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Attitude changes while being on hormones

Started by tatiana, February 22, 2010, 11:35:59 AM

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Lately, there's been a lot of changes. My nipples are sore, my fat is slightly redistributing, and my skin has become soft and brittle.

One of those changes might be my attitude and perspective on things. Before my attitude was like: "Dude, whatever... as if it matters too much."  In some ways, I was naive and refused to socially adapt because I thought everyone should just "chill." Now I see how I was socially inept. I see a clear path on creating and maintaining my own social network. I feel the need to have support around me and I want the people around me to be positive too. I've been on hormones for 6 weeks so far.

There's been a lot of changes in my life in the past month - crazy changes. I don't know if it was the hormones or something else. Maybe my brain is rewiring similiarly to a female. I know women mature more faster and are more social in most cases.

Did you become more socially aware after you started hormones?


I went through an emotional whirlwind for a while.   It has settled down now but I am more likely to cry at films and to cry in general.   Sometimes a good weep is what I need, consiering all the BS that is going on in my life right now.

It is a sign that your transition isn't just physical.   There is an emotional side to the changes.  This is something to enjoy as it is true nature of transition.   Physical changes can be achieved by surgery.   It is the mental and emotional changes that count.

I will add this to the mix, my typing speed has increased greatly.   Could this be a change in mental function?

Dana Lane

I was basically a shut-in before I got on hormones. Now I am a social butterfly. I have made so any friends I can't keep up with them all. I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin now and now feel I actually 'need' people in my life. Hey, I have a life now!!!  :)
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


I've said this jokingly before, but I already cry at the drop of a hat. Once I start HRT, will that not change much, or will I just be a complete sobbing pile of gelatinous goo?

Also, I'm pretty isolated right now.. back in college I was more social, but over the last decade that's faded. I'd like it to come back.


I don't know if it is hormones or being free - perhaps both.  I am friendlier, more talkative, often touch people when I talk to them now.  I get weepy easily but fire up more easily too.  I am playful.  (ME?! :o)  I've noticed that I can keep more things in my mind at the same time - probably because I don't have to keep monitoring my every movement and action to make sure it is acceptably male.

Welcome to Life at last! :D

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


I think that the attitudes that are there have always been there.  When in the closet we just don't let them show or even acknowledge them.  But when we begin hormones they are freed up to come to the surface.

We are simple free to be true to ourselves and the world.

Anne Selene

I think when you've been on hormones such a short time you are awake and noticing things that might or might not be changes. When you been on hormones for a while you just stop noticing them as it's part of you and your personality from the very first start but the changes ARE huge and I still think it is just changes you make by yourself as "true you" is seeing the daylight without influence from your previous social life.


I've noticed that I laugh more, friends in class would make silly jokes normally I'd just smirk at them but I actually start giggling to myself now. I assume this is one of those self confidence things. These are psychosomatic i'm sure.

The other change that I've definitely noticed and is probably more intrinsic to the estrogens or lack of T anyway is that it used to be the case that if something spooked or scared me I would immediately feel anger and aggression at what caused it. (Fight over flight response) now if I get scared by something I just feel alot of fear and no anger (Flight reaction) Thus I'm alot more fearful and more prone to panic attacks than I once was.

Anne Selene

Not to mention for me, I totally lost the power to fight back which my wife always takes advantage of, as a joke of course but it's a feeling and something I never accounted before HRT. For her it's fun because I'm getting totally helpless like in a panic stage sort of.