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I told my wife

Started by Brenda32, August 15, 2005, 11:16:42 AM

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My suppressed thoughts of womanhood have been coming to a head the past few months.  Getting to where I just didn't feel comfortable hiding them anymore.  I had known for a while that I would be going out of town this past weekend.  This trip would give me a great opportunity to go shopping for some clothes in a town where no one knows me so I wouldn't have to worry about anything.  The plan was to tell me wife how I had been feeling all these years upon coming back from the trip and once I did, I would already have the outfits ready to go.  I ended up telling her, but it was before coming back

While still out of town I spoke to my wife via phone.  Not by design, the conversation we were having just took a turn in that direction so I ran with it. (I'll make a long story short and skip to good part of our conversation).  We began talking about my desire to cross dress in the bedroom to which she was (much to my surprise) very receptive.  She told me that if that is what made me happy then she was all for it.  I mentioned that it was more than just a fun bedtime habit for me.  I told her that I felt more comfortable in panties than I do in boxers and thus want to wear them under my male close on a regular basis.  I also wanted to wear female clothes to bed every night.  Again, she was receptive and accepting to it.  She even told me which drawer of hers I could have to put all of my new stuff in.  She told me that as long as I didn't look better than her she was okay with it.  She even offered to purchase some of my night clothes for me.

After getting home yesterday we, of course, talked about it more.  I told her of my deep and long felt feelings of femininity and that I wasn't really sure how far this journey would take me/us.  I told her that many times I feel more like a woman than I do a man, but had no idea how far this would all go or take me.  She was still receptive and supportive of this exta bit of news, but more upset that this more than the original panty fetish she thought it was. 

She understandably has many questions and concerns for me, her and our family.  She doesn't really have anyone to talk to and as such is a bit more frustrated at this.  She doesn't really know what to do or say about all of this.  I showed her this site and the SO section.  She has registered and said she'd post a few times to get some help from all of you because at this point we don't know really who else to talk to.  I know you ladies will be there and help her in any way.  That's why I felt comfortable sending her here.  I could also use a list of good therapist in the West Central Florida area if anybody has one.


That is such wonderful news Brenda.

Out of all this the most important part is not that you can dress, and feel good about yourself, that would have happened eventually, the most important part is that you and your wife discussed this, honestly and frankly, not leaving anthing out.  This affects both of you, you both have feelings and concerns that have to be addressed.  You both know where each stands on this and what the concerns, and issues that you both must resovle as this progresses.

Keep those lines of comunication open, keep talking,  take things slowly, camly, don't force issues, and enjoy life as it evolves for you and your wife.   Remember that this involves you both

Let your wife know that we aren't such a bad bunch, and I've said this before, we can be a little long winded though :D

Take care,



Good for you Brenda,

Looking back I wish I had taken that option rather than she find out accidently.

I think that your wife will find this site helpful and everyone here very easy to get on with. I still hope to get my wife here.

Good Luck Shelley



Good for you Brenda.
I am so happy for you that your wife is accepting.  I hope you have many enjoyable times to-gether as 2 girls. and that you have some one to shop for you or you have some one to go shopping with will be very delightful.  While I do not have the  benefit of some one to  help me with my shopping, I am sure it will be a big benefit, and you will have many a happy shopping trips, that previously were dull and boring for you.

Keep the lines of communication open at all times, and I wish the best for you



That's great news Brenda,

Looks like now you can go to the VS instead of wally-world. On top of that your wife can go with you. Which on second thought, didn't she say something about you not looking better than her? Hmmmmmmm, wonder what she's going to pick out for you? >:D

Have fun,



Ha!  That's a good point Casandra.  She did say she doesn't want me looking better than her, so I should be on the look out for what she tells me looks good.  She went to Target last night and purchased some cotton sleeping outfits.  Though they are most certainly from the girls department, she made sure NOT to get pink.  Actually one of the outfits is blue.  It was actually kinda funny.  She said "I'm not ready for the pink yet".  Which was fine.  I certainly will not push the issue.  I'd prefer pink frilly stuff, but not yet.  It can wait.

The best part of all this is that we are MUCH closer now I think.  Before it was "I'm too busy to watch that movie with you" now I jump at the chance and have no problem putting other things to the side for a few minutes while we spend time together.  Of course, it should be that way from the beginning, but...     

It's almost like we have found each other again.  Granted she would rather have found her manly husband again and not a girlie one, but we have found each other again none-the-less.  This is still hard for her to understand, but she is making the best of it and doing all she can to be supportive.  It will take some time, but then again, it's taken 31 years to get to this point...I can wait.


You are very lucky  My wife bought a straplees dress  and when We got home I asked if I coukd try it on  She had some idea that I crossdressed but wasnt sure  She asked if I was a trans  I said no I crossdress  She let Metry on the dress but set a time limit  and the other day She caught Me putting on a bra under My shirt and She said it made Her sick   I do wear night gowns to bed and Shes ok with that She even wore one of mine  so I hope it gets better


So far it's been good.  I don't know what the future holds, but to this point (very early on) it's been a good experience.  I think if she doesn't get someone to talk too, she may burst so we're trying to find a therapist or something.


Hello Brenda,

I am so happy with the way that you and your wife are dealing with all of this.  And you are quite right not to push the issues.  Therapy could do your wife a world of good.  It is obvious that she is not confident enough in her friends to confide in them, and she must be bursting at the seams to talk to someone about this, a therapist may be the way for her to go.  If possible try to find one who has delt with this type of thing before.

Good luck and keep us posted, remember we're here if you need us.



Hi Brenda,

I am so happy for you. Your wife sounds so lovely, its a rare thing that you are able to share this side of you with your wife . Cherish what you have.



I'm happy to see that its so far so good :)....

It IS a big pill to swollow, it seems she's taking it well :)


hi i m an 39 old CD frm Italy.

i have yolde my wife too
she accept my fem side



Hi Brenda,

I am happy to make this my first post--as others have already told you , you are very lucky to have an accepting spouse; do not ever take her for granted!  I suggest the two of you go shopping together, and that you pick out the most sensuous lingerie you can find--for her.  Make sure she knows that no one could ever be more beautiful than she.  (She will also discover how much fun we have shopping for clothes--and hopefully it will be the first of many mall trips you make together!)

It has been many years since I first told my wife about my softer side, and there have been many highs and lows.  Things are good now, because I follow one basic rule:  This was my choice, and I pulled her into it; therefore, I need to always consider her feelings first.  The more I support her, the more she will support me.  I plan on being with my wonderful wife forever, and together we will take our time, hand-in-hand, and savor the journey.

Eager to hear more from you!



Quote from: Dayna on September 29, 2005, 09:38:15 AM
Hi Brenda,

I am happy to make this my first post--as others have already told you , you are very lucky to have an accepting spouse; do not ever take her for granted!  ...

Hi there Dayna.

I noticed that this was your first post, so I thought I would say hi and welcome you to Susan's.  I think that you will find the site a friendly place to be, we are here to help and advise where we can, but most importantly to provide support.  Be sure to read the rules, and feel free to browse the Wiki, and the library as there is lots of information there.

In the mean time why not head over to Transgender Talk/Introductions and post an introduction  :)

Chat later




That's GREAT!  I am so happy for you. I feel your joy...I outed myself to my wife 3 weeks ago. I have been married to the Love of my life for 5+ years. My love for this girl is unparallel to anything I have ever experienced in 51 yrs of living. All this said, I never told her I cross dressed. The usual reasons. At first I didn't want to scare her off, and then after we became really close I was afraid I'd lose her, embarrassed for myself, afraid it would ruin my career, excuse after excuse. After we got married, I believed I could keep my urges to minimum. Until recently I have been very successful. Virtually since 17 yrs old, I have lived with someone (roommate, girlfriend, daughter) and have never been caught. (Though I had numerous close calls) Over the years since our marriage I have been dropping what I thought were pretty good clues as to what was going on. I had hoped she would eventually engage me into a conversation where I might have an opportunity to bring it out. I had grown so weary of hiding it over the years. About 5 months ago, the reaper got his revenge in spades. I started one of my usual 3 times a year cycles (dress-purge) except this time it wouldn't end.  Instead it just kept growing with intensity to the point I really felt I was losing control of myself. As you could imagine it was starting to put a strain on our relationship. Lisa one day asked me what was going on. We have an open loving relationship and that night in our room I tried to explain. I told her I had a problem I was having trouble dealing with. When she asked what it was, I froze. I did managed to tell her it was sexual in nature and very very personal. I had hoped all these years of dropping hints would pay off. They didn't...In the end we ended up agreeing we would stretch our sexual boundaries and do a little experimenting. We did. Just not in the direction I had hoped it would to go. A couple of months later we got into this huge fight over what was basically a non-event. This really confused me, so I went outside to chill hoping to make sense of it all. I then realized it was nearing time for Lisa to go to work and I did not want her to go to work upset,(she's an ER nurse and that's stressful enough) so I went back into the room to tell her I loved her, and what ever the problem between us was, it could easily wait till tomorrow. As our eyes met instead seeing her beautiful green eyes, I saw eyes swollen and black with pain and confusion. I felt like I was punched right between the eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, it was at that moment I knew what I HAD to do. While she was at work I went upstairs and laid my soul with ink. I put he 3 or 4 pages of what I knew was going to be the most defining moment in my life, where she couldn't miss it and returned into my room and cried like a baby. Not for myself but for all the pain I unwittingly put her and everyone else through over the years. After she came home I gave her time to read and digest what I had told her, before going downstairs. I had already told our daughter before putting her to bed I might be gone in the morning, but I loved her and would be nearby. I walked in the room expecting the worse. But I was OK with that. It was out, done, finished, the lying and hiding was over. I wasn't going to be the cause of anymore pain.  During the first 5 minutes there was silence, nothing was said. When she broke her trance the first thing said was, "Are you trying to tell me what I think your trying to tell me" Gals it was clear. 2-3 pages dealt exclusively with my cross-dressing. I couldn't believe how shocked she was about the cross-dressing. It was so obvious to me!!!! A few days later she told me, it was about the only thing that NEVER occurred to her while trying to figure out what was wrong. Don't get me wrong. This girl is the smartest person I know, she's amazing. Outwardly I'm 5'11 muscular, 30yr Paramedic Captain, ran my own construction company for years, avid Harley rider, mountain climber, swimmer, boater, ex boxer etc  along with 41 years of experience hiding, pink panties and a bra while in 5" heels just wasn't something she ever envisioned me in. Go figure! ANYWAY....we then went upstairs to the bedroom,  I pulled out my stash from its hiding place in front her...Revealing my hiding place I think was the hardest. I had just giving up my last secret. With the box unopened in front of us we just talked. By the time we went to sleep, many hours later, she was in my arms and I was in my fav panty/bra set. Since then she has brought me/us to places I never dreamed possible. Brenda like you, with all the walls are gone, our love has been redefined in so many new and exciting ways it impossible to count.
"I'M FREE ATLAST"  @ 51, what a horrible journey.
Thank you all ever so much for listening. It has been cathartic. I'm now like a kid in a candy store, tasting all the candies, looking for that special treat. Gone are all the demons that kept me awake for so many years. However I am now challenged with a whole new set of questions and concerns. I found this during my search. I am impressed by the warmth and concerns I've felt while reading some of the posts.  Lisa and I are humbled to be here. Although we don't know the path, we do know where ever it leads we will travel it together.  Thank you again. We look forward to developing many new friendships within my community that I have shunned for so many years.

May my story inspire another souls to seek their freedom,



Hello TVG

Welcome to Susan's.  It's obvious from your post that you know what Susan's Site is for and who is here.  As you've discovered, you are among friends, so relax and enjoy the company you will find here.  Be sure to read the rules and feel free to browse the Wiki and library if you haven't already done so.

Be sure to join in where you can, new thoughts, out looks and ideas are always welcome.  If you have a question, please be sure to post it.

Chat later,

Steph  :)



Welcome to  Susans. I think you've captured the difference between when someone is informed and when someone finds out. I think between yours and my experience both ends of the situation have been revealed.

So once again welcome Lisa and yourself to Susans great to have you on board.
