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Started by Terra, March 02, 2010, 09:21:22 AM

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Ok, I use the mach 3 turbo most days to shave right? Suddenly it feels like these days i'm scrapping off my face! I've shaved for years with one and now I can't seem to without taking skin. Is it because of HRT making my skin more sensitive or something? Any advice?
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


There was another thread about skin softening recently. In short, the answer is that estrogen does make your skin much softer and more delicate.

You'll want to find a way to shave more gently, or else use more shaving cream or other lubricant. I don't have male-type hair, but I do have female-type skin, and I can tell you that the most effective way to shave it involves almost no pressure at all - a very sharp razor, held at the very end of the handle between your fingertips, lightly drawn across the skin actually gives a closer shave than a rougher shave with more pressure. When you press hard on soft skin it deforms and the bases of the hairs move away from the razor blade.



Yep what Kyril said! :P

I found I was getting razor burn if I shaved everyday.... but luckily for me I was unemployed through the time I was having laser done (ok I'm still unemployed but not for much longer errrr) so I didn't need to. But yeah,... I found the more often I shaved the more pain. I got to a point where laser took a good 70% of it away after about 8 months and I just began plucking it all after each treatment. Now I just pluck every other day and shave about once a week. But the quicker you can get to the plucking stage the better! 
Have you started laser or electro yet?
If I could go back and change anything about my approach it would be to have started laser earlier, but I was only about three months out, I started HRT and laser at the same time.

Dana Lane

I can't use a regular razor anymore unless I want to make my face look like the aftermath of a knife fight. I have had one laser session (second one this Thursday) and it made a HUGE difference when I use my electric razor.
Former TS Separatist who feels deep regret


To echo Dana Lane, you really should try to invest in an electric shaver.

wet shaving dries out the skin. Shaving foam is designed for male skin and intended to enhance that rough, pore look that looks really good on a guy.

When I was nursing, I frequently had to shave men. I can tell you, without any doubt, the best electric shaver is a plug in variety. Battery shavers don't have the power. The batteries run down, often right in the middle of a shave. Low power mean the hair is pulled.

I stopped shaving when I was 23, that's over 30 years ago. I let my facial hair grow to a few mm and keep it trim with an electric trimmer. I decided to do this because I always hoped that, one day, I could change over.

Sadly, that day hasn't come yet. 


Well I did have laser, and my hair count on my face is only slightly higher then the rest of my body now. Probalem is that most of it is centered on my mouth and chin.

I could try the light er pressure, but it seems that my hormones might be off because I need another shave by nightfall. >.< Hate being a boy.
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


To those who've suggested an electric razor: I've been told by friends who use them that you can't get nearly as close a shave with them.  In your experience, how true is this?  Would it leave someone looking a little scruffy?


I find that if you regularly clean the blades and use one which can be used with moisturising lotion (I think Philips do a range) you can get a pretty close shave.  Mind you, that was before laser and my razor now sits gathering dust!


Electric razors in my experience do not shave as close as a razor. I've also noticed more bumps and such with electric razors.


OK...I know I've posted this before...but I just have to confirm it still works... ::)

We normally shave in the morning, and our skin has lots of dead cells which have accumulated overnight..

Slapping on shaving foam or moisturiser will usually clog the razor if you are looking for a very close shave with pressure, as it tends to forming a sticky paste on the surface of your skin from the dead skin cells and the moisturiser/foam..

..Sooo...I recommend before shaving, you always wash your face with a good exfoilating facial scrub..

This has two effects...1) it helps remove removes the excess skin cells that clog the razor... 2) and if you have spots, zits or other skin issues (yes we all have them), it helps remove dried skin and smooth the problem area helping to prevent the blades snagging and cutting in (nicks/blood etc).

Don't forget to tap out the razor under running water after every few strokes to clear the blades... the blade needs to move and keep an optimum angle to the hair to cut well....

..if you are going for a very close shave, then clear the bulk of the stubble first, before applying pressure in short finishing stokes with the skin lightly stretched by your free hand...

....and remember to change the blades regularly. If money is tight then use the cheaper 2 or 3 blade razors, as sharpness is much more important than the number of blades. (blunt blades "drag" on stubble causing the little blades to change angle and "dig in", cutting you rather than the hairs)

I use Garnier-Pure "Deep Pore Wash" as I find it has the right consitancy for pre-scrubbing and shaving, but any good "microbead" type wash will do. After regular use I find I can shave against the hair growth with significant pressure and no nicks to cut hairs to below skin surface level for minimal stubble after 24hrs.

...OK I'm rambling...sorry... ::)


Sage Fallon

I use a schick quatro razor whenever I need to shave my face. They have these little wires that run across the blades to keep them from digging into your skin. I can usually get pretty close with them. I also use womens shaving cream instead of mens. I find that it tends not dry my skin out so much, what I use has vitamin E and aloe in it. Then again I also got started on hormones in time to thin what facial hair I had pretty well, so I'm not sure how well it would work for anyone with thicker facial hair.