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Started by Christy Edwards, October 31, 2010, 12:27:16 AM

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Christy Edwards

I was doing a search about FFS. This is something I really want to do at some point.
Anyone heard anything about a place in Mexico? They are offering several package deals.
Fairly affordable...


Do Americans still cross the border with all the gang murders?

Check out Tunisia - just across the Atlantic and lovely staff fully trained in Paris with top class European standards of surgery and hygeine.   


From your avatar your face seems pretty passable to me...why do you want to invest into a surgery that might have complications and result in loss of feeling or worse?
If I had a verting-to-masculine face and absolutely wanted to pass as female, I'd wear makeup (well wait I wouldn't wear it, people wouldn't take me as five years younger already!) Or try the best hairstyle that suits you, my mom has prominent bow bossing but you wouldn't tell under all the bangs.


      Christy, I would be very careful if you do decide on going to Mexico. I know I try to avoid it. Although some of me family members still go there regularly.

      I think you look very good. But I know how you feel . I would like to have FFS as well, someday. My wife doesn't like the idea of it though. I would feel the same about her, if she wanted something like that.

     Let us know what you find out. , Erocse 

Christy Edwards

I thank-u girls for the compliments. I will keep u posted when that arrives. Im just trying to get to the point of a day of no make-up,  no problem, I still will look fem...I am sure all understand
that. But I'll see. I may just go with a face-lift. Tighten up my face some. Of course I've only been on HRT for 8 months. So....But again thanks..
Erocse, u look wonderful.


If you add frontal, 3/4 and profile pics without makeup we can better judge how much you need FFS...I am an amateur artist and I am pretty good at "clocking" people (gender and age wise).


8 months only on HRT... I say, give yourself more time !

I think you should wait at least 3-4 months, even if it hurts, before really considering FFS. I've read face changes linked to HRT take longer than other changes, and the older the person, the longer it takes. Even though I'm 19, I wouldn't envisage FFS until at least one year HRT.

And more : DON'T go to Mexico ! Even though it's cheaper, undergoing surgery in a country poorer than yours is not safe if you ask me, unless it's a really good surgeon known worldwide. You don't know how good the surgeon actually is, and a mistake could hurt you a lot for, like, forever. Plus, the laws there might not provide you with appropriate protection in case of medical error.

There's always a reason behind the lower price of something !
A's Transition Journal
Last update: June 11th, 2012
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Nope I know not of anyone doing work in Mexico....

And with the drug wars there at peak, August was the worst month for killing of peeps to date.... not sure I'd venture there?

Buenos Aires has a good option though...

I'm waiting to hear back from them myself, though I'm still most likely to opt for US based surgery... the £ to $ rate is going in my the mo :P


Christy Edwards

Thanks girls...u all have helped bunches. I will wait a few months and see how HRT will do.
As far as Mexico.....U have talked me out of it...So when I do it it will be in the states, probably.
And as far as an avatar with no make-up...I will try hard,lol...I know that will be a more sure way
to get more advise....Thanks