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Soy Protein and fat redistribution in transsexuals

Started by inoutallabout, June 28, 2010, 09:08:12 AM

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The title sums it up.

I'm currently investigating into whether or not regular consumption of soy protein in correlation with feminizing hormones has any significant effect of typical fat storing in male to female transsexuals.

It is effective at regulating weight as well as altering how the body puts on weight; certainly much of this has to do with lipase distribution throughout the body and the notable effects of soy on cholesterol and well, it's a long list.  All the research I've found has been the standard: biological men and women.  While studies on menopausal women give some indications towards certain effects, it is not enough to expect this to apply to individuals of different body composition both in bone structure and in chemical makeup.

How can you help?  If you know of any studies relating to the effects of soy protein on transsexuals, specifically their weight, let me know!  Also any studies/articles regarding the effects of soy protein specifically on weight regulation and distribution would be appreciated, but specifically on that, otherwise it's easy to get lost in the abundance of literature and published studies.

I expect it will be sparse due to the section and whatnot, but any discussion would be most welcome:)


Hi Inoutllabout,

This may not be relevant to your research, but here goes....

I recently read an article in a bodybuilding forum that found, despite all of the fears that taking soy protein will have a feminising effect on male bodybuilders, there's no such correlation.  Also, a male bodybuilder I know who uses it says he has experienced nothing other than the muscle growth he intended and another is thinking about switching to it.  It looks to me like there's no evidence to suggest soy protein will have any kind of effect on fat distribution - if it did there's no way these bodybuilders would touch it (but of course they're not likely to be on feminising hormones).

There was also recent article in Fertility and Sterility journal that has explored the effects of soy protein in nine different studies and concluded there is no evidence to suggest that soy protein will have any kind of effect on estrogen levels in males.

The journal article I mention above was pretty heavy going (for me) and I haven't been able to find the other article, but if I do I'll post a link.

The only other info I've found in my research (which has been for different reasons) is that soy protein can decrease subcutaneous fat and that you should be careful about the rigour of many of the studies out there.





Thank you for the input, the issue of soy being less effective than whey has been a long debated issue and it is nice to see some closure coming to it.  However these studies are not pertaining to individuals undergoing hormonal therapies, specifically relating to transsexuals.  If you run by anything else, please share!



Once again-not answering the question...but I can tell you soy protein powder seems to make me feel fuller and helps me to stay on my diet.

Not that you need to lose weight-you don't!

Tammy Hope

I need to lose weight - desperately. Can you elaborate on how this is used in an effective way to aid weight loss?
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


Quote from: Tammy Hope on October 16, 2010, 03:03:21 AM
I need to lose weight - desperately. Can you elaborate on how this is used in an effective way to aid weight loss?

A greater benefical nutrient to calorie ratio.

I am a vegan and scientific studies have shown that there is a high correlation between vegetarianism/veganism and a healthy heart, a healthy weight and low level of cancer-risk.

It is not the addition of soya, tofu, seitan, tempeh to a meat-diet that is going to help promote a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body but rather the exchanging out of meat and other animals products with these non-meat subsitutes. I swapped out meat with soya, tofu and seitan and I swapped out cheese and milk for soya and oat drinks. I feel so much better and I lost a ton of weight, okay, not a ton but 12kg.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but it's not soy protein that has a feminizing effect.  It is the isoflavones.  The protein powders are just extracts.  It is expected that a bodybuilder should build muscle by taking soy protein supplement rather than eating the whole soybean.
"The cake is a lie."

Princess Rachel

isn't there the magic bullet pill that speeds up your metabolism to make yourself burn those calories off quicker?  I'm sure I read somewhere they have amphetamines in them which in the long term could possibly lead to mental health issues...
