Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: PurpleWolf on December 31, 2017, 05:28:24 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: PurpleWolf on December 31, 2017, 05:28:24 AM
It's New Year  ;D!

So what changes are you waiting for to happen next year?

Legal name change ASAP
Getting a referral to a gender clinic ASAP after that
Hopefully completing that stuff in a year & waiting for T ;D
Plus working out & flattening my chest
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Allison S on December 31, 2017, 05:34:09 AM
Ohh this is a good one! Positive- I like it!

Here's my list..
- longer hair
- less body hair
- boobs
- flatter tummy
- curve to my hips
- less upper arm fat/muscle
- at least 1 consultation for ffs

- work on my voice more!
- be more confident in myself/isolate less
- maybe switch to injectable estrogen
- see more facial changes from hrt
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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Elis on December 31, 2017, 05:50:49 AM
Getting my T prescription-been another 'manufacturing error'  >:(
My hips becoming even less curvy
My chest to continue healing
Facial hair-come on already  :P
My face becoming even more masculine
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Thea on December 31, 2017, 07:32:42 AM

  • Get finances in order
  • Find a therapist
  • Get HRT started
  • Finish facial electrolysis
  • Come out to some of my friends and family
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Kylo on December 31, 2017, 07:39:08 AM
Might try to get my birth certificate amended. About 70% of my facial hair is already in after 2 months minox so I hopefully the rest will appear in 2018. Supposedly I'll have the chest taken care of surgically by the first quarter of 2018 but at this point I'm not sure I believe that; I haven't had the surgeon's letter yet or any appts. with them.

I want to start working out regularly as well.

I'd like to accrue a year's worth of T in my backup supply as well. I just like to be prepared like that.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: AnonyMs on December 31, 2017, 07:45:00 AM
I think I might finish off transitioning in 2018. Scary.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Denise on December 31, 2017, 07:47:16 AM
In no particular order

* electrolysis
* Continued voice work
* Increase friends circle
* Mentor trans youth (local program starting soon, they hope)
* Become more Denise.
* Learn to work with my hair. (It's harder than it looks!)

Things I'm looking forward to:
* Being myself while biking and rollerblading around town. (!!!)
* Getting my SCUBA license
* A trip somewhere to go SCUBA diving.

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Julia1996 on December 31, 2017, 08:14:06 AM
My SRS which is scheduled for May.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Amie June on December 31, 2017, 08:21:50 AM
While walking if frigid temperatures yesterday I found myself thinking the same thing!

1. referral to endo and starting HRT
2. watching my hair continue to grow and looking for regrowth while on finesteride - very important to me.
3. starting HRT and experiencing a change in my inner life - this makes me smile just thinking about it :)
4. beginning electrolysis to get rid of this stupid facial hair!
5. witnessing physical changes in first, second and third months in face, body and skin.
6. beginning to sort out whether I will live stealth since I know I will never come close to passing, and cannot afford FFS.

2018 should be a big year for us all :) :) :)

Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Charlie Nicki on December 31, 2017, 08:49:09 AM
-Finishing laser
-Having breast augmentation
-Going full time
-Legal name and gender marker change

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Jessica_Rose on December 31, 2017, 08:50:10 AM
Just a few little things:

- Trachea shave on 4 Jan!
- Voice work
- 2017 passed without a haircut, I'll need a trim soon
- Start learning to use make-up
- Name change, once I figure out what it will be
- Come out to everyone and go full-time
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: KathyLauren on December 31, 2017, 08:51:48 AM
- Continue jumping through hoops for GRS.  It'd be nice to actually have it in 2018, but that may be optimistic.
- Continue electrolysis for facial hair.  Be nice to get that finished, and it may be do-able in 2018.
- Continue waiting for birth certificate changes: July 2019 is the earliest likely date for that.  (Darned Brits!)
- More boob growth.  C'mon, girls, even an A would be nice.  I just want a letter!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Maddie86 on December 31, 2017, 08:55:28 AM
I hope I get better at makeup lol. I'm excited to see the continued effects of HRT, I feel like my body hair is a little thinner now but I would love to see it thin out even more!

I have 2 huge things for 2018, I need an apartment and then I need to publicly come out. I was hoping to come out on the first day of spring but I think it might be too soon :(
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Bari Jo on December 31, 2017, 09:11:22 AM
1.  Checking off items on a list my sister and I made of activities we can do as sisters.
2.  FFS consultation and whether I will even do this.
3.  Hairline restoration.
4.  Coming out at work.
5.  Voice work.
6.  Finish the facial hair removal already
7.  Find and hold for dear life an SO that accepts me.

Not trans related...
Exhibit at trade show and hopefully line up commissions.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Tamika Olivia on December 31, 2017, 04:44:12 PM
Legal name change before I turn 31
Go vegetarian, and hopefully reduce my stomach.
Dye my hair red.
Learn make up and build a basic make up supply.
Save money for GRS or an Orchi, still trying to decide which.

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: TK9NY on December 31, 2017, 05:35:36 PM
Last year my "resolution" for 2017 was to start therapy, get my parents involved, and get on T. I did a darn good job in completing those goals - been in therapy since January, my parents have ben coming (mom more regularly than dad but he came a few times too), and i've been on T four months now.

I was just thinking about what i wanted to do for 2018. There's a huge list of things i need to do but i think i can narrow it down:

1) Name and gender marker change
2) Enjoy the physical changes from being on T
3) Start the process for top surgery (i have to consult with hematologist first and foremost - then find a surgeon - then set a date - i'm shooting for 2019)
4) Save up $$ for top surgery costs that aren't covered by insurance (and find out what IS covered)
5) Be healthier (start an exercise routine, eat better/healthier, lose the gut)

Top five, right there, and no particular order i guess. I've been working on #5 already with some good results, but the holidays sort of got me (hello mom's home made fudge). I think transition wise my next thing is going to be the name change. Once that's out of the way i can focus on top surgery. In the mean time, enjoying the changes and working on my overall health.

Not related to transitioning, but i'm always saving up $$ to some day open my own business - once i get my transition fully out of the way i can focus 100% on that. It's exciting to be one step closer!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Sawney1000000 on December 31, 2017, 05:36:51 PM
My voice finally changing!! Felt my very first voice crack last night

Also, really hopin I get some facial hair~
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: DawnOday on December 31, 2017, 05:44:18 PM
Finish my hair removal, go full time, get to support group more often. Make new friends. Keep my family safe. See you all at Gender Odyssey in August.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: widdershins on December 31, 2017, 07:13:52 PM
1. Keep going with HRT. It's quite possible my voice will finish dropping, and my facial hair will really start to come in.
2. Keep saving up money and accumulating paid time off for eventual top surgery.
3. Wrap up some loose ends I never got around to updating after my legal name change.
4. Experiment with more clothing/hair styles to figure out what looks good on me post-T.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: natalie.ashlyne on December 31, 2017, 07:33:55 PM
Legal name change, lose 20 pounds and get ready for surgeries, nose job BA and maybe srs if I can
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Allison S on December 31, 2017, 10:55:30 PM
After making the list I realize for 1 year it's not so bad! Another 1 year after I would wanna get ffs and then I'm basically 2 years into hrt and never looking back. [emoji4]

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Cassi on December 31, 2017, 11:08:50 PM
That's nice.  Hoping I'll be in the same frame of mind when a year has passed for me.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Kc1058 on January 01, 2018, 12:09:12 AM
Starting HRT in a couple days-Less body hair- Boobs- Better at my make up.
2018 is going to be good.

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Kendra on January 01, 2018, 01:05:00 AM
Yeah, a few things.
- 1/18/2018 GRS with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
- 3/01/2018 VFS with Dr. Kim in South Korea.
- 5/22/2018 FFS with FacialTeam in Spain.
- 7/09/2018 BA with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
That's all.   ;)
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Allison S on January 01, 2018, 02:10:41 AM
Quote from: Kendra on January 01, 2018, 01:05:00 AM
Yeah, a few things.
- 1/18/2018 GRS with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
- 3/01/2018 VFS with Dr. Kim in South Korea.
- 5/22/2018 FFS with FacialTeam in Spain.
- 7/09/2018 BA with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
That's all.   ;)
Your post wins lol so excited and happy for you!!

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: AnonyMs on January 01, 2018, 08:46:01 AM
Quote from: Kendra on January 01, 2018, 01:05:00 AM
Yeah, a few things.
- 1/18/2018 GRS with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
- 3/01/2018 VFS with Dr. Kim in South Korea.
- 5/22/2018 FFS with FacialTeam in Spain.
- 7/09/2018 BA with Dr. Ley in Arizona.
That's all.   ;)

I guess you already know this, but just in case, after voice surgery you need to be careful when going under general anesthetic to avoid damage to the vocal cords. I believe its often left until last because of this.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Kendra on January 01, 2018, 09:22:42 AM
Quote from: AnonyMs on January 01, 2018, 08:46:01 AM
I guess you already know this, but just in case, after voice surgery you need to be careful when going under general anesthetic to avoid damage to the vocal cords. I believe its often left until last because of this.

Good point - although I made surgeons aware of other timing (I am at the bare minimum) I'll double check with FacialTeam. 
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Megan. on January 01, 2018, 09:32:40 AM
-continued body and facial feminisation from HRT and weight loss.
-get letters for GRS
-finish facial hair removal (laser and electro)
-ponder my GRS options [emoji23]

Megan. X

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Michelle_P on January 01, 2018, 11:10:45 AM
For 2018:

Get the facial hair gone!  I'm down to about 2 hrs/week of electrolysis. Yah, "Down to".

Get Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) done.

After FFS recovery, investigate hair transplants.

Look into some other appearance rejuvenation; CO2 laser, phenol peel, etc.  Don't know if I will do them, but I will investigate.

Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: arice on January 01, 2018, 11:23:41 AM
Top surgery
Coming out to family (already out to friends)
Working out to build muscle
Consults with endocrinologist and cardiologist and/or pulmonologist to seriously discuss the possibility of T
Planning for the end of my marriage to figure out how to do it amicably

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: DawnOday on January 01, 2018, 11:39:39 AM
Continue to pack up the old me and unwrap the new me. Be thoughtful rather than be reactionary. Relegate I to the dustbin and upgrade to us and we. Finish up electrolysis. Lastly I hope people can come to Seattle for Gender Odyssey in August as it is a great experience.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Roll on January 01, 2018, 12:02:53 PM
1) More hair regrowth, and after I hit the one year mark on finast/minox a consult to see if I can/should go ahead and do transplants. I WANT MY OWN HAIR!!!

2) Boobs. They don't need to be big. I just want something. Probably no implants this year, would like to be past 2 year HRT mark on that.

3) HRT fat redistribution!

4) Starting and mostly finishing hair removal! (A big one for me!)

5) Weight loss!!! I really want to get down to below 180 in the next 6 months.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Laurie on January 01, 2018, 07:03:33 PM
 It's not what I expect, just a hope. I hope I can find peace with myself.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: PurpleWolf on January 01, 2018, 07:07:25 PM
Quote from: Laurie on January 01, 2018, 07:03:33 PM
It's not what I expect, just a hope. I hope I can find peace with myself.

You will, ma'am,  ;)!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Jamie Xu on January 01, 2018, 11:06:20 PM
I have sex reassignment surgery booked for August. That is all for 2018.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: RachelH on January 02, 2018, 09:48:04 AM
I am hoping to start low dose HRT.  I have an initial appointment on the 13th set.  Maybe I won't get to nervous and back out!  Super scared and second thinking it already!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Cassi on January 02, 2018, 09:58:43 AM
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Well, tomorrow is my "Rebirth Day" if all goes well. 

While I don't foresee any problems, maybe it's my anxiety saying that something will happen.

I've truly been blessed to have come in contact with all of you and enjoy both reading the subjects and exchanging messages.

If I did it right, my little ticker should say 1 day and that is suppose to reflect the time until I get to HRT.

Love to all

Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: CMD042414 on January 02, 2018, 12:46:50 PM
-continue to stay cancer free
-phallo stages 1 and 2
-a fuller stache
-improve my diet (least likely to happen)
-tone my legs to be as muscular as my upper body
-lasting affects of accutane
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: BT04 on January 02, 2018, 01:13:39 PM
2018 is going to be a limbo year all around, so I'll take what I can get.

I'll probably start dressing - rock that butch lesbian look. I'll be doing some therapy, but will probably be coming out to friends and want my husband and friends to start using new pronouns. I'll be binding around them too, or at the very least going completely bra-less. Explore HRT options in the country where I'll be relocating to. Depending on how 2018 goes, 2019 will be the year for everything else.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Amie June on January 03, 2018, 12:38:42 PM
Quote from: PaulaLee on January 02, 2018, 09:48:04 AM
I am hoping to start low dose HRT.  I have an initial appointment on the 13th set.  Maybe I won't get to nervous and back out!  Super scared and second thinking it already!

Paula, you've come this far, I hope you find the courage to take the next step! There is no harm/risk in meeting with a doctor and any anxiety you might feel would be normal. Maybe take someone with you, even if they stay in the waiting room/car during your appointment. Or if no one's available, maybe make a plan to treat yourself if you follow through. We all face these one-time hurdles - our journeys are filled with them.

Best of luck!

Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Galyo on January 03, 2018, 02:03:03 PM
This is more of things that I hope to achieve in 2018, but it's all I have.

- Hoping to better watch my diet and lose some weight (I'm not overweight, but it can always be better)
- Hope to achieve a more naturally feminine curvy look. Any MtF can agree to how difficult it is to lose that dreaded triangle upper body shape
- I'm hoping to learn more and better make-up tricks
- Starting voice therapy somewhere in June (the waiting times are ridiculous here...), looking forward to that
- Later this year, I'm hoping to make some plans for my first surgeries (including "the" surgery)
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: krobinson103 on January 05, 2018, 02:53:52 AM
In 2018 I hope to:

1) Get my wife comfortable with the changes that are and will happen.
2) Lose another 30 pounds so I can get rid of the bulge in the middle!
3) Add another couple of cup sizes to my breasts so they don't look silly and small on my large frame
4) Grow my hair longer so it covers most of the issues caused by MPB and age
5) Hopefully move to living mostly full time by the end of the year.
6) Kill the 'wish I was her...' voice that plays over and over when not wanted!
7) Remove a good portion of my facial hair so I can at least get through a day or two without having to shave.

Some will be easy, others not so much but hey, big goals lead to not settling for second best.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: RachelH on January 05, 2018, 09:13:07 AM
Quote from: Lindy on January 03, 2018, 12:38:42 PM
Paula, you've come this far, I hope you find the courage to take the next step! There is no harm/risk in meeting with a doctor and any anxiety you might feel would be normal. Maybe take someone with you, even if they stay in the waiting room/car during your appointment. Or if no one's available, maybe make a plan to treat yourself if you follow through. We all face these one-time hurdles - our journeys are filled with them.

Best of luck!


Thank You Lindy!!  I made the appointment on NYE after discussing it with my wife. She encouraged me to make it and I know the first will just be a consult and perhaps bloodwork so I'll more than likely go. What happens from there, well, time will tell! Thank you again for the words of encouragement!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Corax on January 05, 2018, 03:04:36 PM
➣ I will be having my mastectomy and hysterectomy in May this year.
➣ I hope that I'll be able to have the first step of phalloplasty this year as well but this depends on whether they still have appointments open for this year or not.
➣ I hope that the fat redistribution will finally start to kick in better(or at all?). I personally can still only see the disfiguration and deformation that the poison oestrogen has caused to this body. No one should have to have such a disfigured form; the waist alone is absolutely gross, urgh!
➣ I would like to start to work-out at the gym if possible since I unfortunately see some problems with this. One is extreme dysphoria that has kept me from being able to participate in any sports since my body was ruined by the wrong puberty and which even made me vigorously refuse to engage in the sport lessons back in school where I always sat on the bench doing math instead ^^"
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: cjsnow1 on January 10, 2018, 04:03:25 PM
Hair removal and getting back on HRT after not having done either for the last couple of years are at the top of my list.

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: WolfNightV4X1 on January 14, 2018, 01:29:13 AM
....actually...if my finances go well, I am expecting to pay off my credit card, put some money into savings, and get top surgery in May. I'm also expecting to do some legal sex change stuff. After that I think I can consider myself "fully transitioned", exciting stuff, but I'm not there yet. Here's hoping everything goes according to plan.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: SeptagonScars on February 22, 2018, 02:31:42 PM
For 2018 in terms of my transition, I'm looking forward to getting bottom surgery (meta + hysto + v-ectomy) sometime during late spring/summer and then healing from that. Stage two of my SRS might happen this year as well (hopefully) but to not get disappointed by the possibility of even more waiting, I'm keeping in mind that stage two might not happen until beginning of next year.

I've also been trying but not yet succeeding with starting to exercise to change my body to look more masculine/muscular, but even if I could manage to start with that tomorrow I don't expect I could reach much of a visual result this year due to having surgery which means I'll have to go quite long times of little to no exercise. And the idea of starting exercise, then stopping, then starting over again after healing is discouraging to me. I'd rather then wait until after surgery and not have to go on-and-off with it.

So, something like this:
1.) Bottom surgery, at least stage one maybe also stage two.
2.) Maybe possibly working out some if I can push myself to it somehow.

I have more of a 2-5 year plan-ish when it comes to the rest of my transition, but this year is very focused on bottom surgery and not much more. Not that much more for me to do in that department either. Although it feels really awesome to have so little left of my physical transition and being so close to my goal I can almost touch it now, I'm also a little overwhelmed by that those are the hardest parts of it as well. At least for me they are, I'm not speaking for anyone else, although I suspect I'm not the only one to consider SRS to be a pretty huge step. But I might be a bit weird for considering working out to be daunting and almost equally difficult...

Cause I've been on T for a lot of years now (like 4,5 plus 1, but I usually just say 5 for simplicity), and had top surgery several years ago too (4), had my name and legal sex changed - medically, bottom surgery is the only thing I have left that I want and need for myself, as I'm not likely to get much of any more changes from the hrt to look forward to by now. And then building muscle and trying to make my curvy shape a little more squared isn't quite as medical but I still consider it part of my transition cause the purpose of it is to lessen my dysphoria about having a feminine body shape, despite it being masculine already in terms of being hairy and flat chested. If I had the option I'd go for mansculpting/liposuction of my thigh/hip area but that procedure is not covered where I live and there's no way I can afford it. Maybe in a far distant future, but not now.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Transfused on February 22, 2018, 02:37:07 PM
I want to see my penis shrink to barely nothing. It shrank already a lot but now I'm directly applying Estradiol patches on the scrotum.
I want to see my buttocks get even bigger. I already have a nice butt but I want it to get even bigger. I want a very big latina ass before Christmas next year.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Allison S on February 22, 2018, 03:02:21 PM
Quote from: Transfused on February 22, 2018, 02:37:07 PM
I want to see my penis shrink to barely nothing. It shrank already a lot but now I'm directly applying Estradiol patches on the scrotum.
I want to see my buttocks get even bigger. I already have a nice butt but I want it to get even bigger. I want a very big latina ass before Christmas next year.
That's such a good idea! If only I could put the anti androgen on my body hair for it to all go away.. I want a big booty too [emoji4]

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: The Flying Lemur on February 22, 2018, 11:18:11 PM

  • I'm 2 weeks away from the court date to have my name legally changed.
  • I hope to have my voice drop and to see other effects of T
  • I hope to start the process for top surgery by the end of the year

"Only" 3 things, but I think that's enough for one year.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: SashaHyde on February 24, 2018, 11:36:17 PM
I have a couple weeks until my first therapist meeting. Do that for a bit, try hormones, and just wait for them to work.

Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Mendi on February 24, 2018, 11:54:31 PM

- The examinations done in this Finnish system.
- Get the diagnose code F64.0 a second time (First diagnose is not official in Finland, everywhere else it's just fine).
- Fulfill the Finnish eugenic law and be sterile, so that my gender can be confirmed.
- Book surgery in Thailand.
- Kiss goodbye to the Finnish gender clinic  ;D
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Allison S on February 25, 2018, 12:30:15 AM
Can I add something? I was the first after OP and this would be my 3rd after all.. well 4th post on here but really the 3rd.. wish!

And that's to marry the guy I'm having feelings for or maybe we'll start with a kiss? [emoji4]

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: AnonyMs on February 25, 2018, 05:32:08 AM
Quote from: Mendi on February 24, 2018, 11:54:31 PM

- The examinations done in this Finnish system.
- Get the diagnose code F64.0 a second time (First diagnose is not official in Finland, everywhere else it's just fine).
- Fulfill the Finnish eugenic law and be sterile, so that my gender can be confirmed.
- Book surgery in Thailand.
- Kiss goodbye to the Finnish gender clinic  ;D

You can get surgery in Thailand without a diagnosis from Finland. There's online therapists that are easy to get suitable letters from. Might save you a lot of bother.
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: KarenElizabeth on February 25, 2018, 10:03:02 AM
2018 goals:
Continue HRT
Continue electrolysis
Continue being kind to myself!!!
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Mendi on February 25, 2018, 10:19:16 AM
Quote from: AnonyMs on February 25, 2018, 05:32:08 AM
You can get surgery in Thailand without a diagnosis from Finland. There's online therapists that are easy to get suitable letters from. Might save you a lot of bother.

I know and I've been really tempted of going to some other European country where this is much more easier, humane and sane. The online therapists have been also something that I considered, but there is just one big but....I need the diagnose from Finland, without it I will never get my gender recognized in this country. Also I would never get HRT covered by our social security system.

I need to fight through this system and then they can kiss my  ;D
Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: Laurie on February 25, 2018, 02:39:27 PM
Quote from: KarenElizabeth on February 25, 2018, 10:03:02 AM
2018 goals:
Continue HRT
Continue electrolysis
Continue being kind to myself!!!

  Hi  KarenElizabeth,

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Title: Re: Things you expect from 2018 transition-wise?
Post by: JillianC on February 25, 2018, 09:17:07 PM
What changes am I waiting to happen in 2018.
- Legal Name change (done)
- Legal Gender change (done)
- finish facial electrolysis(in progress, those stragglers take forever)
- become more adapt at hair & makeup
- become more social
- develop interests that will occupy my mind once transition starts to wind down
- bottom surgery (in progress, checking off all the requirements and jumping through hoops)

Changes I am looking forward to in 2019
- hopefully, giving my bank account time to recover from the past two years.