Community Conversation => Transitioning => Passing => Topic started by: cryan91 on January 03, 2012, 02:08:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: -
Post by: cryan91 on January 03, 2012, 02:08:22 AM
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Cindy on January 03, 2012, 02:23:26 AM
I get mine done professionally and she has moved them further apart and more line with the tear ducts, but they are also quite thin. I have to get them tinted so they stand out more. But you have more 'Brooke Shield' eyebrows and they look really good in my opinion.

Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: mixie on January 03, 2012, 02:24:47 AM
I agree I think you look good the way you are,  but eyebrows grow back and I'd maybe try just a small step to see how it looks.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: wheat thins are delicious on January 03, 2012, 02:35:23 AM
Quote from: cryan91 on January 03, 2012, 02:08:22 AM
What I found interesting was that everyone says that (assuming for bio females) your brows are supposed to start parallel to the tearduct/shouldn't go past the tearduct towards the nose.

Eyebrows aren't supposed to do anything but grow in as they grow.  Society's standards of what eyebrows are supposed to do is another issue.  I personally love your eyebrows and think you are really cute with them.  but maybe I have a deeply buried eyebrow fetish.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: kelly_aus on January 03, 2012, 02:39:00 AM
I get mine done professionally like Cindy does. (Not at the same place though..  ;) ) And she usually leaves mine a little closer together than my tear ducts, not a huge amount, just a little..

My mother was so impressed by the eyebrows I end up with that she now goes to the same place.. :)

I think yours look just fine..
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: fionabell on January 03, 2012, 04:26:05 AM
You are a cutie indeed. Well done for that.

As for the eyebrows, you don't need to do anything with them but I think you should. It'd take you from completely passing to absolutely passing.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Joeyboo~ :3 on January 03, 2012, 05:22:03 AM
You'll look odd if you try to "move" your eyebrows somewhere else.
They grow in that way for a reason.
I don't get it, but it always looks best just to stick with your natural shape.

I'm not saying you can't thin them out, just don't widen them.
My brows come close together too, so do a lot of Indian women.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Tazia of the Omineca on January 18, 2012, 08:22:47 PM
I don't have eyebrows because I hate them, I draw them in with designs, or words, or just some nice almost real looking eyebrows.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Rosa on January 18, 2012, 08:56:18 PM
Quote from: Cindy James on January 03, 2012, 02:23:26 AM
I get mine done professionally and she has moved them further apart and more line with the tear ducts, but they are also quite thin. I have to get them tinted so they stand out more. But you have more 'Brooke Shield' eyebrows and they look really good in my opinion.


What kind of place do you go to for eyebrow tinting, and how long does it last?  That might be my answer to light and sparse eyebrows.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Stephe on January 18, 2012, 09:42:21 PM
I read they should start from a line straight up from your nostril, the high point should be on a line from nostril through pupal and end at a line from nostril to edge of your eye. Most people (myself included) try to start too high, above the eye socket ridge. They should start below this bone ridge and cross over it. The shot in my profile was a while ago, since then (left shot) I lowered where mine start and even in this other shot they are too thin in the starting point. A good way to practice is to buy some eyebrow templates off ebay. I have almost no eye brows so I pencil in basic shape, dust powder over them and then come back with a narrow brush with brown eye shadow to fill them back in.

Still refining my makeup and look. BTW the orange top shot was about a week post op from nose surgery, the green top one is about 3 months post op. HRT has filled in cheeks some which helped with wrinkles too :)

Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Annah on January 18, 2012, 09:48:41 PM
i got to the point where I just haphazardly pluck em now cuz im in a hurry.....but when I first set out a template for my eyebrows I jus plucks from the bottom of the brow and made sure there was no unibrow going on

This is the best eyebrow pic I think i have because my bangs are so long now that its hard to see em:
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Stephe on January 18, 2012, 09:51:32 PM
Quote from: cryan91 on January 03, 2012, 02:08:22 AM
What I found interesting was that everyone says that (assuming for bio females) your brows are supposed to start parallel to the tearduct/shouldn't go past the tearduct towards the nose.

I would not do that. This is more like what I do, but I use the inside edge of nostril as the lower reference point. (

for some examples of how NOT to do your eyebrows ( lol
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Cindy on January 19, 2012, 01:18:42 AM
Quote from: Robertina on January 18, 2012, 08:56:18 PM
What kind of place do you go to for eyebrow tinting, and how long does it last?  That might be my answer to light and sparse eyebrows.

Just a standard beauty shop that does waxing, nails etc. The tinting seems pretty permanent, I suppose I go back every 6-8 weeks? just to get my brows reshaped, and I get them tinted at the same time. Probably because I'm liking then getting darker. It also hides the grey :laugh:. Just don't look in the mirror while the tint is on, it looks terrible :laugh: sort of like Groucho Marx :laugh:

It takes about 15 min to get shaped and tinted and costs me about $20.

I'm very happy with the results.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Seyranna on April 12, 2012, 10:13:09 PM
 Let me enlighten you with a fact that doesn't seem to be known in this thread:

Shortening your natural eyebrows is pure blasphemy. The longer your eyebrows are, the sexier and more attractive you'll be.

My threader and some of her customers are all bloody jealous of my eyebrows because they are 2.5 inches long. She fiercely refused to shorten them and since I was a guy I never plucked too much and plucked the wrong way like pretty much 90% of cis women do since they are like 16 yers old so my shape is the very best and natural it can be. I had a pretty intense arch for a guy though which probably helped to feminize my brows.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Felix on April 14, 2012, 01:14:12 AM
Quote from: Andy8715 on January 03, 2012, 02:35:23 AM
Eyebrows aren't supposed to do anything but grow in as they grow.  Society's standards of what eyebrows are supposed to do is another issue.  I personally love your eyebrows and think you are really cute with them.  but maybe I have a deeply buried eyebrow fetish.
"Eyebrow fetish" is the coolest phrase I've heard in days. :D

I like your eyebrows a lot too. Maybe you could shape them but I wouldn't shorten them if I were you.

When I was trying to pass as female I would occasionally pluck some of the hairs that grow in between my eyebrows, but it mostly wasn't noticeable. I don't think that part of my face in my profile pic looks any different than it did when I pruned it to look girlier. I've never shaped my brows though.

I shaved them for awhile when I was younger, but I was taking a lot of acid back then and reading too much kafka.

I'm mostly german, fwiw. I know ethnicity affects hair patterning.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Keaira on April 14, 2012, 01:37:22 AM
my eyebrows are like yours. Most people complain at me for them being too thick so i find it interesting that they haven't brought this to my attention.


I pluck mine and will usually shape them to thin out towards the outside of the face, but fuller towards the middle of the face. I don't like having pencil thin eyebrows.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: susanewing on April 21, 2012, 11:17:50 AM
Any good salon will shape (wax) them for you. This service is inexpensive.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Dahlia on April 21, 2012, 01:05:29 PM
Quote from: Andy8715 on January 03, 2012, 02:35:23 AM
Eyebrows aren't supposed to do anything but grow in as they grow.  Society's standards of what eyebrows are supposed to do is another issue.  I personally love your eyebrows and think you are really cute with them.  but maybe I have a deeply buried eyebrow fetish.

Wow!! A fellow eyebrow fetishist! I have the very same fetish, I adooooore men with heavy, dark brows!

On women and MTF I like full, natural eyebrows, perhaps a bit shaped but consisting of hairs, not drawn on pencil lined thin tends to make one look cheap, dumb,  harsh, whorish PLUS in case of a MTF it emphasizes male facial features.

Tattood eyebrows...ugh! Way too 'solid' looking, harsh too!

I myself keep my eyebrows dark and wide like Elizabeth Taylor  or Audrey Hepburn had them during the  late 50's, early 60's.

I dye my eyebrows in a mild brown colour containg NO traces of red, to emphasize them....since I have dark hair but blonde, almost transparent eyebrows :-(

Btw: the narrower the distance between your eyebrows above the root of your nose...the more narrow set your eyes will look like.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Jamie D on April 27, 2012, 12:26:57 PM
Quote from: Cindy James on January 03, 2012, 02:23:26 AM
I get mine done professionally and she has moved them further apart and more line with the tear ducts, but they are also quite thin. I have to get them tinted so they stand out more. But you have more 'Brooke Shield' eyebrows and they look really good in my opinion.


Purple might look nice  ;)


Of course, I'll need to go with orange:

Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Edge on August 11, 2012, 10:42:45 PM
I'm faab and my eyebrows are thick and past the tear ducts.
And I agree that you are beautiful. A lot of you girls are beautiful and I'm not just saying that.
On the subject of funky eyebrows, my high school drama teacher had eyebrows like the orange guy except he brushed them up and to the sides. He looked like an angry Santa Claus.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Sara Thomas on August 11, 2012, 11:19:37 PM
Mine have been in my sights for the last coupla weeks: they are very full and frowny (giving me something of a perpetually-peeved look...), and I'm not quite sure how to shape them yet.

I should probably just begin to believe the things I see, hear, and read... perhaps the furrowed brows would go away. ::)
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Ms. OBrien CVT on August 11, 2012, 11:44:32 PM
Mine are so flat, that I wax most of them away.  And then I redraw them on with a thin brush and black eye shadow, one hair at a time.

Elizabeth Taylor had her make artist draw her with no less than 200 strokes per brow..
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Padma on August 11, 2012, 11:47:16 PM
Mine are just Bulgarian - I like 'em the way they are :).
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Emmaline on August 06, 2013, 04:06:11 PM
I dig up this ole thread and cast resurrect!

First up- Cryan91 -in your best brows pic you have a supercute Sarah Silverman thing going on... gorgeous!

I desperately want to shape my brows, but have to wait until my SO has had time to prepare her side of family for coming out.  My side knows.  Being a tad subversive though, I have been creeping mine into shape with a little pluck a week...  sneaky.
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: big kim on August 06, 2013, 07:28:42 PM
I get them threaded for £5 every 3 weeks as I cant see them without glasses,also there's a lot of white ones now!
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Jamie D on August 06, 2013, 09:02:05 PM
The gray buggers have to go!
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Allie on August 10, 2013, 08:56:14 AM
My wife and I went to a spa and I got my eyebrows done. I am not in transition yet and don't want to be out of closet, so there is that fear factor for me. All I did was get them cleaned up and they look great... without losing my masculinity
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Jaelithe on August 12, 2013, 08:58:36 AM
I really like this, I might just print out those pictures next time I go to get my eyebrows done.  I still have trouble trying to get 'make me look like a normal/attractive woman' across to someone in a crowded mall.  'Make these look like this' might just be easier for everyone concerned ^^;
Title: Re: the transsexual eyebrow
Post by: Kate G on September 30, 2013, 05:39:46 PM
I recommend using an electric razor to shorten the individual hairs, either that or taking the time to do it with a scissor and comb.

Thin eyebrows make women look older and hard.  Thicker eyebrows make women look youthful.  Long individual eyebrows can create a heavy look and accentuate the brow, better to trim the lawn than to create artificial shapes.  Also once you trim down the eyebrows you can be much more objective and pick out hairs that don't belong around the periphery.