General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Blackwaters427 on September 26, 2016, 11:59:36 PM Return to Full Version

Title: NaNoWriMo plans!
Post by: Blackwaters427 on September 26, 2016, 11:59:36 PM
What are you going to be writing about for NaNoWriMo this year?
I'm starting the first installment a fantasy series called the Refuge Saga, which is about a young sorcerer named Lokhar who proves himself to be a very powerful mage and joins up with several companions to defeat an evil sorcerer named Zurog, who is using an army of golems to release Idd (the equivalent of Satan) from the Black Realm. I won't go into the details of the books after the first one, mainly because I haven't completely worked out the plotlines yet. If you want to hear more details about the first book, just let me know!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo plans!
Post by: FTMax on September 27, 2016, 09:53:45 AM
Pretty much every nanowrimo, I ask my girlfriend what kind of fanfiction she wishes she could find, and I write a novel sized fanfic for her. She mentioned recently that her favorite Jurassic World writer had deleted their blog (and with it, their stories), so that may be where we go this time. She's also been on a Once Upon a Time kick recently, so that is another possibility. I'd prefer dinos though.

I also have a folder of original ideas, but I'm not sure I have the time to flesh any of them out this fall while trying to plan surgery.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo plans!
Post by: graspthesanity on October 05, 2016, 03:11:38 PM
I'm no longer a Nano rebel, but it was once considered rebellious to continue your work. So I will be continuing a piece of work I started back in 2014's Nanowrimo. In the 1920s the US Navy had a job where a sailor would be placed to lure out fellow gay sailors, but soon enough they realized that the placed sailor was really enjoying his job and they closed said job, well, at least to the public. I went on to ask what if they never closed the job and that went on to WWII and that is where my story kicks in. It's a complicated love story between a few men and questions whether it's above all to protect yourself and send others away.