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A Quick question.....

Started by Ariel Williams., August 06, 2010, 05:20:26 AM

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Ariel Williams.

I have just a quick question.
With out sounding mean or derogatory and im not trolling.
But from what ive seen, Many Trans-gendered homosexual or as some say "gender confused" people seem to have a "furry fetish" is there something to link them together or am i just seeing something that inst there.

(oh and i only know slang terms i dont mean to offend i have nothing against anyone for anything >_<)


Quote from: Ariel Williams. on August 06, 2010, 05:20:26 AM
I have just a quick question.
With out sounding mean or derogatory and im not trolling.
But from what ive seen, Many Trans-gendered homosexual or as some say "gender confused" people seem to have a "furry fetish" is there something to link them together or am i just seeing something that inst there.

(oh and i only know slang terms i dont mean to offend i have nothing against anyone for anything >_<)

I have to admit I have no idea about what you mean!

What is a furry fetish? Wishing to have hair? With cat like steps?
And no offence taken.

Explain please :-*


Ariel Williams.

Furry fandom (also known as furrydom, fur fandom or furdom or furry) refers to the fandom for fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.


Quote from: Ariel Williams. on August 06, 2010, 05:20:26 AM
I have just a quick question.
With out sounding mean or derogatory and im not trolling.
But from what ive seen, Many Trans-gendered homosexual or as some say "gender confused" people seem to have a "furry fetish" is there something to link them together or am i just seeing something that inst there.

(oh and i only know slang terms i dont mean to offend i have nothing against anyone for anything >_<)

While I'm not really sure what you mean by a furry fettish, if it's what I think, then no, I, for one, don't.

Post Merge: August 06, 2010, 05:31:07 AM

My assumption of what you ment were acttually wrong.

But the answer is the same I'm afraid, no, not this gal.

Byren fetish here, but I do like to draw them, and I would SO be a wolf-dude if it were possible! (claws, fangs, built-in fur coat....booyah!) :icon_evil_laugh:

If there's a connection, I'd wager it has to do with the idea of 'transformation.' Furries are essentially creatures caught between two states...a human and an animal. And we, on here, are likewise...caught between two genders in one manner or another.

*shrug*  There's my two cents, anyway.
"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel."
Peter Nivio Zarlenga

Ariel Williams.

Quote from: Byren on August 06, 2010, 05:44:00 AM fetish here, but I do like to draw them, and I would SO be a wolf-dude if it were possible! (claws, fangs, built-in fur coat....booyah!) :icon_evil_laugh:

If there's a connection, I'd wager it has to do with the idea of 'transformation.' Furries are essentially creatures caught between two states...a human and an animal. And we, on here, are likewise...caught between two genders in one manner or another.

*shrug*  There's my two cents, anyway.

This makes alot of sense

A Furry is both an animal and a human but neither while a trans-gendered person is stuck figuring out what genders mean to them and what one they identify with.


I thought the numbers would be higher in bisexual / pansexual and genderqueer / genderfluid people?

Interesting observation, but I don't think there's a high enough number to be direct link. It looks (from where I sit) like the vast majority of homosexual transpeople are not furries.

This is just my observation, of course. I have absolutely no data to back it up. Being gay (not bi or pan, just ordinary-boring-gay ;)) and not a furry - I'm pretty damn sure my view is biased as hell :laugh:


I'm a furry...and I'm transgendered and I much prefer the guys.  They're not related in the least from what I can see and I've only met one other furry who's transgendered so I really don't think there's a link.


I've seen a coupla furrys on here (interestingly usually FTM) ...but not an unusual amount, just the odd few here and there like in any community