come.


Anyone can manifest their own magic, depending on how open minded, persevering, and how much faith they have in actually affecting a change in a chain of events in the present that will lead to the end result at some time in the future. The future is not written in stone any more then any prophecies which will come to pass if no one bothers to try to change the chain of events that will lead to it.

Just the same as one can not heal another if the participant does not believe in the healing energy being channeled to them. You may as well try to heal a rock, may get better results.  ;)

The previous post I composed prior to yours must have been typed out during the wee hours of the morning or with my toes with my shoes still on. Late nights is not uncommon for me to do, then forget to recheck before hitting the send button.

Anyway it may be more coherent now that I have corrected the typo's, spelling errors and skipped words.
