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What is your Phobia?

Started by Janet_Girl, October 12, 2010, 11:45:27 PM

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I dunno, I encounter it pretty often. But my fear is set off from some things that don't affect others. I can't look at carpet up close, for example. And halfed apples are the worst, because of the seeds. But it's different for everyone.
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Oh, I wouldn't have even thought of those.  You learn something new every day.
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html

Eve of chaos

my two biggest fears would be moths and speed.

i will scream and run from any moth, i used to make my little brother catch them and put them outside for me. and speed is just scary because i fear i wont ever be able to stop. which is odd since my bike has no brakes and when i used to go skiing i would fall over and crash when i wanted to stop


I have a fear of crowds (probably my worst, it's really bad), the dark (only walking in the dark or being outside in the dark, if i'm inside sitting down with my feet NOT on the floor I'm totally okay) and cars (they're just so big and fast they just seem to jump out of nowhere and scare me...)


I have a phobia of corpses and blood. My fear of blood is unusual, because it is purely subconscious. I can see oodles of blood in movies and enjoy it, but if I see even a drop or two directly from the source, I instantly become dizzy, lightheaded, and faint feeling. If I see images or videos of people dying or dead, I get panic attacks. I am not scared of blood, but I react exactly like someone who is.

pretty pauline

If your going thru hell, just keep going.

Lacey Lynne

Living in the worldwide financial-industrial-military complex which is ever more girding the globe ... I most highly recommend that you watch this and think about it:

Love is the only truth.
Believe.  Persist.  Arrive.    :D

Julie Vu (Princess Joules) Rocks!  "Hi, Sunshine Sparkle Faces!" she says!


Developed a fear of electricity after I stuck two pieces of metal in an outlet.
Developed a fear of dogs for awhile after a German shepherd bit my face.
Claustrophobia when I got older.
Being in a tall building which sways in the wind since 9/11.

Riding on a ferris wheel - I could stand going up on the backward movement but would panic coming down frontwards.  Learned if I relaxed I could enjoy it

Also had that dream where I was trying to stop the vehicle I was driving and couldn't, then one day it seemed to happen.  I was pulling into a space while the car next to me was backing out causing an illusion that my car wasn't stopping.  Almost ripped the emergency brake handle off!



Quote from: Espenoah on December 02, 2010, 08:21:06 PM
I have two phobias, and they're both weird. One of them is so weird that it doesn't even have a scientific name. XD

The first: Trypophobia. Fear of clusters or holes. If you're curious about it, google image search it. Most of the pictures that show give me the willies.
Second: Candles. Not fire. I can attend a bonfire no problem, but the minute you light a measly little birthday candle, I freak out and have to go as far away as possible. I honestly have no idea why I have this fear, because I haven't always had it...

Keriophobia - Fear of a candle or candles

And omfg... Lotus seeds. ;_; Damn 4chan.


Quote from: BloodLeopard on December 08, 2010, 12:59:44 PM
Keriophobia - Fear of a candle or candles
OMG, where did you find that?! I've been looking for years!
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk

Jillary Woolen Xσx

I'm Scared of being Lonely

but I'm terrified of loosing my sanity. I'm so scared that I'm gonna wake up one day and not remember anything or lose my mind completely lol
xσX                                                                Xσx



Quote from: Espenoah on December 08, 2010, 05:01:48 PM
OMG, where did you find that?! I've been looking for years!

I just googled for it, and then googled the word to see if it was only that site. If it isn't an "Offical" word, well damn it should be since it seems like people are using it. After all, words get made to be able to suit people's needs.


Espenoah - I swear I have almost the exact same issue with candles. Birthday candles aren't so bad, because they're usually out fast, but candles that stay lit for a while completely unnerve me. And yet I've thrown gasoline on a 10ft bonfire  ::)

I think the issue for me is it being indoors. I get pretty paranoid around the oven too - anything that can cause a fire indoors seems to bug me.


Fire Ants
Heights (but only in things like the tower at King's Dominion in Virginia where you walk upstairs and it's outside. I have a lifelong fear that I'm somehow going to fall through the cracks in the stairs. I know, right?)


Quote from: Renard on December 08, 2010, 07:36:58 PM
Espenoah - I swear I have almost the exact same issue with candles. Birthday candles aren't so bad, because they're usually out fast, but candles that stay lit for a while completely unnerve me. And yet I've thrown gasoline on a 10ft bonfire  ::)

I think the issue for me is it being indoors. I get pretty paranoid around the oven too - anything that can cause a fire indoors seems to bug me.
You know, that might be my problem too. I used to have this paranoia as a little kid that our house was going to light one fire. Maybe the candle thing stemmed from that...
"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." -Harvey Milk


Quote from: BloodLeopard on December 08, 2010, 12:59:44 PM
And omfg... Lotus seeds. ;_; Damn 4chan.
Hahaha, I know exactly what you're talking about! XD

Mine are:
• spiders
• public speaking
• very deep water
• not passing


Your last fear is unjustified, if I go with your profile picture.
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
No more updates


Quote from: A on December 09, 2010, 04:11:19 PM
Your last fear is unjustified, if I go with your profile picture.

Thank you very much, but I still get outed from time to time by people who are used to being around trans folks. I just need to get used to the fact that there will always be those who can tell. It's always just so discouraging when it happens though. I'm very obsessive that way. I still assume that most people can tell whenever I'm in public. It's a bad habit of mine.  ::)


large groups of people [not like crowds... more like parties.]
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

"Oh what a cute little girl, or boy if you grow up and feel thats whats inside you" - Liz Lemon

Happy to be queer!    ;)


I'm not the only person afraid of escalators? I had no idea. It takes me several seconds of standing, staring at the steps before I can move onto them at the right time. And I have a huge fear of falling and not being able to get up in time to avoid those teeth things at the end of escalators... I have had terrible nightmares about really fast escalators where that happens. Up or down.

Wasps. Can't be in the same area as one. Freaky old baby dolls. Elevator doors. Anything or anyone touching my neck  (which led to a vampire phobia until I was 13 or 14 - sanguivoriphobia). And everyone mocks me for that last one, including my aunt who used to think I was just jumpy and not phobic, and decided to stand behind me and press two fingers into my neck... I totally freaked out, hunched my shoulders, screamed, fell to the ground shivering. Every time. I thought I'd gotten over it because I was ok with my boyfriend touching my neck, but no. Mom had seen a hickey on my neck and took this as a sign that I was cured of this phobia, so she gave me an unexpected neckrub and I still panicked and started shaking. Until this year I couldn't sleep unless I had a blanket over my neck, protecting it. If I tried to expose my neck at night I wouldn't last a full minute. I just don't get it. >:(

I cured my height phobia, I decided it was absurd when I was about 12 and started climbing onto the roof. Even if it took 15 minutes to get myself to start the descent (which was by far the worst part), I still did it. Kept doing it. If there was a ladder inside I'd climb to the top every chance I got. And now heights just make me a bit dizzy, otherwise I can handle it.