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AS A CD/TG/TS/ there something that you still do...

Started by 1DrkAngel, December 01, 2006, 03:37:05 AM

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I re-read your post and I did not answer your question.... That would be a NO there nothing (except cooking, I enjoyed cooking before and  more so now, I get to wear some really cute outfits while cooking :) ) I do now that I used to do when I was living male, living as a woman has changed my soul and everything that goes along with it :) :)


I realize now that my interests are mostly the same now as they were before.  The biggest change is I don't usually seek out new hobbies.  I just do whatever sounds fun at the time. :)  I still play lots of games on my computer (although I don't immerse myself and make it an extremely high priority like before).  I still like cooking.  I still dislike driving (although it's usually better than the alternatives).  I still like women.  I'm probably much, much more social than I used to be.  But basically, I do mostly what I did before, but as female.


Terri Gene

Things I do which I shouldn't?  Hell,  To big a list to catagorise into major sorting.  There are all those times though when I see a cute puppy or kitten and just want to sit down and hug it to death, but I perceieve I should remain somewhat extinguished of showing so much emotiona envolvement as I did in the former years.  Used to be, I'd simply kick the little guy aside and simply move on, now days I'll go out of my way to make a little animal or person happy.  It's no big deal really, but it does make people wonder when you catch a spider and take it where it can be more comfortable instead of slapping it.

What the hell, Tell me something I do that you don't like, I'll explain it happily and you can like it or not, it's just me, mine and all, everything I feel and want.



Quote from: Terri Gene on January 04, 2007, 02:56:16 PM...
Tell me something I do that you don't like, I'll explain it happily and you can like it or not, it's just me, mine and all, everything I feel and want.
In a word, 'ditto'.