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I have not began HRT, but am looking for legal councel beforehand!

Started by Bird, September 26, 2010, 11:45:33 PM

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They say its better to be prepared.

So, my situation is thus:

26 years old. Live in Brazil as a male. Will have my first therapy this Wed. I have not began doing anything. The only thing I have managed to have going is a LOT of guts. I am MTF

I am a medicine student, and currently at the 4th year out of six of  my education. I plan on having SRS and getting new ids and everything -after- I graduate. Simply, at the moment I find it would be more convenient because the 5th and 6th years of medical school are REALLY tough and demanding, the "sleeping is a luxury" kind of demanding. I also don't believe I'd have money for electrolysis or FFS should I need it, at the moment.

I am aware that brazilians here must be few, and each country has its own legal procedures. But what should I most likely  do so my legal transition goes as smooth as possible?

I absolutely -must- keep my profession after transition. Not only because I dedicated all of my young life to become a doctor, the financial investment is also high and I will be basically broke after I graduate. All I am going to have going for me to be able to do the other assigments I might need, such as FFS, will be my profession.

So I worry about losing my graduation degree after changing name and gender on my id.

The Federal Council of Medicine in my country is the legal institution that regulates most medical matters, I have sent an e-mail towards them asking for a judicial opinion, but since this is -really- serious, I'd like to know everyone's opinions so I better am prepared to make everything a reality.


No idea of the legal situation of sex change in Brazil but there is supposed to be a very big TS percentage in the major cities.

Have a surf for the WPIGDA website to see if Brazil signed up to provide services and recognises legal situation of TS.

If your last two years of study include the 24/7 study/work then adding transition to it could be a major headache.   But then qualifying as male and trying to find a job as female could also be difficult.

I just typed 'Transsexualism in Brazil' in my search box and got lots of links about TS in Brazil...including Brazil having same percentage of TS as Thailand!  Spend a few minutes online to see what info these links give you.



Yes it includes plenty of work... but I feel I can squeeze HRT in... I really would not like to wait until I am 28. I will search the link you sent to me, thank you.
edit: I can't find the WPIGDA site.. I don't even know what it is.



sorry...mix up... I meant WPATH formerly HBIGDA.  WPATH is international gender group that most sexchange surgeons and therapists belong to...might be links to Brazilian therapists and legislation.


It is a  very good website and I thank you for sharing it.

I haven't found a single registered professional from Brazil, sadly. It might still be of help to me, as I can send it to my psychiatrist if he is serious about helping me.

I think if I contact the people at our large hospitals who do SRS I might get refereed to health professionals who could help me with the other stages of transition.


Is it feasible for you to change your name at least before graduation? That might help having your degree with the correct name from the start, instead of trying to change it after the fact.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Yes it is something I have considered.

But I don't know if I want to expose myself to the university as a whole. Though I suppose showing up at graduation as a female instead of a male, all of sudden, would be an amazing event.

Anyway, its not the name that worries me. Name changes I believe are common place, but its the gender change in all my ids and my degree that worries me. Even if I change my name, I have no way to know if they will change my gender as well, and once I have it changed in my id I think my degree ins't valid if it doesn't matches. I know for a fact I won't be able to have SRS while in university, because I'd have to interrupt it, I plan on having it afterwards.


[quote author=Maiara 

ask around for electrolysis as it should be quite cheap in your country and as it can take 2/3 years to get all the hairs you should start soon and spread the cost over the years.


I found out gender doesn't shows up in your university diploma. They told me they do changes after you get your id and other docs changed.

Name changes are being done here in Brazil, at least, there is jurisprudence for them, for transgenders. This gives me a lot of relief.. you know.. I have many doubts still, but at least it seens I will be able to change my ids, diploma and NOT lose my job.

i thank you for the advice on electrolysis... I will schedule my first session ASAP.