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Started by Raven, August 15, 2010, 10:44:30 PM

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Idk if this may be the appropaite place to put this so if it's not do with it as you see fit plz. Well I have 2 gifts that I was wondering if anybody else on here may have a well (not tryin too be nosy). Here it goes: I am sensitive to spirits I can feel their presence, at times I can see them, sometimes hear them, I've been touched by them pleanty of times ya know physicaly touched on the arm anything but sexual thank the gods. I tend to know what gender they are and if their good or bad.I've had this gift as long as I can remember heh. Also I have noticed with my other gift when it comes to family and friends that I'm close to that if they are dying or dead I feel it very strongly it's as if I am experiancing the death for myself its scary for me and I hate it. Last time I felt it was when my soon to be ex old man attempted suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills he pulled thr though as I had his folks rush him to the hospital heh. So yea..hope you guys don't see me as some kind of freak heh