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Another would be non smoker

Started by Al James, November 25, 2010, 07:20:41 PM

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Well done.  ;D Stick at it Al, It is worth it! :)


I am on week three of Chantix.  so far so so.  I have slipped but I get right back on the wagon.


After 40 years pipe smoking in January 2010 I had to quit smoking before a very drastic surgery in March were my oesophagus, my lymphatic nodes and part of my lung had to be removed due to cancer. I had given up a few times before (for lent) but always went back as I really missed a  good smoke after a good meal or a few pints. Anyway my eldest daughter told me about the Pfizer's Champix programme. For 3 days you take one 0.5mg capsule of Varenicline in the morning, for the next 4 days you take two, one in the morning and one in the evening. on the second week you switch to two 1mg tablets a day. On the third week you stop smoking and keep taking the two 1mg tablets. By then when I tried to smoke I just got a physical reaction of disgust. To be sure, to be sure I completed the treatment with a fourth week of twice daily 1mg Varenicline tablets. It is now nearly one year and even now if I still miss the comfort of the pipe I cannot smoke as all I get a very unpleasant taste and fits of coughing. It's like being a born again "Tobacco Virgin". :D
So good luck to you.

Al James

Sorry if i keep popping back onto here but having some sort of group is keeping me on track. I know its only 6 days but in that time ive survived going shopping on boxing day with my wife, sitting at home being bored on wednesday THE busiest ny eve at work we ve had in years and a week of being ' she'd, her'ed,sweethearted and all the other female pro nouns that anyone can think of including by my wife who swears she only thinks of me as male now. BUT its a new year ive started it not smoking and hopefully on Tuesday i get the go ahead for T so yay to a tobacco free 2011


Quote from: MillieB on December 28, 2010, 06:24:14 AM
Well done.  ;D Stick at it Al, It is worth it! :)
Awesome Al, it is totally worth it!


Al James

got my levels checked today on one of those things you blow into and managed to get a reading of 1 which is like super low so im actually happy about giving up at this point


Ha, in all of the time I was getting measured the best I got was a 2!! That's what living in a dirty little industrial town will do for you :laugh:

So glad that you are sticking to it! :icon_joy: :icon_dance: O0


Week Six I can not believe that it has been 31 days when I made the decision to give them up.

We are going thru this together, Al.  Keep going.

Al James

Yeah we can do this. Its weird- feels different to my last few giving up attempts- this one feels right

Al James

So ive just hi jacked a friend and nicked a fag off him and it was revolting. But i was in my self destruct mode and was gonna have one no matter what. Hopefully that will get it out of my system for a while


I know it is difficult to stop smoking but my father was a chain smoker 10 years ago and he stopped smoking with out any help or treatment.
You just need the decision power to be strong enough to do so.


it isn't easy, but I keep trying day by day.  I am a non smoker and that is what keeps me going.  I guess it is like being Trans.  You are because you say you are.

Bad James.  No nicking fags from a mate.  :eusa_naughty: