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Started by StaceyBean, April 18, 2010, 01:36:27 AM

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Have you jumped on the band wagon and created a formspring?

4 (22.2%)
3 (16.7%)
WTF is Formspring?
11 (61.1%)

Total Members Voted: 18


Sooo who has jumped on this band wagon? I have and for the like 3 hours I have been having a formspring conversation with a fellow youtuber about random >-bleeped-< while my lovely boyfriend has consumed his time with SIMS.. anyways,

I was wondering anyone else jump on this band wagon? My like username or w/e is JustMeJellyBean feel free to ask away if you please.


Cindy displays her age and meekly asks what is formspring? :embarrassed:



I am with Cindy.  What is a formspring?




I have a formspring and it's just a way for people to ask or say mean things to you anonymously.
It's really stupid, but surprisingly addicting.


It's not meant for mean things, its meant as a way to ask questions anonomously or they can know who is asking. It's addicting and funny but can lead to mean/rude people which is not cool ..a couple people I know combat the rude and mean comments with peaceful and funny responses so that's the the cool way to handle it. Okay thats my piece :)


I'm with the   Huh? crowd.


Yeah, I agree that it wasn't meant for mean/rude responses, but from what I have seen that is mostly what it has turned out to be. 


Not sure if this kind of linking is allowed, but due to the bunch of Huh? folk I'll take the risk;

If a no go I suspect the link to vanish ;)
Tara: The one time in my life I thought I was happy, I was a f**kin zombie.

True Blood S3E2


I dont think I'm allowed to put a link for it right?, or am I? If i am I will but if not, just google Formspring..

and @youremymainman- yea I agree for certain people it certainly has turned out that way, BUT you can block anonymous questions from people..idk, no one really asks me anything so I dont see much negativity/mean people on mine, but I agree it certainly can be yet another place to breed bullying...HOWEVER, thats pretty much any online community now-a-days, except ones that are consitently monitored and screened for those problems.

Eh, either way, no one really asks me anything but i do enjoy asking others lol. Its just another stupid site but like mentioned earlier..very addicting.

Post Merge: April 19, 2010, 03:02:53 PM

haha, thanks no_id :)


Yes I've jumped on the bandwagon-

People asking random questions and reading funny answers. It's cool. 8)
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Quote from: Laura91 on April 19, 2010, 03:36:24 PM
While the idea wasn't meant as a hatefest, people tend to take many things on the net and turn them to crap.

Agreed..Problem is, no matter the site, our world is full of immature/ignorant/narrowminded and just plain cruel people, so yes it is a possiblilty for any and every site to turn into a hatefest, however, it is truly all in how the mature people do handle it. Like Instead of lashing back fight it with kindness. AND if that doesnt work simply block those people. Oh and another cool thing with Formspring is you can ignore any question asked you want, or report it as spam so yea. I mean like i said with the way our world is anything can be turned into something negative and cruel, however handled the right way it can still prove to be a fun site ... :)

Also, question asked Osiris :D


hehe Thanks for the Q Stacey. :P
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haha anytime. I was trying to think of something and thats what came up lol