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Identity... something.

Started by Xakkun, November 06, 2010, 11:16:45 PM

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So! To be blunt, I'm not sure if I really am androgyne, or just really, REALLY into cross-dressing.

I like being male, I really do. And I'm quite comfortable with my body. It's just that sometimes I wish I could pull off women's clothing better, or maybe get the courage to go out somewhere wearing a skirt. And I'll get the occasional thought that maybe I'd look better with very small breasts. But then, I don't want to always have breasts. And I really like my junk, so, yeah. XD

I dunno. I guess I consider myself biologically male, I just barely make a male mentally, and I'm far flung from the gender roles associated with males. Best way I can think to put it.


Be whatever you want to be :)

But can I ask, what do you think will happen if you go out in a skirt?

You can be very masculine and "pull off" a skirt:


Sexy :D

Well, you have to understand, I'm currently stuck living in a small hick town in Tennessee. Locals tend to throw rocks and beer bottles at me if they catch me walking down the road wearing eyeliner or nail polish, I shudder to think of what they'd manage to throw at me if I walked by them in a skirt.

But seriously though, I'm more worried about the word getting back to my dad. With whom I still live. So, yeah, that would probably be bad.



   Quite a delema .
Now if your scot you could wear a kilt  or as that pic there denots as i am tho i never did . nore need to now .

As to the red necks thats a shame  pity they dont grow up instead of being small minded people.  shame about your Dad as well.
  i know for me age is on my side in regard to living as a woman so no problems there & being accepted for who i am

You did not say about your Mum would she accept you .
as i dont know the people around you i can not say how you should deal with this,

Do you have any friends who accept you as you  are & for who you are,

as im a lot older than you  i can face people head on & have over the years its not a issue,
are there any groups youd be able to attend as that could be a way of haveing friends who can surport you . as i dont know were you live im not much help, 

tho i do know of many groups in the states that may be able to help.

all the best .

Hi. from New Zealand, Im a woman of difference & intersex who is living life to the full.   we have 3 grown up kids and 11 grand kid's 6 boy's & 5 girl's,
Jos and i are still friends and  is very happy with her new life with someone.


Having just a splash of the feminine in the Deep South can be a real headache. As an inmate resident of Mississippi, I feel your pain. ::)


I remember you telling me that you think you're gender fluid. May I ask if you still think you are?


Quote from: Raven on November 07, 2010, 02:15:02 PM
I remember you telling me that you think you're gender fluid. May I ask if you still think you are?



Thanks :)

My dad's a really good guy (most of the time), it's just that after how he reacted to my liking men... I don't know how he'd react to my not always feeling like a man.

I didn't mention my mom because, quite frankly, I don't really care what her opinion would be. She probably suspects something, about three years ago she found my stash of women's stuff and took it all away without thinking I'd notice. But really there's very few things keeping her in my life at this point, so I don't think I'll ever really feel the need to tell her.

Believe it or not, my two closest friends don't mind. My female best friend, she was actually the one who helped me realize who I am. We still go clothes shopping from time to time. My best male friend, though, while he does accept me, he still finds it weird. I can totally see why, we've been best friends since we were both in first grade and that whole time I presented myself completely as male. Although I am a little self-conscious about how girly I act around him, I know he only wants my happiness, even if he does find what makes me happy to be weird, and I can live with that.

I don't know of any groups or anything around my area. I live so far away from everything that I'd probably need a car to get there, which I don't have. I live in a small, hick town in East Tennessee, if that helps.

Sydney, thanks for that. Glad to know I'm not alone in this hell hole. XD

And Raven, yeah, genderfluid is still one of the terms I find suits me. It's just that there are a whole lot of other terms that suit me equally as well.

*whewh* Man, that was longer than I thought it would be! Oh well XD


I'm sorry that you live somewhere that makes you uncomfortable with dressing how you'd like.  As for my two bits: I just wanted to let you know that a friend of mine walked into class a few years ago in a wrap-around skirt and full beard, legs unshaved, etc.  The only comment I heard anyone make was "Wow, he looks hot in a skirt."  You never know what kind of reception you will get.   8)
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html


That guy's got guts XD
Thanks, that does help me feel a bit better. I actually spent a month in Pennsylvania with someone I was seeing at the time, and went out in a skirt on several occasions. I never noticed anything bad from it, although I'm sure if I'd been looking for it I would have gotten a few stares XD


I'm sure that it depends on your attitude.  In his case, he was so low key about it that nobody cared.  However, if you act nervously, you are going to make other people nervous too. 
Oh I'm a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love

A blah blog,365.0.html