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is it possible for a ftm to get a penis transplant?

Started by Everyone, July 30, 2010, 09:46:43 PM

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I have a feeling no one will know the answer to this. but I read a thing about someone getting the penis of another person put on them. would it be possible for a ftm to get that?
"If I have sex while I'm pregnant, will my baby get pregnant too?" - Yahoo! Answers question


Currently,'s not perfected - I don't think at all. However I know there's research going on, I'll try to find some links..

(please correct me if wrong I vaguely remember reading about such transplants)


One cismale has had a successful transplant. He went crazy two weeks later though. It might be because his body was designed for a penis, so it may not work on an ftm. I'm not sure.


It happened in China or something if I remember.

He couldn't stand it for too long though, it freaked him and his wife out. Have to admit, it's a bit of disturbing thought for me (zombie penis. . . rawr.)



There are several problems. Most tissue transplants have to be genetically matched otherwise the the recipients immune system recognise it as foreign and rejects it. If anyone wishes I can expand on how. So, when we do kidney, bone marrow, heart lung etc etc transplants we have to have a very good genetically matched donor. There are very large international data bases of potential recipients for these. Potential donors can then be matched quite quickly.

I know of no database for penis recipients.
So far the transplant organs that have been successful, need little nerve tissue integration. Kidneys, hearts, livers, endocrine organs can function without a lot of integration  (although they do normally) into the nervous system. They can bypass a lot of information because they are linked and dependent upon the blood system.

A Penis and Vagina are different. In MtF the surgeon 'saves' the nerve end connections that make a penis respond to orgasm and keep it in the neo-clitoris. In transplanting a penis to an FtM the nerves cannot be connected, nerves once severed don't grow back, without some very new technology, which is promising but forget it as far as sex reassignment is concerned. The erect penis is dependent on a blood supply to get it erect. This in turn is dependent upon the nerves that allow stimulation. If the nerves don't exist there are problems.

There is another problem that the public don't always think about. Having any sort of transplant is usually an enormous emotional crisis for the recipient. There are often a host of guilt feelings.

In the case of sex organ transplants this may be incredibly magnified. At the moment if I could have a vaginal. uterine and ovary transplant I would love it. If/when I got pregnant, whose baby am I having?

In the case of a penis transplant is this the same, BTW do testicles come with the penis? and the prostrate gland? If not the thing may be a bad substitute for a strap on.

Of interest there have now been two face transplants. The latest was last week. Both recipients had terrible facial injuries but were otherwise healthy. I think one had her face torn off by a dog, the other due to an explosion. Both are going to need incredible counseling. They will never see themselves in the mirror. They will always see the person who donated the face.

Sorry if I have upset anyone, didn't mean to be morbid. I'm fascinated.


Al James

Having seen a couple of movies where the donated organ, be it eyes or arms etc, have taken on alife of their own and started doing things related to their previous body, i'm not sure i would want a transplanted penis. Then again the chance to have a penis that actually had a life- even if it was someone elses might be to good to miss. But yes i know that medically its not likely in the next century or two seeing where we come on the priority list


I'm still hoping they'll be growing lab penises. They're doing it for rats and rabbits already, right? I'd prefer that to somebody else's. Seems more possible and less disturbing lol.


Thank you for that response Cindy.

I had thought of the nerve problem, being rather obvious. Lack of sensation would be a bit of a downer.

The tissue rejection seemed to be a problem as well but I didn't know about the extent which you have described.

One problem that did occur, assuming all other things had been overcome, is that the attachment might come away. There's a lot of punishment, for want of a better expression, on that part of the body.

Might be a little, (again, for the want of a better expression), awkward.

As sad as it undoubtedly is, it is the stuff of dreams and will probably be so for a while.

Like most other things, we all might be better trying to concentrate on enjoying the opportunities we have rather than the somewhat vain hope of these notions.


there have been a couple of face transplants done now so the teams must be getting on top of the tissue rejection issues.
I saw a video recently of a FtM who had grown/grafted a realistic looking penis on her forearm and the surgeons then severed it completely to reattach it in place so they must be progressing in getting blood supply and nerve connections to a transplant.
It looked to be about five inches long and about one inch diameter so it was competitive. Video didn't say how it was made but it looked solid and firm so under swim trunks it would look OK.
Question for all you guys: would you want a penis fashioned from your own skingrafts if it was warm and healthy, allowed standing to pee but had no nerve connections?
In effect this is what mine is like now after severeal years on hormones and a few weeks away from having it chopped off.


Sadly the rejection problems are massive. The two face transplants were computerized 'perfect' matches. One of the problems is that when you transplant skin layers from the muscle up is that you have a lot of dendritic cells in the basal layers of the skin. These are the antigen presenting cells that are geared to presenting change to the immune response.

The hypothesis that facial transplant surgeons/ immunologists are working on is several fold. As far as the plastics are concerned that the recipient muscle and donor tissue will marry, otherwise there will be massive oedema leading to scarring and hence failure.  The immunologists hope that they can near match perfect, induce some tolerance with blood transfusions (maybe) and use the new immunosuppresives.

The patients are desperate enough to volunteer. I can't blame them.

I'm not always sure about the ethics and interests of the other people involved.

I'm sure they are totally ethical.



There is a guy called Professor Anthony Hollander in the UK who has been successfully growing replacement windpipes for cancer patients. I met and talked to him a couple of years back.

I strongly suspect that by extension and modification of the methods he employees to make windpipes it might well be possible to grow the tubular spongiform errectile tissue of the penis, and indeed a new urethra, however that would still leave the issues of nerve tissue connection and regeneration, and surface skin grafting to solve.

Bottom line, my guess is that within 100 years, and indeed IF the human race and our technology survives the imminent collapse of our oil resources which is pretty well 100% certain to happen in the next 20 to 30 years or so, it will eventually be possible.

Needless to say, at present I fear that it is not.


Quote from: ZomZom on July 30, 2010, 09:46:43 PM
I have a feeling no one will know the answer to this. but I read a thing about someone getting the penis of another person put on them. would it be possible for a ftm to get that?

Great question, I wondered about this when I first began my transition, but thought it was impossible.


I have been trying to find a way to donate my "parts."  I have been unsuccessful in this endeavor, and doctors refer me for "mental health" issues when I ask about it.  I do not want kids, and really am unexciting by the prospect of being male OR female.  I didn't realize I would be considered crazy for wanting to donate my male parts to a FTM.


Quote from: ilikepoultry on February 16, 2017, 11:01:37 PM
I have been trying to find a way to donate my "parts."  I have been unsuccessful in this endeavor, and doctors refer me for "mental health" issues when I ask about it.  I do not want kids, and really am unexciting by the prospect of being male OR female.  I didn't realize I would be considered crazy for wanting to donate my male parts to a FTM.

I have also wished I could have donated my uterus and perfect ability to childbirth to someone else. I have had two kids without any anasthetic. They were also very fast labours. 4 hours and 6 hours from water breaking.

But sadly you can't donate. I made a hysterectomy in 2010. I have never had regrets. I did it for medical reasons. And because I really really hated my periods.



As I understand it, FTMs do not have the internal structures needed to support a penis. In the case of a cisgender man getting a transplant, they typically have a stump of some sort left (forgive the crude verbiage) with the needed tissue and internal structures to support the weight and all of the functions. So even if an FTM was qualified as a candidate and had a suitable donor, they may still need an erectile device to get erect, they'd still need to have their natal urethra re-routed and connected to the donor urethra, etc. While you wouldn't have to sacrifice some tissue, the end result would likely have all of the same considerations as a traditional phalloplasty plus all of the complications that come with receiving a donor organ.

Phalloplasty and metoidioplasty are about as good as it's going to get I wager, until 3D printing becomes more of a thing.

It would certainly be nice if we could get donor equipment or swap with folks on the opposite side of the spectrum, but I'd rather deal with potential complications from the surgeries we do have than go through life on anti rejection medication.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT

Lady Sarah

I wish I could give you mine. Unfortunately for you, the meds you would have to take to stop your body from rejecting it, is expensive, and you could never stop taking them. Add to that, the fact that it would lower your resistance to bacterial or viral diseases.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016