General Discussions => Spirituality => Other => Topic started by: cindybc on September 08, 2007, 07:07:16 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on September 08, 2007, 07:07:16 AM

The heart and soul of an empath.   

If you are an empath, yes, you certainly can and do pick up vibes from other people. Sometimes  you can tell if a person is in the darkness or the light. Usually you will find that most empaths keep a low profile, they don't seek attention and would prefer not to get it unless it is for a positive reason.

Feelers of vibes and emotions we definitely are and you will find empaths in many positions as caregivers, often for the chronically ill and less fortunate.  We are often nurses and aides, doctors, paramedics, rescue squad members, Coast Guard (especially rescue swimmers), healers, teachers, and in many other service occupations or careers.  We feel the pain of the world around us and we need to help soothe it.

Yes I quite agree that for a lightworker in order to shine their light to those that will accept it, you will find them working in the dark places. One needs to know the darkness in order to trully appreciate and know the light. I do believe that for those of the heart that truly care for an other then at the very least they are Earth Angels.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: az_ronni on September 08, 2007, 08:53:01 AM
Good post Cynthia!
Being an empath can be a blessing and a curse. It's truly a blessing to those that work as healers as often a manifested illness has an underlying cause and a good healer will pick up on this.
Do you work with other empaths and, if so, have you noticed that a number of these were (dang I hate this word) handicapped? I was born without normal hearing and noticed that other senses are all the more heightened, to include empathy. Other similarly "enabled people" seem to have a higher percentage of empaths than the average population, so it seems.
And ever so true, the descent into darkness and pushing up to the light seems to be a keynote experience for empath healers. In experiencing the darkness one can truly relate to another that is in the darkness.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on September 09, 2007, 12:30:45 AM
Hi, Ronni,

Thank you for your response.

Many people are empaths at different levels but most would be categorized under the word "intuition."  The problem is that when someone mentions the word intuition they instantly attach that label to mostly women. They couldn't be more wrong.  Males can be just as receptive to intuition as a woman, they just don't talk about it.

Nowadays you will see where men are equally as capable of being a single parent as you do a woman. I should know. I raised 11 kids through the years.

As for people with impairments, yes, I quite agree with you. For a person who is disabled from the waist down their muscle power might very well go into their arms and upper body, or if they are blind the huge area of the brain dedicated to sight now enables their hearing or feel to become more sensitive. Or if their hearing is impaired their sight will increase in perception.

But then there are those of us who are born with the gift of empathy whereby many of the senses are increased. So yes, I believe that those incapable or physically disabled people would in all probability have senses that are above the "normal" threshold  of any of the five senses.

With the exception of tiny print I have higher sensitivity in eyesight.  My hearing tends to become more keen in terms of frequency heard and minimum threshold at which I can hear it.  For noise above the hearing spectrum I have at times been able to sense it instead, like a pressure within my head.  Some days someone just rattling the dishes in the sink can sound ear splitting to me.

I have worked with other empaths when I was a social worker, one whom was a retired school teacher. I had another friend who was an empath, she was a deacon in the Catholic Church, and I have another very dear friend who is an empath whom I met in Long Island.  She works with learning disabled adults, helping them to handle their daily chores and keeps them communicative.  Her love and care have made them blossom anew.  She and I  still keep in touch by frequent emails.

As for people who are in the darkness, for a long enough time they would not be aware of it, thinking that it is a normal way of life. Sometimes it takes something really drastic, near catastrophic proportions, to wake them up and "smell the coffee."

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: az_ronni on September 09, 2007, 08:24:32 AM
Hi Cindy,
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Intuition and empathy are similar, if not related. It seems that many men, through upbringing or society mores and patterns, are not encouraged to be intuitive in human emotions while woman, as a whole, do seem to be encouraged. You likely have quite good intuition having raised so many kids. I have raised two sons almost single handed and it came as a natural as I have been sensitive to intuition for many years and always was a caregiver of a sorts. (You know, the good guy that girls and guys always came to to confide their fears and thoughts with. And the heartaches of listen to a girl whom I liked tell me of her woes with her boyfriends. Sigh.LOL) My spouse, on the other hand was almost the complete opposite so it seemed that our roles were reversed as I was always there to comfort and nurture my sons, almost like the common perception of a Mother's role.
I am not surprised that your eye sight and hearing compensated for the loss of some of your other senses. For me the sense of touch, scent and eyesight were greatly enhanced. This increase in the sense of touch and detection of energy led me to be quite proficient in Reiki while my sense of scent led me to perfume and essential oil blending.
I am curious, did you, as a youngster often retreat into a dark place to escape the pain felt in the world around you? Being sensitive to other's pain caused me to withdraw as a youngster as I could not cope being surrounded by other's pain and suffering. I could feel the joy in others around me and yet the darkness and sadness around me seemed seemed to override the joys and happiness I felt in others. It was not until I came to recognition and acceptance of my identity and raising my sons that I was able to better handle and guard my sensitivity so as to not be dragged down into another's darkness.
Great post Cindy!

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on September 09, 2007, 10:04:57 AM
Hi Ronni, oh yes most certainly, especially at school since I looked more like a girl then I did a boy, a girl in guys clothes, and with my shy and timid characteristics  of an empath they had me tagged as weird and I was being constantly razed by other kids. Back then they had the boys play ground on one side of the school and the girls on the other. I hated the boys so I would sneak over to the girls side and kind of just do my best to blend into the woodwork per-say.

I also spent a lot of time playing by myself in the woods, that made me feel like this was where  belonged, mother nature was good to me and anyway I wasn't really ever alone. I had many imaginary friends to play with, I mean to me I could actually see them like they were real, I have often wondered if I was maybe connecting with other empathic kids from who knows where. I seen a lot of stuff appear to me back then some that was scary but mostly they were good. I just simply never fitted in with  the rest of the gang so I was very much a loner but most times that was OK with me. I sometimes got lonely but mostly I liked the seclusion of the woods, it became my refuge and my church. I would sit for hours sometimes under a tree and call out in silence for the denizen of the forest to come out and play.

I believe that the kids at school kind of shied away from me after a time because if they bugged me I would read their beeds and not very many people if any like to get their beeds read without their permission.

The spouse thing, the bitch from hell, hey I survived it for a time and at the first opportunity I  was gone with the wind. The story is much more involved then that but it would take at least another post dedicated solely to that particular subject.

I moved to the reservation and lived common law with a lady I had met there when I use to work on rural mail delivery. Suffice it to say she was an angel compared to my ex.
The only reason that that relationship failed is that I couldn't perform sexually to her satisfaction, never could. Anyway we parted amicably.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: az_ronni on September 09, 2007, 12:56:48 PM
Wow Cindy!
I could have almost written what you wrote and makes me wonder how many other empaths and sympathetics had similar childhoods?
I was never one to really play with the guys and their ever so macho sports nor really played with the girls as both seemed to raze on me as I was always the different kid, the one with those old fashioned hearing aids with wires leading out of my ear molds and on down to my body hearing aids. "Handicapped" kids were treated so different in those days and most likely out of a fear of things that they did not know or understand. So, like you, I spent many hours alone as a loner with nature as my solace for I could be myself. I developed quite a kinship with the living world around me, the non judgmental world of nature, most especially plants hence my background in herbology and botany.
This loner aspect still carries to me to this day and, unlike so many, I am comfortable being alone...not lonely but alone. I never felt that I really fit into any group of people and relationships so remained pretty much asexual until I was in college. What relationships I had were primarily ones where I was a caretaker and confidant of a sorts. When in college I was attracted to a gal, one that I felt had so much inner pain and torment and the caretaker in me what to help her, to be a friend when all else was bleak. Over time we became good friends and in turn nourished each other. She helped to bring some focus into my life and was either an empath or intuitive as she reached into a part of me. By preference and being, she was a gay woman, a person that I felt so at ease with as I could be myself without her wondering why I, as  a guy was not continually trying to get into her pants and strutting the typical male role. The first time that we made love, out of a closeness for each other, genders put aside, she amazed me by telling me that I had made love to her as a woman would. At that point there was a subtle shift in my way of thinking and acceptance of what I was and felt some of the darkness depart.
  As to your spouse from "Hell", sorry to hear. Some people, male or female can be such royal PITA's and made worse when married to them. My spouse was never quite that bad but there were some very rough times. I am sorry to hear about your friend on the reservation. Sadly we place such importance on sex in relationships, we all do to a given degree. The years of my sexual abstinence and lack of relationships was painful but it helped me to realize that sex is but a part of a relationship, not the whole of it.
I am so enjoying hearing your thoughts Cindy! We appear as kindred spirits of a sorts!

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on September 09, 2007, 02:57:49 PM

A very interesting discussion you two are having.  I'm not going to disrupt it, but just want to ask what's a "beed"?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on October 11, 2007, 06:43:10 AM
Hi Rebis

"Hee, hee" reading someones beads is an old expression which means like reading their horoscopes without the aid of a book to do so.  ;D. Pleas feel free to join in on the conversation. If you wish to familiarize yourself with the metaphysical and spiritual part of this phenomena may I suggest you read the links that David so kindly posted for me. My apology for the misspell for beads.

There is a lot attached to these gifts that may for some who are not familiar with it sound "far out!", and at times sounding like something out of a sci-fi novel or for instance Deanna Troi on Star Ship Enterprise - D. She was a good characterization for an empath. I had fifty five years experience as an Empath but only just became aware of what being an empath was about in the past ten years, so I am basically still learning what the nature of being an empath is. Yet I still consider myself a novice at it. We do not know nor could we explain to anyone what the mechanics of empathy are, they just happen.

I have been to many other groups that dealt with the phenomena of Indigo, spiritualists, covens, pagans, etc. But I feel more comfortable identifying as the humble empath.  To me where I thought and felt empathy for so many years to be a curse turned out to be my best teacher of all in learning who truly resided within. So this is why I thought I would change the title to this thread to Empaths and Transitioning.

Learning about the path that an empath walks may be challenging for some but not impossible to learn what being an empath is.

Humbly yours


Posted on: September 09, 2007, 07:57:55 PM
Hi Ronnie, I don't think much has changed in the school yard except that the bullies when I was in school used their feet and fists to beat me up. They now tote guns and a whole array of other types of concealed weapons to school with them. It isn't surprising that mom's do more homeschooling with their children instead of sending them to public school. Many of these are supposed to be kids that are classified as having learning disabilities. Then it is discovered that many of these children have an over average IQ. They just see and perceive things differently then the average student. These are the gifted children who are growing more in numbers every year.

"Hee, hee," most any close friends I had were girls, especially this one girl I met while walking in the woods at school during recess. She was also a reject from the other kids and we hit it off right on the spot and became the best of friends. She was a street fighter and not many would bother her, she had two brothers and they had trained her well in the art of street fighting..  :D
So we ran together terrorizing the neighborhood with our mischievousness, "hee, hee.". It felt so good and so liberating to be running the streets with her. I was in my early teens then and had let my hair grow down to butt length so I quite passed as a girl by people who didn't know me personally.

We may have performed many mischievous acts but never anything serious enough to get picked up by the cops, well this one cop did sometimes, he would give us a lecture and a finger waging while Helen and I pressed up against each other against the passenger door and putting out on the pouting act pretty good. He would then drive us home but never without a stop somewhere along the way to buy us treats.

Basically he was our friend, hmmmm I remember thinking how cute he was. I also met a girl, her name was Tracy and she had three kids, I had them in my care for two years while she was ill.
Anyway there were some nights when she was at my place with the three kids and we would all share the same bed, me being like a kid myself of course there had to be the old wrestling matches and tickling sessions with the kids, that was my way, a fun way really of wearing them out so they would sleep. One morning Tracy told me that she found it strange. actually a neat strange to be sleeping with a guy that didn't come on to her for sex.  I had never even really gave it a thought. I have not had sex with anyone since i left my ex girlfriend 20 years ago and don't really miss it, I don't even think of it, but it's nice to know that the excess baggage down there is no longer there.



A Manual For Empathy

Posted on: September 09, 2007, 09:30:03 PM
This manual is designed for practical use by empaths. This
instruction will primarily deal with generalized empathic influence
and situations. Emotions and energy fields may be modified by empaths
to handle personal activities, relationships and surroundings.

We all receive and send feelings which influence us and others.
Empaths learn more emotions and utilize feelings better as we
develop. Most of this learning is natural but an empath may need more
to be fulfilled. Learning requires evaluation and implementation of

An empath is an active and radiating influence. As empaths, we
influence with fields of energy. The effects are over an area and not
at a specific point. These radiance's affect us as well as others and
linger for some duration.

Before initiating any activity; always look ahead to the overall and
eventual effects. Look for ways to guide the operation to a
successful and mutually beneficial result. This knowing will
generally be received in an instant. Empathic forces are dynamic and
will change over time.

An empath deals with the physical world mainly by using emotional
influence. We confidently blend in with all environments. Empaths are
aware of the forces that influence a situation. We adapt and create
favorable results. Empaths are more interested in the overall effect
rather than specific objectives.

With practice, empathic influence becomes automatic which is
different from simply reacting. The situation will be brought to our
attention, but generally we simply acknowledge that what we are doing
is correct. The actual process is complex and based on numerous
factors although the action appears simple when viewed from a higher
level prospective.

There is always something new to learn and integrate. Whatever level
we reach, there is always one level higher. We have to determine at
what level we can function contently. Continuous innovation and
improvement becomes natural and a constant source of stimulation.
Empaths can become more proficient or refuse and never fully reach
their potential.

An empath influences with the projection of inviting energy. No one
likes to be forced into doing something. If others don't show
interest, it is time to either enhance your offering or move on.
Empaths are always changing and radiating improved energy fields and

Refine emotional delivery and presence. Emotions behind words are
more important than what you are saying. Expand emotional vocabulary
and empathic influence. An empath is able to change their level of
intensity and sensitivity.

The more invested in the physical side of life, the less we are
involved in the emotional level. Being prepared is an aid to
accomplishing anything more quickly and effectively. Adapt favorable
results to become more successful in endeavors and relationships.

It is difficult to isolate only the empathic affects since feelings
are interlinked with physical, mental and other influences. An empath
is aware of that fact and accepts that proficiency will take learning
and practice.

Look for others who want to play games at the same level of activity.
When we find someone, this will probably be the relationship that we
want to develop. There aren't that many compatible empaths around.

Empaths practice with people in public to gain experience and
harmonize into society. Don't stare or attract attention! There is no
need become we mainly function beyond the physical level. I can not
emphasize this too much; the influence of an empath should be
natural, harmonious and go unnoticed.

Send pleasant feelings which are mutually beneficial or entertaining
so we can feel contented afterward. This allows empaths to develop
and increase our own satisfaction and the enjoyment of those around

Lasting relationships are important to empaths. Having to start over
and over at the base level is undesirable. Make sure we are giving
proper emphasis to the activity, operation or influencing effects.
Giving appropriate value to objectives keeps us from expending
exorbitant amounts of energy and effort on less productive
activities. Effectively using our abilities require looking ahead
before becoming involved.


Coping is an initial skill that is learned so you can perceive
clearly and act effectively. Coping and becoming comfortable in your
environment takes practice.

Empath Practice:
Project outward into conflicts and situations instead of avoiding
them. This is from the mental level which directs emotional
influence. Empathic emanation requires charging the aura and drawing
power from higher levels. Breathing is helpful to develop the desired
surrounding energy field.

Feel an area of force radiating from your forehead. There will also
be a shift in consciousness to another level and enhanced clarity.
Apply this inner influence when proceeding into a situation. Take the
time to make the result harmonious and natural.

Access this influence attitude and adjust level when entering into a


Empath Practice:
Think back to the first effective coping skill used as a small child
when you met others and entered into a new situation. If you
answered, become afraid, cry and run to your mother, keep thinking!

Small children will smile at everyone they meet. This will serve in
almost any situation. Become aware of the response, we will need many
more skills later but this is an excellent start. If you can't recall
the innocent shy smile then go into public and watch as children
smile at you. Smile back! Keep your energy glow at the same level as
the child or person for a few seconds. Then move on!

A smile should generally last from 4 to 5 seconds. The glow should be
pleasant, sincere and without any other intent. Enjoy the moment
before returning to a normal contented state.

The smile should show that we are friendly and not looking for a
confrontation. We are going with the flow. Harmonize with any area we
go into. Some successes will booster our confidence. An empath
attempts to uplift the surroundings to a comfortable level. It is
easy to react, but more difficult to think and respond in an
appropriate manner.

Smile at a few people and be aware of the response!


Edited by Cynthia L. Groulx on Oct 7, 2007 at 1:10 PM
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 17, 2007, 06:30:58 PM
Hi, Cindy!

I have a question (we've been discussing this in the Androgyne section), but I think my question should go over here (although it would fit over there as well...I'm horribly indecisive sometimes).  I am assuming here that children are very good with empathy...That's what I've always heard, so that's the assumption I am making.  (also, if you've already covered anything I'm writing...I'm ashamed to say that I didn't read all the posts on this page...they are kind of long and I sometimes have trouble focusing when I'm reading...sorry :))

Since children are good empaths and since androgyne people seem to maintain a childlike disposition, is that something that makes androgynes good empaths?

Well...okay, so I kind of answered my own question.  But I guess I'm wondering if the part of the brain that makes us androgyne is the part that keeps us childlike and if that is the part of the brain that controls empathy.  Do you know if there have been any neurological studies on empathy in children?

I think it would be interesting to look at parallels between studies of empathy in children, studies of androgyne people, and studies of empathy in androgyne people. 

Maybe I just like brains.  Zombie Jaimey.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 17, 2007, 09:58:37 PM
Hi, Jaimy, glad you dropped by!

First off, I will tell you something that is quite obvious, this by my own observation, not necessarily anyone else's, and that is for the short time I have been in the adrogyne group, is that there are strong ties that bind you all as one. The emotions, feelings, and compassion that have been exhibited is strong among the members.

I have searched the better part of two countries for such as people as I have found who call themselves androgynous folks. I've never met others such as I have in this androgyne group  until I came to Susan's message board. I think it is wonderful and I feel quite honored to have met you all, I also wish I could hug you all. I have never seen people with such sensitivities anywhere else before.

I believe one is born with the gift of empathy, and I certainly believe that some certain people can become aware and be in harmony with the elements around them. There are folks whose empathy can vary greatly from one person to another depending on how evolved they are. But this should have nothing to do hierarchies. All empaths are equal and they need to be themselves until the conditioning that one gets from the rest of the world can be "tuned-out".  This can greatly affect the ability to find and lock-into the different sources of energy that are all around us.

But for some odd reason these sensitivities never go away.  They may go dormant, like they did me.  For a good many years I suppressed them within. There has been some documentation about empaths and there is a goodly amount of information on the Internet but if I scientifically documented what I have felt and seen, I am not certain what it would prove. But it has been around for a good many years, maybe as old as the study of Wicca witchcraft Or how about Native American native traditions?  Many of these classifications kind of blurred together during the colonial years in North America.

Lastly, I certainly wouldn't be the one to say that androgynes cannot be compared, I strongly believe that there is a very good possibility that one could be correlated with another,     

As to why do some who remain child-like within is, well it is a good possibility because it was a way to hide from, what is called reality, being a loner, living in seclusion, rejected by society, abuse. These are also the environment that an empath grows up in. What is real?  The man made reality?  I am quite child-like and wouldn't have it any other way, it's more fun and that's what kept me alive. 

Childhood trauma or any type of trauma growing up can affect the way one defines their reality. I don't really know that I am, at this point in my life, androgynoys.  Although I am a woman and I have done the whole 9 yards to be a woman, and feel comfortable being a woman, I can't say I am a woman in 100% certainty.  There is the androgyne within me that feels welcome in your company. 

I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where BEFORE the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap which becomes a good part of our life style and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold into accepting as a normal part of our life. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitive who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 18, 2007, 05:06:28 PM
Thanks, Cindy!

I don't really know a whole lot about empathy except what's on here and what little I read when I worked at a bookstore.  To be honest, I hadn't thought a lot about the fact that I was sensitive to other people until my high school English teacher started talking about how children can sense if a person is good or bad when they come into contact with them and then she went on to say that people suppress those feelings and by the time we are adults, we ignore them entirely.  She also told us to pay attention to our 'gut' whenever we felt something and to trust it.  Of course at that time, I had no idea I was androgyne and I was mostly a hollow shell of a person (but that's a whole other story  ;)).  I used to think that I was ftm, but then I realized that I would be in the same situation no matter what body I was in and I also had times when I felt more feminine than masculine, i.e., I have a strong desire to be a mother, etc.  So after some research, I figured out that I was androgyne and since then, a lot of stuff has been coming back, like the stuff my teacher told me. 

I am more sensitive to things like a person's mood, tone of voice, things like that.  I can also see through anyone if they aren't being themselves.  I have also been studying Doreen Virtue and learning about our angels and things like that.  I've been using her Archangel Oracle cards and I do think that you can communicate with Angels (though I would like to point out that it's totally spiritual and not religious...I don't want anyone thinking I'm a bible thumper  ;)).  At any rate, I'm still pretty new to all of this, the androgyne and empathy.  And I'm the type who wants to know everything, the cause/traits/etc.

Thanks for the info!  I'd love to discuss empathy more with you.  I'm still learning to see and hear more clearly.


...never tried to figure out the color of the president's underwear though.  ;D
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 03:51:43 AM
Hi, Jaimey,

Well for one, your teacher was quite right.  I wish that I could meet that teacher. As for angels, I believe there are such entities. All that is really known or suspected is that there are many different levels of vibrational energy in and all around us. If one becomes aware of these energy fields they can become aware that they are all part of various quantum densities of the electromagnetic grids or a matrix. The consciousness will vibrate at a higher state of awareness.

The angels could easily be extraterrestrial beings, regardless of what we call them, and are likely from outside of our planetary environment. These dimensions are separated only by a thin grey veil, other realities vibrating by a micro second apart. As we become aware of each inter dimensional level our human psyche continues to awaken.

Dorene Virtue is a good writer. I have met many other empaths and Indigo's during my travels on the Internet and I have come to share this opinion.  Many of the gifted people I have met, (including myself) have gone through the trauma of abuse by either parents or spouse and rape as well. I don't know that having gone through those types drastic experiences has or has not  have any bearing on the sensitivities, but it does appear to have something in common with our prior and present lives.

All exhibit intuitions and psychic phenomena that empaths exhibit at varying degrees. And these gifts appear to be more prevalent among the women than the men. Being androgynous is not one of the easiest things to be at peace with in this life. I  am not certain except there appears to be a constant correlation happening there. if there is then many of these gifts are sensitised through or during the troubled years.     

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on November 19, 2007, 06:52:54 PM
Quote from: cindybc on November 17, 2007, 09:58:37 PM
I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap we that becomes our life style nearly and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold with. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitives who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.

I believe the white noise is generated by a restless group who feel compelled to thrust their wants & desires and their miseries into the faces of everyone else.  They are not happy people, for the most part, and their energies are beyond their control.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 08:42:11 PM
Yes, you are quite right. Those greedy for power and money certainly wouldn't want to see the "sheeple" take control, so we are controlled, only allowed to grow to a degree that won't disturb the "ruling class," or as I like to call them, "little tin gods." and we are in a caste system of their design.

Politics is a term describing not only the various governments.  Every hierarchical organization has its politics.  I don't speak politics too well but it is no doubt to me that the politics of governments and corporations control the politicians. They are what is called a cabal.

The cabal conspires on matters of war, economics, industry, developments in the sciences, the money and banking, and how we live our lives.

The cabal wants us to continue a status-based existence, living like crabs in a bucket: when one crab gets near to the top of the rim of the bucket, the others pull it back down, the government collect the tax it owes, the corporations continue their price-gouging, and someone believing in the politics of envy sleeps better that night for having caught an escaping crab.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Shana A on November 19, 2007, 08:53:28 PM
Quote from: cindybc on November 17, 2007, 09:58:37 PM

I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap we that becomes our life style nearly and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold with. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitives who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.


The white noise is a distraction to keep people from thinking for themselves. 1% of the population controls around 40% of the world's resources. They're doing great damage to our planet in the process of using up all its resources, and have no concern for the future, only greed for more profit and power. If everyone woke up to the way things really are, there would be a revolution. The people in power need to keep us all from realizing the truth, and are constantly selling us stuff/ideas/ways of life that we don't really need.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 10:04:13 PM
I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains, and to be in power requires brains. As evil and greedy as they are, it would still be necessary for these people to be smart or cunning. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves, too, their kids and everyone.

I believe that something is taking place in the process of human evolution.

Before the flood, the first civilization was much more  evolved than we are today, like the abilities to move mountains telekinetically. Something abruptly brought the fall of these great people, scattered them everywhere. They degenerated back into murk of prehistory. Now let us suppose that homo sapiens once more emerge out the mists of past and resumes the position of modern humanity. This is only a possible presentation of what may have been, I read a lot of books and have a fertile imagination. The human psyche again began to evolve, to the point where some are actually exhibiting *confirmed* latent psychic abilities.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on November 19, 2007, 10:22:00 PM
Quote from: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 10:04:13 PM
I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains and to be in power requires brains, as evil an greedy as they are it would still be necessary for these people to be smart. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves to, their kids everyone.

I have thought of this a lot and it occurred to me that there are many different types of intelligence.  The flabheads who have the property and the ability to make changes are not smart enough to know that change must be made or why it must be made.  They can tell you what stocks to buy and how to run a successful company by destroying smaller ones, however, they cannot comprehend that the really intelligent thing to do is actually the opposite of what their animal instinct commands that they do.
   I have also dwelled upon revolution, but have since retired from such thoughts as they bring up intense emotions that cloud my true empathy.   I think that by worrying about all of humanity, it entirely distracts me from accomplishing the positive actions that I take on behalf of people I know who need help.  I have noticed a big big difference in the amount of myself that I contribute to doing something for others instead of worrying about everybody.

    I guess that goes back to one of the points made here about not losing ourselves.

Our time will come,   :icon_2gun:

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 11:03:42 PM
Hi Rebis
That is wonderful sentiment and smart suggestion. Help those around us by whatever means and capacity we can.To often the world comes to me and consumes we with the horrid things that are occurring. Literaly brought to certain places where there it pain and suffering. What can one do about these experiences, the only thing I can do and that is send prayers to great spirit that universe might be balanced.

There are more of us coming out everyday, the awakening is at hand, yes our time will come, it is a great time of preperation.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Shana A on November 20, 2007, 07:26:20 AM
Quote from: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 10:04:13 PM
I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains, and to be in power requires brains. As evil and greedy as they are, it would still be necessary for these people to be smart or cunning. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves, too, their kids and everyone.

I believe that something is taking place in the process of human evolution.

I don't understand their reasonings either. I think some believe that the writings of Revelations re second coming are true, and thus no need to preserve the planet...  :'( 

Something is happening though, some people are waking up... and returning :)

Quote from: Rebis on November 19, 2007, 10:22:00 PM

  I have also dwelled upon revolution, but have since retired from such thoughts as they bring up intense emotions that cloud my true empathy.   I think that by worrying about all of humanity, it entirely distracts me from accomplishing the positive actions that I take on behalf of people I know who need help.  I have noticed a big big difference in the amount of myself that I contribute to doing something for others instead of worrying about everybody.

    I guess that goes back to one of the points made here about not losing ourselves.

This has always been an issue for me, I have to be careful not to lose myself in other peoples' problems. I do want to help though, and do what I can. Each small thing we do is keeping the candle flame burning in the wind... there is light.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 20, 2007, 02:52:54 PM
Hi, Jaimey,
Please reread the post I sent to you.  I found that had a lot of typos in it, towards the end of it. I have corrected the typos and it should now make sense to you.

You know that if you are an empath, being an empath has its good points and it has it's bad points. Sometimes you feel like you are about to burst into tears from just observing the injustices and brutality there is around you. Or it could be tears of deep sentimentality and, oh my, mustn't forget love and compassion, both very strong emotions in themselves. And when these feelings get to the deepest part within yourself, you will find that the negative or positive energy are equal in intensity, there is no telling the difference. This a good time to release this energy like it was a dove, and let it fly in freedom to help balance that tiny part of this universe.


Posted on: November 20, 2007, 03:32:05 PM
Hi, y2gender,
How so true what you have said in your post. We can't afford to let ourselves get overloaded with cares but yet the need and want to do something right amidst all the wrong that is taking place in the world is a compelling call to those who will listen.

Sometimes I get to feeling impotent in my abilty to intervene or do something for these people but then as it turns out is that all I can do is pray. It's like looking for that the flimsy reed on the river bank and it turns out to be the branch of a sturdy oak. Sometimes that is all we have at our disposal to fight the wrongs of humanity.  Never stop looking for that reed, and never underestimate the power of prayer.

Prayer doesn't change anything.  It changes people and people change things.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 22, 2007, 01:19:07 AM
Quote from: cindybc on November 20, 2007, 02:52:54 PM
You know that if you are an empath, being an empath has its good points and it has it's bad points. Sometimes you feel like you are about to burst into tears from just observing the injustices and brutality there is around you. Or it could be tears of deep sentimentality and, oh my, mustn't forget love and compassion, both very strong emotions in themselves. And when these feelings get to the deepest part within yourself, you will find that the negative or positive energy are equal in intensity, there is no telling the difference. This a good time to release this energy like it was a dove, and let it fly in freedom to help balance that tiny part of this universe.

My grandfather used to tell me stories from WWII.  He was mostly stationed in the Middle East and India.  He would always tell me about the women who would try to hand the G.I.'s their babies so they could have a better life and how the soldiers would carry change and candy in their pockets because they would be swarmed by children in the streets and they would have to throw the candy and money to get the kids to let go.  Growing up with stories like that helped me to understand people's pain and to understand how blessed I am.  It also made me into a very giving person.  I don't understand how other people can be as cruel as they are.  There was one guy in my training class (he didn't come back today, thank goodness) who really got under my skin because of this.  First, he bitched about how much he hated his college, how stupid it was, etc.  Then he made fun of a woman who volunteered to read outloud because she had a very hard time reading simple words.  I wanted so much to tell him off, that if he doesn't like his college, go somewhere else and that if he didn't like the way she was reading, he could get up there and do it himself.  I don't understand how people can complain when they are obviously blessed.  His attitude was also hard to deal with because most of us in the training class NEED this job.  It's not for extra money, it's for livelihood.  Anyway...that sort of thing ticks me off.

As for the abusive experiences, I can relate to that a bit.  I wasn't treated violently, but I was terrified of my father.  He reminded me of a wild bear.  He just had this unpredictable feeling to him and I just KNEW to walk on egg shells around him, from a very early age.  Usually, he would yell at me for (honestly) doing nothing, just being in the room or talking and I would run and hide and cry.  The thing that probably hurt me the most in all that is that no one would come for me.  I would stay hidden at least until he left (we were usually at his mother's house when I was around him) and then they would try to coax me out, but they never held me or told me it was okay and they never said anything to him (it was a REALLY small house).  There was also a great amount of pressure to make straight A's.  So basically, all of the walking on eggshells, hiding and trying to remain unnoticed, and trying to constantly do things to get approval shut me down completely and I didn't even have a real personality until a couple of years ago.  I'm almost 26 now.  I had to read people to stay out of trouble, so I held on tightly to that one particular instinct.  I was pretty angry about it all for a long time, but now I'm all right.  If those things hadn't happened, I wouldn't be me.  :)  And I like being me.

But as for people's reasoning behind all of the destructive paths that leaders seem to take...I think it's mostly greed.  Even if you have an idealistic, motivated person who isn't greedy, they will have a hard time getting power without money and power behind them...and with money and power comes greed. 

It makes me sad.  But then I just think about all the people I would help if I won the Lottery.  :D  That makes me feel better, even if the chances of such a thing happening are slimmer than getting struck by lightening.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 22, 2007, 04:04:41 AM
Hi Jaimey
I couldn't agree more withe your lightning scenario., or how about a meteor shower. Hey Maaaa! Better bring the tin umbrella with us today. I do believe we are going to have a meteor shower on this darkly day. "hee, hee." Just kidding. 

You are also right about the greed which would be about 75% of the problem on this planet is distrust, fear,  selfishness and the indifference to the value to human life, except their own diamond studded backsides that excretes golden inlaid fesses. When their life style is threatened they will all run to hide in their little rodent holes. Other tin gods, *ruling class* will turn and retreat to the top of >-bleeped-< hill where their tin thrones are located then commence to throwing mud balls to keep the encroaching humanity below from taking over >-bleeped-< hill. Knowing that this is going to be the last conflict, when many of mankind's only desire will be to speak to bring piece over the land. 

I don't need crystal ball to see this coming, to watch it all happen and some day it will, my only  wish for that one day is to be reincarnated as a fly, so that I can land on a wall and watch it all happen when the Karma comes to roost.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 24, 2007, 03:26:26 AM
amen! i love to see a good karmic bitch slapping!  (since i don't care if people laugh at me, my karma for that should be fine...right?  :angel:)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 10, 2007, 04:42:44 PM
Yep, you're right, karma works both ways, releasing, receiving , positive, negative.

Universe seeks to balance these energies, to bring about synchronicity within the duality of everything in all the heavens within Infinity.

As free will agents it is our responsibility to decide what to do with this energy.  We are the ones who will be the deciding factor and live to feel its result. Our choice is to whether it is to be positive energy karma or negative.

Be careful of what you ask for:  you might get it.


Posted on: November 24, 2007, 04:03:22 AM
Yep, you're right, karma works both ways, releasing, receiving , positive, negative.

Universe seeks to balance these energies, to bring about synchronicity within the duality of everything in all the heavens within Infinity.

As free will agents it is our responsibility to decide what to do with this energy.  We are the ones who will be the deciding factor and live to feel its result. Our choice is to whether it is to be positive energy karma or negative.

Be careful of what you ask for:  you might get it.


Posted on: November 24, 2007, 04:04:00 AM
Have You Forgotten Your Magic?
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You all have the innate ability to transmte through a thought,
through a word, through a glance, and a touch. You have the ability
to move past time and space as you know it and by-pass the speed of
light and laugh at the speed of sound. Intertwining your energies
with all of life. Dancing with the eagles, swimming with the whales
and dolphins, fencing with the wind. You have forgotten the beauty
of the elements of your planet.

Do not wait for the state of ascension as you are amended to the
union of heaven on earth. Do not wait until the light announces to
you. "It is time to ascend, it is time to rise from a leavened state.
Hesitate not, for it is time to go beyond what you are capable,
removing the veil that has hidden you from yourself. Don't ascend
thru death but ascend thru thought

You stand at an intersection of light and remembrance waiting for the
light to turn. But it is you that must announce and pronounce that
incoming light to every cell of your body in a tone of celebration,
and a movement of dance that goes beyond what you once knew to be
space and time. Come forth fully – do not stay in the hidden depths
of your being, in the basements of the past, in the rooms without
windows that darken your hopes.

Move the alchemical unit of you into every aspect of your life. For
all of it is interconnected and inter-woven and you cannot separate
yourself from what you are creating and what is creating you. For
every inch of you, every hair, every thought, every iota creates
continually with or without your verbal permission, with or without
your conscious knowing. Creation stops for no one and no thing. So
knowing this, create the gold – instead of the lead and the rocks
that you trip upon daily. See every situation, no matter how it
looks to your human eye as an opportunity to express to yourself, the
true beauty and the true love of what you are about.

I Merlin did not sit in the dungeons upon my proverbial hands,
grinding up life with a pumice stone but I walked amongst life as you
do. You have forgotten your Magic. The magical part of you, --- the
part of you that can in a thought move from one location to another.
The part of you that can open doorways that are seemingly boarded and
bricked shut. The part of you that can fly, can breath underwater,
can transform into any animal, any leaf, and any stone in any

I Merlin come to strip you of what you know to be yourself, to pull
away the follicles and the hairs of your humanness to expose a unit
of light so grand, so magical, so divine. You wear these vehicles
life after life, time after time – and still you do not like them.
Every time you wish them away. Yet always they serve you well.

Your humanness comes into a format of being very sensitized and
sensitive at this point in time. Do not push it away with words that
are not wise, with words that are not loving, with words that hold no
feelings, but embrace this time and day fully, not fooly. You are a
body of earth. You are a body of light. You are a body of
heaven. Treat yourself magically. You have walked the crooked
path far too long. Now walk the path of Magical delights in every
moment of life. Time does not exist for you. It exists because of

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: NicholeW. on December 10, 2007, 05:17:25 PM
Wow, what a nice series of posts Cindy, Jaimey, Ronni, Rebis and Y2!!

My own take is that empaths should learn at younger ages how to protect themselves while maintaining their gifts. The aches I recall feeling in my bones and muscles and the flood of emotional responses used to just destroy me when I was a child.

Great thread.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 10, 2007, 06:42:39 PM
Hi, Nichole,

Thank you for dropping-in.

You are quite right that the children should be taught from an early age.  I had wonderful, loving parents but the stigma placed upon those who weren't normal or considered weird back then was very much like now. 

I was looked-down-upon when I was a kid, worse then even now. It hasn't changed a whole lot.
Take what happened to the Indigo Children. There was so much fanfare, almost to the point of making it into a three ring circus for freaks!  Wannabes, lies, corruption, and greed and the confusion that was created from all this upon them, beautiful wonderful loving and highly intelligent children that, I believe has caused those children to go into hiding just the same as it was when I was a kid.

I believe that if one were to compare the growing up of these children and Trans children you will see remarkable likenesses if that child's problems or gifts were exposed to the outside world.

Then one needs to consider that some of the parents of these children are morons.


Posted on: December 10, 2007, 06:34:42 PM
Here is a wonderful and uplifting little video about the phenomena of spirituality

Conscious One

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 14, 2007, 06:11:56 PM
You brought up something that I've been meaning to do some research on.  What exactly are Indigo Children?  I keep hearing and seeing that phrase, but I never remember to do any research.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 15, 2007, 01:35:35 AM
Hi, I believe this to be one of the earliest and most accurate account of Indigo Children.

Indigo child

The term "Indigo Child" comes from psychic and synesthete Nancy Ann Tappe, who classified people's personalities according to the hue of their auras.*

    Usually each universal age is accompanied by a preponderance of people with that life color. For instance now most adults are either Blue or Violet, the two colors with the attributes most needed in this the Violet Age of transition. During the next age, the Indigo Age, Indigo colors will be the norm (Understanding Your Life Through Color

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 15, 2007, 04:47:35 PM
I have tried to understand that, but I can't.   ???

I mean, how do you know what colors the auras are?  And what are these ages that will be affected.

I'll follow that link, but I bet a million dollars I still come away as a dimwit.   :)

Posted on: December 15, 2007, 04:37:22 PM
I went to that skepdic site and as predicted, am even more confused.
Then I went to the indigo children site but nothing grabbed me there.

I'm just going to stay neutral on this.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 15, 2007, 05:02:09 PM
Hi Rebis
Some of us can see auras and auras can also be detected by Kirlian photography. The aura colors are created by different wavelengths of energy in the visible electromagnetic spectrum.

I don't believe that one has to vibrate at the level of indigo to experience different sensitivities. There are many other people that have higher then normal sensitivities to different elements in this reality and above the normal level that most sense. Empaths, clairvoyants, claireaudiance, claircentients, telepaths, telekinesis, diviners, psychics, holistic healers, etc. In actuality our auras are like a rainbow constantly shifting colors in response to changes of moods, emotions, physical health and mental health and quite probably to a greater extent in spiritual resonance. 

North American Natives use to call these people the rainbow people.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: buttercup on December 15, 2007, 09:11:59 PM
Hi Cindy,

I have read through this entire thread and identify with being an empath.  I don't know whether from birth or by the unfortunate circumstances of my childhood, but I recognize these characteristics of being highly intuitive, compassionate and sensitive to my surroundings and others feelings.  At times it has brought me much pain and sorrow, the helplessness one feels when overwhelmed by circumstances out of our control can be excruciating.
I do so want to believe in Karma.  But unfortunately I have never seen evidence of this, the bad just seem to go on unchallenged and unremorselessly till the end of their days.  I do believe in Heaven but not hell, so where these ingrates learn a lesson is beyond me.
It is fascinating reading about the Native Indians and their spirituality, their feeling of oneness with the earth.  In Australia we have our indigenous community, the Aboriginals.  They believe in the 'Dreamtime' and can explain nature in a magical and mystical way.
Anyway, just thought I'd drop-in and say how much I enjoy reading these threads. I love the way you take the time Cindy to explain your beliefs and broaden our minds just that little bit more.  Lots of food for thought...just wanted to add quickly that I have heard about auras as well, I wonder what colour mine is?  :)

buttercup   :)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jeannette on December 15, 2007, 09:21:22 PM
Are you talking about normal empathy, ot the "Star Trek" variety?
I'm a very strong empath, But I am not a healer. I cannot transfer a wound from someone to myself in order that they get well. I have never heard of a person that could do something like this, except in a Star Trek episode.

When I deal with people, they claim I have this uncanny ability to get into their heads and to know exaclty what they are feeling. When I give advice, people often return to tell me that my suggestions worked perfectly.

If I am asked to play a role, the person I am helping often breaks out in tears! They tell me that I act just like the person they are having trouble with, and it is impossible to keep their emotions in check.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 16, 2007, 05:17:11 AM
Hi Buttercup
I'll do what I can to describe Karma to you. Karma doesn't mean that it is a negative reaction to a like energy source but can also be a positive reaction to an like energy source. In other words the metaphysical grid which is the fabric that the tapestry of the universe is stitched upon. The universal grid itself is neutral or static.

It is when the psychic energy of a human mind comes into contact with this energy, man being the free will agent he/she is, will be the one to make the decision of how he/she is going to utilize this energy. What is sent out as intention into universe is what is returned both the good and bad intentions. The reason for this is that Universe seeks to keep itself balanced. If there was no balance or order in the universe all would be chaos.

Where the bad intentioned go, I really don't know and I would not want to be the judge, but in
the end all is balanced. 


Posted on: December 15, 2007, 10:23:02 PM
Hi, Jeannette,

If one is going to assist in a healing its success also depends on how much faith the recipient has in the healer.  But the the healing energy is not really that of the healer alone.  The healer is but the channel or conduit of the healing energy. The energy is channeled from the metaphysical grid or the fabric of universe, if we may say. I have performed healings but nothing one would call miraculous or like that of Star Treck variety.

I worked with mental health consumers for ten years and my healings were of the relieving them of psychological or emotional pain.  My greatest tools were empathy, sincerity, and belief in the Source of the healing energy and ability.


Posted on: December 15, 2007, 10:49:37 PM
The Metaphysical Grid

Our reality is a holographic grid program created by thought consciousness that repeats in cycles and can be best understood by studying Sacred Geometry. The grids are a matrix of sound, light and color through which we virtually experience time and emotion. The grids are electromagnetic in physical reality thus creating polarity or duality of experience, always seeking to restore balance. In the process of awakening to one's learning and emotional challenges, moving through a healing process in which they want to heal themselves by healing others, one creates balance, increases their psychic abilities, and a final understanding of the nature of reality and where it is all going. Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.


Posted on: December 16, 2007, 12:56:21 AM
The North American natives also collected different plants to make certain medicines for varying ailments. They knew about making medicine hundreds of year before the Europeans came to the America's. Not just in North America but also most other primitive tribal communities of other lands on the other side of the Atlantic as well. Healing by using herbs was nothing new to the ancients.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: lisagurl on December 16, 2007, 02:31:14 PM
People that have a vivid phenomenal consciousness can dream up a totally different reality. For others the senses with some subjective views guide our life.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 17, 2007, 10:37:53 AM
I wonder, when did the very first indigo children appear?  And is there a transitional "color"?  Something between the blue/violet of most adults now and the indigos?  Anyone know?

Posted on: December 17, 2007, 10:35:08 AM
wow...the metaphysics and grids links is WAY over my head... ???
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 17, 2007, 08:33:43 PM
Hy Jaimey
Basically the metaphysical grid can be partly detected as electromagnetic fields that is made up of unlimited grids one overlaying the other. One could picture the universal grid as a very fine fabric upon which the tapestry (energy and mater) of the universe is stitched upon. This field of grids can also carry psychic energy to any one place the psychic person directs it.

As for Indigo's they are a recent phenomena that was supposed to have started in the early seventies. I believe that there have been gifted people all throughout recorded as well as prehistory. The The witch hunts, the saints, faith healers, psychics, psychogenic and  the many who demonstrate various other types of PSY abilities. I believe that we are the descendant regressed remnants of a great civilization whom at one time had much greater abilities.  Now is supposed to be the beginning of the great universal awakening. What I have stated here are my own words to illustrate what I have learned from different teachings. They are only my theories that may be based in potential realities.

I Love your probing mind :o)

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 17, 2007, 08:39:41 PM
I am definitely not an indigo from reading that description...

Though I have a question...

Why is it that the beliefs of societies that were deemed primitive (not a word I'd agree with) like the native americans or the indigenous people of brazil or whatever, instantly held up as better?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 17, 2007, 08:59:34 PM
people forget the brutality that was inherent in those cultures.

Not that I'm bad mouthing brutality.  I'm all for it.    :P
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 17, 2007, 09:01:29 PM
everyone needs a slap round the chops sometime
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 17, 2007, 09:05:52 PM
Hi Pic pica pica, These gifts were not bestowed on only the aboriginal and native peoples. We all have it within ourselves and it depends on what we want to do with it. It is mush easier for young children to learn these ways then older people. But then any children that is found to be different out there in society they are immediately set upon and reconditioned to follow the flow of the rest of society, like nice obedient little robots.

The potential is when the child's mind has not yet by polluted or programed by society. So you see these children are not treated much different the the Gender variant Ts etc. Debauchery by those that we are supposed to trust, those that are supposed to be our leaders, guardians and teachers.

I know I was one of those kids. TS and empath.

Again I must say this is a disclaimer on the premises that again this is a theory I have created with my words 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Wing Walker on December 17, 2007, 09:35:04 PM
Hello, Rebis,

Violence is endemic in all cultures.  Always was, always will be.

When I consider what has happened since Europeans came to the Americas, I don't have the same feelings I did as a child in elementary school learning that Columbus "discovered" America in 1492.

In primary school history we were not told that Columbus claimed someone else's land in the name of the monarch who financed his expedition, and in the name of a religion that was not known where he landed.

It wasn't until first year university that the actual impact of this encounter became clear to me.

Aside from decimating the native populations with joyful things like smallpox and sexually transmitted diseases, treating them like lesser beings because they did not subscribe to Christianity, shooting them like wild game, enslaving them, capturing them to take back to Europe as show animals, and utter disregard for the existing societies, social structures, and how they functioned, a visit from Europeans was pretty good for the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

There is violence in all societies.  Shall we consider the Inquisition and what it did to Jews and anyone else perceived to be an "enemy" of the Church as an example?  How many human sacrifices were made in Europe from the time of Joan of Arc to the 18th century, perhaps longer?

The Europeans thought the indigenous peoples in the Americas to be backward because they did not have firearms, gunpowder, armour, big ships, the navigational compass and astrolabe, things made of wood planks, like boats and houses, glass, paints, and a million other items, including distilled alcohol, that the native peoples didn't need.

The technology of the natives was superior to that of the Europeans.  They knew how to live in the lands that they inhabited, how to grow, hunt, and gather food, survive winters, and use herbal medicines. 

I can easily see why the ways of societies that might be deemed "primitive" by some or possibly superior in some ways to how we live.  This is a huge spectrum to cover here. 

The natives of the Americas knew how to live from the land and live off the land.  They were hunter/gatherers and did not base their societies on mining or drilling for oil.  They had no crime, courts, hunger (except when the winter set-in and all were hungry), homelessness, police forces, or pollution.

They cared for their own and if someone committed a crime like murder they were banished from the tribe.

They had their deities and even pantheons but they were no less advanced in knowing the Supreme Being, as they saw it, than anyone else.  Prayer is prayer, be it a church full of people singing hymns or people dressed and performing a rain dance.

They didn't call themselves "savages."  They knew differently.

Thank you for hearing me out on what can be a thorny topic, Rebis,

Thank you all.

Wing Walker
Seeing From A Different Perspective
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: buttercup on December 18, 2007, 12:47:27 AM
I agree Wing Walker, violence is found in all cultures and races, right back to the year dot.  No one is innocent of it, especially towards ones enemies..... and man is by nature, vindictive and brutal.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 18, 2007, 05:22:52 AM
Cosmic Clash



Astronomers have released an image of what looks like galactic warfare. In a symphony of X-rays (purple), radio waves (blue) and starlight (red), the composite image shows a jet of energy shooting out of a galaxy and hitting its neighbor to the right before splattering into intergalactic space.

The galaxies, with the collective name 3C321, orbit each other about 20,000 light-years apart in the constellation Serpens. Each is thought to harbor a supermassive black hole at its center, where gravity, pressure and unworldly magnetic fields squeeze matter and energy out into space like toothpaste from a tube.

The astronomers, led by Dan Evans of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., combined data from the Hubble Space Telescope; the Chandra X-Ray Observatory; the Very Large Array radio telescope in Socorro, N.M.; and the Merlin radiotelescope array operated by the Jodrell Bank Observatory in Britain.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 18, 2007, 05:45:34 AM
My question is more, Why are those cultures so instantly, unquestionably (sheep-like-ly) lauded over other cultures. That one of their beliefs is a good and useful one, just because it was one of their beliefs and not someone else's.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 18, 2007, 06:38:18 AM

William Henry: Stargates and Ascension sighting of what appears to be stargates created by unusual energy sources. The warping and folding of time and space?


Posted on: December 18, 2007, 05:49:25 AM
Hi Pica Pica This is once again a disclaimer because I speak from my own learning's. I developed my own beliefs and they may not be necessarily the same as the next person. Through the years some of the information I have accumulated were from many different sources. Many little bits and pieces of information gathered from one source or another.

Again  what I share may not be the belief of another. My disclaimers could sound like far fetched material from a science fiction novel. Did you know that there aren't enough adjectives in the dictionary to even begin to describe some of these phenomenas. But then does not science fiction turn out to be tomorrow's proven theory in some scientific discovery?

I truly believe if one individual was truly convinced without the slightest doubt in their potential abilities, one could literally move mountains or even alter time and space, (star gates). There would be no limit to what we could be capable of doing. Sound familiar? Yes there is a brief acknowledgment in the Bible about the Tower of Babel. It reads; Where my people are gathered as one, nothing will be beyond them. Even the heavens will not be beyond them. Could it be that we are not yet ready to gather as one? I believe there are to many self proclaimed tin gods on this planet that need to be gone first for they would wreak havoc with such abilities.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 18, 2007, 08:09:15 AM

Hi Wing Walker,

   Your reply was very gracious.  And I agree with your assessment.

   My initial response was too brief.  I had no intention of slurring earlier or different cultures.  I only meant to say that some people gloss over and idealize the cultures that are from the past.
    I can understand Cindy's perspective because she has experience, but some people (that I know in real life) get all teary eyed when talking about the American native cultures because they think everything was perfect.  The grind of everyday life, and the hardships and some of the imperfect aspects tend to be forgotten so people refer to those ways as if life for the natives was a utopia, which it wasn't.

   I only meant to remind Pica that some people gloss over the past.

   Ever see a movie about the 1930's in America and think it would be a nice simple time to live?  Then you remember everybody was starving and there was a dust bowl and okies were being beaten and murdered for trying to get jobs and then for trying to organize so they could feed their families.
   The cities were run by corrupt officials, the slums were filled with deseases and gangsters were knocking over banks and bootlegging and killing each other and Germany was gearing up for war.

   It's good to know the past, but better to live in the present.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 18, 2007, 01:59:02 PM
especially untechnological societies people get moist eyed about and accept uncritically. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 18, 2007, 06:20:15 PM
I know a grown woman who thinks Native Americans were like hippies.  Sometimes I want to transplant my testicles onto her so I can kick her in them.  ::)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 18, 2007, 06:40:59 PM
"ROFL!!!" Tanks for the good laugh, it made my day and I needed it today.  ;D

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 18, 2007, 06:55:51 PM
I congratulate you in your teste tramplin' but only in a good cause O'course.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Wing Walker on December 18, 2007, 07:00:42 PM
Quote from: Rebis on December 18, 2007, 06:20:15 PM
I know a grown woman who thinks Native Americans were like hippies.  Sometimes I want to transplant my testicles onto her so I can kick her in them.  ::)

Hello, Rebis, Pica,

I'll start writing as soon as I stop peeing in my jeans from laughing!  I love it, Rebis!

I suppose that many of us gloss-over other, less mechanized cultures because of the way they were treated in the past.  The Cherokee "Trail of Tears" caused by President Andrew Jackson comes to mind first, followed by the almost total extermination of the First Nations in the U.S. might make some of us more sensitive and cause us to look at the parts of the cultures and Nations that survived.  There might be a guilt in there someplace.

Given what happened last time Europeans interacted with indigenous peoples here it might be better to leave those living in their tribal ways on the Amazon alone.  Their culture might have its defects but it does have its primal right to exist unmolested, and if they can teach us something, all the better.

Perhaps it is not our place to accept or reject the ways of particularly untechnological societies, but rather to just let them exist with as little interference as possible.  Their technology might be huts made of leaves, hunting with a bow and arrow, and folk medicine but that technology allows them to live on their land.

America is still a violent place to live.  There was never a simpler time with open minds.  There was the anti-Mason movement, anti-Catholic riots in Baltimore and Philadelphia, lynchings, race riots, exploitation of just-off-the-boat immigrants by the owners of the anthracite coal mines, the "haves" and "have-nots" of the Gilded Age, and the unceasing violence perpetrated against GLBTTSQQ persona a la Matthew Sheppard and others whose names escape me right now.

Your points are most valid, if I might say so.  The bottom line here might well be not to mess with that which works, including "primitive" cultures and *us,* whomever we might be.

Thank you again for hearing me out.

Wing Walker
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 18, 2007, 07:03:35 PM
Makes sense, and native american music is good stuff.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 18, 2007, 11:19:48 PM
Quote from: cindybc on December 18, 2007, 06:40:59 PM
"ROFL!!!" Tanks for the good laugh, it made my day and I needed it today.  ;D

You're welcome.  It's my job in the universe to squeeze the air out of peoples' lungs.   :)

Posted on: December 18, 2007, 11:15:27 PM
Quote from: Wing Walker on December 18, 2007, 07:00:42 PM
Quote from: Rebis on December 18, 2007, 06:20:15 PM
I know a grown woman who thinks Native Americans were like hippies.  Sometimes I want to transplant my testicles onto her so I can kick her in them.  ::)

Hello, Rebis, Pica,

I'll start writing as soon as I stop peeing in my jeans from laughing!  I love it, Rebis!
The 2nd part of my job in life is emptying peoples' bladders.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 19, 2007, 03:51:53 AM
The primitive peoples of this world, before any of the modern conveniences of even the horse and buggy era, maybe even before the horse, were ruled by the elements, most, before they started to grow crops. They were gatherers first, then farmers.

Light materials such as animal hides were used as wall coverings to keep the wind and rain out of their temporary home. The ladies carried what such implements as utensils used for cooking, mending and any other variety of domestic work carried out by them. These were wrapped with the hides into a bundle for the ladies to carry on their backs.

The warriors carried their own tools for hunting fishing or whatever was necessary to take with them in case they ran into a war party. These tools were carried as a pack on their backs as they migrated south in the winter and back north in the spring.

Their lives may have been simple and peaceful for the most part, but definitely not without some hardships, like starvation or freezing to death during the lean cold winter months and sometimes there were intertribal wars in order to gain land that still had wild game and other sources of edibles.

They believed that the many different elements of nature, like earth, water, fire, and air were considered to be the demi gods, like lightning and thunder.  They believed it was the great thunder god.  Then there was Father Sun which gave life to Mother Earth and the many others who watched and guided them while they lived her on Mother Earth.

The Moon was the Grandmothers who was in charge of the cycles of Mother Earth and all that lived upon her. Then there were the Grandfather Stars from where Mother Earth's children had once come and shall so return. 

The wind was the the breath of the Great Spirit speaking to those who would listen for it. It's been a long time since I was taught these simple beliefs and deities.  It's been a long time since I lived on the reservation.

It is believed that some who were shaman or medicine men were connected with the spirits of the departed ancestors and family members. It is also believed that some could do such thing as shape shifting, healing and other miscellaneous phenomena  that appear to indicate more advanced psychic attributes then we have thus far in the present day.

Also there was the berdache, if you can find the word in the dictionary you will find that they are closely related to the definition of the modern day Transsexual. These gifted individuals were believed to be two spirited, in other words having one foot in the female spirit realm and the other foot in the male spirit realm. These individuals were thought to be great medicine and were given unanimously by the tribe the status of Shaman.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 22, 2007, 01:04:15 AM
I just had a thought (careful now! they don't happen too often... :P) about the idea of ancient cultures being glorified...I was thinking that maybe the reason ancient civilizations are lauded over the cultures of the current industrialized world (especially the US) is because to us WASPs and repressed Catholics (no offense to anyone who is Catholic...though I really doubt anyone in this thread is going to be offended), these ancient cultures seem freer, at least in terms of accepted thought...maybe?  ???

The idea of believing in a higher power that isn't a judgmental father figure sending us all into the fires of damnation gives us a sense of freedom and relief from, well, the promise of an eternity in the fires of damnation, should we be so unlucky as to experience any sort of pleasure during the span of our lifetime.  (Though if making fun of people is a hell-worthy sin, there's a warm place by the fire with my name on it... >:D)

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:03:47 AM
Quote from: Rebis on December 18, 2007, 11:19:48 PM
The 2nd part of my job in life is emptying peoples' bladders.   :laugh:

I'd better clean that up...

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:09:02 AM
Quote from: cindybc on December 17, 2007, 08:33:43 PM
I Love your probing mind :o)


I wish I could live for a few hundred years, so I could learn everything there is to learn and gain a complete understanding of the world!  Actually, I'd really like to be a guru...

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:15:41 AM
I was going to write this earlier, but I got distracted...back to the indigo children...

I was reading about the Indigo children and I do have several of the characteristics...but then again, there were a couple that I didn't have.  Are there any sorts of tests or things to help you find out if you are indigo or perhaps something in between?  It's a pretty fascinating subject, really.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 22, 2007, 01:45:12 AM
Ya I got that problem too, when someone cuts a really good joke you will no doubt find me crossing my legs. I love a good belly laugh but I better pay a visit to the powder room first. I love some good humor once in a while. It can go a long ways at disarming people out there as it did on my job.


Posted on: December 22, 2007, 01:28:05 AM
Hi Jaimey
Yes if that were true about Hell, Canadian Tire would have a booming business selling coal shovels.

I believe we create our own hells right here on this planet and if we are not totally blind and able to see the errors and fix them and don't repeat them we will prosper. Anyone else being above nasty, I would not want to judge, but then that's just my opinion.

As for Indigo yes there are probably as many different levels at different stages of development as there are human being that are Indigo/empath.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
Quote from: Jaimey on December 22, 2007, 01:04:15 AM
I just had a thought (careful now! they don't happen too often... :P) about the idea of ancient cultures being glorified...I was thinking that maybe the reason ancient civilizations are lauded over the cultures of the current industrialized world (especially the US) is because to us WASPs and repressed Catholics (no offense to anyone who is Catholic...though I really doubt anyone in this thread is going to be offended), these ancient cultures seem freer, at least in terms of accepted thought...maybe?  ???

The idea of believing in a higher power that isn't a judgmental father figure sending us all into the fires of damnation gives us a sense of freedom and relief from, well, the promise of an eternity in the fires of damnation, should we be so unlucky as to experience any sort of pleasure during the span of our lifetime.  (Though if making fun of people is a hell-worthy sin, there's a warm place by the fire with my name on it... >:D)

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:03:47 AM
Quote from: Rebis on December 18, 2007, 11:19:48 PM
The 2nd part of my job in life is emptying peoples' bladders.   :laugh:

I'd better clean that up...

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:09:02 AM
Quote from: cindybc on December 17, 2007, 08:33:43 PM
I Love your probing mind :o)


I wish I could live for a few hundred years, so I could learn everything there is to learn and gain a complete understanding of the world!  Actually, I'd really like to be a guru...

Posted on: December 22, 2007, 12:15:41 AM
I was going to write this earlier, but I got distracted...back to the indigo children...

I was reading about the Indigo children and I do have several of the characteristics...but then again, there were a couple that I didn't have.  Are there any sorts of tests or things to help you find out if you are indigo or perhaps something in between?  It's a pretty fascinating subject, really.

Hi, Jaimey,

May I please address your thesis about a vengeful God and the beliefs of primitive peoples?

I don't know what they believed or didn't but some people practiced human sacrifice to appease their god or gods.  Others made burnt offerings of crops.  I cannot say if the supreme being that they saw was vindictive and judgmental or not but in America we sure have some folks who see it that way.

I have met some people who claim to know where my parking space in hell is located.  I pay them no mind.

For some reason a portion of the people in the United States cannot tell where the division between matters of government end and matters of religion begin.

I can't recall which of the candidates for the presidency said this, but it was during a televised dose of verbal valium (read:  debate) that someone asked a candidate, "What would Jesus do as president?"  The candidate answered that Jesus wouldn't run for public office.  That was some comic relief laced with wisdom.

I have heard from a whole herd of people about what their religious beliefs are and how they see their Supreme Being, and they range all over the place.

I feel sorry for those who live under the nasty gaze of a wrathful god looking to devour their souls, that the only safe fun is no fun, that it's a sin to enjoy life.


I believe that a lot of teachers and preachers have sold millions of people what I call "bad religion."  It's the same as rot-gut whiskey or any poison:  once it enters a person's system the corrosive damage is done.

I don't subscribe to such rubbish and I was taught differently when I was very young.  The First Nations took a good hosing from everyone who crossed their paths, religious or not. 

This life will have to do until something better takes its place, and I believe that it will.  There is a dimension beyond here where the potato chips are crisp, the dips fresh (yikes!), and the soda cold.  If I don't see you before then, I'll see ya there, Jaimey, Rebis, Cindy, and Pica.

Wing Walker
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 22, 2007, 04:17:53 AM
Science vs God

"Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ." The atheist
professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new
students to stand.

"You're a Christian, aren't you, son?"

"Yes sir," the student says.

"So you believe in God?"


"Is God good?"

"Sure! God's good."

"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"


"Are you good or evil?"

"The Bible says I'm evil."

The professor grins knowingly. "Aha! The Bible!" He considers for a

"Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You             can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?"

"Yes sir, I would."

"So you're good...!"

"I wouldn't say that."

"But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you
could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't."

The student does not answer, so the professor continues. "He doesn't, does he?  My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him.  How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?"

The student remains silent.

"No, you can't, can you?" the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.

"Let's start again, young fella Is God good?"

"Er...yes," the student says.

"Is Satan good?"

The student doesn't hesitate on this one. "No."

"Then where does Satan come from?"

The student : "From...God..."

"That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there evil
in this world?"

"Yes, sir."

"Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything, correct?"


"So who created evil?" The professor continued, "If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil."

Without allowing the student to answer, the professor continues: "Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?"

The student: "Yes."

"So who created them?"

The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. "Who created them? There is still no answer. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized.

"Tell me," he continues onto another student. "Do you believe in Jesus
Christ, son?"

The student's voice is confident: "Yes, professor, I do."

The old man stops pacing. "Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?"

"No sir. I've never seen Him"

"Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?"

"No, sir, I have not."

"Have you ever actually felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus?  Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?"

"No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't."

"Yet you still believe in him?"


"According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?"

"Nothing," the student replies. "I only have my faith."

"Yes, faith," the professor repeats. "And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith."

The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of
his own.  "Professor, is there such thing as heat?"

"Yes," the professor replies. "There's heat."

"And is there such a thing as cold?"

"Yes, son, there's cold too."

"No sir, there isn't."

The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet. The student begins to explain. "You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat,  unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees below zero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat. You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it." Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.

"What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?"

"Yes," the professor replies without hesitation. "What is night if it isn't  darkness?"

"You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word. In reality, darkness isn't?  If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?"

The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him. This will be a good semester. "So what point are you making, young man?"

"Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed."

The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time. "Flawed? Can you explain how?"

"You are working on the premise of duality," the student explains.  "You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it."

"Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a  monkey?"

"If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of  course I do"

"Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?"

The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going.  A very good semester, indeed.

"Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even  prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a preacher?"

The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the commotion has subsided.

"To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean."

The student looks around the room. "Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?" The class breaks out into laughter.

"Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelled the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, with all due respect, sir. So if science says you have no brain, how can we trust your lectures, sir?"

Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable. Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers. "I guess you'll have to take them on faith."

"Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life," the student continues. "Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?"
Now uncertain, the professor responds, "Of course, there is. We see it everyday.  It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."
To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God.

God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

The professor sat down.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 22, 2007, 10:53:03 AM
A:   'Primitive peoples' ???? - not all past civilizations were all that 'primitive' - far from it.   They had varying degrees of political, cultural, social and technological progress that in some cases fell short of our own time, in other cases far outpaced it.  (That CalTrans could begin to build a road as well as the Romans did, we have calendars from Babylon and the Mayan cultures that are dead-on accurate, and our entire technological progress is built on the Hindu-Arabic number system with its ability to do algebra and calculus.  And, most of this conversation is very West-centric, there is a 5,000 year old culture in China that was way beyond primitive back when the west was still trying to work that out.)

B:  Indigenous peoples in various places can not be grouped together for the most part.  There was not one or two, or even three or four major cultures in North America before Columbus, but at least 10 distinct language groups, and civilizations ranging from farming communities with a written language, to sophisticated political alliances like the Iroquois Confederation, to nomadic woodland/prairie cultures like the Dakota and Dakota, true primitive cultures like some of the California tribes, to the high civilizations of the Aztec in Mexico.  (There are also lost civilizations like the Anasazi, who build some pretty sophisticated urban spaces, but abandoned them for reasons still unknown.)

Berdache - a term by the way that native anthropologists hate, (it comes from the Persian meaning slave boy in its original usage) - are not found in all native cultures (we can trace that by language).  Where seemingly common in the SouthWest, they are not found in the five tribes of the deep south (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole) or in the nations of Iroquois Confederacy (the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, and the Seneca).  Their existence and celebration, and roles within indigious cultures was by no means universal.

Where some of these tribes were nomadic, others were are rooted as could be - a pueblo is hard to move.  Some were warlike - or more of a warrior cast than others.  There were tribes that did not even have a name for the idea of 'private property' there were others that were so obsessed by property that they had huge celebrations to destroy it in unique version of 'conspicuous consumption.' 

D.  "Their culture might have its defects but it does have its primal right to exist unmolested, and if they can teach us something, all the better."  I wonder......
Do they have a right to exist unchanged by the passing of time?  When and where has this right ever been upheld?  Is it possible for them to teach us anything if they are unmolested, since the basic act of observation is - in and of itself - an act of molesting them. (In physics its called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, social scientists haven't figured out a term that cool yet, but its real to them also.)   I highly recommend a movie called At Play in the Fields of the Lord to see this in action.

E.  "I know a grown woman who thinks Native Americans were like hippies."  She is halfway there.  More like, the hippies patterned a lot of their beliefs and practices on some sort of vague, gumbo, panache of Native Culture.   (Some vague mix of Hopi, Dakota/Lakota and Shoshone - so it was a very specific Great Plains/SouthWest native culture borrowing.)  They did this because they were looking for a specifically American model to use as the basis for the society and culture, and 'tribe' came about as close as it could get.  "Family" was too polluted by the "nuclear family" deal, and "community" sounded too much like the sociology courses they took back East at Bryn Mawr and Dartmouth.  The first 'hippie' event, the Love-In in SFs Golden Gate Park was really entitled "A Gathering of the Tribes" and subsequent events - including the recent 40th Anniversary, have also used that "Gathering of the Tribes" image and language.  The feature native cultures and rituals, from purification stuff like sage smudge to native invocations, and raise money, some of which finds its way to native organizations.  So its not just lip service, its a real deal, however warped.  But it is because the hippies were looking for something very American to guide them.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 23, 2007, 01:13:52 AM
Hi Tekla

Thanks for filing in all the blanks. I was concentrating mostly on the Ojibwa nation because they are whose history I am most acquainted with I grew up next door to the res. and even lived there for a time. I know about the Aztecs, Incas, the Pueblo builders, Pyramid Builders, the Sumerians, Rome, Egyptians, The ancient Chines cultures And the ancient culture in India. The hippies adopting some of the North American Native culture, I was one of them hippies so I did see that trend with my own eyes. It was also a really wonderful time for the girls to show off their artistic talents. 

The word Bardach as to my knowledge was the word the french used that was meant to closely describe what is known today as transsexual. The Natives saw them as two spirits. 

But I found your illustration of some of the many advanced, ancient cultures very interesting

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 25, 2007, 06:31:41 PM
Quote from: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
Hi, Jaimey,

May I please address your thesis about a vengeful God and the beliefs of primitive peoples?

I don't know what they believed or didn't but some people practiced human sacrifice to appease their god or gods.  Others made burnt offerings of crops.  I cannot say if the supreme being that they saw was vindictive and judgmental or not but in America we sure have some folks who see it that way.

In my experience with these people, lots of inconvenient details are left out. :)

Quote from: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
I have met some people who claim to know where my parking space in hell is located.  I pay them no mind. dad's-dad's family always makes me want to divorce dad's-dad said today that when he worked in the local baked good factory that they were going to produce a kosher line of goods and when the rabbi came to bless the worker's hands, he refused because that's "intruding" on his religious beliefs...I wanted to crawl in a hole.  Then they got into a big discussion about how the politically correct people need to shut up...and yet they can't figure out why I never want to visit them...I am supremely embarrassed to be related to them...

though, as far as "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" goes...I do think there are far more serious problems in the world to worry about.  I mean, I'm not going to be offended if someone wishes me a Merry Yule or Happy Kwanzaa...Instead of taking down Christmas trees, why not just add Hannukah (I'm sure I'm not spelling that correctly) bushes and pagan pentagrams?  The more the merrier, I say!  (but then again, I just like shiny twinkle lights...)

Quote from: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
For some reason a portion of the people in the United States cannot tell where the division between matters of government end and matters of religion begin.

It seems that the religious right-wing (they certainly aren't "right") is fine with any religion, as long as it's Evangelical Christianity.

Quote from: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
I have heard from a whole herd of people about what their religious beliefs are and how they see their Supreme Being, and they range all over the place.

I feel sorry for those who live under the nasty gaze of a wrathful god looking to devour their souls, that the only safe fun is no fun, that it's a sin to enjoy life.

I don't subscribe to such rubbish and I was taught differently when I was very young.

me too...have you ever heard of Judgment House?  There's a movie about it called "Hell House"'s a "Halloween alternative", used to scare you into believing in Jesus...not a tactic I think He would have approved of, but try telling them that.

Doesn't it amaze you, all the things these people do in the name of God and Jesus?  It's funny, because I grew up in church and I don't ever remember reading any of that stuff in the bible...oh well...there's no talking to them anyway...

Quote from: Wing Walker on December 22, 2007, 02:14:06 AM
This life will have to do until something better takes its place, and I believe that it will.  There is a dimension beyond here where the potato chips are crisp, the dips fresh (yikes!), and the soda cold.  If I don't see you before then, I'll see ya there, Jaimey, Rebis, Cindy, and Pica.

Wing Walker

I highly doubt this is my first life, so if I don't meet you before it ends (I fully intend on making it too 100 and being a spunky old lady...well, old androgyne, but anyway...), I'll be looking for you in the hereafter.  :)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 25, 2007, 07:08:36 PM
And of course who cares about ones health on the last day before they blow up the earth. Hell get the beer and a ghetto blaster and we can party our back sides off until the fire works display and get turned into atomic dust.. ;D Just pulling on your socks. ;D

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 25, 2007, 07:39:01 PM
the world will not be ending anytime soon.

not until all my debt is paid off.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 25, 2007, 07:47:35 PM
Does everyone drive Cadillacs in Heaven?

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 25, 2007, 09:54:26 PM
Heaven is much closer to Mackinac Island than an auto lot. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 25, 2007, 10:15:11 PM
What about Kokomo Island?

Now that's what I call heaven.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Suzie on December 25, 2007, 11:12:56 PM
Quote from: cindybc on December 25, 2007, 07:08:36 PM
And of course who cares about ones health on the last day before they blow up the earth. Hell get the beer and a ghetto blaster and we can party our back sides off until the fire works display and get turned into atomic dust.. ;D Just pulling on your socks. ;D

If it was really the last day, beer is the last thing I would want.  Why would you want to dull the senses when this is the last taste you would get of the world?

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 25, 2007, 11:34:27 PM
Hi Suzie hon, every single human on the planet would have their very own unique way of looking at it and of making a choice as to how they would like to spend those last few moments on the planet. What ever turns their crank, or floats their boat.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 26, 2007, 05:45:34 PM
with my luck, if they do manage to blow up the planet, i'll manage to survive, with only cockroaches for friends...heh.

Happy Holidays!!!  (How did we get to such a grim topic?)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 05:51:19 PM
Hi Jaimey
Yes and house guests and dust devils.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: IsabelleStPierre on December 26, 2007, 06:40:35 PM
Hey Cindy,

I have had this topic of discussion before with a number of people to be honest and I never tire of it!

I am an empath and it is both a blessing and a curse! I tend to tune in very easily to people and their feelings; I have actually been known to stop someone in the mall or hall at work and ask if they're OK. It drives some people crazy but those who have known me for any length of time learn to deal with it...

My kids and ex all could never quite understand how I did it, and to be honest I have no idea how it just does. I recall on particular instance when I sensed my ex getting a headache and I just brought her some ibuprofen and a glass of water. She asked what that's for? I said her headache and her response was "How the hell did you know I was getting a headache??" My kids learned to hate it actually because I would be knocking on their bedroom door to find out what was wrong...even though I hadn't even seen them since getting home...

I just think some people are more in-tune with everything around them and that we pickup those little things that others don't notice...

The problem I have with my abilities is that I have yet to learn to disconnect from others...and that often leads me to an emotional meltdown! I don't only sense when others are having problems; I seem to also become emotionally attached to them and their mood affects mine. It's not too bad often, but when a number of people close to me have problems I get overloaded...that is the curse part.

Anyway, great topic!

Oh I just remembered a test my therapist gave me once...showed me these people's faces and asked me to tell what there emotional state was. She first started with only 10 pictures and I got 10 for 10...out of frustration she kept adding more pictures and wasn't going to stop until I missed one...we went through 89 pictures before I missed one. Perhaps I'm just a good people reader....but then again I can usually tell when someone I know is have a problem just from their posts to any common groups we share...

Peace and love,
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Suzie on December 26, 2007, 07:46:53 PM
Quote from: Isabelle St-Pierre on December 26, 2007, 06:40:35 PM
Hey Cindy,

I have had this topic of discussion before with a number of people to be honest and I never tire of it!

I am an empath and it is both a blessing and a curse! I tend to tune in very easily to people and their feelings; I have actually been known to stop someone in the mall or hall at work and ask if they're OK. It drives some people crazy but those who have known me for any length of time learn to deal with it...

My kids and ex all could never quite understand how I did it, and to be honest I have no idea how it just does. I recall on particular instance when I sensed my ex getting a headache and I just brought her some ibuprofen and a glass of water. She asked what that's for? I said her headache and her response was "How the hell did you know I was getting a headache??" My kids learned to hate it actually because I would be knocking on their bedroom door to find out what was wrong...even though I hadn't even seen them since getting home...

I just think some people are more in-tune with everything around them and that we pickup those little things that others don't notice...

The problem I have with my abilities is that I have yet to learn to disconnect from others...and that often leads me to an emotional meltdown! I don't only sense when others are having problems; I seem to also become emotionally attached to them and their mood affects mine. It's not too bad often, but when a number of people close to me have problems I get overloaded...that is the curse part.

Anyway, great topic!

Oh I just remembered a test my therapist gave me once...showed me these people's faces and asked me to tell what there emotional state was. She first started with only 10 pictures and I got 10 for 10...out of frustration she kept adding more pictures and wasn't going to stop until I missed one...we went through 89 pictures before I missed one. Perhaps I'm just a good people reader....but then again I can usually tell when someone I know is have a problem just from their posts to any common groups we share...

Peace and love,

Wow, that's amazing!  You are a super duper intuitive person!  I've never met anyone that intuitive before.  Are you sure you were born on Planet Earth?  Can you tell what I'm thinking right now?

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: IsabelleStPierre on December 26, 2007, 07:53:18 PM
Quote from: Suzie on December 26, 2007, 07:46:53 PMWow, that's amazing!  You are a super duper intuitive person!  I've never met anyone that intuitive before.  Are you sure you were born on Planet Earth?  Can you tell what I'm thinking right now?

Hum...disbelief, that I'm full of BS, and a few other not so nice things...but then again since I don't know you and haven't read many of your posts I could be completely off base........
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 26, 2007, 07:54:59 PM
I can do some of that, long as I don't stop to think about it. Never thought it qualified me for this stuff though.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 08:17:38 PM
Hello, Izzy,

Oh, don't I know about picking stuff of other people!  That is probably the hardest thing one can experience.

Tears are a good way to get rid of this unwanted energy especially when it is events or situations that were out of your control to deal with, in other words, someone else's energy. But I do find myself at this emotional depth like a bottomless pit. Both positive and negative energy can be transmuted to positive energy.  At the bottom of this pit positive and negative emotional energy are balanced, no difference between these two energies. What I do is to use prayer to transmute that energy to send it out to universe as healing energy .

Attracting grown up people, kids and animals, I love it. Grown ups feel something as well or they wouldn't be looking around trying to find where the source of what they felt was coming from.   Ill come back to this one afterwards.

Children , they are just so wonderful when they feel your energy.  They will come right up to you and stare at you unabashed. Same with animals birds, etc. I believe plants respond to our energy as well. I used to have an apartment full of plants of different varieties. I had them for 10 years and they simply thrived, and all I did is water them.

Grown-ups try to find where the source of what they felt was coming from after they have felt it. 
Now I have discovered something through the years that I really didn't give much thought to except for in the last couple days:  that with projection to other people, one many never even be aware that they are doing it and a lot of people have this ability.  It's not only restricted to empaths. But it was very effective for me to project to other people what I want them to see me as.

One can project a completely different image to another person who will see exactly what they wanted that other person to see. I have not been tested as to the levels ESP that I have. But I will say that after I begin to know the people in message board like this, once I get a feel for certain persons, I can begin to know what kind of personality and what their characteristics are. I can tell especially when someone is about to blow their stack and I just make myself scarce from that thread unless I believe I can help to sort out their problem.

Some can be very deceptive, though.  I can do the same thing in reality out there. 

Every morning along with my devotions I do a cleansing. Like a ballerina, I hold my hands up over my head then down to below the navel and up again from both sides while drawing in a deep breath, bringing my hands up again over my head then down towards the floor.  When I do this I picture in my mind that I am like an apple core, so that when I bring my hands down I picture healing energy going down the apple core all the way to the ground. I repeat this three times. It works well for me for cleansing.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 26, 2007, 08:22:59 PM
i thought the kids just stared because of the big ginger hair and spectacles.  :icon_sitonitnrotate-nerd:
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 09:00:51 PM
Hi Pica Pica, Little kids are very sensitive to different vibrations, they become quite in-tune with the environment around them and very quick to picking up on things that grown ups would not be aware of. You would find that children are so very conscious to the little details both of this reality or any other realities  because their minds are not cluttered with the rubbish of this man made reality.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: IsabelleStPierre on December 26, 2007, 09:45:06 PM
Quote from: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 09:00:51 PMHi Pica Pica, Little kids are very sensitive to different vibrations, they become quite in-tune with the environment around them and very quick to picking up on things that grown ups would not be aware of. You would find that children are so very conscious to the little details both of this reality or any other realities  because their minds are not cluttered with the rubbish of this man made reality.


Kids are A LOT more preceptive then people give them credit for. If I'm clocked lately at all it usually is by a child...they don't have a whole lifetime of filters they have built up to block there perception. As we grow up we are influenced by the views of those around us, and over time we develop our own set of values and perceptions that can cloud our perception of simply haven't been screwed up by humanity yet!

People in general send out a lot more 'messages' then they are even aware of, from body language, their tone, the way they old their head, all sorts of little details go into communication...the spoken word is actually only about 60% (not absolutely positive on that number) of the communications that takes place...also, younger kids are more keyed to visual perceptions than anything else...observing is one of the ways kids develop...

Just my two cents on the topic...

Peace and love,
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 28, 2007, 03:53:46 PM
Hi Isabelle
I quite agree about the children. I had many of these sensitivities when I was a kid. But after a very abusive marriage  for five years I was pretty well off to being an alcoholic for to many years, using alcohol to hide from the world. Anyway I can attest that for some these sensitivities are with us for life. After my first year of sobriety I began to remember them from as far back as 3 years old. A few years later my other friend showed up GID To keep it short I was quite literally being tortured mentally because I didn't know what these critters were that were scratching y mind out with their claws were about, I thought I was being tormented by demons. Now I am so grateful to have my empathic abilities back. When I was working as a social worker for the past twenty years I can't expound enough on how much empathy helped in my work. It was not until two years into my last job that I discovered what the word transsexual was and i came out full time as Cindy for the last seven years. That's in in a nutshell   


Posted on: December 26, 2007, 10:09:36 PM
Two Spirited

I said those words nearly word for word some time earlier on this forum, and to tell the truth, I am not certain as to how many realy understand or even bother to try to do so. But I believe it is catching on.

Wing Walker and I had an interview yesterday evening.  We spoke to one of the counselors for trans folks here about doing some volunteer work. It appears that the organization is going to set us up with our own meeting room and maybe a small office space to run our own support group in Surrey where we live.

The awsome part of it all was in meeting two others of like mind when we were there. There are others like us out there, maybe they just don't know it. Maybe it's just that this group here is too preocupied about surviving right now for them to want get into any of the spiritual aspects of it. Actuall I believe it's the spirituality part of this that can be the stregth they seek.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 28, 2007, 04:00:16 PM
Quote from: Pica Pica on December 26, 2007, 08:22:59 PM
i thought the kids just stared because of the big ginger hair and spectacles.  :icon_sitonitnrotate-nerd:

well, pica, in your case...

just kidding!  nothing but love, you know ;D.

Quote from: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 08:17:38 PM
What I do is to use prayer to transmute that energy to send it out to universe as healing energy .

Can you send that out to someone specifically?  Because I stepped on a thumbtack this morning and it hurts...a lot. :'( 

Actually, I read in a book about angels once that Raphael, the Archangel of healing, has an emerald green aura and if you visualize that aura around a wound, it will heal...there are also other auras associated with different angels that can affect people similarly, depending on that particular angel's's something I'm pretty interested in.

Quote from: cindybc on December 26, 2007, 08:17:38 PM
But I will say that after I begin to know the people in message board like this, once I get a feel for certain persons, I can begin to know what kind of personality and what their characteristics are. I can tell especially when someone is about to blow their stack and I just make myself scarce from that thread unless I believe I can help to sort out their problem.

Some can be very deceptive, though.  I can do the same thing in reality out there. 

i can figure people out pretty quickly too, whether it's on a forum like this or in person.  i can tell almost immediately if a person is being true to themselves/the people around them or being fake.  it comes in handy when making friends.

i also can tell when things are getting tense...although I'm more likely to try and be a calming force when things start to get out of hand.  i think one of my empathic qualities is that i am have a pretty calming presence.  whether people are getting angry or if they are nervous, i think i make people feel at ease. 

for me, the most telling signs are tone of voice (i seem to be WAY more sensitive to this than other people...i've got an idea as to how that happened, though) and sentence structure/word's all in the ears for me.  Do you all have a specific "area" (for lack of better word) that you "feel" people through?

...i think i was going to say something funny, but i can't for the life of me remember what it was... :-\
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 28, 2007, 04:16:10 PM
There has been a lot of work done by police and anti-terrorist people in the area of "microexpressions."

look it up, very interesting stuff, though what it says is a lot less about empathy, and more about how you read people.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 28, 2007, 04:24:33 PM
i'll have to look into it...sounds interesting.  :)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 28, 2007, 04:40:53 PM
Hi Tekla allot of empathy is to a greater degree it is experiencing the ESP phenomena. Makes one quite attuned to other peoples energy, but even more when one runs into another of like mind. Like our interviewer yesterday, we, could so readily read each others mind when we stared in each others eyes that we found it necessary to avoid looking into each others eyes. But when we did again it was like, "Wow!" this persons energy is really strong like a rainbow of every different color in the spectrum of color. It felt like I could see in his  eyes the very depth of the soul. He use to be a member of this board. I have always found it difficult to tell another the experiences because of an inadequate vocabulary of adjective in the dictionary.


Posted on: December 28, 2007, 04:34:46 PM
Hi Jaimey so will I. I may have experienced many of these phenomena's but that don't mean I understand all of them exept for those that I have experienced personally already several times.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 28, 2007, 04:41:31 PM
mouth twitches
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 28, 2007, 04:55:25 PM
Hi Jaimy to tell the truth I think we are living in very exciting times. It all started back in the 70's with the Indigo children and then we discover that this phenomena has actually been around for thousands of years, the witch burning and the saint also being persecuted as being witches. Way back to primitive times. even back to the days when the North American Natives had the capability to control the elements, maybe all the way back to the Pyramid builders, Who were these people that could erect such awesome structures with little to no technology to move such behemoth stones.

But here there's those of us who have come out differently then to the rest of the masses. Those that still pose a threat to us. Like those who would try  to destroy us if they thought of us being a threat to them.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 28, 2007, 08:42:32 PM
"Who were these people that could erect such awesome structures with little to no technology to move such behemoth stones."

They were people who had discovered the awesome power of the inclined plane in the form of a ramp.  We know that the techniques got better over time, because the pyramids got much better over time.  Given 20 years (average time of construction) and an almost unlimited supply of labor (not slave either, seems that local people formed crews and then went and lived in dorms for 4-5 months at a time) it not as amazing as it seems. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on December 28, 2007, 08:48:01 PM
I dunno, getting people to agree and work together to that extent is pretty amazing.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 28, 2007, 08:50:50 PM
that it is
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on December 28, 2007, 09:09:55 PM
Particularly when you realize they had no bullhorns or PA systems. 

Imagine all the runners just to keep messages traveling between groups and supervisors?

  I could have been a runner.  A damned good one too.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: tekla on December 28, 2007, 09:53:20 PM
I'm guessing hand signals. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 28, 2007, 09:58:14 PM
There have been tests made that have proven that there isn't any way possible that these blocks of such weight and mass could be moved up on a ramp on rollers, even with a very gradual angle. If they could even get them across a desert on rollers and mats from the closest stone quarries 50 miles away.

I mean lets just get real. They have been attempts even with modern day cranes to lift one of those massive stone blocks and it wasn't possible. Maybe it was presumptuous of me to say they were "levitated." It is only one other possibility among many others that have been proposed in how ever many years since the pyramids were discovered. I could dig up more theoretic documentation that are more conclusive to this topic, but I believe that would only lead into an ongoing technical argument that would just bog us down in a time wasting senseless debate. I really don't feel it is necessary.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 29, 2007, 06:09:32 PM
our brains will hurt if we try to think too deeply on this...  ;)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 29, 2007, 07:40:06 PM
10 - 4 Jaimey. But I could eat this stuff for breakfast if I needed to. I don't mind it if it's just to satisfy  the inquisitive mind.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on December 30, 2007, 03:02:00 PM
that's true...i feel that way about religion and other socially scientific sorts of topics.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on December 30, 2007, 03:27:59 PM
One can find some really fantastic propositions just reading the Bible and some religious faiths and beliefs, the Qabalah is also another good source of information. At the very least I believe one can collect many pieces that will point towards some really fantastic possibilities.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 01, 2008, 05:07:53 PM
I watched "The Secret" Sunday night...I would like to (one day when I have spare time and a longer attention span) go through all the different texts that have "the secret" in's pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on January 01, 2008, 05:13:50 PM
there are no secrets
everything you need to know is already within you.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on January 01, 2008, 05:34:41 PM
Quote from: Rebis on January 01, 2008, 05:13:50 PM
there are no secrets
everything you need to know is already within you.

hmm. well, it's not within our everyday consciousness, that's for sure.
so now, swami, you're going to have to tell us how to extract it.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 01, 2008, 05:43:21 PM
Yes it is finding the bits and pieces that are already there waiting to allow  our own conscious mind to awaken and see it for what it is. To become aware of the sources of data seen and not yet seen towards manifesting Theory of Everything.
Yet one can manifest whatever they desire if they have the sufficient desire and faith to do so.
Universal Theory A Model for the Theory of Everything

"Imagination is entrusted with the responsibility to explore. Its mission is not to abjure reality but, rather, to magnify our inter- course with it. Karl Popper and Gaston Bachelard, among the others, have emphasized the historic importance of speculation in forming hypothesis and establishing scientific truth"

Quantum super position of states, Heizenberg uncertainty principal, quantum entanglement, and other features of the sub-atomic arena introduced an indeterministic interpretation for reality. This has left objective physicists on unease. Numerous attempts, such as Bell's Theorem, have failed to extend the rules of classical physics to the quantum arena. Introducing the non-zero cosmological constant added to puzzle even more.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on January 01, 2008, 05:43:26 PM

  • cut out the inner chatter.
  • You must be clear minded.
  • Ignore the things that do not matter.
  • Accept yourself.
  • accept that you are not perfect.
  • Exercise
  • Be kind to others as you would have them be kind to you.
  • Be kind to yourself as you would have others be kind to you.
  • understand your joy
  • experience your joy
  • breathe
  • don't take on more than you can handle.
  • get enough sleep.
  • stop worrying
  • Allow other people to make their own mistakes.
  • Know that everything is not about you

Once you have accomplished most of the above, you will hear the secrets loud and clear. Unless the secrets are feeling ill.  Then their voice may be froggy and shaky.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 01, 2008, 05:46:01 PM
"Beautiful Rebis," that is a wonderful way to illustrate this concept with a minimum of confusion.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on January 01, 2008, 05:51:47 PM
Thanks Cindy.     I try.  I forgot to mention that I am a Jungian.

Confusion is the enemy of knowing.

I should know.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 01, 2008, 05:53:54 PM
Hi Rebis yes again you are correct and I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 01, 2008, 06:54:14 PM
All hail Rebis!  You have wonderful insights, Shishou!

I finally just decided that I was going to be happy.  Things have been much better since I did that.  And now I'm going to focus on exactly what I want! 

There was a good quote in a book I read once (Wild Adapter, Vol 3, I think...manga is awesome).  It said something like, "you can always tell when a man has his own god."  I like that.  That's how I feel. 

I also realized/decided that only I have control over what happens to me.  No one else has power over me.  And I have decided to only be filled with joy!

2008 will be a good year!   :icon_bumdance-nerd:

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on January 01, 2008, 07:08:17 PM
You seem to be making loads of positive decisions......almost every other post is something positive and emulate-able. I hope I can keep up.

I don't believe in any grand unified theory of anything though.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 01, 2008, 08:23:34 PM
No you don't, you only need to believe in your own potential and have faith in your ability to reach that goal.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: RebeccaFog on January 01, 2008, 10:47:28 PM
Quote from: Jaimey on January 01, 2008, 06:54:14 PM
All hail Rebis!  You have wonderful insights, Shishou!

I finally just decided that I was going to be happy.  Things have been much better since I did that.  And now I'm going to focus on exactly what I want! 

There was a good quote in a book I read once (Wild Adapter, Vol 3, I think...manga is awesome).  It said something like, "you can always tell when a man has his own god."  I like that.  That's how I feel. 

I also realized/decided that only I have control over what happens to me.  No one else has power over me.  And I have decided to only be filled with joy!

2008 will be a good year!   :icon_bumdance-nerd:
It's possible that is a jungian concept too.  Once we have sorted out our internal business, we know God.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: BriannaKatherine on January 02, 2008, 08:48:42 AM
i have an odd observation of my own empathy and wanted if i could get some feed back on it. been in cases where i was around people who were drinking and became intoxicated but didnt touch a drop. and cases where a sister was going an anxiety attack and began to exhibit symptoms of the same though not knowing what was occuring at the time. being able to 'take' pain from others without any concious thought to it. on a related not though i think that its possible that we may be more prone to being empathic.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: NicholeW. on January 02, 2008, 09:01:15 AM
Quote from: BriannaKatherine on January 02, 2008, 08:48:42 AM
I think that its possible that we may be more prone to being empathic.

I think you are right. I think that is something that is winnowed out of us through child-rearing and other socially contrived means. Humans are naturally empathic. Then we are raised not to be.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 02, 2008, 02:56:42 PM
Hi, Nichole W,
I believe you are right. We all have the potential ability for empathy. What will nurture the ability to be empathic depends much on whether one is allowed or and encouraged to keep these sensitivities and just never tells another soul about them.

Many people will just ignore the possibility for fear of what society will think of them. Then there are those who go through many years of some type of abuse or another and many times it is such an experience that awakens the gift of empathy within them. Unfortunately this phenomenon of emapthy is born of the abuse that many of us have in common. So the very thing that came close to destroying us also brings us together.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 05, 2008, 01:36:57 AM
briannakatherine brought up something interesting (that we may or may not have talked about i've mentioned in every post tonight, i am somewhat inebriated...) about feeling other people's pain.  It seems like several of us have that.  However, in my case, it's more that I know what another person is feeling and I feel a 'nudge', if you will, to do something that will make that person feel better.

For example, my friend's grandmother died just before Thanksgiving and I went to the funeral home with him.  While I was there, I just had the strongest urge to put my arm around him.  But I kept hesitating (for a few reasons, 1.) he's gay and half his town already thinks I'm his wife...those poor people are so confused...and 2.) I am a little awkward about being affectionate towards people, especially in public).  I finally gave in and put my arm around him for a while.  He told me later that as soon as I put my arm around him, he knew everything would be all right.  So for me, it's more that I know what people need.  Is there anyone else like that?  I've never been overwhelmed by anyone's emotions like some of you have.  I also have a younger cousin who is constantly fussed at, even though she isn't doing one day I just sat down and played with her and let her be a kid and now at every holiday, she's practically my shadow.  Anyone else?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 05, 2008, 02:45:19 AM
Hi Jaimey
To me I have never hesitated to embrace someone I thought needed it. To feel emotion and show emotion in a public place was difficult at first, It felt kind of strange at first but when I just started full time time it became easier. But once I allowed myself to show caring and support towards another by showing my caring through an embrace I found is most rewarding, and a feeling that I savor.

This is why I have always been the rescuer since early childhood when I began bringing home injured or stray animals home with me. If you are picking up other peoples energy just take an inventory of what is bothering you, is it your stuff or someone else's? Once you know it makes it easier to release what is not yours. To show affection, crying, laughing, nurturing and a healer, and fiercely loving is a woman's prerogative and quite normal for an empath as well.

I believe that is why that you will find that most empaths on message boards are 90% populated by women. Not that men can't have the same such sensitivities but they seem to be more reluctant to show these feeling then women do.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: BriannaKatherine on January 05, 2008, 11:19:06 AM
i beleive the main reason for that is culture. if you go to cultures where it is not seen as a weakness to cry you find men for the most part much more open to their emotional side, to their willingness to show and be compassionate. it is just that such cultures are few and far between and for the majority. the culture of the modern world is one where it is not verbally said anymore but it is still said through actions that to cry is to be weak to ask others for help to want to feel valued are 'undesirable traits' . we all know the truth of the matter being that all those are universal aspects of the human condition and human nature that sopme of us do not feel the need to express emotion any where near as often as others and some express it almost on a constant basis to the extent of not knowing what we would do without those movements of our soul to the point of accepting the risk of pain and loss in order to feel the burning joy of love in its myriad of forms. but the culture brow beats men to inhibit their emotions almost to the extent where parts of it now are nature instead of nurture. but the majority of it can still be altered by exposing new traditions and mores to a culture.
but theres my rant for today =)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 05, 2008, 04:46:26 PM
Hi Brianna
I love what you wrote which didn't really differ much from mine. "Hee, hee," Well I certainly try not to cry in public, I still don't feel it's the right thing to do, but there have been times where it couldn't be helped, No different then a good old side splitting and knee slapping good jokes that I  seem to have cultivated into Wing Walker. I have a lot of jokes that are squeaky clean and the unwashed  as well as children's jokes, I like children's jokes, and I have certainly had god use of them with children. And yes there are some really wonderful sensitive men out there. Some I have even had the privilege to work with. Hey if you ever get to meet a F - M Transeperson, then you will know what I mean.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 27, 2008, 10:10:10 PM
Quote from: BriannaKatherine on January 05, 2008, 11:19:06 AM
i beleive the main reason for that is culture. the culture of the modern world is one where it is not verbally said anymore but it is still said through actions that to cry is to be weak to ask others for help to want to feel valued are 'undesirable traits' .

but the culture brow beats men to inhibit their emotions almost to the extent where parts of it now are nature instead of nurture. but the majority of it can still be altered by exposing new traditions and mores to a culture.

you know what's weird?  i'm female bodied, but that's how it was for me.  no matter what, you don't cry.  my mom told me that when we went to the funeral home when my grandfather died, it was the first time she'd ever seen me cry...i was almost 22.  the really weird part is that i remember crying a lot, but i always cried by myself.  very strange...

...i'm sore...i've been unpacking...ugh... :icon_headache:  i'm pooped...

Posted on: January 05, 2008, 07:14:17 PM
I got into a debate today about education and now I kind of want to cry.  I don't really know why.  It's like I'm totally overwhelmed by the negativity that I was a part of.  It wasn't that bad of a debate, but I feel bad.  Maybe I'm just frustrated because that person wouldn't listen to me.  I feel like I've somehow hurt that person.  We resolved it a little, but I still feel bad.

I don't know.  Maybe it's hormones or maybe it's because I'm running a light fever.  Or maybe I'm just too sensitive.  I feel really vulnerable.  Normally I'm stoic and completely independent.  I'm so used to being by myself and dealing with things on my own that I don't know what to do when I get like this.  I want someone to hold me.  I want someone to protect me from all the negativity.  This whole weekend was yucky.  My roommates get on my nerves and they don't listen when I speak either.  They are really negative and it's hard for me to deal with.  It's just been too much these past few days and I don't know what to do.

I feel like I'm going crazy.  I just want to win the lottery or something so I can buy a house and a dog and live in peace. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 28, 2008, 02:39:26 AM
Hi, Jaimey,
I didn't know this until after I came out full time and a year into HRT. Crying is not only reserved for feeling hurt, or remorseful but I have also come to discover that one can cry over something that is really silly, sad or really funny, or you can also cry when you see another fellow human girl/guy suffering and hurt and lost or doing without most basic needs for a healthy lifestyle.

One can also cry over happy sentimentalities as well as loving sentimentalities, also over something that is truly beautiful. There are as many feelings and sensitivities in a person as all of the colors in the spectrum of visible light.

But one thing I have found is that crying is profoundly cleansing at soul level. I have found that it didn't matter weather the emotion was negative or positive, at soul level both are equal in intensity. From that point I send out this energy out to universe as healing energy for whomever is in need of it.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 28, 2008, 06:33:44 PM
I wish I could cry more easily.  I've gotten so used to suppressing it that now I have to try really hard and think about horrible even if I need to cry, I try not too.  I feel better now, but still sappy.  I think it might be because I have a sinus infection and I'm running a temperature.  I get a little mushy when I'm sick.  I suppose hormones could be affecting me too, but I don't count days...guess I should.

I cry when I'm happy too.  I am trying to open up my emotions more again.  *sigh*  I need a vacation.   :eusa_wall:  <--- My head feels like this.  I'm frustrated.  :(

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 29, 2008, 01:48:53 AM
Hi Jaimey
Just try to finding a quiet place to meditate and just relax and let your thoughts drift. The experience will fluctuate in intensity, from one person to another  But you will be aware of it when it does. I also know what you are saying about having to hold it back had to do that for to many years. But when Cynthia made her presence she did it in a big bang. Scroll up some and look a the picture I posted there, that's what it felt like. A spiritual epiphany ? Possibly. When it comes it will be like something you probably have never experienced before.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 29, 2008, 10:09:34 PM
I'll try to find a quiet place, though that is getting hard.  My roommates want to do EVERYTHING together.  I feel a lot better today though.  I don't think I'm as sick as I was, so maybe that was it.  I've been boiling ginger and drinking works.  I don't know what to do about the tension though.  There is so much tension in my shoulders and it's been there for so long that I haven't a clue how to relax.  *sigh*  Thanks for listening though.  :)

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on January 30, 2008, 02:22:48 AM
Hi, Jaimey. You are quite welcome, and do try to find someplace or a time where you can sit in silence then let your thoughts flow, like fall leaves floating down stream, then drift into meditating. Like meditating in preparation to be in harmony with Universe. In simple term it's liken unto dialing the phone number for God's residence.

Post any time you desire, Jaimey, you know I have a soft spot for you all and I thank you all for kindness and support you have all have shown to me.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on January 31, 2008, 02:56:51 PM
Quote from: Rebis on January 01, 2008, 05:51:47 PM
Confusion is the enemy of knowing.

I should know.

i heard recently that an important part of being in the world is mystery. by which he or she meant that we are not supposed to have all the answers. and that rather than searching for answers and meaning everywhere, we should rather relax and accept that mystery exists, that sometimes there are no answers.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on January 31, 2008, 08:32:48 PM
i have to agree.  if i knew everything, there wouldn't be anything else to learn.  i would be bored out of my mind.

...and as for all those weird feelings and can be summed up in three little letters...pms.  *sigh*  well, at least i know i'm not crazy.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 01, 2008, 03:49:37 AM
Hi, Jaimey,

Can't say much about PMS but I can quite identify with the varying moods and emotional roller coaster.  Sometimes it takes great effort for you to hold on and stay with the ride to it's conclusion. Everyone has their own particular ways of getting through these all-consuming emotional states which are also called depression.

Anyone can experience these states of mind, but for a sensitive person they can appear to be overwhelming while the average persons who make up the bigger part of the population don't have these sensitivities. They will not suffer as severely from these depressions, and may only appear as the person experiencing a feeling of gloominess for a day or two.

If it goes beyond that then a person may have what is called a serotonin imbalance.
I have already gone through nearly two months of feeling down and it turned out that the reason being that it was mostly brought on from what is called seasonal affective disorder. I also needed to be back in circulation with the outside world.

I can also thank the Great Spirit for finding this board for me. As I have said on other threads, loneliness can kill just as efficiently as any lethal weapon. Yes, after depression the second biggest killer is loneliness. When times get tough I also do a lot of meditating.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Schala on February 01, 2008, 11:16:55 AM
I'm also an empath, I believe. I've always been a loner, both by choice and circumstances, and I've thought I had a crush on a couple persons because I wanted them to get better, I later realized it wasn't the kind of love that builds a relationship, but more of a sisterly feeling.

I do believe in karma, and hold grudges against no one. I can also get sensitive pretty easily, and react to human suffering. I also react to innocence and I usually smile at children and sometimes adults (random ones).

I feel that a relationship that would work is someone who is able to shield me from my empathy at times, or be its sole target, for a time, so I can relax. Someone to relieve me of my burden, because it feels a heavy one, and loneliness certainly does not help there.

I have very little considerations for the physical, the material, I look directly at people's spirits. I don't get attracted based on looks, I don't put as much effort as average on my own looks, and I don't think it's really important. I don't think money is all that important except for my livelihood.

If all things are ephermereal, I prefer the tangible feelings to the illusion that material things provide. I also have always looked for longterm relationship and generally been a confidante for others, even if I had no friends.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 01, 2008, 04:23:58 PM
Hi Schala
Welcome to Empaths and Empathy. From what you have shared with use it appears that you do have some empath sensitivities. Some of the traits of empathy might be hard to nail down to anyone particular characteristic. I believe if you go back to the beginning of this thread I have submitted a few introduction posts into the phenomena of empathy.

Nice to see you here and please feel free to share whenever you feel you have a need to.

Love and Living Light

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Schala on February 01, 2008, 07:38:53 PM
Yes, I read much of the early thread.

For a fun fact, my empathy is probably the one thing that makes me come up as extremely feminine on gender tests (95% or so feminity usually). I'm girly too, but not stereotypically so, no high heels, not much make-up, no sexy clothes, no interest in cheerleading, gossip and such. I dress 'boyish' I guess, pants and t-shirts, skirts in spring/summer/fall (not winter, I'd freeze). I avoid tops because I don't fill them up enough to my liking. In general my hair will be unstyled, both for lazyness and lack of knowledge to do stuff with it (but I wouldn't straighten or cut it, or layer it, or perm it - even if it was free).

I seem to always 'get' people, their issues and the emotion responsible for how they feel. I've saved a couple persons from suicide online. I've asked to date two girls by crying to them (oh yes, that was real manly, you can bet on that) long ago. One accepted, somehow, though it didn't last all that long. The other was one who always confided in me, and I mistook my empathy for her for love...for 5 years. I never made a move, even when I had a chance. Looking back it's evident that I wanted her to be like a sister, nothing sexual, nothing romantic.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 01, 2008, 10:09:00 PM
Hi Schala, All you have posted is awesome and pretty well a repeat performance of my own experiences with empathy. The empathy part also got me in trouble with those who claimed they were  my friends. Through the public school years I mostly kept to myself and avoided the other kids. I preferred to be alone then, to take a chance at being bullied. I could pick up on all these senses and feelings from the people, at times even their thoughts, and that tended to spook people around me.  It was like being in a busy mall.  It was and still feels like being on board a Borg Ship and hearing the constant droning of the "hive mind." That is about the closest I can describe what it felt like.

And yes, it was a wonderful discovery once I learned what being an empath was as well as learning that I was transsexual.  It actually freed me from certain stigmas that I was carrying. Even though I still felt some fear, I experienced with empathy, at least I was now aware of what these two traits were and I had come to terms with them. It helped me to learn who I was and it also answered why I had to transition easier to understand and accept.

I am quite comfortable with who I am and I love who Cindy stands for. I love doing rescue missions because I care for people. On my journey through this life I have also met some really wonderful, kind people in the caring for others' business. There is hope for this world, I just pray that a sufficient number of folks out there wake up and smell the roses.

Actually I like being girly now and again, specially when Wing Walker  likes to play along with me. The one thing I like the best is when she pets my long hair, prrrrrrrrrr.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Schala on February 02, 2008, 12:41:50 AM
If I had lived in the victorian era I'd probably be outwardly 100x more girly...I love those dresses, and hate the ones currently 'in'...hugging my curves is fine, with my bed sheets, when I sleep, when I wear a dress I want the dress to be attractive to me, I want it to be pretty.

I'm the kind of girl who would wear a wedding-dress like dress (though shorter hem and not as fancy I guess), in a casual setting, for kicks. I'd wear a knee length dress or knee length skirts year long if I had enough of them that appealed to me. As it is I have 6 or 7 skirts, and many of them are denim or not the style I want...I can't seem to find one I like.

I want an A-line skirt, about knee-length, that will hold some shape (not hug my skin) without being like a tutu and hang 90 degrees to my body, you know, halfway between them.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 02, 2008, 03:01:32 AM
Hi Schala
Ya I love dresses and skirts and especially knee length sun dresses. I can still get a gent to take notice :laugh: at my age uh? I wear skirts and dresses for as long as the weather is warm.  I also love the way the hair dresser does my hair. I guess it's pleasing enough for Paula to take notice and pet it. It really didn't start to get cold here until near the end of October.

Didn't get any snow and when we did it was only on the odd occasion and then melt away a day or two later. I am not certain when spring comes here in BC yet, but I hope it's early. I haven't been to disappointed, it is like I had heard when I was in Ontario. This entire area of Vancouver is classified as a rainforest. Can you believe that there are plants that keep their green leaves all winter. It don't go down to freezing much and if it does it don't last long. OK enough of the climate report for BC, Amazing though, and I love green plants. And the high rise buildings that are all glass on the outside, I call them my crystal towers ;D

I also have a couple of winter dresses that I really seldom where except for special occasions and holidays. "Sighhhhhh." I guess Paula and I may have to go south of the border to Seattle to do some shopping.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on February 02, 2008, 02:51:06 PM
I love skirts when it's's a little frosty in KY for that now.  For about 15 minutes last night, I stood outside in a tank top and might have been 25 degrees outside...maybe.  I was waiting in line for a concert (it's too much trouble to keep up with a least we had the sense to buy some coffee and hang out in the coffee shop until they opened the doors).

Anyhoo...I discovered a lot about myself because of moshing.  I wasn't moshing...but I was caught between people who were.  First of all, I remembered how much I don't like being touched.  Having all of those sweaty, disgusting people pushing and slamming against me was exhausting, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I got so tired that at times I wanted to cry and collapse.  I stuck it out though...Tiger Army was worth it.  Secondly, I realized how much I want someone to protect/shield me.  In all that pushing and shoving, I wanted so badly for someone to shield me from it.  I can relate relate to Schala on that point, just needing to be shielded, to be given a break.  I guess it made me realize how lonely I am.  I was also trying to keep people off of my friend who was in front of me (who doesn't seem to realize that you have to be aggressive and push back).  It made me sad that I was trying to help someone, but no one was helping me and no one ever has helped me.  The third thing I realized is that I'm stubborn and pretty darn strong if I need to be.  I planted my feet, raised my fists, and steeled myself.  I'll be damned if anyone is going to push me around, physically or otherwise.  But it breaks my heart to think that I have to do that to keep from getting hurt.  I've always had to build a wall around myself to hold myself together and that concert really brought it too my attention.  I HATE having to be "strong".  For me, "strong" equals "alone".  I'm tired of being "strong".  For once, I want someone else to be strong so I can relax.  It was one of the most exhausting experiences of my life.  Being in a crowd sucks the life out of me.  No matter how much energy I have before I get into the crowd, once I'm in, I get completely depleted.  There were a couple of moments where I had little dizzy spells last night, but I managed to stay in control.

I went to bed at 1 AM.  I woke up at 10, but I laid in bed until 2 PM because I was just too tired to move.  The only good thing that came from this concert was that for the first time in a long time I was able to sleep, to REALLY sleep and wake up refreshed. 

All in all, it was an eye opening experience.  Self discovery in a mosh pit.  Who knew?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 02, 2008, 08:26:44 PM
Hi, Dearest Jaimey, {Big Hugs} I can so identify with what you have shared here, you are not alone hun.  I have the same problems. I was raised in the country where I could be one with nature. When I moved to city type environment it can suck me dry of my energy.

I am only here to fulfill a mission but yes, I am so grateful I have Wing Walker to protect me and  give me the support I need because I wouldn't be able to do it alone. I am so ever grateful to have her in my life. I don't mind so much being around other people as long as I have a purpose to be there. As long as it doesn't get to the point of feeling claustrophobic. I told Wing Walker that you may be able to take the girl out of the country but you cannot take the country out of the girl. I will do OK for as long as I can feel useful working with people which I am hoping to be doing soon. I expect to be opening a drop-in and help center for trans folks,

Take care of yourself hon, and you are more than welcome to come here and share whenever you have a desire to do so.


Sending loving caring energy,


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Schala on February 02, 2008, 09:44:30 PM
I like your fairy picture and saying there.

As for energy, well I always take naps in the middle of the day and I'm usually okay after that. You think caloric energy can be used to remedy being emptied emotionally? As in, being lower on emotional energy, being drained will basically make someone burn more calories?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on February 02, 2008, 10:49:50 PM
I wish that were true...I'd spend a lot more time in fatass needs it.  :D

A nap in the middle of the day would do me wonders, but I somehow think my supervisors would look down on that.  Actually, I seem to "crash" in the middle of the day when I'm at work.  I don't really know what to do to make that stop.  Maybe I'll start sleeping better now that I got to work some of that tension out.

Today wasn't great.  It started out all right, but we decided to go look for a router for our internet...and I guess I'm just a bitch.  But there was a close out sale at Comp USA and they had a router for $32, which happens to be a great price.  My roommates have been talking about getting Nick (my roommate's older brother) to order one for us for the last month.  He is not particularly reliable and he's more talk than actual knowledge.  But that's just it!  They talk and talk and talk and never do anything about it.  The router at Comp USA wasn't a brand we were familiar with and they immediately assumed it would be crap.  Which is fine, except that we're paying for internet we can't use and Nick still hadn't agreed to order the other one.  So I got a little perturbed and I guess Cait must think I'm a total bitch because I got mad at her.  But her negativity has really been getting to me lately and I can only keep that bottled up for so long.  I don't have anyone I can vent to because Liz has been friends with her since middle school and there's no one else here for me to talk to.  Cait called Nick and apparently he is now going to order us a router.  The thing is, if I hadn't gotten mad, we still wouldn't have a router.  But I'm not a bitch and I HATE it when I get that way.  But when Cait called Nick she made a point of telling me that he 'laughed' when she told him the brand name.  Forgive me, but why the hell should I care what her brother said about that brand name?  He's been in college for 8 years and hasn't picked a major, he doesn't have a real job, and as far as I can tell, he rarely knows what he's talking about.  Cait and her whole family is so pretentious that you just want to hit them every time they open their mouths.  Cait and Liz are both ridiculous when it comes to having an ACTUAL opinion or making a decision.  The other day our phone quit working and I said that they needed to call someone on their day off and Liz actually said, "I don't know who to call."  How about the phone provider?  It's like they're still breast feeding, you know?  They wouldn't know how to dress themselves if their mommies weren't there to help them with it and they are both going to be 25 this year!  I get so fed up!  And when I get fed up, I become the bitch that nobody can figure out, nor do they care to try. 

I really need to make some new friends...
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 03, 2008, 12:07:36 AM
Hmmmm Well getting bitchy don't work to well for me. It lasts for all of five minutes then I go into melt down in a shower of tears. Emotions, emotions, emotions, are sometimes nice to have but they can be a pain in the butt sometimes to. Well again that is why I am grateful I have Wing Walker as my partner.

As for your friends they sound to me like a real couple of air heads. Maybe it's time they began taking responsibility, or find somewhere else to live. If you have any other friends that would share the apartment with you, I think this might be the time to seriously think about asking them if they would be interested in sharing your apartment. Is the apartment registered in your name? If it is you can ask them to leave without a notice. Would they give you any notice if the rolls were reversed?

Wing Walker says to tell them that they have 48 hours to get gone, everything, leave nothing behind.  Now if they say, "We need 30 days notice," WW says to tell them no, and that 30 days is a lot more than they would give to you.  If they refuse to move, call the police.  Unless your "roommates" have their names on the lease, you owe them nothing.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on February 03, 2008, 12:25:28 AM
Actually, the lease isn't in my name.  And I can't really afford to live by myself.  Most of the time, they aren't that bad, but sometimes I just can't deal.  Even if we didn't live together, they would be my only friends in Louisville.  What I really need to do is make some new friends and spend some time away from Liz and Cait.  And I guess some of it is my own fault.  I still can't open up and I let things go on too long before I say anything.

At any rate, I'll be all right.  I just need to vent sometimes.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 03, 2008, 12:57:25 AM
Hi Jaimey, It's OK hon. You are quite welcome to come here to vent or just share your thoughts and feelings with us. This is way to big a world to be alone. No one should be alone. Every one should have someone they can hold or be held like in a caress in a show of love and caring.


Posted on: February 03, 2008, 12:35:44 AM
Thank you Schala

I really can't say if eating more calories would recharge ones energy. I find that the best thing to do is I just go out prepared not letting what is not mine attach itself to me. It usually works out pretty good if one is to just let these other energies flow by like fall leaves flowing down stream. Flowing around you like a rock sticking out of the water in midstream. Or picture yourself inside an egg shaped blue energy field. The blue energy is your soul closely compacted to you like a shield. There are many other ways to field if anyone is interested I can post them. The two methods I have posted here I developed on my own. Every one has a different conception of the energies that surround them and how they discover their own methods of dealing with these energies.



Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on February 04, 2008, 05:17:56 AM
we must be sharing the same housemates.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 04, 2008, 06:23:18 AM
Thank goodness I don't have any room mates except for Wing Walker. The only problem is I wish she would take the wings off of that by-plane before bringing it in our apartment.

Hey did you know what statistics say about what would happen after a nuclear war? All that would be left alive are cockroaches and house guests. :Hee, hee, hee. Now wouldn't that flap the back hatch on your long Johns. Hey maaaaaaa! I think it's getting a mite drafty in the house.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on February 04, 2008, 06:30:00 PM
I wonder if people just transform into horrible monsters when they become your roommates...

It has mellowed out a bit here.  I've got some of my energy back and I don't have cramps anymore (I'm sure you wanted to know that). 

whew.  Today has been VERY mellow.  It's nice.  :)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 05, 2008, 01:05:38 AM
Hi Jaimey
Well at least, If nothing else I certainly have some experience with changing a few diapers on girl children and watching them grow up. I felt it and I thought it to be quite a unique and wonderful experience. It certainly helped me in the sharing of the raising of 8 girl children through the years. And then there was my sister, my mom, my last girl friend, my ex wife, and some other ladies I made friends  with on the Res where I lived there with my girl friend for a time. So yep I understand some about female problems, all of them react and experience PMS differently to some degree at that time of the month. My sister suffered more then any others that I knew.

Being an empath certainly kept me tuned in, I could feel what they were feeling. I could even tell when one was with child before they even knew themselves. Any way you are quite welcome to drop by when ever you feel the urge to wrap your two hands around someones neck and proceed to choke them. Wing Walker is going to put her 2cents worth as well.

Hi, Jaimey, this is Wing Walker here.

I understand that you are having severe cramps.  My mom had them, too.  My dad, a bartender for 45 years or so made a mixture for her.

He took equal parts of Cognac and blackberry brandy, added some nutmeg, and put in a bottle to be shaken before drinking.  Apparently it worked because there was always a bottle of it in the kitchen.

I hope that this helps.


Posted on: February 05, 2008, 12:53:07 AM
Time to awaken

I believe that there is a reawakening a foot and this time
I believe we are more well armed with the uniting of our wisdom after
having learned from our previous short comings. We are all feeling
something big is coming.

what the signs we see at this time is they indicate that the world has
become way to bulky and awkward to manipulate things effectively, with
the present system that we have in place at this time. It cannot
continue to exist under this present system. Something has to break
somewhere and something will.

This can not continue to happen without something big occurring soon,
shocking, maybe even cataclysmic, no one really knows for certain at
this time. It is this something big that we are all feeling and we all
need to figure out what part we will need to play in it in order to
continue to resolve our present problems to grow and evolve past this
point. listen to your heart and watch what is happening, it will
unfold right before your eyes maybe slowly but never the less still
noticeably at first then accelerating to a climax. If you are open to
it, our very own environment will tell you through the medium of the
Earth, the water, the wind, and how other people are behaving. We will
be guided to the role we have been born to play.

Five years ago was the beginning of our coming together, the
gatherings of our sisters and brothers to bring about the awakening,
but there was much dissent and conflict among us we were split-up and
scattered back into obscurity. It saddened my heart to see so many of
the wonderful people I had come to admire and love just vanish into
the night.

It is just lately that I have seen a resurgence of our people on the
boards and I am ever so thankful to see this happening. What we need
to do is to listen carefully to what the others have to say and
evaluate it carefully before responding. May God Bless

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on February 06, 2008, 08:29:13 PM
Quote from: cindybc on February 05, 2008, 01:05:38 AM
He took equal parts of Cognac and blackberry brandy, added some nutmeg, and put in a bottle to be shaken before drinking.  Apparently it worked because there was always a bottle of it in the kitchen.

I hope that this helps.

Thanks...I think I'll mix some up before my next period.  It's not always bad, but this month was pretty rough.  Thanks for listening too...I was crazy for a few days.  All better now.   :icon_weee:
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on February 06, 2008, 09:15:17 PM
Well just take care Jaimey sweets, and I do pray that we were of help. As I have said before you are quite welcome to drop in and share whatever you wish. Being weird or crazy is kind of normal for me and it certainly not a bad thing. Well unless you are being driven there against your will by pain and discomfort.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 05, 2008, 12:22:24 PM
Hi, you told me to come here, so here I am.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 05, 2008, 03:07:01 PM
Hi Little Kid, happy to see you here,  have you taken time to scan through some of the information on sensitivities and intuition and the metaphysical in the back posts here?

Here is the link for a really interesting one to begin with, if I haven't already posted it.

The holographic universe.

I have a lot of literature available if we should need it for referencing.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 05, 2008, 05:53:26 PM
Yeah I did, haven't read the entire thread yet, but I'm getting there.

Ok, I'll check it out, thanks. :D
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 05, 2008, 05:59:38 PM
Ok I you wish you may want to ask some questions along the way then feel free to do so.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 05, 2008, 09:58:48 PM
Well I don't like saying this (it makes me feel arrogant and I don't like feeling arrogant) but so far everything I've read in the hologram universe article I've thought about and believed since a long time ago. (to a greater or lesser extent) Though I've never had anybody who agreed with that viewpoint so far so it's kinda weird and freaky and stuff. (I honestly don't know how to feel about it, I'm exited, disappointed, happy, sad, and a myriad of other things I have no idea how to react) I'm only half way into the article so far as I have to do a couple of other things (and then most likely have to head of to bed) but it's a great article.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 06, 2008, 01:47:17 AM
It's simple to understand, the holographic universe is the particles which are called photonic energy and atomic particles which make up all of the mass and energy in the multiverses. You will find that this energy makes up the galaxies, stars, planets, moons, comets, and asteroids.  Even space is not empty. 

All living things are also included in this undeniable nature of the grids and all are aligned in a series of quantum grid work where said energy and mass are conducted across the spectrum of light.  This spectrum, which is broken into various different shades of primary colors, is projected within the holographic Universe.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on March 06, 2008, 06:14:51 PM
Quote from: Pica Pica on February 04, 2008, 05:17:56 AM
we must be sharing the same housemates.

i love how you all use the word mates and housemates. we cannot say that on this side of the pond; over here, a mate is someone you actually mate with.  :P

and and i like how when someone writes FFS in the UK, they don't necessarily mean "Facial Feminization Surgery"  :) !!

and, oh my, how freely you all use the term "Bugger". does it mean the same thing over there that it means here??  :o

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on March 06, 2008, 06:29:28 PM
it does, but buggery has always had a place in polite society  :angel:

and what does FFS mean otherwise?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on March 06, 2008, 06:42:18 PM
Quote from: Pica Pica on March 06, 2008, 06:29:28 PM
it does, but buggery has always had a place in polite society  :angel:

and what does FFS mean otherwise?

a) Heh heh.  Heh

b) You didn't know? oh, for F____'s sake
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on March 06, 2008, 06:46:21 PM
oh, i just say it, no pansy-arsing around acronyms.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 07, 2008, 04:23:03 AM
Hi Elle. "hee,hee,hee" I didn't know about the FFS I knew the expression but didn't think or know it as initials. I knew about the word bugger though, I use to have some pretty good friends from UK on a Ski-Fi website. Ya I love Science fiction stuff. I think I may have mentioned this before, oh well. I know there isn't any problems with my memory, it's just that I get brain fartz now and again. 

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on March 07, 2008, 09:30:56 AM
Quote from: cindybc on March 07, 2008, 04:23:03 AM
Hi Elle. "hee,hee,hee" I didn't know about the FFS I knew the expression but didn't think or know it as initials. I knew about the word bugger though, I use to have some pretty good friends from UK on a Ski-Fi website. Ya I love Science fiction stuff. I think I may have mentioned this before, oh well. I know there isn't any problems with my memory, it's just that I get brain fartz now and again. 


Ok Cindy, i just hate the term brain fartz. it's like, is there some bad smell involved where ya have to do the hand-waving thing, FFS?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 07, 2008, 08:05:13 PM
Hi Ell na not that kind of gas actually it would more like an empty space where the thought memory should be. In my case it usually mi mind going faster then my brain can Analise the thought.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 08, 2008, 08:58:01 PM
I just finished the thingy on the holographic universe, and I just feel like crying. Though I feel like crying because for the last couple of days I've just randomly felt like crying for some or other reason. I'm really exited about the article though as it's the first time in my life that anybody or anything ever agreed that what I believed may actually be true. Since I can remember everybody thought that I just have a really over active imagination and that nothing I say has any basis in reality. (though that's false because... well because of somethings that I think) And well... umm... I'm going to go now.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on March 08, 2008, 09:59:33 PM
*hugs*  :icon_flower:

You know, sometimes crying can make you feel better.  I have days like that myself.  You've been through quite a lot these past few days (telling your mom and so forth), so it's no wonder, really.  Just keep your chin up!  We're here for you, sweetie! 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 08, 2008, 10:11:47 PM
I really don't mean this badly, and I truly appreciate the gesture, but please don't hug me again. It kinda tends to freak me out. (I don't like being touched in anyway, well there are three people I guess whom I don't have a problem with touching me, but they're very very close friends) Sorry about it.

Yeah I guess, if I can just figure out how to do it at a time where I'm not in the mood to not cry. (I kinda promised myself a couple of years ago that I will never again cry so I have a hard time doing it, I've only cried twice since and that was under very bad circumstances) But yeah I guess I've been through a lot, especially if you also count the things that's happened since a week or two ago. But if I keep my chin up I can't see where I'm going! :D
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Pica Pica on March 09, 2008, 02:44:02 PM
i watch sad films when i want to cry, I sob buckets and I sleep well afterwards.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on March 09, 2008, 03:22:45 PM
Quote from: The_Little_Kid on March 08, 2008, 10:11:47 PM
I really don't mean this badly, and I truly appreciate the gesture, but please don't hug me again. It kinda tends to freak me out. (I don't like being touched in anyway, well there are three people I guess whom I don't have a problem with touching me, but they're very very close friends) Sorry about it.

If it makes you feel better, I wouldn't actually do that in person.  I don't like being touched by people I don't know.  It freaks me out.  :) 

I do what pica does.  I watch movies...particularly Steel Magnolias.  Gets to me everytime...
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 09, 2008, 04:10:13 PM
I find enough sad stories on this board that turns on my waterworks. But this is what I do best is doing my best to support others. So yep, I get my tears and it creates a space of peace after wards. The feelings just go so deep sometimes though.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: The_Little_Kid on March 09, 2008, 09:52:25 PM
I actually don't even let my family touch me. (not even my parents) But yeah, similar I guess.

The movie that has had me closest to crying so far was Love Story. (if I remember correctly) It's an old movie from 1970 I think, though the thing that I liked the most about it was the music. It had the most beautiful music ever.

Guess what, I cried today, or at least, I sobbed my brains out. Though I wasn't sad or anything I was just......
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 10, 2008, 04:08:43 AM
Hmmmm, I hear about some folks who don't like to be touched and I was one of those. That was back in the days I didn't trust anyone and getting hugged gave me the creeps.

There was a disturbing reason why I was gun shy around people. I was feeling what they were feeling, and sometimes it wasn't very positive from some folks. There was one other reason outside the empathy that caused me to shy away from some folks that I will not discuss at this time.

But I will admit that after being on HRT for sometime my sensitivities have amplified and now for the first time in my life I have found someone who shows me love, another first since longer than I can remember. She watches over me like a mother duck and I love the intimacy and attention I get from her and she does hug me. I really don't mind getting hugged now. Maybe I have become a lot like my last foster daughter, poor kid couldn't get enough hugs.  She wasn't getting any affection at home to be sure. Maybe it was during the time I had this 9 year old girl under my care that showed me how to trust and love others again.

Anyway, I love getting hugged now.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on March 11, 2008, 07:10:26 PM
Quote from: cindybc on March 10, 2008, 04:08:43 AM
Hmmmm, I hear about some folks who don't like to be touched and I was one of those. That was back in the days I didn't trust anyone and getting hugged gave me the creeps.

There was a disturbing reason why I was gun shy around people. I was feeling what they were feeling, and sometimes it wasn't very positive from some folks. There was one other reason outside the empathy that caused me to shy away from some folks that I will not discuss at this time.

But I will admit that after being on HRT for sometime my sensitivities have amplified and now for the first time in my life I have found someone who shows me love, another first since longer than I can remember. She watches over me like a mother duck and I love the intimacy and attention I get from her and she does hug me. I really don't mind getting hugged now. Maybe I have become a lot like my last foster daughter, poor kid couldn't get enough hugs.  She wasn't getting any affection at home to be sure. Maybe it was during the time I had this 9 year old girl under my care that showed me how to trust and love others again.

Anyway, I love getting hugged now.


I've gotten more used to it.  I am touchy with my family, but that's just my mom and brother now (I was close to my grandmother before she passed away...for all intents and purposes, she was my mother and my mom is more like a sibling)...and with my brother, well, he's a LOT younger than me, so I held him a lot as a baby.  Otherwise I wouldn't be comfortable with him at all because he's extremely unpredictable (we've been told he has oppositional defiance disorder) and he makes me nervous.  But I've never been touchy with other people.  I think for me, though, it's because I can tell if people are sincere or not...and there's a lot of insincere touching among women.  A lot of insincere "love" spoken among female "friends".  So for me it's usually a trust thing.  It took a lot of work to get used to people and really, I'm still not, but I've observed enough people to know what is "normal" so I know how to act and react. 

Sometimes, you have to cry and sob.  Did it make you feel any better?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on March 11, 2008, 07:56:28 PM
Hi Jaimey The crying and tears can be out of sentiment or sadness. When either one get to be equally deep I am note able to tell them so I just release it as a prayer. But then there is the silly crying, I enjoy it because I never before really let myself feel these feelings before. Tears of deep feelings I still see as a cleansing within. 

As for being hugged by other people, depending on what I feel inside of then I can feel uncomfortable with some but I can also find some that warm inside, I love the warmth. I have only met few people with whom I felt that type of energy

When I get weepy I listen to this song. Imagine energy of every colors  of every escription radiating from the telstar satellite to the surface of the earth, healing the world. May sound kind of silly but those are my feelings.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Stephen on March 24, 2008, 01:56:52 AM
No, I didn't read this entire thread. I was just wandering at what point does some one become an empath?

I am a natural energy vampire. Not all of us are bad. I have a tendency to be able to know when people, particularly friends, need someone around, to be hugged, or to be left alone. Since I only do this when it is very strong, am I just unintentionally taking in their personal energy and interpreting it or am I an empath?
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on April 21, 2008, 03:53:59 PM
Hi, Stephen, I copied and pasted this response to you from the Metaphysical thread. It was my response to your post. Also wanted to let you know that from what I have learned briefly about your personality, feelings, and sensings, I would think that you may be more an empath then an energy vampire. I already met one of those she was a nasty b**ch, negative as a black hole, and she nearly drained me of my energy. Oddly enough during this stressful time I was able to experience many wonderful visions as well as become more aware of the forces that be around me. I was able to just let her negativity drift by me as I described in the post below. My living there was a temporary arrangement until I could find my own apartment.

There are times we give off very strong fields of energies that other people around can be aware of,  that is why I do my best to maintain an upbeat attitude and radiate positive energy around me, it doesn't take long before you see smiles on peoples faces. I also call that projecting and it has been invaluable gift that was well appreciated during my transitioning.

Before I begin, welcome to Susan's.

Very interesting read. Would you by chance be a student to be Shaman? I learned much of both Shamanism and Wicca some years ago there are some very interesting legends and traditions.  I was born an empath and I am two-spirited so I am not a stranger to knowing about the four earth elements, the movement of the elements of the Universe, and spirituality.  Both faiths have a similarity as far as earth, air, fire and water go, the planetary elements.

The Ojibwa Natives of Ontario call the Sun Father, the Earth Mother, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Stars. From the Grandfather Stars we came and to the Grandfather Stars so shall we return. I have also discovered that being on HRT may amplify ones sensitivities and perception to the elements and energies around one's self.

When I started transitioning, my heightened sensitivities nearly drove me batty. I couldn't even go out of the apartment from August 2007 when my mate and I moved here to Vancouver, BC. until the end of January 2008.  But that was not without determination and plain forcing myself to do so. I have learned to a greater degree how to use the elements to allow the energies to flow around and through me. It works quite well.

I am also aware when my energy fields go up to the point a lot of people feel it although I don't believe they know what it is as such. Sometimes these energies are extreme but if it is positive energy it affects people around me likewise.  It feels good to affect folks in a positive manner.


Posted on: March 24, 2008, 04:33:45 AM
My vision told to White Buffalo Calf Woman

Ok I guess I'll start first. I have been having visions of my standing
at a high place in a mountain, watching this steady stream of people
winding there way through a pass between mountains. These weary
travelers entered a Vally surrounded by sharp craggy mountains. The
valley floor was covered by a lush emerald green forest.

I am holding up a crystal ball that is radiating bright white light.
Wing Walker stands beside me, holding a sword that is of the same bright
white light. What does this mean to you? or not mean? I have had many
other visions and just never had anyone around with who I could consult.


This was White Buffalo Calf Woman. interpreting my vision.

Vision reader: white buffalo calf woman. Visions bring us what tomorrow gives.

------------ I have been having visions of my standing at a high place in a mountain,

interpretation: This is where the mountaintop touches the heavens. Many go to mountaintops to gain knowledge and wisdom. The earthly mother yearns to touch the heavenly father.

------------watching this steady stream of people winding their way through a pass between mountains.

Interpretation: To see, is to believe, even as we dream we see what tomorrow will bring. The great streams belongs to mother. It is ever flowing and never ending and steady as her "well of life". This is where all birth and manifestation occur. She gives us the ability to feel with our bodies. As stars in the night shine so does the unity of these lights as they wind around each other from light to light with pure(ness) darkness. The pillars of the pearly gates give us passageway between one realm of our hearts to the other realm of time, together we travel two roads as one journey. The love of the heart is as great as a mountain. Here where eruptions can occur, the law of love overcomes to build great things.

Interpretation: As we fly in our dreams, the ever flowing circle of life find the hearts of the people. They learn to find their way inward and know joy of the everlasting holiness in love.

-----These weary travelers entered a Valley surrounded by sharp craggy mountains.

Interpretation: When a man finds no joy in his life he becomes weary. The steps to inquiring has left him. He becomes the inferior man. But in the embrace a feeling of protection come over him. He looks up and walks upright. As he sees the mountains around him, he knows the journey may be long and arduous. The beauty overwhelms him and he yearns to be the superior man and know God.

-------The valley floor was covered by a lush emerald green forest.

Interpretation: (valley- in the embrace a feeling of protection comes over him). The valley gives shelter during this time (floor). As far as can be seen the house of God shines brightly as we stand united.

-------I am holding up a crystal ball that is radiating bright white light.

Interpretation: Another word for God is I and as so, God holds " the heart that overspills" (crystal) and unifies the kinsmen and relations. Because together they shine the brightness of the Rainbow, the color of all light, white.

--------Paula stands beside me, holding a sword that is of the same bright white light.

Interpretation: She is Paula, a woman who represents the majestic journey of the waiting (patient teacher) loving heart breathes the ebb and flow and stands united with overspilling heart of the ever moving currents. Together they sever ignorance of the Children of light and teach righteousness. For the "feeling joy" is the first step towards this journey. The Journey of the forest, the united " trees of life"; brotherhood.

----What does this mean to you? or not mean? I have had many other visions and just never had anyone -----around with who I could consult. Cindy

This is good you sent this to me. I did not expect to interpret visions, so this was a wonderful delight. You are the dreamer of tomorrows. One of my visions, I saw a multicolored tapestry in rolling hills. Later in life, I understood that this was the Great perfection of all the variety of our kinsmen. It is not always easy to know more than others. It can be lonely at times. Remember God only gives us what we can handle in this life. We must embrace all as divine grace from the Great Ones who provide us with the unseen pureness of our darkness. The place all light is born.

Your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman and elder crystal person

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Rowan_Danielle on May 09, 2008, 04:19:49 PM
Quote from: cindybc on March 11, 2008, 07:56:28 PM
Hi Jaimey The crying and tears can be out of sentiment or sadness. When either one get to be equally deep I am note able to tell them so I just release it as a prayer. But then there is the silly crying, I enjoy it because I never before really let myself feel these feelings before. Tears of deep feelings I still see as a cleansing within. 

As for being hugged by other people, depending on what I feel inside of then I can feel uncomfortable with some but I can also find some that warm inside, I love the warmth. I have only met few people with whom I felt that type of energy

When I get weepy I listen to this song. Imagine energy of every colors  of every escription radiating from the telstar satellite to the surface of the earth, healing the world. May sound kind of silly but those are my feelings.


Ah, Telstar and the Coke 'Teach the World to Sing' ad.

At this moment I'm starting to tear up just thinking about the Coke song.  And I only listened to about ten seconds of the video.  (If only the entire world could listen to that song, in their own languages, and believe in the message being presented...)

I think I'm still safe with Telstar though.  It was a favorite when I was younger because it was so upbeat.  I may have to listen to it again though.  I've changed some over the decades.

But a core of empathy has existed ever since I was in the second or third grade and having to learn the words of 'Puff the Magic Dragon.'  It was really embarassing to be a boy in the early 1960s who couldn't sing the song without crying because I LISTENED to the words and empathized with the dragon.  I still can't sing the song, even with the happy ending that Peter, Paul and Mary added a number of years ago.

I've also found that there are some sections of some of my favorite book series that I can't read without tears forming, whether they are tears of joy at a hard won success or tears of saddness at a defeat.  It is an interesting phenomena.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on May 09, 2008, 05:07:25 PM
Hi Rowan_Danielle, how much of this world could be healed if they were just to open their heart and allow themselves to feel and heal and send out this energy to enlighten and heals the world. Unfortunately even just during the past five years that I have been in touch with other indigo's and empaths it appears that something is always unleashed into the groups to create confusion. Many last year have just left the room and replaced by babbling idiots.

The gifted ones retreated and remain in obscurity after the media nearly tore them apart with the negativity and lies they used just to popularise their books and movies. But some of us have remained in touch. I was able to invite most of the elder to my group which I am relieved to have accomplished this. Don't get me wrong there are many intelligent gifted youths out there just as there are a good many intelligent youths right here on this group. They certainly are a different breed than what I was accustomed to 8 years ago.

I am truly honored to have met you hon. That is exactly what I have been pursuing, finding those who can feel and are not frightened to share their emotions thoughts and feelings. The Empathic. To explore imagination which is the foundation to exploring the unknown, science and magic blending as one.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Rowan_Danielle on May 09, 2008, 05:29:31 PM
Quote from: cindybc on May 09, 2008, 05:07:25 PM
Hi Rowan_Danielle, how much of this world could be healed if they were just to open their heart and allow themselves to feel and heal and send out this energy to enlighten and heals the world. Unfortunately even just during the past five years that I have been in touch with other indigo's and empaths it appears that something is always unleashed into the groups to create confusion. Many last year have just left the room and replaced by babbling idiots.

The gifted ones retreated and remain in obscurity after the media nearly tore them apart with the negativity and lies they used just to popularise their books and movies. But some of us have remained in touch. I was able to invite most of the elder to my group which I am relieved to have accomplished this. Don't get me wrong there are many intelligent gifted youths out there just as there are a good many intelligent youths right here on this group. They certainly are a different breed than what I was accustomed to 8 years ago.

I am truly honored to have met you hon. That is exactly what I have been pursuing, finding those who can feel and are not frightened to share their emotions thoughts and feelings. The Empathic. To explore imagination which is the foundation to exploring the unknown, science and magic blending as one.



There is some heavy reasonance here in the highlighted section.  It reminds me of the first filking session I attended at the Westercon that was held in Spokane a few years ago.

We were doing a filk circle, where people got to choose what was being sung.  When it got around to me, I mentioned that we were at a Science Fiction and Fantasy convention and wondered if there were a song that incorporated both.  Someone started a filk song that was based on "Where Have All the Flowers Gone," and went the full circle from magic to science and back to magic again.  The core song is one that Peter, Paul and Mary is also known for, as well as the Kingston Trio.

The 'explore the imagination' phrase carries even more reasonance.  I consider my imagination to be one of the core parts of my being.  Heck, on the latest batch of checks I had printed, I had the printer inscribe the following"

Imagine the future and make it so.

The quote is mine, despite the hints that Star Trek, TNG may be responsible for part of it.  I use it because it feels right and describes how we make the future.

Now, what could that future be like?  And how can we get there?

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on May 09, 2008, 06:42:03 PM
There will be those who will remain in the lower vibrations and they will be left behind unfortunately. But those who are open of mind and heart will vibrate at a much higher level.

I believe that we build our futures every day to either vibrate into the higher vibrations or the lower. As free will agents we decide for ourselves where we will be in the future. It is crucial to know that we cannot allow those of negative or heavier density vibration energy keep us from moving forward. Every-time we use our imagination we have already set the wheels of future towards manifesting our dreams and desires.   There are many good songs that can set one on a journey never before realised at an earlier time. I find the ones I like best particularly the cutsy songs, you know, the type of stuff girls like. My sister and I were close so we did a lot of stuff together including music. Now Wingwalker has a whole mess of those cutsy songs stored on her PC.  You know, the type that were popular when I was a kid. Oh well maybe I will never grow up. Being grown up is boring anyway. "Hee, hee, hee." ;D

I find though that nature music is best for meditating. I have sensings, seeings and knowings, some PSY abilities but I have also discovered that it is very much taboo to talk to other people about. 

Quote[The 'explore the imagination' phrase carries even more resonance.  I consider my imagination to be one of the core parts of my being.  Heck, on the latest batch of checks I had printed, I had the printer inscribe the following" Imagine the future and make it so.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Rowan_Danielle on May 10, 2008, 10:34:46 AM
Quote from: cindybc on May 09, 2008, 06:42:03 PM
There will be those who will remain in the lower vibrations and they will be left behind unfortunately. But those who are open of mind and heart will vibrate at a much higher level.

I believe that we build our futures every day to either vibrate into the higher vibrations or the lower. As free will agents we decide for ourselves where we will be in the future. It is crucial to know that we cannot allow those of negative or heavier density vibration energy keep us from moving forward. Every-time we use our imagination we have already set the wheels of future towards manifesting our dreams and desires.   There are many good songs that can set one on a journey never before realised at an earlier time. I find the ones I like best particularly the cutsy songs, you know, the type of stuff girls like. My sister and I were close so we did a lot of stuff together including music. Now Wingwalker has a whole mess of those cutsy songs stored on her PC.  You know, the type that were popular when I was a kid. Oh well maybe I will never grow up. Being grown up is boring anyway. "Hee, hee, hee." ;D

I find though that nature music is best for meditating. I have sensings, seeings and knowings, some PSY abilities but I have also discovered that it is very much taboo to talk to other people about. 

QuoteThe 'explore the imagination' phrase carries even more resonance.  I consider my imagination to be one of the core parts of my being.  Heck, on the latest batch of checks I had printed, I had the printer inscribe the following" Imagine the future and make it so.


Nature music is good.  So is a lot of the New Age stuff by people like Enya, David Arkenstone.

When I want to have music in the background as a way of helping my mind wander, I tend to choose music without words.  It allows me to build mind pictures without the taint of another person's words.

As far as seeds for the imagination, science fiction, fantasy, science fact, role playing and talking with optimists helps.  They all resonate with the positive side of the mind.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on May 10, 2008, 07:50:55 PM
QuoteNature music is good.  So is a lot of the New Age stuff by people like Enya, David Arkenstone.

When I want to have music in the background as a way of helping my mind wander, I tend to choose music without words.  It allows me to build mind pictures without the taint of another person's words.

As far as seeds for the imagination, science fiction, fantasy, science fact, role playing and talking with optimists helps.  They all resonate with the positive side of the mind

Imagination, science fiction, fantasy, science fact, role playing and talking with optimists helps, the problem is that there appears to be scarcity of those of those atributes out there. I do have a good friend that I met on Indigo Adults some times back, he is one of the elders. He loves talking about the kind of topics as you have listed above.

It's to bad that most seem to lack the interest in the potential of the infinite potentialities. *When we leave here it is not the end.* It is only the beginning of existing in any number of other potential realities.

Yea music without voices I quite agree with you. I was listening to the theme music they had for the movie  *Titanic,* the music made me feel just as emotional as when I watched the movie. I do love the imagination they had in that movie, especially at the end when the girl is coming down the grand stair case shacking hands with all who were on the Titanic before it sank, then she walks up to her beloved and throws herself at him and embraces him. She never did let go, not even in death. Well I have always been sensitive and a bit of a romantic, both resulting in crying oceans. Well that is one example of a potential other reality.

Who are we to say it isn't true? I really believe that wehn we move onto another parallel reality that it is possible that we will follow closely any number of fantasy we may have had during this reality.

I am kind of weird that way, I love pretty well anything that is called music. I also love anything that's far out, like mysterious, the unknown, the unseen. Well the word weird is certainly not an estranged connotation to me.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Rowan_Danielle on May 11, 2008, 09:12:33 AM
Quote from: cindybc on May 10, 2008, 07:50:55 PM
Imagination, science fiction, fantasy, science fact, role playing and talking with optimists helps, the problem is that there appears to be scarcity of those of those atributes out there. I do have a good friend that I met on Indigo Adults some times back, he is one of the elders. He loves talking about the kind of topics as you have listed above.

It's to bad that most seem to lack the interest in the potential of the infinite potentialities. *When we leave here it is not the end.* It is only the beginning of existing in any number of other potential realities.

Yea music without voices I quite agree with you. I was listening to the theme music they had for the movie  *Titanic,* the music made me feel just as emotional as when I watched the movie. I do love the imagination they had in that movie, especially at the end when the girl is coming down the grand stair case shacking hands with all who were on the Titanic before it sank, then she walks up to her beloved and throws herself at him and embraces him. She never did let go, not even in death. Well I have always been sensitive and a bit of a romantic, both resulting in crying oceans. Well that is one example of a potential other reality.

Who are we to say it isn't true? I really believe that wehn we move onto another parallel reality that it is possible that we will follow closely any number of fantasy we may have had during this reality.

I am kind of weird that way, I love pretty well anything that is called music. I also love anything that's far out, like mysterious, the unknown, the unseen. Well the word weird is certainly not an estranged connotation to me.


I seem to recall a couple of quotes by musicians about strangeness and being weird.  They basically cover how the musician first felt when they were called weird and the fact that the artist realized that THEY were normal and the others were weird because they lacked something.

The parallel realities idea was well covered in Heinlein's 'Number of the Beast' where the key people of the story were going from 'ficton' to 'ficton', often seeing their favorite story characters in 'real' life.  THIS world of ours may be someone else's fictional world just as our fictional worlds may be their realities.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on July 24, 2008, 01:40:23 PM
Thank you Rowan_Danielle sweets. Hey! Now you has my imagination running wild, but oh yea I have often thought about that, we manifest our future in the next dimension or reality in the infinite potentialities. I taught Wing Walker my partner all about the infinite potentialities. No she wasn't tuned in on any of this stuff before I met her. I took her by the hand and lead her along the cosmic pathways, the many paths in imagination that every now and again can be manifested into reality. "Hee, hee." 

I have a houseful of imaginary medieval and prehistoric beasties like dragons and a pterodactyls, Gertrude is the Keeper of the beasts and loves going out into the neighborhood gulch to chase wingbats, (dust devils).

We also have many other assorted critters who live with us in this same house, a small white furry one who has pink eyes, lives under a rock, and you can only see it's eyes blinking in the darkness. Oh yea, mustn't forget our ghost friend, her name is Cassandra I have known her since I was 9 years old, or least ways that  was when she manifested to me. Well imagination is a wonderful place to visit and sometime a really nice place to get lost in when things here get to hectic. I also see all these little sparklies in the dark and I imagine them to be little fairies. Yea I know I sound like a ten year old girl with a vivid imagination run amok, Wing Walker says, I am, and never stop being who I am. It was fun drawing all that stuff at one time through the years..

My sparkly fairies

Imaginary planet Exterra

Posted on: May 11, 2008, 05:02:51 PM
A spiritual eperience.

What happened on Mt. Shasta.

At this time, late at night, I Am looking out on the ocean and the moon is shining her light on the water, lighting it up beautiful. I feel this is the perfect time to write down my experience on Mt. Shasta to share with others.

I always wanted to go to Mt. Shasta, I actually had a trip planned the first year I arrived in the United States and I had to cancel that. After that I never had a chance to go.

Then I went to California in March to teach some classes, we really wanted to go but the time somehow didn't feel right. I was a bit disappointed but nothing I could do about that.

The moment I got home one of my friends sent me an email about a conference on Mt. Shasta.
They were having a conference and on July 13 it was going to be Prophesy of Love day.
I thought the date was perfect, I arrived in the United States on Friday, July 13, 2000, so it would be my anniversary day as well.

So we planned the trip, everything went perfect, I had the money for the ticket the same week, the money to sign up for the conference and it all came together like it's supposed to happen.
We decided to rent a house on Mt. Shasta and we found that really easy and the price was affordable. So everything was set to go.

About two weeks before we left Adama from Telos started channeling a message through me and I was asked if I would like to visit Telos, the city beneath Shasta.
Of course I wanted that and my friends were invited as well.

I left for California on Wednesday, July 9, and arrived at my friend's house that afternoon. This is where things already started to show. We were with four people, two men, two women, all friends.
One of the men was not able to leave that Thursday morning so we arranged a couple of things and he would be arriving that evening.

So off we went and we had a nice trip with a great view of Mt. Shasta while driving up. We settled in our house and decided we would go up on Mt. Shasta the next day.
Everyone was exited about the invitation to visit Telos of course.

When we arrived on Mt Shasta we needed to go sit down somewhere, I was just following the guidance I was getting and we found a place to sit down and wait. Now one of the men was just awakening spiritually and he really wanted proof of this city and all we had told him about spiritual happenings.

For me this was the sign that we wouldn't be able to visit.

Only with an open heart you can be invited and this was not the right energy for that.
I wasn't disappointed about this, I know I can visit anytime, I don't need to be there in the physical.

But the saying they have that if you go up the mountain, everything that needs to be released will come out, that made sense after all that happened when we started going down the mountain.

The moment we started driving down the energy started to come up for this one man that wanted the proof.

We discussed stopping at panther meadows, the energy from that place felt very good to me and I wanted too spend some time there meditating. My friend Sherry wanted to go down the mountain and get us something to eat so we could stay there as long as we wanted.
The man driving the car did not think that was a good idea, and he didn't want to drive his car up and down the mountain and waste gas, bad for his brakes and all that. Now the drive up the mountain is only 13 miles and panther meadows is a couple of miles down from that. But he refused and we went all the way down to the town Mt. Shasta.

We were supposed to meet up with my friend's daughter there so we got on the phone to find out where to meet.

This is where it went wrong again and another energy came out starting a fight between the man and my friend Sherry.

He dropped both off us women of in the town and both men left in the car. They went to get some groceries and went back to the house while we met the daughter and got something to eat.

After that we drove back with the daughter to our house on Mt Shasta.

Now we arrived there, the men were sitting inside and we were sitting outside for a while. I decided to go in after that and see what the men were up to. The energy was not good and after a couple of hours it reached the top and burst out so to speak. It ended with the man leaving that same night. He returned home.

Which left us without a car, but we were able to get a rental that next morning.

A lot of energies playing out but after this, they started settling down.

The next day we decided to go to the conference, that is to say, the other man and I went, my friend Sherry had other plans and she dropped us off and went her own way.
I always know that no matter what this is the perfect way among friends.

The conference started at 10 and there were speakers all day. I have to admit most of the time I was sort of unconscious and missed a lot of what they were saying.

I only remember two of them completely. The first one a man speaking about the crystal skulls and he was amazing with his knowledge about them. He had worked with crystal skulls for 28 years. The other one was a woman channeling Isis.

Now I have been working with Isis a lot lately, but I am a conscious channel and I am still there when she comes through me. This lady was leaving and let Isis take over her body.

The reason I remember it so well is that I was mesmerized by the words that she spoke.
Everything I have been teaching in my classes, the answers she was giving to questions, it was all the same as the answers I would be giving, even in the same wording.

We didn't get home until almost 12 that night but we had a great day, so we had a drink and went to bed.

The next day we went again, this was the Prophesy of Love day and it started by Jonathan, he was the one who arranged the whole conference, telling us they would go with the flow.

So around 10.30 Jonathan started this whole day with singing his song he wrote called the Prophesy of Love. Now I was just sitting there crying, I don't know why, but the energies were there and I just let the feeling out and went with those feelings.

The moment I did that, Sananda, Kuthumi and my Higher Being came in.
I was told that I, Petra, was going to leave. It was time to bring in my Higher Being.

With Higher Being I mean all of me, my higher self, soul, all my energy bodies, everything in spirit that was still residing outside my physical body.

I agreed and started to leave my body, I was welcomed by Imhotep and I saw myself leaving.
The moment I left, my phone rang, it was my daughter Isis calling me. Now I have to say, I asked later, she was at home with her daddy, he didn't even know that she had called me.
But the days before I was leaving, she asked me a couple of times if I was really coming back, and if I was going to die, she didn't want me to die.

I shut off my phone, but this phone call made me think again about leaving.

At that time I felt like I was going and would not come back.
But I left, I felt like this was the right time and knew that my Higher Being is part of me so would be able to take care of everything in the physical in the right way.

I was watching while my Higher Being was entering my body and saw the energies merging with my physical body. Than I was told I had to return to the physical body as well and merge with my Higher Being.

I didn't expect this but went back and merged. I was told that even though I am maybe a small part, I am part of this energy.

It was a strange feeling going back in my body.  I did not feel like myself anymore. I felt like I was a different being, even though this being felt familiar to me. I am still getting used to it but I know it takes time to completely become one with these energies.

At this time I am trying to recollect all that happened, it seems there are no thoughts, just energy flowing and its coming out of my hands while I am typing this. I wrote everything down last night and I haven't looked at it. This is the difference that I have been feeling after this happened.

Everything flows, I do not think, there are no thoughts. When I am asked a question something will come in my head somehow I say it and than it's gone.

I am completely in the now, I do not think ahead, I do not think about things of yesterday.

I did not even ask what I did, what this all meant for me. All I know is that after I merged I heard the words "This is Ascension".

Inside of me I know this is how the Ascension was for many of the Ascended Masters that are with us today.

When I look at myself, feel my full energy, it feels like I am everywhere, connected to everything. My energy is going up and I can see through all universes up until source. And this is where I am connected to everything around it.

It is giving me a hard time to connect with anything physical, I have to force myself, or somehow create the energy to connect with physical parts.

Everything is flowing out of me in energy and this way I am able to do the things I need to.

It is still hard to explain how it feels, but I need to get back to my story and what happened after all this.

We got back to the house around nine that evening, had a small barbecue and went to bed.
The next day we spent some more time in the area. My friend Sherry had asked me to jump off the waterfall with her and so we went looking for the waterfalls.

Both my friends jumped and I was standing there looking at it. I went by my feeling, and my feeling was such a strong No. I did not feel fear, just this feeling of not to jump.

My friends were telling me to get over my fear, and more of those things. It was a freedom feeling and all that. But my feeling was still no do not jump.

At that moment I realized it was not the jumping that would bring the freedom, it was my decision of not listening to others and completely following my own energy of what I felt.
I have always been someone who would follow the orders, would go along most of the time.
This time was different and this saying came to my head, don't really know how to explain it in English, but it's like if someone you love tells you to jump of the mountain, would you do it, even though you know it would mean death.

I chose not to jump, I am choosing to regain my power. The moment we walked back my friend pointed out an eagle flying over us, to me this meant I made the right choice, I see the eagle as freedom.

So here we are right now, the last couple of days have been a whirlwind of energies and I could not stay home anymore. I took my daughter Isis and we are staying with a friend at the beach.

My friend Sherry and I have felt so much happening these last couple of days and the information that is flowing is so new and amazing that we are working on integrating it.

I know that the last part of my mission here on earth is being integrated and my work is to focus on this at all times.

It is time for me to regain the power I lost, or my higher being lost so long ago when the male took over and the female energies were used to create a world that is not in balance and hasn't been in balance for a long time.
Our window of opportunity is coming up again and I have my work laid out for me at this time.

This has to be finished while I am also working on regaining full power over my physical existence. This to me is the last part of ascension. Where I can transform my physical into the light.
I always call it full ascension, even though bringing in the Higher Being is ascension for many.
Many Masters would ascend during their lifetime, or even during their death. They would not go up into the light until they would physically die.

I know part of our goal here is to become a light being in the 3rd dimension and be able to travel between the 5th dimension and the 3rd dimension to assist others still in the 3rd dimension once the planet earth has ascended completely into the 5th dimension.

So I am working to regain my power, which has nothing to do with control or power over others.
It is the power of my full being creating and manifesting my life.

I know there is another part that is attached to this power and the information about this is coming in soon. For now this is where the energy is leaving so I know it's time to say, thank you for reading this and thank you for being here on this planet with me.

We all have an amazing future ahead of us and this is only the beginning.

Love and Light

A friend.


The sacred Feminine is about to awaken.


Posted on: July 20, 2008, 04:22:37 PM

"How To Let Go And Let The Divine Do The Heavy Lifting."

( (


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: greeneyedgirl on July 24, 2008, 04:11:00 PM
Well silly me, late to the ball as always...  Ton's of great messages, and it would be crazy of me to try and respond to them all one by one, so I'll explain...  No, that would take to long, I will sum up...   :laugh:

I too am an empath.  Full on, being of light manifesting a physicality that was consistent with my journey before this body was conceived.  My very last conscious thought while still physical in 1961 was this wouldn't have happened to me if I looked like a guy...  Yeah, well I now how utterly mistaken THAT was!

Anyway, back to empathy, I'm glad Cin mentioned Deanna Troi.  At one point my sister-in-law was fighting me about something, and she's a huge Trek fan, so I got her to take a breath and said:

"Look, you cannot lie to me.  For the purposes of this conversation I AM Deanna Troi, so stop lying to both of us.  I know exactly what you are feeling, and the fear that you're going to get called on your BS, well let's just say you've been called and try and start from the truth?"

She burst into tears and ran out of my room.

Half hour later, much calmer, she came back and the first thing I said was "See how much better it feels not worrying about being caught?  So, what's really going on?"

She hates when I do that.

Me, I have always been full on, even in my early years, empathic.  Sometimes painfully so.  Be you two feet, or thousands of miles away, I can feel what people are feeling as easily as my own.  Early on it was disconcerting to say the least.  I spent most of my time in the closet (real physical one) keeping the world out.  Either that, or deep in the woods, or out on the lake, away from others, just being connected to the world instead of humans... 

I am an Ascended being, back here for reasons I could go into, but shant in this, my intro message.  Stargate Fans, think of Daniel after "Threads" and that would be me.  I ascended many, many, many years ago as a serious Buddhist meditating on the Tao.  Ascended, spent lifetimes working there, helping, healing, and so forth, but started coming back here in 1890.  I've been working on me, on finding things I lost in my first Ascension.

Cin, you can charge satellites to shower earth with light, love, or healing.  You go right on doing that girl, Earth needs all the healing it can get.  You are not the only one who "spends energy" on healing the whole world, I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher and I will quite often sit on the moon sending healing energy to the whole planet and everything/everyone on it.  You might want to give some thought to getting attuned and trained in Reiki to add to what you do already.  I was a light worker for years before I came to Reiki, I've only grown since then.  It works well with everything else I've been doing for years and opened me up to things I knew of, but didn't think of doing until then.  Very much worth the time, effort and the small amount of money it takes.  Plus, the average person is becoming very aware of Reiki and it's an accepted and embraced form of light work.  So much so that hospitals are paying Reiki practitioners to be on staff there.

Anyway, back to empathy, it's nice to know I'm not quite so alone here.  Like I say, I too am an empath, so y'all are not alone.



Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on July 24, 2008, 05:00:20 PM
yeah, there's lots of empathy here, unless the conversation is about cd's, or those who have trouble passing, and then, not so much.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: vanna on July 24, 2008, 05:18:01 PM
Quote from: cindybc on September 08, 2007, 07:07:16 AM

The heart and soul of an empath.   

If you are an empath, yes, you certainly can and do pick up vibes from other people. Sometimes  you can tell if a person is in the darkness or the light. Usually you will find that most empaths keep a low profile, they don't seek attention and would prefer not to get it unless it is for a positive reason.

Feelers of vibes and emotions we definitely are and you will find empaths in many positions as caregivers, often for the chronically ill and less fortunate.  We are often nurses and aides, doctors, paramedics, rescue squad members, Coast Guard (especially rescue swimmers), healers, teachers, and in many other service occupations or careers.  We feel the pain of the world around us and we need to help soothe it.

Yes I quite agree that for a lightworker in order to shine their light to those that will accept it, you will find them working in the dark places. One needs to know the darkness in order to trully appreciate and know the light. I do believe that for those of the heart that truly care for an other then at the very least they are Earth Angels.


A lovely post,

something alot of people wouldnt admit being but i'd say a curse in more ways until your in a postition to help others....countless nights of crying over other peoples loss,pain and frustration for not being able to do any damm thing about it.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on September 23, 2008, 01:46:29 PM
Horse Whisperer

Video Release:September 2, 2003

Theatrical Release:1997


Rating:PG-13 (MPAA)

Studio:Buena Vista Home Video

From Our Editors
The dashing Robert Redford plays Tom Booker a man whose voice can calm wild horses and whose touch can heal broken spirits. Annie Graves, played by Kristen Scott Thomas, travelled across a continent to the Booker ranch in Montana, desperate to heal her broken daughter, the girl's savage horse, and her own wounded heart. She comes in the desperate hope to save her child. And beneath the wide Montana sky, she comes to him for what no one else can give her - a reason to believe. Marked by expansive ...+ read moreThe dashing Robert Redford plays Tom Booker a man whose voice can calm wild horses and whose touch can heal broken spirits. Annie Graves, played by Kristen Scott Thomas, travelled across a continent to the Booker ranch in Montana, desperate to heal her broken daughter, the girl's savage horse, and her own wounded heart. She comes in the desperate hope to save her child. And beneath the wide Montana sky, she comes to him for what no one else can give her - a reason to believe. Marked by expansive undertones and expressive visuals, The Horse Whisperer stops time to tell its truths with a clarity and power impossible to resist.- read less
DVD Features: Region 1 Encoding Keep Case Theatrical Trailer Chapter Search
The story of 14 year-old Grace MacLean, who is emotionally and physically scarred after suffering a terrible riding accident while on her prized horse, Pilgrim. Desperate to help her daughter, Grace's mother Annie, a high-powered magazine editor, launches an all-out campaign to find a "horse whisperer," someone with a unique gift for curing troubled horses. She learns of Tom Booker, who works to rebuild all the lives shattered by the accident. Love blossoms between the horseman and the uprooted sophisticate resulting in unexpected consequences. Based on the popular novel by Nicholas Evans.
A terrible horseback riding accident has left 14-year-old Grace MacLean (Scarlett Johansson) emotionally and physically scarred for life, and has left her prized horse, Pilgrim, permanently spooked. Grace's mother, Annie (Kristin Scott Thomas)--a high-powered New York magazine editor--is unwilling to believe that Pilgrim is beyond help and is desperate to help her daughter recover from the trauma. Annie drives across the country to Montana, with daughter and horse in tow, in search of Tom Booker ...+ read more (


Posted on: July 24, 2008, 06:04:18 PM

Re: Empathy

Post by Cynthia Today Sept. 23/2008 

In my earlier years I was not aware nor did I know what empathy was. Yes the sensitivities were there, but I never identified my sensitivities as being different from what anyone else experiences, but on the other hand I was well aware that I was different from most others, just didn't know in what manner . But it was these very sensitivities that alienated me for many years from having any type of meaningful relationship or friendship with any other persons.

Sensing other peoples feelings often caused me to go into depressions. It hasn't been until relatively recent years that I learned about the phenomenon of empathy.

So with all of this going on, my thinking process has become more and more complex. I guess to deal with the problem I unconsciously started being able to think about many things at the same time (i.e. talking to my friends while working on another project and thinking about problems as well as the next day, the day before, constantly analyzing things in my mind etc.) for awhile now.

I haven't been helping people who come to me with problems, well least ways I will engage my partner to screen them when I feel that their reasons may be questionable.

Unfortunately there are many people who seek an easy answer with little effort...or have a negative reaction to telling them the truth without sugar coating it.

There are many hazards out there to the unwary empath. As an empath there are times where we want to think the best of another, and this can be hazardous to us.

And this all used to be quite chaotic and now is just like anything else. As a result the way I talk is, well...sometimes not understandable... like my brain is going faster than my mouth and I'll leave words out, or go back and forth from topic to topic, getting at what I was going to say as fast as I can while still analyzing what they just said.

So the question is, "Is this good or bad?"

Not really. Once we know what type of internal processor we have that drives us we learn rather quickly and adeptly how to utilise these characteristics. I also found empathy to be an asset on many different occasions through the years I worked as a social worker.

The grounding still helps when I get a chance but this new way of thinking seems to prolong the stress and that built-up anxiety feeling. I still, for some reason, try to get deeper and deeper into what they are saying (not with question, mostly just analyzing). I know every time I'll catch something new I didn't see before helping me for next time but then go back and try again. Dealing with people is easier, but also my patience is getting less and less, with ignorant comments people make...well, not really ignorant. Just someone trying to one up you with their attitude...I've noticed too when people do that now...I don't even have to be saying anything.

Grounding and shielding can be important to those who wish to remain stable through the course of the day. There are many different methods of doing so. One does not have to follow any particular method, just use your own. I do my grounding just prior to saying my morning prayers first thing upon waking up.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Fox on November 10, 2008, 09:26:31 PM
Ive known a couple of different empaths who have used their abilities both positively and negatively. I think I was born was the gift for empathy I know i was highly emotional as a i child but thats about all i can rember in that regard my long term memory isn't to good. However I severly damged my own empathic abilites in my teenage years. Ill not go into huge length but I suffered a signifigant amount of hazing at the the private all boys boarding high school i attended years ago. As a result to protect myself I developed iron willed angry control to the point that I couldn't even lose my temper if i wanted to. As a side effect of this I shut off all of my emotions behind fields and fields of walls. On top of my own self mental conditoning I now also strongly suspect that the years I was on ritilin and then dexadrine for ADHD had a strong effect on my overall emotional state negatively as well since I was already starting to experince some emotional dulling in middle school. I lost all desire in life and became completely apathetic except the few times I found release during role playing games. I have spent the last 8 or so years of my life using various different methods from meditation to estrogen to reclaim those emotions and tear down those walls. for years I just wanted to get it over with to find someone who could litteraly tear down my walls by force with empathetic ability but I never found anyone willing or strong enough (I build very thick walls). Although I suppresed my empathitic abilities completely from myself i find they still had an influence on me in a negative way because they left me very vunerable to hostile empaths. I have always believed that people are deserving of my trust untill they disprove this and it takes alot to lose my trust. so i have been taken advantage of a few times over the years by powerfully charismatic people. My empathy ever so often kicks in for small doeses then quickly dies back down. The only ability I have control over is energy manipulation is various aspects. I can channel it from myself into others or objects and I can drain if i want to but i never choose to actively drain people i tend to get plenty from my surrounding enviroment and tons from the moon of which I identify most strongly with. To my dismay though I have been told by people that if i get extermly sleep deprived or weakened I can lose control and my body will drain whatever or whoever is close. I can feel but not see energy ive never had any form of sight to my anoyance but I can see the color of my own aura and I have been backed on this by many others my aura is a burning blue flame. Another of my talents is energy conversion I identify 3 types of energy in the body spiritual mental and physical in order for my body to get tired i must become low in two of them at the same time this can cause me alot of problems with insomnia. I can drain spirtual energy from my surroundings and convert it to physical and go a long time without sleep if I choose to but i can still only do this to a point then i crash for many hours. Curently I have managed to get back alot of my emotional stae and am alot happier in that regard but i have not regained my empathy very strongly I may have locked it off permenatly. I used ot never cry at all and now I can watch a sad anime and be in tears at the end its a new experince for me Im very not used to identifying emotions other than anger. I crave social contact but unfortunaly lead a very low anti-social life and when I do try to socalize with people many of my ADHD traits irritate people strongly. 
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 11, 2008, 06:24:34 PM
Hi, Fox,

I have read your post and there is much for me to try to address.  Like walls, it is thick and deeply-grounded. 

Many of the places you have been, I have been there also.  I was the fun of bullies to the point that I wouldn't acknowledge pain and kept it all inside.  I have felt others' energies work on me and fought to ground it.

Please know that I will reply in greater detail as soon as I am able but for now I feel like I have the flu.  In the meantime I invite you to have a look at my blog, Cindy's Ramblings Blog.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Fox on November 11, 2008, 11:23:30 PM
Thanks for the replay Cindy and I hope you feel better soon the flu isn't fun to have

Posted on: November 11, 2008, 08:47:21 pm
Hi Cindy just got through reading alot of your blogs and one issue i want to comment on in particular is the use of immagination to help with transitioning. While as far as i can remember I never had an actual imaganary friend I did use my imagination all the time. Im an only child so with no siblings I often got lonely as a kid so I day dreamed constanly. Also I had a very high reading lv and discovered fantasy books at an early age from then on i was hooked. I read the entirety of tolkiens work in the 4th grade I had a voracious appetite for books i often averaged 5 full length novels per week. I always had a book in hand at school my teachers hated me for it I read in class I walked and read never puting the book down to lunch then sat down brought out my food with one hand and began eating without ever stopping reading. I use to hyperfocus completely on my fantasy books and entirely block out the world around me was a trait of my ADHD however I got tired of getting taken advantage of while I was like that and trained myself out of it so that when people came up to me i would ask them what they wanted with my eyes never leaving the book. Fantasy was my escape from reality and I loved it more than anyhting else in the world. I don't read near as much as i used to one because books are so damn exspensive now and two because im busy with college and computer games, but i still day dream all the time. every time I watch a new anime or read a new story I imediatly after rebuild the world in my head and place my self in as a female character. I also wanted to say after reading alot of your views we have some similiar view points and I also came up with my beliefs on my own mixing science with things I have read and personal reflection on what just seems right. If you haven't done so i placed some of my belief structure in the spirtuality vs religon thread.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 12, 2008, 12:15:14 PM
Hi Fox.
Thanks for the come back and enlightening me a bit more on some of your life experiences that lead you to believe you are an empath. Empathy I believe is made up of a variety of complexities of vibrational energies picked up by our sensitivities which beyond that of most others around us. Some of these energetic wave lengths are beyond the physical and astrophysical or multi-physical plane, or free flowing energy sources vibrating in and out of the multiple realities. *Quantum physics.*

Empathy and Transsexuality.

There are inner forces that drive us all some may chose to follow that drive some may not and some this drive may grow to a crescendo that grows to the point of obsession where one could cross the fine line of reality into fantasy. Professional Psychologists will most times call this having fallen into insanity. Did that person really loose it, go insane, or was it an escape? An instinctive reaction for survival?

I would have to say that being TS is much more of a obsession or an uncontrollable compulsion that we have little choice in. There is no choice in TSism it is an instinct drive for survival. Now this is only my opinion and not necessarily anyone else's opinion but if you have ever taken a close observation of the mental, emotional, instinctual and conceptually speaking how we see and understand things. It appears to be the greatest drive of a Transperson is caring for others, *Empathy.*

As for the fantasising and book reading about anything to do with the sciences, fantasy metaphysical anything that pertained of the imagination etc. "Absolutely!" At every opportunity that I could get you would have found me with a book about some subject or another about the sciences fantasy anything to do with imagination, and of course my imaginary pets and friends. I still have them, because I'm 63 years old doesn't mean I am going to give up my imaginary friends and pets, I suppose you already met my imaginary pet dragon on my blog. :angel:

You see hon, I gave up long ago caring what the community of they have to say about how I should live, *I had the word love typed instead.* my life, If I hadn't of I would never had got the wonderful pleasure of meeting Cindy 9 years ago.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Kristen on November 12, 2008, 12:40:56 PM
I learned how to put my abilities to good use when I was younger. It seems my emotional intelligence made up for and even mimicked actual intelligence. At least it seemed more useful to me. I have always been able to listen to, interpret, and draw specific conclusions to what people are saying without them saying it outright. I usually know when a friend is going through a lot of stress, is nervous, or just broke up with someone upon minutes of seeing them. It is easier for me to read my friends because I am used to their personal energies and I feel when they have made a shift. It's not much harder to read a stranger but it requires some time and effort. I use empathy mostly as a truth gauge. No one's ever been very successful at lying to me because I can feel the lie coming on before they say it. At the beginning of social situations with strangers and people I don't know very well, I prefer to stay silent and introverted for a time and just absorb all the information and energy people are subconsciously expelling. I'll admit that I've used my readings to manipulate others and force them into moods of my own liking. Sometimes on accident. I think the most important part is to look through someone's eyes as they are speaking to you, copy their body language, and synchronize your breathing. It also works well for seduction.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Fox on November 12, 2008, 03:30:14 PM
I just had the most powerful empathetic experience last night. I had to talk my good friend out of a nervous breakdown two times in the same day. While it was across yahoo i could feel her deep pain as if she was standing right next to me. Every fiber of my just wanted to give her a hug and tell her everyhting was gonna be all right and it would all jsut go away. I tried to help as best i could and suceeded at calming her down but I couldn't resolve the issue and it will come up again. I hope i can help her more the next time it does.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 12, 2008, 04:15:28 PM
Get well soon, Cindy!!!  I shall send good vibes your way!  ...also, surrounding yourself in an emerald green energy (envisioning it will do just fine) is a way to heal yourself.  :D 

...sorry, I'm too tired to actually read all the posts...I fail. :P
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 12, 2008, 06:00:01 PM
Hi, Jaimey, thank you so much for the suggestion of emerald green healing energy. I guess, this old bat is just too stubborn to succumb to a dumb little bug. I feel much better today and Wing Walker and I are making last minute check over of luggage to make certain we didn't miss anything for the return to Vancouver tomorrow. My new mommy is Wing Walker.  :D

Hi, Fox and Kristen, that is what the power of Empathy is all about,*love*. Intentions coming from the heart *love* can heal all wounds. Only good can come from love for all that are about you. They may have the power to hurt you but only you hold the key to self- preservation and healing and extend out and touch those who are in need.

May I share a little story? A dream or vision I had a couple of days ago when I was more ill from the stomach flu then my mate felt from the discomforts of recovering from SRS.

I had a vision during my fevered, restless sleep. I saw this golden being in my room. Its voice spoke to me without sound, saying, "Look down, look at yourself!"

It felt as though I had been awashed in a shower of electrical energy, it went through and through my entire body as I looked in awe at that being. The being was made up bands of brightly swirling golden light, each band intertwining one another, like the double helix in a strand of DNA.

The voice spoke again, saying, "This is my gift to you. It is the greatest and most powerful of gift that any living being can be bestowed upon a child of the Universe."

That gift is love, that which survives the grave and lives on after us; that which conquers all evil, violence, hurt, pain, and negativity.



Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 13, 2008, 04:29:55 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better!  *hugs*

And that is a very interesting story.  I have had some 'visions' I suppose (doesn't seem like the right word...but it's the best I can come up with) of energy in the form of a double helix.  Very interesting indeed!
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 13, 2008, 09:43:30 PM
Hi Jaimey, thanks hon, please do elaborate about the light being like double helix. I have heard of it occasionally here and there and it quite intrigues me. I had a theory about the universe itself being a living organism. A little something I thought of way back when I was 10 years old in public school when the physics teacher asked us to describe the universe as we perceive it in our minds. I nearly took an entire black board to draw a giant amoeba with all these radiating lines radiating outwards from the center.

The radiating lines were the nervous system the dots representing the galaxies and stars were the synapses and at the center was the mind. That's a lot of years ago but I still remember that part of it. The teacher was quite impressed and kept my drawing on the board for a week. The kids tease me saying that the universe is only a bunch of rocks and even had one enterprising bully actually toss a couple of rocks at me.


Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: postoplesbian on November 14, 2008, 04:20:55 PM
Wow this thread has been going on a long time. I don't know all your all talking about because i haven't read it all. I do know myself to be a spiritual person who believes those who have passed on are still with us and try to guide us. I also believe that before we came to earth in these bodies we knew what our time here would be and that only some of us can realize this. When we are young we have dejavu's which are memories from before we got here. We feel like we have been somewhere before or did something before but we are just remember from before we came. It seems as we get older we stop having dejavu's.

On the other hand i am a worker who loves to work but many times its because i like helping people and it also keeps my mind busy and i don't dwell on my negative thoughts. Those thoughts are about when will i get back to before i came here. I feel tired of being here on earth in this body but i also feel i have to wait. My only joys here on earth are when i help others. I do not care for stuff and when i get it i want to give it away. Many times i feel i don't deserve it because i don't appreciate it and so i want to give it to someone who does appreciate it. No i don't give it to people who are greedy but i give it to people unsuspecting. I feel like i have one foot in this world and one in the next. My heart though is in the next because i have never ever clicked with another human here on earth. They all seem so consumed with earthly stuff or pleasures.

Oh well thats some of me and i live on a farm in a shed and use firewood and have a horse and buggy but i bought it to help the Obama campaign and now i just try to make my horse happy. He loves me though and i have more connections it seems to animals as the herd of cows today who followed me and listened to me for a 1/2 hour today. Why i don't know but it was fun talking to them and people driving by probably wondered what the cows were all doing watching me.

well i'll let you back to your thread and if i get back here and can read more and if anything i said clicks with anyone then i'll probably respond again.

bye Danielle

PS: I am helping an elderly couple who are ex amish and the prevoius 4 yrs i took care of 2 elderly women in their 80's as a companion getting no pay just a room and food
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jaimey on November 14, 2008, 04:48:25 PM
Quote from: cindybc on November 13, 2008, 09:43:30 PM
Hi Jaimey, thanks hon, please do elaborate about the light being like double helix. to describe it.  Mostly, it's just that I feel that there is energy, like a pillar, from the ground where my feet are straight up to well, wherever.  :D  I noticed it after learning a particular form in tai chi called something like 'a pillar holding up heaven and earth'...I can't remember exactly.  It was after doing quite a bit of tai chi and spending time working on energy and things...which i need to do again.  But I know that it's bluish white overall, but dark blue on the outside and white on the inside.  It's huge and powerful.  And it's definitely energy, just swirling up.  I was very excited about it.  You know, if not the entire universe, I definitely believe the Earth is one giant living being.  I like the idea that the universe is as well.  :)
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 14, 2008, 09:31:12 PM
Hi Jaimey hon.
That pillar idea makes a lot of sense and there are many mentions in ancient texts of Pillars that hold the earth up in the heavens. Could these pillars also be portals into different worlds in the quantum realities? Kind of like star gates.

I beleive that this tiny expression, quoted by one of our very wise and learned scientists, Einstein *The Infinite Potentialities,*  This one little quote that can have such a powerful impact on our conception of what is real and what isn't. 

The potential of anything suddenly becoming possible, quite contrary to what typical society out there will try to tell us. I truly beleive there are those who are aware and know, they are the keepers of the truth, but are not allowed to inform us with the complete information but there is a great abundance of connecting dots out there if we have the desire to connect them. It is for us to find the answers so never restrict yourself from the potentials no matter how preposterous they may sound. Take what serves you today and put away the rest for later evaluation.

The scholar and the see-er are blind and restricted by their superiors, the dreamer on the other hand  has no bonds or limitations and sees all.


Posted on: November 14, 2008, 09:56:35 pm
Hi Danielle
It is interesting what you say about the cattle and your horse, Animal whisperers, you may have heard of the movie horse whisperer? Well there are some of use who can communicate with the animals. I happen to be one although I don't talk much about this part of me to others. I'm the type of person who can sit on a park bench and have squirrels climb up on my shoulders, look in my eyes and let out a couple chirps then leave again, same with birds, raccoons, habits, skunks, cats, dogs, and any other variety of the domestic type. I attract children as well, especially the little ones. If you were to ask me how I do it, I would have to simply shrug my shoulders.

I know what they are feeling and thinking, animals do think you know, this is probably the best part of being an empath, feeling the profundity of nature to the nth degree then sit there incredulously trying to make sense of why mankind is so intent on carving out the heart of our mother, the cradle of life itself, our green planet earth. If you were to ask me as to why we were sent here to this world, maybe as empaths that is the purpose of our journey here through our brief life time.

To come here and light the way for others, to show them how to restore their world the the glory it was once was.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jemma on November 17, 2008, 06:57:19 PM
So many intertesting thoughts being shared. Took me a while to read through a them.
A little about me.  I tend to lurk on message boards alot. I have a hard time talking and expressing my deeper thoughts.  I think part of it is because I come from a highly sensitive family.  As far as I can tell both my mom and my grandma can read people without having to be near them.  And my grandma says her sister is even better.  Then it comes to me. I'm pretty good at reading people,too, though I can't seem to do it from a distance. I need to see a person. But then its hard to talk to that person when I know things about them that no one normally would know.  In high school, I met my trans friend and though she never told me she was, I could sense it about her. I spent the whole year trying to figure out how to let her know that I knew with out scaring her.

I finally decided to write her a letter, telling her that I loved her no matter what happened in her life or how she felt about me.

cindy, I know what you mean about animals.  We have three cats at home and they always seem to congregate in my room.  I had a ang of squirrels follow me at the school I go to. I had a younger cousin with me and she starting freaking out.

I used to have a lot of weird events happen to me. One I think would be appropriate.  I ran into this guy outside a library. He stopped me and started to talk to me. I couldn't understand a word he said and I said so.  He kept talking,and I don't when, but his words made sense.  I heard him say "Don't try to understand."

Thanks for listening to me talk.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Aiden on November 17, 2008, 08:40:57 PM
I used to consider myself Empathic.  I'm not so sure anymore.  I feel as if I lost it in bitterness.  Yet same time I think about the times on the phones where I found myself speachless and unsure what to say because I could understand where they were coming from.  I dono these days though I find every time I hear something I can understand where their coming from but then I find myself pained because of why I understand it.  I have to struggle to maintain composure and keep from turning my pain onto them.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 17, 2008, 10:11:29 PM
Hi Jema a lot of people realy don't know much about empathy outsied of feeling andothers feelings and haviing compassion for another. But it goes so much deeper then that. I realy don't think it is estimable with any of our present days most sophisticated scientific device nor can it be equated by any mathematical means. We are attuned  at varying levels of sensitveties and development to those sensitivities, depending much on the individuals depth of perception to any of these wavelengths and frequencies of energy, but then from where does all this energy come from you may ask?

Could be anywhere on the plane of the metaphysical grids wich is the fabrick upon which the embroydery of our known universe is stiched upon, or the multiverses. I beleive it depends on how developed that individuals depth of perceptions has evolved to in order to see into the quantum realeties of the infinite potentialeties within the metaphysical. The deeper one gets the more complicated and complex this phenomena becomes to quantify.

So yes animals, small children and even plants are able to tune into our energy, some will even perceive or see our aura energy which radiates outwards from our physical bodies like a rainbow or aurora borealis effect and fading away after a short distance, you will also not this type of energy around plants after dark has fallen.

To read other people is very much possible and I do not speak about the body language but to read their aura energy is like reading a book. You will find that in most empaths there is a strong need to want so badly to believe in another individual even when they sense that that particular person is not being completely honest with them but are still willing to take chances of being used in the process. There is always that need or drive to try to help the less fortunate.

Some are able to read a person through a photograph, a hand written letter, even a typed letter, an email, or even just envisioning them in ones mind. This I would advise caution, not every one likes to have their horoscope read without the book, it spooks them. It is best they not know believe me. But on the other hand what has proven to be my greatest tool when it came to helping an individual in need with this type of sensitivity (empathic ability) was get to the root of the problem was to espy this persons very own inner feelings and thoughts as guide to help them find their own answers to what ever delima they find themselves in. "Ok!" enough of that, Do you see any correlations here between empaths and Trans people?

I do pray this gives you some insight about empaths and the potential depth of empathy. Please feel free to share what ever you wish, It is quite safe. Those that have a grasp of what empathy is occasionally drop by those the don't I really don't believe they would be interested in hanging around for long.   

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Aiden on November 17, 2008, 10:14:27 PM
Sorry if I went off topic with my post.   Forgot what the original topic was around in a way
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 17, 2008, 11:27:36 PM
Hi Aiden hon this thread is about anything that has to do with empathy or anything connected to it. The recent topic was, is there a connection between empathy and Trans folks.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Ell on November 18, 2008, 12:03:21 PM
i wanna be reasonable and have empathy, but i get so ruded out by pushy and rude drivers.
empathy is trying to feel what they're feeling, huh? i don't want to. they suck.
i'm about at the point where i don't feel like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
i just doubt they have any manners at all in the first place.
when i try to read them, all i can sense is, "it's Ok to push you out of the way to be first in line, every time."
down with people...
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 18, 2008, 12:29:46 PM
Hi Ell Sighhhh, you are so correct to a greater degree about selfish ignorant people whose only lot in life is, "what's in it for me." It don't take long to find these kind of people but as an empath we always tend to want to think the best of people and try to somehow enlighten some of their lives. To give them more light in order to truly see the beauty of the world that their negative gloominess apparently obscures their ability to see this beauty. So yes sometimes it may seem like feeding time for the alligator at the alligator pond at the Zoo.

But the reward is when you find one person one needy individual and you have put a smile on that grateful individuals face. It is worth having walked through that alligator pond full of big old alligators ready to chop your leg off. I have been a social worker for 22 years hon and on average I was only able to put a smile on one individuals face out of ten, but is it not so worth it? That one soul you help is all I ever need to keep me going until the next one came along. 

I have a good sense of humor and can also be a fairly good performer and where ever I go whether it be the bank, a supermarket, a Dr's office I enjoy putting on my act and watching the little ones as well as some of the grown ups smile. That is what I live for, and of course my mate Wing Walker, what would I ever do without her. 

As for feeling other peoples feelings this is probably the empaths best tool when it comes to working with people wouldn't you say? You already have the advantage of knowing what makes them tick then all you need is use this inside information to help this individual.

Yes many a times my heart bleeds fore others, but then my heart can also feel the happiness and the ecstasy of another. It all balances itself out.

Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: Jemma on November 18, 2008, 01:32:54 PM
I think I see how empaths are transpeople are related. They both can see things from the opposite side.

The story that I related to you was actually something that happened one time and only with that particular person. In someways I can only describe what I was feeling as saying that it felt like a feedback loop. Or an echo.
Title: Re: Empaths and Empathy
Post by: cindybc on November 18, 2008, 02:24:32 PM
Hi, Jemma, Yes, to keep it as simple as we can, emapathy is the ability to feel other people's feelings, even the energy of animals and plants.

As for the spiritual part, it is what you feel in your heart. I believe that right there, there is certainly a correlation between empaths and trans folks. Both are sensitive and very easily swayed by the energy around them. The problem is that these sensitivities and overconfidence can also bring disaster upon those who have them. Some get scared of the energy around them so they retreat into themselves, not allowing their true selves to come out for fear of repercussions.

We care for others, maybe at times even more than we do about ourselves. The other person comes first. We have this urge or need to be there for those in need. This is why you will find many empaths and sensitives on this board and in real life.  In the area in which I live I find that all are into some type of service work, like nursing, rescue personnel, emergency personnel like medics and fire department, Social Services, doctors, and so many other types of pubic services.  They are also found in soup kitchens, shelters for the homeless, nursing homes, halfway houses, or trans people working within their own support systems, just to name a few.

This is the correlation between empaths and transsexuals with which I was hoping to make some type of connection, trans persons and empaths , often one and the same, working to help others in any manner by supporting other fellow humans that are in need, so to speak. For myself, this has been the biggest drive in my life which has kept me going to this point and to actually be grateful and humbled for the opportunities to play my part in them. 

I just feel there is no better way of satisfying what is in my heart. A proud, aging lady doing the best she can to ease the pain of others. who ties her hair back and goes to work without a second thought.
