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I won't eat........?

Started by Tracey, March 07, 2011, 09:05:00 PM

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For me it's okra, I've tried it numerous ways by different cooks, I just don't like it. What food do you really dislike?

Robert Scott

peas, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, fish ......... there is lots of stuff I won't eat ... I am a very picky eater


Tripe-tastes like rotten rags, and brains-just tastes of salt. :P
"Don't ask me, it was on fire when I lay down on it"


Seafood that isn't salmon, catfish, or fried crawdads.  I also won't eat baby animals (veal, lamb, etc.)  or fried foods (other than the crawdads) or most vegetables (they taste nasty and don't sit well in my belly for the most part). 


I just gotten comment, crawdads are amazing. I wish I could get em in NY.

Things I won't eat...agh, there's an unending list, and a weird one at that. Top of the list? Mayo. Cannot, will not. Can't even look at it, it makes me nauseous.

Also, for the most part potatoes. I hate the texture.

A lot of vegetables, honestly. I could happily live off of meat and fruits, I just can't stand 95% of vegetables.


Lamb.  I can not even stand the smell of it being cooked.

Robert Scott

Quote from: Janet Lynn on March 07, 2011, 09:30:48 PM
Lamb.  I can not even stand the smell of it being cooked.

Oh that reminds me that I feel the same way about venison


Mushrooms, cooked onions, fish or seafood, liver, eggplant, squash. Oh, and I have to second the mayo. I can barely stand to even look at it. Revolting.



Quote from: kyril on March 07, 2011, 10:05:38 PM
Mushrooms, cooked onions, fish or seafood, liver, eggplant, squash. Oh, and I have to second the mayo. I can barely stand to even look at it. Revolting.

YES. I knew I wasn't alone on this.
I had to make a sammich for my girlfriend's nephew a few years ago and he's the only person I've ever even gone near it for. I told him he's lucky I love him, lol.


Quote from: N.Chaos on March 07, 2011, 10:10:41 PM
YES. I knew I wasn't alone on this.
I had to make a sammich for my girlfriend's nephew a few years ago and he's the only person I've ever even gone near it for. I told him he's lucky I love him, lol.

Haha, I can't stand mayo either; I'm suspicious of anything white/creamy in my food because it's either mayo or sour cream! Gross stuff! Good to know I'm not alone in that one!

Michael Joseph

I honestly cant think of anything that i dont like right now, im not picky at all


Quote from: Liam-XXI on March 07, 2011, 10:33:31 PM
Haha, I can't stand mayo either; I'm suspicious of anything white/creamy in my food because it's either mayo or sour cream! Gross stuff! Good to know I'm not alone in that one!

That's the weird part with me though, I friggin' love sour cream.
I'm just a conundrum, lol.




GAG to mayo as well. If it's on a sandwich and I have to eat it, I literally have to choke it down.

Other things...I won't eat any kind of seafood, especially shrimp. Mustard except now and again, on very particular things in very particular amounts. I won't eat frozen dinners because they gave me horrible food poisoning once, and I will only eat salsa if it has been newly opened or I SAW it go back in the fridge.


Olives, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, baby animals, anything that still has a face when it's on my plate, mustard, lake fish, and McDonalds.


Most of the things already mentioned in this thread. What is it about them that just makes them so unappetizing?


For me, it's the texture of mayo and things like that. It's like...a delicate balance between creamy and solidy.


Red meat. It doesn't agree with me.

r e m

Canned beans or peas, cream cheese, sour cream, broccoli, mayo, seaweed, cauliflower, mustard, brussel sprouts, oysters, hard boiled eggs, venison and lamb, peppers, tomatoes, pickles, salsa, sushi, avocado, fish that isn't in went down to the docks this morning and bought it fresh.  yeah, I'm kind of a picky eater.


Offal, Onions, I don't like pork, but I love bacon - Ok I know that is dumb :laugh:. I was offered to choose a live lobster  or crab in restaurant, but couldn't get myself to say yes.

I don't like octopus, I love calamari.

And now the biggie, eternal shame. I don't like chocolate. Ahh I'm now banned from the girls club.  ::) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
