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Here's what I think I am religionwise

Started by madisonp, May 27, 2010, 10:47:37 PM

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I don't believe in religion, but I believe in god. Well...
Not the god the bible looks at, a god that judges what is in the heart.
The bible in my opinion should be trashed, because to me it seems more like a law book written by people in an age so long ago, with different customs, (and a different timezone :P)

Anyways, I'm just really trying to figure out my faith. I thought I was wiccan for a while, but maybe I'm sort of Animist, like the natives: everything has a spirit :D


QuoteThe bible in my opinion should be trashed, because to me it seems more like a law book written by people in an age so long ago, with different customs, (and a different timezone

Books should never be trashed and I say this as a non believer. History even metaphoric and fiction have value. Beliefs are the problem.


I'm much the same, I kind of believe everything has a spirit (but those spirits can be anything from benevolent to mischevious), but I can't bring myself to comprehend this 'one god' concept. I just can't accept how one being would be able to create such a random, sprawling world...
And I agree, the Bible should not 'be trashed'. I am always grateful for my upbringing in a Christian primary school (for Americans, that would be elementary school) because being told the stories of the bible connected me so much to the culture of the country I live in. Following the bible is a great part of our history, law system, etc. (not to mention the many references made to it in popular culture that I wouldn't get otherwise) so if it was taken out of its place now... the world would be an even less coherent place. I agree, however, that people too often take specific phrases from books like Levicticus as law rather than looking upon the whole bible as their moral guidelines and using that much broader perspective to live their life.
I've given up on trying to give my religious beliefs a name. I like to think a lot about the possibilities for how this world is controlled, what is behind it all, what makes it tick, and my opinons change day by day. If people ask, I say 'agnostic' because otherwise I'm trying to explain for hours.  :P


I am part of a fellowship that gives me the right to believe in anything higher power.  That's pretty important for me.  I came up with my own idea of God.

There's a good joke that helped inspire my higher power.

A man suffers a heart attack and is clinically dead for four minutes.  He's brought back to life and asked what happened.

He answers, "I dies and met God."

Excited, he's asked, "What was he like?"

"Well first of all, She's black . . ."

So that's my God, and she fishes.    I don't attend church, but I pray every night, and am grateful for all the blessings in my life.  My God takes care of me, got me sober, and gave me a pretty great life.


Well Greg, you can't ask for more than that I reckon!  Good work Hun.  :)
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Hey, Greg, you're not UU by any chance, are ya'?  I was Lutheran for a long time, found that God is bigger than can be contained by any one religion, went searching, and found my local UU congregation -- and LOVE it! 

When people ask me what religion I am, I usually say something like,

"None of them.....or all of them....or both of those."

Yep.  Pretty much sums it up.   ;)

"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."                 
                                                             ~Paulo Coelho
