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Whew! got through the first week

Started by stephanie_craxford, August 13, 2005, 08:22:38 PM

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So my first week at work was a great success.  I'm really happy with the way employees and customers treated me.  One funny thing is that the guys are tripping over themselves with compliments though  :D  "wow! you look great" or "that's a nice outfit" etc...  It's nice, so I'll take it, as I know it won't last forever.  Some have been really curious about the whole transition, transsexual thing, which as been refreshing, and I answered all their questions  :)

I finished training the new driver and she had no problems with me being trans, in fact despite that fact that we started her training before I transitioned at work, she didn't bring it up at all.  I'm sure that she is going to do well, and to top the week off, I had to interview two new school bus applicants.  The funny thing was that I wasn't a bit nervous, and the interviews went very smoothly, I don't even think that they realised a thing.  I ended up hiring one of them.

I had my yearly performace evaluation on Thursday from my manager, and it was quite good all around, I was very pleased, and I will be getting a pay raise in september.  It reasured me that my transition would not affect my work, or my employment.

So hopefully things will continue as planned

Chat later,



All good to hear Steph, sounds like you will be building confidence in a hurry.  don't worry about the guys, you'd be surprised how many of them have more then just natural curiosity, but have no outlet to satisfy it without drawing to many questions about themselves,  Having you around changes the context and the focus, making thier curiosity seem more "natural".

Not my style to say this, but "You Go girl!"



  :) :) :)

QuoteNot my style to say this, but "You Go girl!"

Ha, ha, definitely not your style, but I'll take it...

Thanks a bunch Terri.


I ment it Steph, but hold onlto your hat.  A former moderator of Susans, Trish, once cautioned me about my own egotistical self confidence about having all bases covered when I first started HRT in an email, saying there was much I would learn and discover down the road that I could not have prepared for and would not realise until to late.  She was very much on the mark with that.

Things will likely go very well for a while, but as you get more into womans space and dealing with the unexpected, it may throw a few curves at you.  Just roll with the punches and do whatever you have to with as little self debate and hisitation as possible.  It is now life or death, never for an instant forget that.




Hi Steph:

I was wondering to-day how things went your first week as the new you, and am so pleased there were no surprises but good ones.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.

We are all pulling for  your success



Steph, you go girl. Just listen to all of the warninigs. They can be true. I haven't had that much problem, but who knows. There are hidden agendas from some and then there is the paranoia from within. It all brings the self esteem down. Take deep breaths and go on with life. We just have more hurdles in our way, but we can make it. You will.



Congratulations!  I am so happy for you!  (And maybe a tad envious!)

You go, girl!  Qa'pla!*



*"Success!" in Klingon


Quote from: Chaunte on August 14, 2005, 12:58:53 AM
You go, girl!  Qa'pla!*

*"Success!" in Klingon

(Whew thought I was the only one who knew what Qa'pla meant).

I'm very happy for your too!  I hope that when I eventually come out at work, things go this smoothly.  It's good to hear that things are going well.


Congrats Steph, you inspire me. My own work transition is coming up on September 6th, so it's great to hear of your success.



Hey, I'm the one who, statistically speaking, is supposed to get the raise. I'm going to male, dammit!



Good for you Steph!!! Enjoy the compliments before they become "old hat". Things went well for me for awhile when I came out at work.  When my development reached a visible point things changed. Soon I was being accused of sexual harrassment when actually I was the one being harrassed. Soon I had had enough and I quit. To my chagrin it was nearly impossible to find a new job in lovely Fallon, Nevada.(quite the red-neck town if you're unfamiliar)The lack of income made transition quite difficult and, until I found a new job last friday, I had to do what I had to do just to make ends meet.  >:D

I have found that a lot of men do have a healthy curiosity about us t-girls as Terri said. I have found it quite flattering and validating.


Hey Stephanie,

I'm really happy for you that everything is working out so well for you. Enjoy the compliments, as I'm sure you are. And enjoy your new life! :)




Great to hear Steph,

You've missed the main reason that everyone is so nice to you. They can see inside and like what they see.

Hugs Shelley