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The Official "You Look....Alright" Thread

Started by Pica Pica, May 21, 2011, 02:26:03 PM

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Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2013, 09:51:54 PM

So I know I need to get rid of the mullet, but beyond that I'm stumped. Any ideas?  ???

I think you are alright! :) But if you'd like to sound more androgynous-y, perhaps cutting the hair like the hair not in the curl, and then it "spreads" over your front? If it's shorter, it should be easier to manage it! (but I'm going the opposite way, letting it grow :) )


Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2013, 09:51:54 PM
My hair is driving me crazy! Maybe someone here will have an idea of what to do with it. It's shaggy and fluffy and almost wavy and currently a tad mullet-y. Sometimes the front forms into a handlebar mustache of sorts and I can twirl it. I'm torn between something masculine, something queer-looking, or just letting it continue to grow.

It's not very clear to me what you do want from it. I could make suggestions, but I'm not sure they'd be pointed in the direction that I feel you probably have a good sense of, in your head, but perhaps have not visualized? At the current length, I find the symmetry of the cut a little disturbing, but what's unclear to me is whether you want to grow that symmetry out (or cut it back?) to a length where it works better? Or is it the symmetry itself that you're finding disturbing?

Do you have any examples of styles you do like? Or are you hoping to find one that has yet to see any kind of media exposure? Visual references with comment about what you like (and don't like) about them, would probably go far to clearing up the mystery for me at least. Maybe for you as well?
"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."
- Sonmi-451 in Cloud Atlas

Adam (birkin)

Cain, I've never seen your hair that long before. Lol. Errr. I actually think the length is cool in the back, but if I think it would look better if you found a way to get rid of the fringe. Not sure how one goes about that, if you'd have to grow it out or just style it out of the way, but yeah. There's my 2 cents.


Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2013, 09:51:54 PM
My hair is driving me crazy! Maybe someone here will have an idea of what to do with it. It's shaggy and fluffy and almost wavy and currently a tad mullet-y.

Let's see here. I sometimes have a similar problem where my hair gets too wavy/curly/poofy. Overall a not-good style. That's okay. I usually ask for the length to be cut shorter and the weight on the top taken off. Hopefully, my vagueness helps you.

But I think you look good in this cut too!
With a laptop, my mounds of books, and history handouts, I could rule the world! Or, just think about my self-identity and help the world through being kind and teaching.

Jamie D

Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2013, 09:51:54 PM

So I know I need to get rid of the mullet, but beyond that I'm stumped. Any ideas?  ???

Get rid of the mullet?? Dude, you NEED a mullet ...

THE haircut of haircuts!!  ;)


Cain, you look absolutely, extremely, magnificently alright! :P
But seriously, it looks good to me and you look very androgynous :)
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~

Jamie D


Erika, you know what creeped me out?!

There's a person on the bed behind you!


Quote from: Pleasingly Plump Jamie D on January 19, 2013, 01:14:03 AM
Erika, you know what creeped me out?!

There's a person on the bed behind you!
Oh my gosh, that looks like my cousin O.O If it wasn't for the calculus text book and chemistry textbook, I would be convinced since the hair, clothing, posture, and facial structure look right.
~Sleep well and dream hard.~
~I'm a Z80 programmer!~


Quote from: Cain on January 18, 2013, 09:51:54 PM

So I know I need to get rid of the mullet, but beyond that I'm stumped. Any ideas?  ???

   I like it as it is, looks good, low maintenance! Other than that you might do as I am and find a good stylist. I am growing out of a buzz cut, but instead of growing a long femmy mop, I told her to be creative and cut me toward a totally androgynous look, full swept back sides and poofed up in back. ten grow-outs and cuts from now I'll be close. BTW - I like the eyewear, very nice against your face!


Quote from: Shantel on January 19, 2013, 08:39:56 AM
   I like it as it is, looks good, low maintenance! Other than that you might do as I am and find a good stylist. I am growing out of a buzz cut, but instead of growing a long femmy mop, I told her to be creative and cut me toward a totally androgynous look, full swept back sides and poofed up in back. ten grow-outs and cuts from now I'll be close. BTW - I like the eyewear, very nice against your face!

Thanks, I like my glasses too. :3 I think the main problem is that if I grow it out any longer I'll look just like my sister. :-X But I kind of want to see what grown-up me looks like with chin-length hair; I haven't had it that length in a decade, wow.

I need a good stylist. My mom sent me to hers, and she was afraid to use the clippers.

Quote from: Caleb. on January 18, 2013, 11:14:38 PM
Cain, I've never seen your hair that long before. Lol.

Haha, it hasn't been this long probably since my first short haircut almost three years ago.

Quote from: hazelspikes on January 19, 2013, 12:03:33 AM
Let's see here. I sometimes have a similar problem where my hair gets too wavy/curly/poofy. Overall a not-good style. That's okay. I usually ask for the length to be cut shorter and the weight on the top taken off. Hopefully, my vagueness helps you.

I've had the top thinned before, and that tends to just make it look scraggly. :-\ I wouldn't mind encouraging the wave, but my curls are so big that at this length it just makes, like, half a curl.


I like the cut, maybe looks like it could use a trim, but that looks good as a style, also.
*my avatar pics hair?*  ;)
Or you could do like I do and forget about the whole damn thing and never get hair cuts.
I tie it back if it's going to get in my way, otherwise it just brushes back and stays that way.
You're looking good! Nice to see a pic up. You're always...Alright.  :)


First time posting in one of these "You look ..." threads!

Felt pretty alright leaving for work last Friday, almost forgot to post the photo :D

What do you think?

6 weeks hrt + daily subtle makeup routine (mostly to reduce laser patches)


I thought these were kind of fun.  They are from a shoot I did in November.  I am both of these people, and I am male, so it's not nudity. The makeup artist made the hat on the right out of cupcake holders.



Quote from: VannaSiamese on January 23, 2013, 01:07:45 PM
I thought these were kind of fun.  They are from a shoot I did in November.  I am both of these people, and I am male, so it's not nudity. The makeup artist made the hat on the right out of cupcake holders.

Vanna, you're gorgeous as usual. Have you posted anything on your Tumblr recently, or have I missed it somehow?


Quote from: Cain on January 26, 2013, 10:32:15 AM
Vanna, you're gorgeous as usual. Have you posted anything on your Tumblr recently, or have I missed it somehow?

Nothing new recently :( I took some time off for Christmas and to work on a few other things. I have a shoot coming up feb 4th so i will post stuff then :) I also have to write an article for model mayhem about androgynous modeling, so I suspect I'll be pretty busy with jobs after then

Pica Pica

It's not me, but London was looking pretty alright today from the 69th floor of The Shard.
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Quote from: Jennygirl on January 23, 2013, 02:41:29 AM
First time posting in one of these "You look ..." threads!

Felt pretty alright leaving for work last Friday, almost forgot to post the photo :D

What do you think?

6 weeks hrt + daily subtle makeup routine (mostly to reduce laser patches)
Very alright :)


@VannaSiamese, I love your photo shoot image. It's so elegant. I'm a huge fan of the movement toward androgynous modeling going on now. I actually think it's having a very positive effect on public attitudes toward cross gendered persons.

You picture illustrates how well the unaltered male body can actually be very feminine with the right embellishment.

@Pica Pica, that's an amazing view of London from The Shard. I wasn't aware of the building and just looked it up. You weren't even near the top. It goes to 95 stories. I see it's scheduled to be officially open next month. I'll expect to see James Bond parachute from it at some point.

~ Lyric ~
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


Quote from: Lyric on January 28, 2013, 11:18:45 AM
@VannaSiamese, I love your photo shoot image. It's so elegant. I'm a huge fan of the movement toward androgynous modeling going on now. I actually think it's having a very positive effect on public attitudes toward cross gendered persons.

You picture illustrates how well the unaltered male body can actually be very feminine with the right embellishment.

~ Lyric ~

Yes, I agree completely and have been admiring the images but have been unable to express my thoughts as succinctly as you have. Just stunning!