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I won't eat........?

Started by Tracey, March 07, 2011, 09:05:00 PM

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Raw celery is some kind of cosmic joke.


Cindy, it's not going to be easy to keep worshipping you, now that I know you don't like chocolate!


Sea food,mayo,Swiss Cheese,Escargot and other various food items that come on a plate that are not easily identifiable.
Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard.

Be positive in the fact that there is always one person in a worse situation then you.

The Fourth Doctor

Lord of the Dance



Vegetables, any fish other than salmon, natto and I'll eat pretty much anything else... I'm craving some snails yum.


Quote from: yoxi on March 10, 2011, 02:14:43 AM
Raw celery is some kind of cosmic joke.

Try it with some peanut butter.


Well thanks, that's my breakfast ruined :-\

Nah, I can cope. In fact, I count one of the successes of my 6-year stay at a Buddhist retreat centre that by the end of it, I could eat celery in a salad without feeling like I'd had my day ruined. Behold the transformation!!! Ahem.

And even when I was a reluctant meat-eater in my kidhood, I could never stand liver - like eating sh¡t-and-rubber flavoured powder. Made being Jewish (more of) a chore.


Hmm I don't like butternut squash or mushrooms.
'Are you a moron?'
'I'm More-winning!'


Anything with no legs or more than four.


Kia Ora,   

::) What I won't eat and why.............

I'm a "Vege 'nut' erian !"

"A plant is just that -which Mother Nature 'planted'- nowhere else to go-
except to be pulled up or plucked and eaten- which is its natural flow...

They're not designed to run from danger –that's why they are meant to stay-
and when ripe and ready they should be eaten or they will rot away...

Unlike a plant, a sentient being  is not rooted in the ground-

they're designed to  flee from danger to a place more  safe and sound...

So if it runs on land, swims in the sea, or on wings takes to the air-
for me it's not a food source – they know  fear  :o and so I care...

For sentient beings once full of life I feel this must be said-
to feast upon their body parts – one becomes a graveyard for their dead!

"We are what we eat!" Some say –Well at least I'm not a gluts-
along with a little fruit and vegetables- I'm quite happy being nuts !"

Well that's me in a nutshell-so to speak  ;)

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Did you ever heared what's in Scottish Haggis?
I don't think I will eat that.
The same thing with french snails with garlic.
But, we eat raw fish, with onions (haring) some foreignhers compare that with eating of living white mice.
We all have our likes and dislikes, depending on what we are used to.


I love pickled herring also called roll mops but what I won't eat is parsnips, yuck.


Mayo, ketchup, mustard, relish, and most other "condiments." I'd rather eat condom-mints.

Squash, eggplant, bell peppers, chili peppers, water chestnuts, most fruits (I really only like some apples and melons).

Entrails (except for gizzards -- I love gizzards), octopus (though like Cindy I love calamari), oysters (I like clams and mussels).

jamie lee

Pot roast ! The best way to eat it is to douse it with catsup, and then throw it in the garbage !
Anything thing that's over dosed with Cilantro ! A little is fine, too much yak !


Quote from: Yakshini on March 08, 2011, 12:46:39 PM
Olives, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, baby animals, anything that still has a face when it's on my plate, mustard, lake fish, and McDonalds.
I was only going to say mustard, then I saw your list. I do like tomatoes, mushrooms, baby animals, and faces; but everything else is right on the mark for me!
To which I'll append my list of known exotics:
I don't like bear, and I find eating insects to be revolting.
I prefer my fish to be sushi grade -raw or rare. Anyone who hasn't had rare tuna doesn't know what they're missing!it's quite filling and similar to prime steak.


Tripe-tastes like rotten rags,

You said it Karen  :laugh:  But I was going to say old bicycle tires  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Tripe is the main ingredient for Menudo, a popular Mexican soup and one of the most disgusting things I've ever attempted to eat   :icon_blah:
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I'm with Padma about Celeri! Whoever put that in their mouth and decided that it was food had no taste buds. I'll also be avoiding liver after that description! :o

There are plenty of foods that I've never tried for various reasons and never will like tripe, brains, haggis or veal,

Root veggies are yuk! with the exception of the awesome potato.

I've kinda gone off meat just lately but still eat it but it seems to rest too heavy.

The one thing that I agree with the bible about is that eating shellfish is an abomination! Brussel sprouts are also of the devil  >:-)

Other than that I'm not picky  :laugh:


I won't eat mayo, alfredo sauce, gravy of any kind, or most long + thick pasta.


After the massive failure tonight, I think corned beef is ruined for me X_X.


How did humans ever get an idea of what to eat?

Beyond, I'm starving and will eat anything.
