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Started by Debra, September 15, 2010, 05:24:59 PM

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I've written my story a few different times on my blog and figured it was time to do a detailed video series about it. Here's the first segement:





Added Part 9 - Self Discovery


April Dawne

I've seen a couple of these, I'll have to watch the rest =] you look fantasic Jerica! HUGS!

~*Don't wanna look without seeing*~

~*Don't wanna touch without feeling*~





Part 10. I got a little choked up during this one


April Dawne

LOVE the new avatar!!!! =]

~*Don't wanna look without seeing*~

~*Don't wanna touch without feeling*~





Jerica omg your hair! Is that like a weave or extensions? It can't be a wig!!

Melody Maia

I also love your new hair and avatar! I had never watched your videos before. They resonated so strongly with my own experience that sometimes it almost felt like you were talking about me. It was partly because of the commonality of experiences I found with other Transwomen on boards like Susan's that I came to realize I wasn't just a cross dresser or plain "weird." I'm transsexual. Thank you for sharing these very personal experiences.
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



Thanks girls, glad you like the videos. And thanks for the compliments on the hair. =)

Yes it's extensions. I had it done at a beauty school so it was much cheaper than usual. Real human hair, woven in. They'll come out in like 2 months though =/



I know it is really a "noneya", can I ask what they cost you and do you just treat them as your own hair.

And I had figured you got extensions.  Looks really good on you, Jerica


Quote from: Janet Lynn on October 21, 2010, 10:29:55 PM
I know it is really a "noneya", can I ask what they cost you and do you just treat them as your own hair.

And I had figured you got extensions.  Looks really good on you, Jerica

Sure Janet. The hair itself was $70. At the beauty college, it was $120 to put them in and then I bought $50 worth of products (dry shampoo was the only one I really needed taht I didn't already have). You can treat it like your own hair, the only things you have to worry about is making sure the braids that are tight to your scalp get dry or they will stink. Also regular shampoo is discouraged more than once every few days. Just make sure you buy REAL hair...they have lots of synthetic kinds that have whole different ways of caring for them.




Lacey Lynne

@ Jerica:

Your Autotransography is simply superb.  It REALLY is.  Personally, I'd like to see these installments you've made aired on a major network.  THIS is the kind of information the general populace needs to see about people like us rather than the talk-show sensationalism that is the norm whenever they cover us at all.

Never realized you were in (or near) Everett.  Awesome.  Grew up in California?  I love that state, especially Southern California.  Also, I can relate to your having strong church influences.  I did too.  Like you, I had misgivings about my transsexuality in the eyes of God.  This occasionally concerns me to this very day. 

Finally, your videos taught me to be more empathetic.  Originally, I thought you were a T-girl who has it all:  Youth, brains, beauty, career, means.  Only now do I realize that you've faced severe trials and tribulations of your own ... to the point of the suicide attempt.  In its own way, your life has been very tough on you also.  Actually, I watched your Autotransography on YouTube rather than here. 

It's SO well done.  It really should be shown in the major media.  Looks like your transition is going along most excellently, all in all.  Of course, it is not perfect.  Nobody's ever is. 

Sincere Compliment:

As I was watching your Autotransography, I kept thinking to myself:

"Good Lord Almight, the girl's got MAJOR style!"  I love your choice in clothes ... in make-up ... in jewelry.  Pop City, girl ... POP CITY!  Your outfits ... look ... style ... just completely "pops!" ...  to use the words of Stacy London and Clinton Kelly on TLC's "What Not to Wear." 

Big-time kudos to you, hon.  The Autotransography is brilliantly done and is a genuine contribution to the information available about people like us.  Just my own opinion, but I think it's great.

E-hugs!    :)   Lacey
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Wow thank you so much Lacey!!! =)



Added the final parts: 14, 15, and 16


Melody Maia

Part 16 broke my heart. I spoke to my mother yesterday after having a month long disagreement with her over my transition. We have largely worked things out, but I often thought of you and your experience with your family during that month. I hope so much that your parents find it within themselves to watch these videos and come to understand you better and accept you for who you are. You are a strong and courageous woman and deserve every happiness in life.
and i know that i'm never alone
and i know that my heart is my home
Every missing piece of me
I can find in a melody



Wow, these are really interesting. I watched the first two. Will definitely watch some more later. :)


Watched them all within the last day or so. You are a very interesting girl and I found myself relating to a lot of your story.