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A visit to the Doctor

Started by Steph, January 27, 2007, 01:15:22 AM

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I had a routine check up with my doctor yesterday.  Nothing special really her concern was to check on the infection and how it was clearing up.  She was happy with the progress and prescribed more anti-biotics to make sure that this thing was beaten.  I also asked for blood tests to determine my estrogen levels so that we can make adjustments to my dosage, either up or down.  She even commented on the "look" saying that they did a really good job.  I felt like saying "I hope so it cost enough" :), but I simply smiled and agreed.

I really glad that we've got this damn infection beat.  I was really worried that is would have disastrous consequences but it looks like that the only real consequence would be that there would be a scare on that side.  It would be mostly hidden by pubic hair and would be noticeable unless you were doing an internal.

So I have another appointment with my obgyn next week and I should be done.  I still don't know how I got the infection as I was so careful with personal cleanliness.  Hopefully I'll find out when the results of the swabs come back.



Quote from: Steph on January 27, 2007, 01:15:22 AM

I really glad that we've got this damn infection beat.  ....  I still don't know how I got the infection as I was so careful with personal cleanliness.  Hopefully I'll find out when the results of the swabs come back.

Steph, glad you're doing better!  Don't beat yourself up over an infection.  I think it's very possible that it came from the hospital itself.  Even if you are very careful, things grow in those places that we just can't be aware of.  I lost a good friend last week from an infection she picked up in the hospital.  It did not respond to any known treatment.  Just one possibility.

Anyway, take care of yourself....



  I'm glad to hear you are doing better Steph :) ...Post surgical infections can be nasty for sure.

  I'm sorry to hear about your friend Kristi :(    <hugz>

  Kristi's right about the infection probably orginating from the hospital itself.  Infections and basic illinesses are very common after not only a hospital stay but even a visit.  I cringe everytime I see somebody in a hospital rubbing thier eyes or putting thier fingers near thier mouths. 

  One of the worst illnesses I've ever had was after a back surgery.  I imagine most people think it was something they did or didn't do but most likely it was totally out of your control.


Steph, I'm glad you are on the mend. Like everyone else has said, don't beat yourself up on this issue. It happened and I won't be surprised if you don't have another different infection of some kind. You just deal with it. One of my friends, who is GG, told me you are a woman now and we go to the doctor more often than men for different things. It just happens.


Wow Steph, I am very happy that the infection is under control.  I agree with Sheila on the fact that now our visits to the doctor are going to be more frequently.  I feel that there's still so much to learn about our new anatomy that I have been asking my mom about stuff.  You have Gill with you, so that is a very good thing. 
I just wish I could post about some of the things that are happening with me, but I feel that all of this is still a very recent, intimate, personal, experience.  Perhaps in the future when I heal completely, it will be easier for me to talk about it more openly.  I don't I making any sense?

tinkerbell :icon_chick:


Tink, you make very good sense. We all have our little personal problems and it is something that we learn. I'm so glad you can talk with your mom about all of this. Like you said Steph has Gill and I have my wife and she has been a doll. I have learned a lot over the years, watching and learning and especially raising a girl and hearing what my wife has talked with our daughter. All that listening that I did and makeing sure that I put that in my memory has been a God send. All the stuff that I read while growing up about women and womens problems I took to heart. That was who I was and at that time couldn't be, but could through imagination. I remember the first time I went pee, the nurse was in there and she started to talk about wiping and I finished what she was going to say and she said you have been practicing. Well, no physical practice, but in my mind I knew. It hurt that day, but it was a hurt that I wanted. I cried in the bathroom and the nurse thought there was something wrong and I told her no, just happy.


There "is" so much to learn and we are lucky to have loved ones who we can turn to for advise, help, and to teach us.  It must be incredibly difficult for those who have to go through this on their own as although transition is hard but so is living post-op.  Yep the infection seems to have been beaten which is a big relief as i think that it is one of the reasons I'm feeling depressed lately.



After a course of antibiotics I use probiotics to replace the good bacteria that is killed off during my treatments. I don't think this website would like it if I told you the name of the product, but you can  get it from your pharmacist without a precription. They keep it behind the counter in a refrigerator, and it has a floral sounding name. Ok I'll take a chance, it's called floragen and it's wonderfull.


Quote from: Jonie on March 16, 2007, 12:14:19 AM
After a course of antibiotics I use probiotics to replace the good bacteria that is killed off during my treatments. I don't think this website would like it if I told you the name of the product, but you can  get it from your pharmacist without a precription. They keep it behind the counter in a refrigerator, and it has a floral sounding name. Ok I'll take a chance, it's called floragen and it's wonderfull.

It is okay to say the name.  Personally I think you could get the same benefits from yogurts with live cultures and/or milk with acidophilus. :)

tink :icon_chick: