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Can tucking make your penis or testicles shrink?

Started by captive, December 07, 2010, 11:26:26 AM

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I am new here.  I did a search for this topic but didn't find anything, so here goes.

I am wondering if tucking on a full time, pretty much 24/7 basis (sanitation and masturbation excluded of course) presents any health hazards. 

In particular I am wondering if it can cause the penis or genitals to shrink, not just when tucked, but on a permanent basis? 

If shrinkage does occur, is it continually progressive or does it reach a stable point where it stops shrinking?  I mean, losing an inch I can handle, but I don't want my penis to shrink to the point where I can't have fun with it.

If shrinkage happens is it reversible if you stop tucking?

I tried to find medical advice on this elsewhere, but came up with nothing. 

So, I'm interested if anybody has any information to share, either based on medical evidence or just personal experience.

I just so love to be tucked, even when wearing my boy clothes.  Nothing in the way, all those male things sitting meekly in their proper place, leaving just a smooth feminine curve in my crotch.  In private I love to rub the area now and then.  It feels sensual and reassures me that I am practically without a penis!  LOL.   I am a little bit worried, though, about the consequences of indulging in this on a full time basis.


I tried posting this in the crossdresser form but no one has replied so I am trying the broader community.

I am wondering if tucking on a full time, pretty much 24/7 basis (sanitation and masturbation excluded of course) presents any health hazards. 

In particular I am wondering if it can cause the penis or genitals to shrink, not just when tucked, but on a permanent basis? 

If shrinkage does occur, is it continually progressive or does it reach a stable point where it stops shrinking?  I mean, losing an inch I can handle, but I don't want my penis to shrink to the point where I can't have fun with it.

If shrinkage happens is it reversible if you stop tucking?

I tried to find medical advice on this elsewhere, but came up with nothing. 

So, I'm interested if anybody has any information to share, either based on medical evidence or just personal experience.

I just so love to be tucked, even when wearing my boy clothes.  Nothing in the way, all those male things sitting meekly in their proper place, leaving just a smooth feminine curve in my crotch.  In private I love to rub the area now and then.  It feels sensual and reassures me that I am practically without a penis!  LOL.   I am a little bit worried, though, about the consequences of indulging in this on a full time basis.

Sarah B

Short answer No.

Long answer Maybe.  The length of time that each of all the individual girls that tucked prior to surgery and the length of time that each of all the individual girls that do not have surgery would be would be extremely large.  So there has not been any repercussions, because if there was it would have been reported and known by now.  However that is not to say that there would be the occasional medical issue arising from tucking for so long.  Only extensive medical trials would reveal any problems.

I would suggest, tuck while you are awake and do not tuck while you are sleeping.

Take care

Kind regards
Sarah B
Be who you want to be.
Sarah's Story
Feb 1989 Living my life as Sarah.
Feb 1989 Legally changed my name.
Mar 1989 Started hormones.
Feb 1991 Surgery.


Sarah B

Thanks so much for replying.  You state some sound logic there which is reassuring.

I am not alarmed but somewhat concerned because my testicles definitely seem smaller.  Originally I had a hard time getting them up the canals.  Now they just pop in there.  Sometimes they don't come down right away when released, but when they do come down the sack there doesn't seem to fill out like it used to.

I also have the impression that the penis is smaller also, but I don't have pre-tucking measurements to compare with.  I have always been rather small and all I can go by is the length in my grip.

I'll think about what you said about not tucking while sleeping, although I have to admit I would hate to give it up.  I awaken easily, usually several times a night, and being able to gently stroke that smooth curve relaxes me and helps me get back to sleep easier.

Again, thanks so much for your advice.


Up until I had my Orchidectomy, I tucked 24/7.  Why would I care if they shrunk, die off or quit functioning.  The only thing that might happen is that the sperm count would go down.


Quote from: captive on December 08, 2010, 01:43:28 PM
I am wondering if tucking on a full time, pretty much 24/7 basis (sanitation and masturbation excluded of course) presents any health hazards.


Quote from: captive on December 08, 2010, 01:43:28 PM
In particular I am wondering if it can cause the penis or genitals to shrink, not just when tucked, but on a permanent basis? 

No. I've been "tucked" for several years, 24/7 day & night and nothing has changed. It may seen that way at first if there were compressed for a long period of time, but they fill out just fine and nothing shrunk.
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
-Dolly Parton

Jillary Woolen Xσx

i'm a 24/7 tucker too and haven't had any problems :)
I think as long as you're tucking in a healthy manor and not brutal to your body
no bad can happen :)
xσX                                                                Xσx



I have heard some stuff about tucking not being too good for fertility, but as transexual women, this often won't bother us as the mones do this anyhow. However if you are a cross dresser who wants to keep his junk in good working order, I'd say limit your tucking just to be on the safe side, the testes are on the outside of the body because they need to be at a temperature lower than body temp, it would then be logical that shoving them inside the body 24/7 won't be advisible.

Not a doctor though so could be wrong!! :embarrassed: M x


I'm a 24/7 too. :) I think I've been at it maybe a year and a bit. Length wise, when erect, I'm pretty sure it hasn't decrease. The only thing I can notice is that I can't get it as hard as before I started, but then that is likely to be my dysphoria. From what I understand, like MillieB, I believe one sperm count will go down if the testes are inside your body for long. Or more accurately, the sperm will be made as usual but get killed off because of the increase temperature. However, that is reversible. Don't tuck any more and any newly made sperm won't be killed off.


Quote from: Janet Lynn on December 08, 2010, 02:58:30 PM
Why would I care if they shrunk, die off or quit functioning. 

Because it can reduce the ammount of skin available for SRS.


Sadly No.

What is worse is that all Sumo wrestlers, and 'professional' wrestlers tuck.  And I think they generally identify as male.

Oh no they don't! says someone. Ever seen a budgie in a professional wrestlers  kini. See them all the time in swimmers. Only reason I watch swimming ::) ::).

I tuck 24/7 and it feels very comfortable. I'm keeping the skin as Caitj said for options.
BTW Caitj welcome back, you OK? You're  looking good.  You can pm me if you wish.



I really couldn't tell you if they do or not. I'd say if it makes you happy... Indulge! But if I were you, if they swell or get tender, then I'd stop for a few days or so, that's if you may want kids someday. For me, I find it uncomfortable.



Thanks for replying.  I wasn't getting responses here so I made a similar post at the broader transgender community forum and got a bit more luck. 

Best regards,



I asked my doctor this.  He said it would reduce my fertility but otherwise wasn't harmful in any way and had no long-term effects.

(Sometimes with couples who want a baby, the man will be advised to wear boxers instead of briefs.  The heat of the body reduces the sperm count.)

- Kate
Life is a pilgrimage.


A friend of mine and her husband were trying to conceive a baby. Every night he would take a nice long hot bath before going to bed.  Frustrated they decided to discuss the situation with some of their friends who pointe out he was killing his sperm every night.  Once the hot baths were eliminated things took off.

I've never tucked, although in my teens I did learn sumo wrestlers tucked their testicles back into where they came which was easy for me to do then.  I don't think I am physically built to accomplish what tucking directions I've read.  The shaft disappears on it's own leaving only the scrotum. While this is wonderful for not having a bulge it sucks for hygiene purposes.

I will say, however, during a seeding for prostate cancer, I think they taped my scrotum up on my stomach during the procedure.  It was bruised quite badly for a month or so and the scrotum is now larger than it previously was.  It is unclear to me whether this is a result of trauma during the procedure or over stretching.



Quote from: Keroppi on December 09, 2010, 11:00:41 PM
From what I understand, like MillieB, I believe one sperm count will go down if the testes are inside your body for long. Or more accurately, the sperm will be made as usual but get killed off because of the increase temperature. However, that is reversible. Don't tuck any more and any newly made sperm won't be killed off.
Well, it turns out that's not something I actually have to worry about, seeing I have a sperm count of 0! :o And no, I've not been on any hormones, and not tucked or have any sexual activity for almost a week before the sample. Oh well.... :'(


I tuck and I wish that tucking did make the penis disappear.   I find it just stays up sometimes.   I am 64 and way past worrying about making babies.   I feel that if i help create a life, I should reasonably be around to  raise the child.   Besides I have enough children in my life already that I have been responsible for and am still responsible for.   I don't hate my male parts, I just have no use for them and wish that I didn't have them.   I really don't have any money or medical insurance for me to do anything about hormones or surgery and am  just lucky enough to have enough money to get by.   I also have no use for most male clothing except for shoes because I have size thirteen feet.   I have kept the tea shirts and sweat shirts from  my male days and my warm winter jacket, but have dresses and skirts for when I am at home and slacks for public.   I find that if I don't dress like a Victoria Secret model what male characteristics I have are not as obvious and I can be pretty much left alone or people maintain a polite distance, but off and on I can still have a few chatty discourses with people.  I grew up pretty rural like in towns 95 to about 3,000 so living in a large metropolitan area helps and my spouse grew up in a big city and thinks I am too chatty in public as it is.  I guess I strayed, but penis what penis, testicles out of sight out of mind.   That's at least how I deal.   If it seems here like I am talking to myself, I probably am.  That's me how, I deal.  Hope it helps.  I try not to take myself to seriously, but most of the time I fail at that.
Be true to yourself.  The future will reveal itself in its own due time.    Find the calm at the heart of the storm.    I own my womanhood.

I am a 69-year-old transsexual school teacher grandma & lady.   Ethnically I am half Irish  and half Scandinavian.   I can be a real bitch or quite loving and caring.  I have never taken any hormones or had surgery, I am out 24/7/365.

Maddie Secutura

I don't think it will make them any smaller.  After a while on the HRT cocktail there can be atrophy but not due to tucking.  I don't tuck most of the time.  I really only do it when I'm wearing something that requires it or I'm out with the BF.  Yeah feeling the crotch tumor gives me the willies but tucking has its own way of reminding me it's there so I'd rather just be comfortable and let it go.



Quote from: Janet Lynn link=topic=88577.msg635355#msg635355 =1291841910
Up until I had my Orchidectomy, I tucked 24/7.  Why would I care if they shrunk, die off or quit  functioning. 

hehe.  exactly.  why would a transsexual woman care about a penis  that's attached to her body (by some horrible mistake of nature...if i might add) anyway?.  oh wait.  according to captive, this was supposed to be posted in the cross-dresser forum.  my apologies.  sorry for intruding. 

