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A Great Interview with fmr. President Jimmy Carter

Started by juliekins, November 04, 2010, 04:52:15 PM

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"I don't need your acceptance, just your love"


Yoh the peanut farmer...

Warned americans about cutting back on energy consumption.... and quickly got kicked-outta office!

(hey sees bad news simply don't sell)  ;D

Julie Marie

While Carter was in office his energy policies helped cut the US oil consumption in half.  Realizing we needed alternative energy sources he had solar panels installed on the White House.  Reagan ripped them out.  "We're America.  We don't need to sacrifice or conserve."  That attitude has really worked well for us, hasn't it?

Yes, Carter told the American people things they didn't want to hear and lost his re-bid for the White House because of it.  That took guts.  Had we accepted responsibility for this country we wouldn't be in the pickle we are now. 

Now we have the irresponsible and immature Republicans who vote against anything Obama stands for, even if they previously were for it, like little kids who aren't getting their way.  We as a country will really go far with that attitude.

Carter is 86 now.  I think they broke the mold when they made him.  You just don't find politicians who do what's right for this country anymore.  Instead they do what's right for them and that means anything that will get them re-elected.

If you haven't seen the interview.  Watch it.  You won't be disappointed.  But you may come away a bit angry at our present day politicians.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


Geopolitics is what I'll be doing for a living, as of next year....

This is the best read on the energy dilemma you Yanks face I've read this week....  :D


Auntie C


Julie Marie

To the issue of war, politics and money, there's a very good scene in the movie "JFK" where Donald Sutherland plays Mister X.  There's a lot of common sense and a lot of truth in what he says in this scene.

In the interview Carter pointed out we spend as much on defense as all the rest of the countries in the world.  The article you linked to said it is seven (7) times what China spends.  There's big money in defense and plenty of power.  The hawks like that power and they will do whatever they need to keep it.  In the mean time the American tax payer just keeps paying and paying and paying.  Why doesn't the Tea Party complain about defense spending?  That would be a noble cause.
When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.


If you wish to bring yourself more up-to-date Julie M...

Do buy or rent a copy of the movie Syriana......

Dis is a clip that tells you like it is, with no BS

Syriana - Corruption (uncut)
